Important news

Learning Season | "Strive to become a satisfactory 'Four Haves' good teacher for the Party and the people"
Learning Season | "Strive to become a satisfactory 'Four Haves' good teacher for the Party and the people"

On September 9th, the National Excellent Teacher Representative Symposium was held in Beijing."A three inch chalk and a three foot podium represent the national destiny; a heart of righteousness, holding a candle throughout one's life, forges the soul of the people." Teachers carry the responsibility of spreading knowledge and knowledge

The working class is the most solid and reliable class foundation of our party, and trade union work is a regular and fundamental task in the governance of the party.

The cadres and masses in Heilongjiang are greatly encouraged and deeply warmed. Everyone expressed that we must keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary, seize the primary task of promoting high-quality development, and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development in Heilongjiang through comprehensive and all-round revitalization. The autumn scenery of the Greater Khingan Mountains is just beginning to take shape, making it picturesque.The General Secretary pointed out that afforestation and forest protection should be equally emphasized, and we should be prepared and prevent problems before they occur. We must not let decades, centuries, or even thousands of years of achievements be destroyed in one fell swoop. Beiji Village, Mohe City, Heilongjiang Province, is located at the northernmost point of China. In recent years, relying on regional characteristics, the local area has vigorously developed tourism to promote border development and enrich the people, achieving a transition from "due to the north" to "due to the north"

The People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force acted upon orders, bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities, quickly invested in flood prevention and disaster relief work, and made every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. They played a good role as assault teams and demonstrated

Shoulder is important

Current Affairs Chief Camera | Rooted in
Current Affairs Chief Camera | Rooted in

"I am from Zhongyi, and I have no other choice but to repay my hometown." Zhongyi Township, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County, is located deep in the mountains of Chongqing. The mountains here are steep and the gullies are crisscrossing. 39 year old teacher Ma Yingcui is rooted here. As a rural teacher, Ma Yingcui deeply understands what reading means to children in the mountains. For over 20 years, she has been both a strict teacher and a loving mother. Here, children sometimes call her "mom". On April 15, 2019, a special guest came from afar.

Current Politics Micro Observation | "Greening is to increase advantages, forest protection is to protect wealth"
Current Politics Micro Observation | "Greening is to increase advantages, forest protection is to protect wealth"

Green camphor pine, red birch, yellow poplar... At 53 ° N, the autumn of Mohe is already colorful. How is the ecological protection in the forest area and how is the life of the people in the forest area?On the afternoon of September 6th, General Secretary walked along the wooden plank road into the forest farm to observe the growth trend of natural forests and the display of understory crops. He listened to the local introduction of deepening forest resource asset management reform, promoting ecological industrialization and industrial ecology, and strengthening forest fire prevention and extinguishing. The General Secretary cautioned, "We must adhere to the equal emphasis on afforestation and forest protection, and be proactive and prevent potential disasters. We must not let decades, centuries, or even thousands of years of achievements be destroyed in one fell swoop."

Accumulate Revitalization Momentum and Write a New Development Chapter - From the Perspective of Five Years of Development to See the New Achievements of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China Beijing | New Chapter | Achievements
Accumulate Revitalization Momentum and Write a New Development Chapter - From the Perspective of Five Years of Development to See the New Achievements of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China Beijing | New Chapter | Achievements

Remember the instructions and forge ahead. Over the past five years, the three provinces and one district in Northeast China have anchored high-quality development goals, promoting reform and innovation, transformation and upgrading, and opening up

Be a good teacher, be a "great teacher", and vigorously promote the spirit of educators... General Secretary entrusted Yin Yin
Be a good teacher, be a "great teacher", and vigorously promote the spirit of educators... General Secretary entrusted Yin Yin

A century long plan, education is the foundation, and teachers are the foundation and source of education.Today is Teacher's Day, let's take a look at the touching stories of General Secretary and the teachers."Welcome the leader back to his alma mater." "There will be no more leaders here.",

