Important news

Comprehensive news: Leaders and heads of international organizations from multiple countries are looking forward to the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting. Leaders | Countries | Leaders
Comprehensive news: Leaders and heads of international organizations from multiple countries are looking forward to the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting. Leaders | Countries | Leaders

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 22 (Xinhua) -- The 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22 to 24. Some foreign politicians and heads of international organizations are full of expectations for this meeting, emphasizing its importance and hoping that the BRICS cooperation mechanism will play an important role in promoting the establishment of a more balanced global order. South African President Ramaphosa recently emphasized the importance of the BRICS Leaders Meeting in a national television address. He said that this meeting is taking place against the backdrop of fundamental challenges facing the world, and the BRICS countries are calling for the establishment of a more fair, balanced, and inclusive global governance system. The joint action of the BRICS countries may promote significant changes in the world economy and international relations. He stated that South Africa supports the "expansion" of the BRICS cooperation mechanism

Promoting high-quality development and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy
Promoting high-quality development and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy

The high-quality development of China is drawing a magnificent picture of Chinese path to modernization, which is full of splendor and diversity. Since the beginning of this year, the national economy has continued to recover, with an overall recovery and improvement. High quality development has been solidly promoted, industrial upgrading has accumulated and developed, food and energy security has been effectively guaranteed, and the overall social situation has remained stable, laying a good foundation for achieving the annual economic and social development goals.

What "password" is hidden behind the hot summer cultural consumption trend, full of vitality and good drama on stage?
What "password" is hidden behind the hot summer cultural consumption trend, full of vitality and good drama on stage?

This summer, not only is the weather hot, but the consumption in our related fields is also very hot. Starting from today, Focus Interview will launch a series of programs called "Hot Economy in Summer", focusing on the popularity of summer consumption. This summer, you and your friends may have encountered a situation where concert tickets sold out as soon as they started selling, the cinema was packed with spectators, and tourists who went out were fond of checking in on various cultural attractions. Both large and small theaters had a series of exciting performances, which were equally popular. So, what new changes in consumption have occurred in this cultural tropical zone this summer? How hot is it this summer? Snatching tickets and grabbing hot phones is the most influential way to speak up. Not long ago, at the moment of ticket issuance for a certain band's Bird's Nest concert, nearly 300000 tickets were sold out in six sessions. Fans who couldn't grab tickets exclaimed, "The Bird's Nest with 100000 people can't accommodate it."

The promotional video for the image of BRICS countries is here! Synchronized launch of 5 language versions
The promotional video for the image of BRICS countries is here! Synchronized launch of 5 language versions

The 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting is about to be held in South Africa. People's Daily News will release a promotional video on the BRICS image website. Chinese, English, Portuguese, Russian, and Hindi versions of BRICS will be launched simultaneously. The Chinese version of BRICS will be available in five languages. In a world where mountains and seas are separated and customs are diverse and intertwined, what brings us together? BRICS English Version ↓↓↓ For those who share the same aspirations, we stand together at the crossroads of history, facing a world full of threats and challenges together. We make the same choice. In the face of Cold War thinking and authoritarian politics, we adhere to unity and maintain world peace. In the face of blockade barriers, decoupling and disconnection, we adhere to openness and inclusiveness,

Joint Declaration of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa South Africa | Country | People's Republic of China
Joint Declaration of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa South Africa | Country | People's Republic of China

The two heads of state exchanged in-depth views on cooperation between China and South Africa, as well as international and regional issues of common concern, and reached a series of important consensus. 1、 Both sides highly evaluate the significant development of China South relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1998. They believe that the development momentum of bilateral relations is strong, political relations continue to deepen, economic exchanges continue to strengthen, technological cooperation flourishes, and cultural exchanges are effective. Maintaining good communication and cooperation in multilateral settings not only demonstrates the solid foundation of China South friendship and the cooperation between the two countries

