Important news

It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea
It was filmed by Central New Film in North Korea... This battlefield wedding was held by the Volunteer Army | Soldiers | North Korea

During the period of the Korean War, the people of the whole country united against the enemy, united as one, actively joined the army, supported the army, or made significant donations and donations. The front and rear lines worked together to form a powerful and invincible force... He bravely killed the enemy on the front line and actively supported the front line in the rear. In October 1953, a lively wedding was held on the front line of the North Korean battlefield filled with gunpowder. A pair of lovers were separated due to war and eventually married on a foreign battlefield. At that time, the Central News Documentary Film Studio recorded this precious video through camera. The protagonist of this wedding was a hero who had made two meritorious contributions, the groom Dong Shigui, and a somewhat famous model of supporting the front line. Bride Gao Guizhen said, "Our marriage cannot be separated by anyone..." This widely circulated singing section of Pingju at that time was from Xin Fengxia's

Read the four "major changes" in the construction of ecological civilization, and see the Yangtze River | Ecological | Footprint
Read the four "major changes" in the construction of ecological civilization, and see the Yangtze River | Ecological | Footprint

"There is constancy in the course of heaven," and "if one should govern it, it will be auspicious.".The achievements of ecological civilization construction in the new era have attracted worldwide attention.A river reflects a systematic concept of combining points and surfaces, and treating both symptoms and root causes.

3193 billion, 79 billion, 16.2 million, 1.057 billion! Looking at Economic Data through Data | China | Economy
3193 billion, 79 billion, 16.2 million, 1.057 billion! Looking at Economic Data through Data | China | Economy

CCTV News: Looking at the Economy through Data. Data 1: 3193 billion US dollars. On the morning of July 21st, the State Council Information Office held a press conference, and a spokesperson for the State Administration of Foreign Exchange introduced the operation of China's foreign exchange market in the first half of the year. In the first half of the year, China's foreign exchange market had strong resilience and cross-border capital flows remained active. At the end of June, the scale of China's foreign exchange reserves was 3193 billion US dollars, an increase of 65.3 billion US dollars from the end of 2022, and the scale of foreign exchange reserves was basically stable. Data shows that in the first half of the year, China's bank foreign exchange settlement and sales surplus was 1.8 billion US dollars, and the domestic foreign exchange market supply and demand were basically balanced. The overall positive data of foreign investment in China's bond market 2: nearly 79 billion US dollars. The latest data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shows that in the first half of 2023, foreign investment net purchased nearly 7% of domestic bonds

How does the effect appear?, News 1+1 | Measures to Promote Consumption Continuously in Electronic Products | Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption | News
How does the effect appear?, News 1+1 | Measures to Promote Consumption Continuously in Electronic Products | Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption | News

On July 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments jointly released two consumption promotion documents, "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" and "Several Measures to Promote Electronic Product Consumption", respectively proposing 10 and 12 specific measures to promote automobile and electronic product consumption. Why are these two fields targeted? Compared to before, what are the further solutions to the problem in this policy? How to ensure the effectiveness of policies? News 1+1 invites Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council, to jointly pay attention to the continuous measures to promote consumption, and how will the effects be demonstrated? How to promote consumption in the fields of automobiles and electronic products? The first measure proposed in "Several Measures to Promote Automobile Consumption" is to optimize the purchase restriction management policy. At the same time, promote the reasonable updating of vehicles

Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping
Follow the General Secretary to see China | Lighthouse Yao Jingchu 2013 | General Secretary | Optics Valley | Wuhan | Xi Jinping

Build the entire Yangtze River Basin into a golden waterway.In the pouring rain, he rolled up his pants and propped up his umbrella, leaving behind this earnest reminder.The care and earnest instructions of the General Secretary are like a lighthouse illuminating the way forward. The people of Jingchu are working hard and steadfastly, integrating the important instructions of the General Secretary into their hearts and practicing them - watching the shipping of the Yangtze River! The golden waterway is becoming a reality day by day; Look at technological innovation! China Optics Valley stands out and shines globally; Look at the actual situation of people's livelihood! Jointly creating the door to the happiness of the people; Look at rural revitalization! Grain production has remained stable at over 50 billion kilograms for 10 consecutive years

"I have always attached great importance to the work of ecological environment" Xi Jinping
"I have always attached great importance to the work of ecological environment" Xi Jinping

The National Conference on Ecological Environment Protection was held in Beijing from the 17th to the 18th.The original brand column "Lecture Room" of Xinhua News Agency's "Learning in Progress" has launched an article to share your insights.