Bacon Forges the Soul, Enlightens Intelligence, and Moisturizes the Heart - Salute to the "Most Beautiful Teacher" of 2023
Bacon Forges the Soul, Enlightens Intelligence, and Moisturizes the Heart - Salute to the "Most Beautiful Teacher" of 2023

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 10th (Xinhua) - Bacon casts the soul, enlightens wisdom, and moistens the heart - paying tribute to Yang Zhanfei and Xu Zhuangguo, the "most beautiful teachers" of 2023. Xinhua News Agency reporters will prosper and honor their teachers. On the occasion of the 39th Teacher's Day, the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Education publicly released the advanced deeds of the "Most Beautiful Teachers" in 2023 to the whole society. Ten "most beautiful teachers", one special tribute figure, and a "most beautiful teacher" team, covering various levels of education such as higher education, vocational education, basic education, early childhood education, and special education. Bacon casts the soul, enlightens the mind. They have ideals, morals, knowledge, and a compassionate heart, fully demonstrating the good spiritual style of the new era teacher team. Promoting Education Equity and Inclusion: "The Most Beautiful Teachers" on the Road of Promoting Social Education Equity

This is the second symposium specifically held since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the development strategy of this region.The convening of this symposium is 20 years away from the implementation of the revitalization strategy for old industrial bases in Northeast China and 5 years away from the previous symposium. Standing on the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, and moving towards Chinese path to modernization, the General Secretary made

Tidal Waves | "Number" Talks about the Five Years of Northeast Revitalization
Tidal Waves | "Number" Talks about the Five Years of Northeast Revitalization

The historical titles "Beidacang" and "the eldest son of the Republic" highlight the importance of Northeast China as an important industrial and agricultural base in maintaining national defense security, food security, ecological security, energy security, and industrial security.

Broadcast+| Letter of Deep Love General Secretary Praising "Good Teacher" Like This
Broadcast+| Letter of Deep Love General Secretary Praising "Good Teacher" Like This

People's teachers, supreme glory.In the mind of General Secretary, "encountering good teachers is a stroke of luck in life for a person, having good teachers in a school is a glory for the school, and the continuous emergence of good teachers in a nation is the hope of the nation.". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has repeatedly communicated with educators through letters, affirming their selfless dedication and clarifying the goals for everyone's efforts. With earnest words, urging people to move forward. Teachers are the foundation and source of education, responsible for ensuring the healthy growth of every child and providing satisfactory education for the people. On the eve of Teacher's Day in 2013, teachers across the country

Mirror Observation, Navigation | Striving to Write a New Chapter in the Comprehensive Revitalization of Northeast China Chairman | General Secretary | New Chapter
Mirror Observation, Navigation | Striving to Write a New Chapter in the Comprehensive Revitalization of Northeast China Chairman | General Secretary | New Chapter

He emphasized that in order to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era and new journey, we must implement the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to achieve new breakthroughs in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, firmly grasp the important mission of Northeast China in maintaining the "five major security" of the country, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, coordinate development and security, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, adhere to the combination of forging strengths and filling weaknesses, adhere to the combination of increasing support and stimulating endogenous motivation, set goals without relaxation, dare to take risks and do practical work, and strive to move forward

Idiom Reading | "To be a great teacher for learning, doing things, and being a person"
Idiom Reading | "To be a great teacher for learning, doing things, and being a person"

In China, the term "sir" is a respectful title for individuals with high moral standards and profound knowledge, emphasizing a cultivation, a spirit, and a sense of reverence. In the Book of Rites, the teacher was once referred to as "sir"

"Everyday Learning" plans to launch a micro story series - "Close Up", looking back at the stories behind unforgettable moments and explaining the profound meaning contained therein. On April 15, 2019, Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County in Chongqing, located on the south bank of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, is full of beautiful mountains and flowers.His first stop for investigation in the rain was Zhongyi Township Primary School.

The elegant and exquisite binding, combined with unique printing materials and craftsmanship, gives the book a strong Chinese cultural charm, making it a rare book for learning and collection.