Jointly Building a Beautiful Home with Blue Sky, Green Ground, Clear Water - Perspective of China's High Quality Development Highlights - Part 5
Jointly Building a Beautiful Home with Blue Sky, Green Ground, Clear Water - Perspective of China's High Quality Development Highlights - Part 5

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 22 (Xinhua) - Building a Beautiful Home with Blue Sky, Green Ground, and Clear Water - Perspective of China's High Quality Development Highlights - August 15, the first National Ecological Day. At the ecological product exhibition market in Changkou Village, Jiangle County, Sanming City, Fujian Province, a company from Shanghai signed a 20000 ton forestry carbon bill worth 300000 yuan with Jiangle County. Green mountains and clear waters are not only natural and ecological wealth, but also social and economic wealth. In recent years, China has collaborated to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth. Through profound changes in green development and lifestyle, it has driven significant changes in the ecological environment and taken solid steps towards high-quality development. The beautiful home with blue sky, green ground, and clear water is being depicted in our hands. The Change in Development Mode: Accelerating the Development of Green and Low Carbon Economy in Above Ground Gardens,

This is my fourth state visit to South Africa as the President of China. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea. In the past 25 years, China South relations have achieved leapfrog development, strategic mutual trust has reached a new height, cooperation in various fields has been comprehensively promoted, and multilateral cooperation has become closer. China South relations far exceed bilateral scope and are increasingly of strategic significance and global influence. Currently, the Communist Party of China

The two heads of state exchanged in-depth views on the development of China South China relations in the new era, as well as international and regional issues of common concern, reached important consensus, and unanimously agreed to work together to promote the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and South South China to a new level and build a high-level community with a shared future.Pretoria in August has clear skies for thousands of miles and pleasant winds. The Presidential Palace Square is in full bloom with flowers, and the flags of China and South America are fluttering in the wind. In the President

2、 Cooperation documents signed or agreed by the two parties 1. Letter of Intent between China and South Africa on Agreeing to Deepen Cooperation on the the Belt and Road 2. Framework Agreement between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Electricity of the President's Office of the Republic of South Africa on Promoting Cooperation in Investment in New Energy Power 3. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Republic of South Africa on Strengthening Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation 4. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Competition of the Republic of South Africa on Deepening Blue Economy Cooperation

Xinhua All Media+| Joining Hands to Create a Better Future
Xinhua All Media+| Joining Hands to Create a Better Future

Currently, changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways, and seeking development and cooperation has become the common pursuit of developing countries. Faced with a century of changes, if China Africa relations remain stable and China Africa cooperation is well conducted, there will be more new momentum for global development, and the world will have more stability. This is the international responsibility and historical mission that 2.8 billion Central African people shoulder. In the past decade, China and Africa have continued to deepen cooperation on mechanisms and platforms such as the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" and the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, and the achievements have covered many fields such as economy and trade, infrastructure, and people's livelihood. Standing at a new historical starting point, China will continue to work together with Africa to become a closer community with a shared future, and China Africa economic and trade cooperation will also move towards a new level of high-quality development. Reporters: Luo Kun, Yu Hongze, Cai Xin, Julio Kicobu, Naftali, James

What does the welcoming ceremony of "Comrades and Brothers" look like in South Africa, which is at the forefront of diplomacy as a strong country?
What does the welcoming ceremony of "Comrades and Brothers" look like in South Africa, which is at the forefront of diplomacy as a strong country?