Leading the Wind and Stepping on a New Way-Looking Back at the Modernization of Chinese Head of State's Diplomacy in 2023 | President | Times | Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Community | Development | Diplomacy | World | China
Leading the Wind and Stepping on a New Way-Looking Back at the Modernization of Chinese Head of State's Diplomacy in 2023 | President | Times | Xi Jinping | Cooperation | Community | Development | Diplomacy | World | China

At the time of midsummer, the year had already arrived. Looking back at the diplomacy of Chinese leaders since the beginning of 2023, new stories about China and the world have emerged one by one, leaving the world amazed and amazed.There are long-distance visits flying across the mainland, late night calls crossing time differences, sincere and frank strategic communication, and warm interactions that are as close as meeting words. Going abroad once, engaging in two major multilateral diplomacy events at home, conducting several video diplomacy events, and holding talks and meetings with more than 30 foreign figures... The changes of the world, the times, and history are rushing towards our blue planet.

Official | China Space Station Space Science and Application Project Collection officially begins to apply. Astronaut Gui Haichao sent an invitation from "Tiangong" to invite space | applications | science
Official | China Space Station Space Science and Application Project Collection officially begins to apply. Astronaut Gui Haichao sent an invitation from "Tiangong" to invite space | applications | science

The application system for space science and application projects of the Chinese space station was officially opened on the morning of July 20, 2023 Beijing time. Gui Haichao, the first payload expert in China who is currently carrying out missions on the space station, sent an invitation to invite colleagues from the scientific and technological community to conduct experiments at the Tiangong. Astronaut Gui Haichao sent an invitation from the "Heavenly Palace" to promote the comprehensive development of space science, space applications, and space technology in China. In mid June, the China Manned Space Engineering Office released the "Space Station Application and Development Engineering Space Science and Application Project Guidelines", publicly soliciting space science and application projects from the whole society. This solicitation covers four major fields: space science and human research, microgravity physics, space astronomy and earth science, and new space technologies and applications. Each field has several themes and directions, and the application system will be launched on July 20th

Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Striving to Build a Beautiful Xinjiang Xinjiang
Outlook · Chronicles of Governance | Striving to Build a Beautiful Xinjiang Xinjiang

◇ In July 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during an inspection in Xinjiang, "Complete and accurately implement the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, firmly grasp the general goal of social stability and long-term stability", and "strive to build unity and harmony in the new era and new journey. A beautiful Xinjiang with prosperity, civilization and progress, living and working in peace and contentment, and good ecology". ◇ Xinjiang completely and accurately implements the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, firmly holds the general goal of social stability and long-term stability, coordinates development and security, and comprehensively promotes the rule of law, unity and stability, culture, prosperity, and long-term construction of Xinjiang. Promote fundamental changes that are more conducive to long-term stability. Focusing on the general goal of social stability and long-term stability, Xinjiang strives to build a contingent of loyal, clean and responsible high-quality cadres, so as to provide for the complete and accurate implementation of the party's strategy of governing Xinjiang in the new era.

4K repair! This is a true image of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army capturing the US military... War | Songgu Peak | US military
4K repair! This is a true image of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army capturing the US military... War | Songgu Peak | US military

The Chinese People's Volunteer Army, with its steel like fighting spirit, withstood the fierce test of blood and fire on the Korean battlefield and faced strong enemies. They used their rock like beliefs to fight for the safety of mountains and rivers, peace of our country... On the eve of Christmas, the elite troops of the US military were captured by the Volunteer Army. On December 1, 1950, a unit of the US Army's Second Division surrendered under the encirclement and obstruction of the Volunteer Army. The Central News and Documentary Film Studio recorded this real scene with a camera. At that time, Christmas in the West was still more than 20 days away. That year, Christmas was spent in a prisoner of war camp. In the second battle of the Korean War, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army was extremely difficult. Under the environment, they fought bravely and achieved a series of victories, completely shattering the occupation of Korea by the United Nations forces