"Northeast China is sure to revitalize its strength and achieve better results."
"Northeast China is sure to revitalize its strength and achieve better results."

Over the past 20 years, Northeast China has gradually emerged from the pains of transformation and development, and step by step entered a new stage of comprehensive revitalization that is poised for development. "There are many people from Northeast China, and I am very concerned about the revitalization and development here," General Secretary once said with deep emotion.Piaochaoxia, topped with stars, a few points pry a surface. "Point", landing in Heilongjiang. In the border city of Mohe, which has the highest latitude in our country, looking at the forest, water, and village, there is a

After the symposium ended, he specifically visited his university teacher Liu Cuiqin. At that time, Liu Cuiqin and his wife lived in the faculty dormitory building of the School of Navigation at Jimei University.That day at Liu Cuiqin's house

Broadcast+| General Secretary of afforestation and forest protection always cares about this green color
Broadcast+| General Secretary of afforestation and forest protection always cares about this green color

He delved into the forest area, walked into the countryside, observed the growth trend of natural forests and the display of understory crops, carefully understood the local development of characteristic tourism based on regional advantages, and transformed ecological advantages into development advantages. General Secretary Yin Yin urged that "afforestation and forest protection should be equally emphasized", and "decades, centuries, or even thousands of years of achievements must not be destroyed in one fell swoop.". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, several forest farms, including Hebei Saihanba Machinery Forest Farm and Inner Mongolia Bayannur Linhe District State owned Xinhua Forest Farm, have left the green footprint of General Secretary. What are the key points that General Secretary pays attention to every time he visits the forest farm? CCTV's "Lianbo+" will review and learn together with you.

Micro video: Striving to compose a new chapter of strategy for the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China | Government Affairs | New Chapter
Micro video: Striving to compose a new chapter of strategy for the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China | Government Affairs | New Chapter

He emphasized that we must firmly grasp the important mission of Northeast China and strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China. Since the beginning of this year, Liaoning Province has organized five levels of government service units and windows at the provincial, municipal, county, and rural levels to jointly promote the reform of "handling affairs without seeking connections", sparking a wave of striving to create a "clean wind Liaoning government window". In August 2023, 1931 government windows were awarded the title of "Qingfeng Liaoning Government Window". Keeping in mind the instructions, Northeast China will embark on a new journey and use optimizing the business environment as a breakthrough to accelerate reform. FAW Group is the cradle of the new China's automotive industry, and has forged well-known independent brands such as "Red Flag" and "Liberation" over the years, forming a series of joint venture and cooperative brands. Breakthrough in efficient and high-speed electric drive

General Secretary pointed out that integrating technological innovation resources, leading the development of strategic emerging and future industries, and accelerating the formation of new quality productive forces. At the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era held during this period, General Secretary emphasized the active cultivation of strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, and electronic information, the active cultivation of future industries, the acceleration of the formation of new quality productive forces, and the enhancement of new development momentum. "Emerging industries," "future industries," and "new quality productivity" are interrelated, with clear signals and rich connotations - actively developing and cultivating emerging and future industries, leading the comprehensive revitalization of industries with technological innovation, and driving the continuous emergence of new economic growth points. new

Learning Language | Remembering the Original Aspiration and Mission of Cultivating Talents for the Party and the Country
Learning Language | Remembering the Original Aspiration and Mission of Cultivating Talents for the Party and the Country

Teachers are the foundation of education and the source of promoting education.Teachers are engineers of the human soul, carrying a sacred mission. The preacher himself must first understand and channel. University teachers should adhere to the principle that educators receive education first, strive to become disseminators of advanced ideology and culture, staunch supporters of the Party's governance, and better serve as guides and guides for the healthy growth of students

The words of General Secretary are meaningful and will be read at an important symposium
The words of General Secretary are meaningful and will be read at an important symposium

This is the second symposium hosted by General Secretary since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the development strategy of this region.This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Northeast Revitalization Strategy, the 5th anniversary of the in-depth promotion of the Northeast Revitalization Symposium, and the beginning year of implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and comprehensively building a socialist modernization

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research