>The forefront of great power diplomacy has arrived today in the administrative capital of South Africa, Pretoria.Although China and South Africa are separated by thousands of miles, this special friendship of "comrades and brothers" between China and South Africa has crossed the barriers of mountains and seas, as well as the long river of time. At the welcoming ceremony, what elements witnessed the brotherly friendship between China and South Korea? Follow the "Frontline of Great Power Diplomacy" together to the scene and take a look! Producer | Shen Yong Planner | Shi Wei and Wang Pengfei

China and South Africa are comprehensively advancing cooperation in various fields, and multilateral cooperation is becoming closer. China South relations far exceed bilateral scope and are increasingly of strategic significance and global influence. The first ship of feed corn imported from South Africa docked in Guangdong, China

So far, the program has been broadcast in 81 mainstream African media, including South African Independent Media, Nigeria National Television, Tanzania National Television, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, Zambia Times, Burundi Radio and Television, and Burkina Faso First Television. The three major mainstream newspapers in South Africa, the Star, Cape Times, and Mercury, published on August 22nd, prominently featured articles on the front page of the South African newspaper "Ping"

This is the third time that the BRICS Leaders Meeting has entered Africa, which is of great significance. Thank you to President Ramaphosa and the South African government for their careful and thoughtful arrangements for this meeting. Currently, the world is entering a new period of turbulence and transformation, undergoing major adjustments, divisions, and reorganizations, with an increase in uncertain, unstable, and unpredictable factors. BRICS countries are crucial in shaping the international landscape

Country | President | Time
Country | President | Time

A deep and friendly meeting, a series of important consensus related to the overall situation, and an in-depth exchange of views between the two heads of state on the development of China South Africa relations in the new era, as well as international and regional issues of common concern, unanimously agreed to work together to continuously promote the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and South Africa to a new level and build a high-level community with a shared future for China South. A joint statement, over 20 cooperation documents, and fruitful visit results inject new impetus into the joint development of China and South Korea, and bring more benefits to the people of both countries

From attending a series of activities for a state visit to South Africa in the morning, to delivering a speech at the closing ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum in the afternoon, and then attending an informal special meeting of BRICS leaders in the evening, the schedule is full and information is intensive."Political News Eye" interprets for youI personally went to the airport late the night before

Micro Video | Embark on a New Golden Journey
Micro Video | Embark on a New Golden Journey

The 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22nd to 24th, marking the beginning of a new golden journey. Since the establishment of the BRICS cooperation mechanism, the foundation of cooperation has been increasingly solid, and the fields have gradually expanded. A multi-level framework for practical cooperation in dozens of fields such as economy and trade, finance and technology, agriculture, culture, education, health, think tanks, and sister cities has been formed. Creating a peaceful and stable security environment in the China Brazil Agricultural Science and Technology Industrial Park. After Brazilian farmers purchase corn seeds, the park will track the entire production process and provide planting guidance and subsequent maintenance services. This is one of the practical measures taken by China to explore bilateral and multilateral agricultural cooperation and strive to provide a "BRICS solution" for global food security. In addition to food security, China emphasizes deepening counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, and other areas

Currently, changes in the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways, and human society has reached a critical juncture. Is it to persist in cooperation and integration, or to move towards division and confrontation? Is it to work together to maintain peace and stability, or to slide into the abyss of the "new cold war"? Is it moving towards prosperity through openness and inclusiveness, or is it falling into depression through hegemonic bullying? Is it to enhance mutual trust through communication and learning, or to let arrogance and prejudice deceive conscience? How to steer the "pendulum of history" in the right direction

South African President Ramaphosa presided over the meeting.Leaders of the five countries exchanged in-depth views and reached broad consensus on BRICS cooperation and major international issues of common concern around the theme of "BRICS and Africa: Deepening Partnership, Promoting Mutual Growth, Achieving Sustainable Development, and Strengthening Inclusive Multilateralism".

They stated that as a natural member of the "global south", China has always been committed to promoting common development

South African President Ramaphosa presided over the meeting.On the morning of August 23, local time, the 15th meeting of BRICS leaders was held at the Sando Conference Center in Johannesburg. South Africa

In recent years, the two countries have maintained frequent high-level exchanges and communication, and their cooperation within the framework of jointly building the "the Belt and Road" and the Forum on China Africa Cooperation has been fruitful. China is promoting Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development, which will bring new opportunities for China Ethiopia cooperation. China attaches great importance to developing relations with Ethiopia and supports the domestic peace process in Ethiopia