Step by Step Forward | Looking at the Shortcomings in Economic Stability and Investment in the Half Year of 2023 | year-on-year | Investment | Shortcomings in Economic Stability and Investment
Step by Step Forward | Looking at the Shortcomings in Economic Stability and Investment in the Half Year of 2023 | year-on-year | Investment | Shortcomings in Economic Stability and Investment

In the first half of this year, the national fixed assets investment was 24311.3 billion yuan, up 3.8% year on year. Looking at fixed assets investment in the first half of the year, infrastructure investment increased by 7.2% year on year, manufacturing investment by 6.0%, high-tech industry investment by 12.5%, education investment by 3.1%, health and social work investment by 2.3%, and culture, sports and entertainment investment by 1.3%. It can be seen that the structure of fixed assets investment has been continuously optimized to stimulate economic development on the one hand and connect people's livelihood on the other hand. From the Chengdu Chongqing Economic Circle to the sub center of Beijing, in the first half of the year, under the guidance of the 14th Five Year Plan, the construction of major national projects and remedial projects steadily advanced, and the investment structure continued to be optimized. Experts point out that in the second half of the year, in the manufacturing industry and infrastructure sector

Daily Learning | Protecting the Cultural Roots with the Heart of a Red Child | The Great Confucian World Ze Chang Chinese Civilization | Culture | The Great Confucian
Daily Learning | Protecting the Cultural Roots with the Heart of a Red Child | The Great Confucian World Ze Chang Chinese Civilization | Culture | The Great Confucian

Every day, we learn "The Eastern Zhou Dynasty leaves Kongqiu, and the Southern Song Dynasty has Zhu Xi. China's ancient culture, Mount Taishan and Wuyi." This comment by Cai Shangsi, a famous contemporary historian, reflects Zhu Xi's prominent position in the history of Chinese ideology and culture. Zhuxi Garden, also known as Wuyi Jingshe, on the bank of Jiuqu Stream in Mount Wuyi, Fujian Province, is one of the important birthplaces of Zhuzi culture. Over 800 years ago, Zhu Xi was here with

Learning language puts the construction of a beautiful China in a prominent position in the construction of a powerful country and the rejuvenation of the nation | Xi Jinping | Nation
Learning language puts the construction of a beautiful China in a prominent position in the construction of a powerful country and the rejuvenation of the nation | Xi Jinping | Nation

Adhering to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature Chinese path to modernization is the modernization of harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Man and nature are a community of life, and endless demands or even destruction from nature will inevitably lead to retaliation from nature. We adhere to sustainable development, adhere to the principle of prioritizing conservation, protection, and natural restoration, protect nature and the ecological environment like protecting the eyes, and firmly follow the path of civilized development of production, prosperity, and good ecology, achieving

【 Echo of Xi's Voice 】 Green development drives the economic belt of the beautiful China pilot zone in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River | Development | China
【 Echo of Xi's Voice 】 Green development drives the economic belt of the beautiful China pilot zone in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River | Development | China

Today, 7 years later, along the path of ecological priority and green development, Chongqing has handed over a high score "answer sheet" for ecological environment protection, with beautiful transformations taking place one by one on the land of Ba and Yu. tree

Interview Notes: Using Precious "Real Gold and Silver" on the Blade to Relieve Difficulties | Reporter | Silver
Interview Notes: Using Precious "Real Gold and Silver" on the Blade to Relieve Difficulties | Reporter | Silver

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 20th (Xinhua) - Interview Notes: Using precious "real gold and silver" on the edge. Xinhua News Agency reporters Han Jianuo, Yu Qiongyuan, and Shen Cheng passed through a row of red walled buildings from the 1990s in Shannan Street, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, and met Ms. Han, a citizen. A few years ago, her husband passed away due to illness, and her young daughter was raised by her alone. Coupled with her own weak and sickly condition, since 2016, Ms. Han and her daughter have been enjoying the national assistance policy for disadvantaged groups. "I can receive full national subsidies every month, and the subsidy amount has increased from 1288 yuan per month to 2209 yuan now," Ms. Han said. "We insist on taking ensuring and improving people's livelihoods as the starting point and foothold of financial work, and give priority to arranging and ensuring social security."

Promote Chinese path to modernization | Harmony between man and nature | Modernization | China
Promote Chinese path to modernization | Harmony between man and nature | Modernization | China

Placing the construction of a beautiful China in a prominent position in the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation, and accelerating the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.In the past decade of the new era, China's ecological civilization construction has undergone historic, turning point, and global changes. The sky is bluer, the earth is greener, the water is clearer, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are more colorful. The construction of a beautiful China has taken significant steps.

Maintaining the Vigorous and Vigorous Vitality of Marxism: An Era | China | Marxism
Maintaining the Vigorous and Vigorous Vitality of Marxism: An Era | China | Marxism

Marxism is the scientific truth for understanding and transforming the world, the fundamental guiding ideology for establishing the Party and the country, and the soul and banner of the Party. From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, the history of the CPC leading the people to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is precisely the continuous promotion of Mark

The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero
The heroic people are grateful and follow the general secretary to see China | people's leaders "always care about" general secretary | Xi Jinping | hero

People leaders love the people, people leaders love the people.The frontline at the grassroots level is the place he visits the most.Every inspection, General Secretary must visit the people, approach them, show concern and concern for the cold and warm, and show sincere concern.Grateful for always caring, the heroic people have been striving all the way.

Looking at the Yangtze River | Jiangsu: Careful Protection of the Yangtze River by Retired Fishermen | Fei Chang | Fishermen
Looking at the Yangtze River | Jiangsu: Careful Protection of the Yangtze River by Retired Fishermen | Fei Chang | Fishermen

One person, one ship, walking on the Yangtze River. From a fisherman to a fisherman, he carefully guards the clear water of the river. On the banks of the Yangtze River in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, there lives a "fish protector" named Fei Changzhong. He is from Jianhu in Yancheng and his family has been fishermen for three generations. Over 30 years ago, he brought his family to the Yangtze River in Nantong to make a living by fishing. After Nantong fully launched ecological restoration work along the Yangtze River, Fei Changzhong was the first to hand over fishing boats and the first to dismantle them on site. Under the leadership of Fei Changzhong, all the fishermen in the surrounding areas completed the withdrawal work on time, and with the support, resettlement, and assistance of the government, they landed and started a new life. "We must protect the mother river of the Yangtze River." Nowadays, Fei Changzhong still guards, clears, and patrols the river every day, guarding the Yangtze River and the mother river. Production: Sun Zhiping Production: Fan

New Ideas Lead a New Journey: Strengthening Basic Research to Create a Primitive Innovation Source Technology | Pulsar | Journey
New Ideas Lead a New Journey: Strengthening Basic Research to Create a Primitive Innovation Source Technology | Pulsar | Journey

With the continuous improvement of top-level design layout and the continuous increase of investment in basic research, China's major basic research tasks are steadily advancing, achieving a number of major breakthroughs in original innovation, significantly enhancing the overall strength of basic research, and continuously consolidating the foundation of technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Recently, good news came from China's Tianyan Observatory located in Guizhou. FAST has discovered over 800 pulsars, which is more than three times the total number of pulsars discovered by similar observation equipment abroad since its operation.

The "International Style" and "Chinese Style" of the Chengdu Universiade International | China | Universiade
The "International Style" and "Chinese Style" of the Chengdu Universiade International | China | Universiade

Chengdu, a historical city that has not changed its name for thousands of years, is a city full of happiness and a bustling leisure city. Nowadays, with the arrival of the World University Games, it has added a youthful atmosphere and an international temperament. This is the second international comprehensive sports event held in China after the Beijing Winter Olympics. Young athletes from all over the world gather in Chengdu. This is a stage for sports competition and an opportunity for international exchange. Chengdu, embracing the world, will stand under the spotlight of the world and showcase the charm of a modern international metropolis. Chinese people's competitions have always been of high standards and strict requirements. Sichuan people are no exception. After careful preparation, the Chengdu Universiade is about to open grandly. International organizations and friends greatly appreciate the preparation work. The President of the International Sports Journalists Association, Melo, said The venue of the Universiade is the Olympic level International Sports Federation