In recent years, with the joint efforts of both sides, political mutual trust between China and Serbia has been continuously deepened, and cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results. China firmly supports Serbia's efforts to maintain national stability and development, and is willing to strengthen mutual support with Serbia, deepen cooperation in industries, agriculture, infrastructure construction, human resource development, and other fields, jointly safeguard legitimate development rights and interests, and promote

In 2016, we elevated China Bangladesh relations to a strategic partnership, pointing the way for deepening cooperation between the two countries. Currently, both China and Bangladesh are in a critical stage of their respective development and revitalization. China is willing to strengthen the docking of development strategies with Bangladesh, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, promote the strategic partnership between China and Bangladesh to a new level, and bring more benefits to the people of both countries

With the joint efforts of both parties, these consensuses are being well implemented. The Chinese side is willing to continuously deepen political mutual trust, expand practical cooperation, close strategic cooperation, and promote new development of the special friendly relationship between the two parties and the two countries with Cuba.

In recent years, the two countries have maintained frequent high-level exchanges and communication, and their cooperation within the framework of jointly building the "the Belt and Road" and the Forum on China Africa Cooperation has been fruitful. China is promoting Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development, which will bring new opportunities for China Ethiopia cooperation. China attaches great importance to developing relations with Ethiopia, supports the domestic peace process and development and revitalization of Ethiopia, and is willing to close bilateral exchanges with Ethiopia, expand comprehensive cooperation, deepen the friendship between the two countries, and promote the further development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Ethiopia. Abi said, "Ethiopia has a large population.",

In recent years, with the joint efforts of both sides, political mutual trust between China and Serbia has been continuously deepened, and cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results. China firmly supports Serbia's efforts to maintain national stability and development, and is willing to strengthen mutual support with Serbia, deepen cooperation in industries, agriculture, infrastructure construction, human resource development and other fields, jointly safeguard legitimate development rights and interests, and promote greater development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

The role of the "main engine" of consumption is further highlighted (in a new economic direction)
The role of the "main engine" of consumption is further highlighted (in a new economic direction)

This summer, the Red Culture Special Train is launched, bringing new opportunities to Jinggangshan, Jiangxi. "Up to now, over 20000 passengers have taken special trains to Jinggangshan, driving up local tourism revenue," said Luo Chenyuan, director of the Jinggangshan Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, and News. Recently, the "Love Car Nanshan Purchase" automobile special promotion activity in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province has officially begun. "The charging stations in the community are fully equipped, and there are also consumption vouchers for purchasing cars. Buying new energy vehicles is cost-effective," said Wu Qingyou, a resident of Nanshan District. In the first seven months, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China increased by 7.3% year-on-year, while the retail sales of services increased by 20.3% year-on-year. Domestic demand continued to expand, helping to maintain stable recovery of the national economy. What is the next step in restoring and expanding consumption? How should relevant policies be implemented? The reporter interviewed relevant experts. Consumption improvement and upgrading present

What new information is revealed?, Hot review | Express delivery exceeding 10 billion pieces per month becomes the norm
What new information is revealed?, Hot review | Express delivery exceeding 10 billion pieces per month becomes the norm

"Many people do not have a house number at their doorstep, making it inconvenient to receive packages. Sometimes, they simply fill in my name in the recipient column." This is the story of Tan Shiwang, a courier from Shitai County, Anhui Province. Running 8 towns and 200 kilometers every day, with an average delivery of about 300 orders... This villager "recipient" used his hard work to get through the "last mile" of express delivery into the village and households. Every extension of service tentacles, every steady arrival, is committed to achieving steady growth. 70.3 billion pieces, which is the cumulative figure of the national express delivery business volume in the first seven months, steadily achieving a monthly average of "tens of billions", a year-on-year increase of 15.5%. This also means that since the beginning of this year, the average person in China has received nearly 50 parcels per person. Previously, a common term used to describe the express delivery industry was "new highs". Please refer to the growth of express delivery business in recent years