"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy
"31 Measures for Private Economy": Implementing Full Supply as Important Personnel | High Quality | Economy

After the announcement of the 31 regulations on private economy, it has been widely discussed in recent days. Let's take a look at a few details first - this "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of Private Economy" is over 6700 words. Although listed as 31 measures, in reality, each one is mostly composed of five to six specific measures. Almost every sentence and action throughout the article highlights the abundance of valuable resources. This heavyweight document was reviewed and approved at the first meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Deepening Reform on April 21 this year. A "Opinions" related to "development and growth", reviewed and approved by the Central Commission for Deepening Reform, highlights the profound connection between development and reform, and reflects the institutional construction content in policies. The issuance of the Opinion was on July 14th, and the full text was released to the whole society on July 19th, with only a 5-day interval, highlighting the need to expedite the implementation of the Opinion

Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion
Take a reassuring pill for the private economy, implement it in nine parts for each branch! The content | aspect | economy of this Opinion

As of the end of May this year, the number of registered individual industrial and commercial households in China exceeded 118 million, and the number of private enterprises exceeded 50 million, accounting for over 92% of the total number of enterprises. Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued opinions on promoting the development and growth of the private economy.The release of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy has provided peace of mind for the development of the private economy. The Opinion comes straight to the point with regards to private economy

Follow General Secretary to See China | Guide the Way | Affect Jingchu Hubei | Inspection | Jingchu
Follow General Secretary to See China | Guide the Way | Affect Jingchu Hubei | Inspection | Jingchu

With earnest instructions, gather the strength to strive forward. Let's follow in the footsteps of General Secretary and revisit his legacy

Learning every day | The Heart of Chizi Guarding Cultural Roots, Liangzhu Legacy Xi Jinping | Work | Culture
Learning every day | The Heart of Chizi Guarding Cultural Roots, Liangzhu Legacy Xi Jinping | Work | Culture

Every day during the summer learning season, walking into the Liangzhu Ancient City Ruins Park, the millennium old magnificent scenery reappears before us - the magnificent Mojiaoshan Palace District welcomes visitors from all directions, and in the beautiful scenery, the ancient city and rivers quietly tell the touching story of Liangzhu. Liangzhu means "a beautiful island in the water". However, more than twenty years ago, here were exposed mountains and rocks, dust filled the sky, and the sound of quarrying explosions in the mining area was so loud

Taking New Steps for High Quality Development in the Economy | China | Step
Taking New Steps for High Quality Development in the Economy | China | Step

If we open the column, this year is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The recently released semi annual report on the Chinese economy shows that in the first half of this year, the overall performance of the Chinese economy has rebounded and improved. Starting from today, this newspaper will launch a series of "Mid Year Economic Observations" to vividly reflect the new progress and achievements of high-quality development, comprehensively, dialectically, and long-term analyze the economic situation, fully demonstrate the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy, and further strengthen confidence in doing a good job in economic work. The first quarter achieved a good start, and the second quarter continued to recover. In the complex and severe external environment, the Chinese economy has shown a rebound and positive trend. China Economic Half Year Report released on July 17th

Looking at the Yangtze River | Shanghai: From "Steel" to "Port" and Rising towards the Sea for High Quality | Shanghai | The Yangtze River
Looking at the Yangtze River | Shanghai: From "Steel" to "Port" and Rising towards the Sea for High Quality | Shanghai | The Yangtze River

In Baoshan District, Shanghai, there is a national wetland park built on a steel slag yard. In early summer, green trees provide shade and the river breeze is gentle. Baoshan is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, with a regional shoreline of 29.239 kilometers. Protecting precious shoreline resources can not only optimize and improve water quality, but also fully leverage the advantages of the riverside location to attract high-quality industries to settle in. Starting from the distant Tanggula Mountain, the rolling Yangtze River sings along the way, crossing thousands of miles through Guanshan and rushing into the sea here. Shanghai, which is thriving towards the sea, is guided by the goal of promoting high-quality development, creating high-quality life, and achieving efficient governance. It actively explores the development path of a mega city with Chinese characteristics, contemporary characteristics, and Shanghai's characteristics, and strives to promote high-quality development at the forefront.