Important news

Continuing Chinese civilization and composing contemporary chapters
Continuing Chinese civilization and composing contemporary chapters

"Exciting and Charming!" At the closing ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu, Sichuan Opera's Qingyi and rapper dueled, popular singers and rapper figurines collaborated, and the Shu style

Join hands with high-quality integration to forge ahead with Chinese path to modernization (observation on high-quality development of Yangtze River Delta integration)
Join hands with high-quality integration to forge ahead with Chinese path to modernization (observation on high-quality development of Yangtze River Delta integration)

The Yangtze River Delta is one of the most active, open, and innovative regions in China's economic development. Here, there are towering skyscrapers with monthly tax payments exceeding 100 million yuan, and countless innovative factories with an annual patent application volume exceeding a hundred; Here, there are numerous "natural oxygen bars in China" and the smallest urban-rural income gap... "One network access" and "One card access" have enabled residents in 41 cities to start "same city life"; Connecting roads one by one, significantly reducing commuting time between provinces and cities, and improving the happiness index of life; One by one, rivers and lakes are jointly renovated, with clear water and green banks, and birds singing and flowers fragrant.Over the past 5 years, the nighttime light index in the Yangtze River Delta has increased by 57%

Data Looking at Development | August Financial Statistics Release Small and Medium sized Enterprise Development Index Continuously Rises
Data Looking at Development | August Financial Statistics Release Small and Medium sized Enterprise Development Index Continuously Rises

CCTV News: On September 11th, multiple data releases were made. Among them, the People's Bank of China released financial statistics for August 2023. Look at the report of CCTV News. △ On September 11, CCTV News reported that financial support for the real economy continued to increase in August. At the end of August, China's broad money grew 10.6%. On September 11, the People's Bank of China released financial statistics for August 2023. At the end of August, the balance of broad money was 286.93 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.6%, with growth rates 0.1 and 1.6 percentage points lower than the end of last month and the same period last year, respectively. In August, RMB loans increased by 1.36 trillion yuan, an increase of 86.8 billion yuan year-on-year; In August, RMB deposits increased by 1.26 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 13.2 billion yuan.

Satellite perspective | Look! The revitalization of Northeast China is at the right time
Satellite perspective | Look! The revitalization of Northeast China is at the right time

The Northeast region is an important industrial and agricultural base in China, playing a significant role in the overall development of the country. We select seven different fields and showcase the vibrant vitality and enormous potential of this land through satellite perspectives. Click on the white arrow on the left side of the image to indicate sliding left and right. Compared to 2022, a piece of vacant land in Ningjiang Economic Development Zone, Jilin Province, has been developed into a large-scale gathering place for new energy enterprises in 2023. The CRRC Songyuan New Energy Equipment Industry Base only took 100 days from the start of construction to the production of the first wind turbine; Songyuan Xinneng Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. only took 99 days from construction to production. In order to accelerate the construction progress of the new energy industry, the local government has opened up green channels, and departments such as housing and construction, natural resources, fire protection, and environmental protection have on-site offices. When approving, a capacity shortage system is adopted

Learning from Pictures | Striving to Compose a New Chapter of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China
Learning from Pictures | Striving to Compose a New Chapter of Comprehensive Revitalization in Northeast China

The Northeast region is an important industrial and agricultural base in China, which plays a crucial strategic role in maintaining national food security, industrial security, energy security, ecological security, and national defense security, and is crucial to the overall development of the country.Let's learn together!

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the customs rank system. We take this opportunity to extend our sincere greetings to all comrades in the customs system!

We have received your letter. You overcame difficulties such as high cold and hypoxia, rooted in the front line of the country's snowy border, devoted yourself to your duties, silently contributed, and created extraordinary achievements, showcasing the spirit of the new era customs people to work hard and make progress. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the customs rank system. We take this opportunity to extend our sincere greetings to all comrades in the customs system! Customs bears the responsibility and mission of guarding national borders and promoting development, and doing a good job in customs work is of great significance. I hope that comrades will have a broad understanding of the country, promote the excellent work style of the customs team, improve regulatory efficiency and service level, build a strong national security barrier, promote high-quality development and high-level opening up, and be a country that reassures the Party and satisfies the people

The General Secretary has planned a new blueprint for promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era. The majority of cadres and the masses have expressed that they must remember the instructions of the General Secretary, strive to find a new path of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.The General Secretary pointed out that promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China is based on the real economy, the key is technological innovation, and the direction is industrial upgrading. The important speech of General Secretary has greatly inspired everyone. The construction of the Jilin-1 satellite constellation is being accelerated, and new satellites are being developed

Director Production | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu Supervisor | Wang Jingdong Editor in Chief | Li Xuan Planning | Meng Lizheng Visual | Zhang Zixi Proofreading | Sun Jielu, Yang Song Chunyan, Li Yingzhuo, Yan Tiantian Production | CCTV Network

Let's talk about the revitalization of Northeast China, a micro interpretation of current affairs | This issue
Let's talk about the revitalization of Northeast China, a micro interpretation of current affairs | This issue

This is another thematic symposium held by General Secretary after 2015 and 2018 on the revitalization of Northeast China. The grand proposition of "Northeast Revitalization" has never left people's vision, spanning 20 years.The revitalization of Northeast China has never been a simple "return to the past", but to maintain the ongoing state, constantly break the shackles with reform and innovation, seize every major opportunity in the tide of the times, break the cocoon into a butterfly, and become a powerful battle to promote Chinese path to modernization

General Secretary lays out a grand plan, Reporter's note: Comprehensive Revitalization and Development of Northeast China | Country | Reporter
General Secretary lays out a grand plan, Reporter's note: Comprehensive Revitalization and Development of Northeast China | Country | Reporter

What a fertile land! This fertile land has brilliant glory. Countless amounts of steel, coal, oil, grain, and wood are continuously transported from the white mountains and black waters to the whole country; This fertile land once experienced the hardships of sailing against the current.This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Northeast Revitalization Strategy. At this important juncture

Learning Language | Let the Internet better benefit the country and people
Learning Language | Let the Internet better benefit the country and people

We are a socialist country under the leadership of the CPC. Why not speak of the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system? Why not speak up! The more someone tries to suppress positive public opinion

Grasp Your Historical Positioning, Micro Observation | "Still Have a Calm Heart
Grasp Your Historical Positioning, Micro Observation | "Still Have a Calm Heart

The principle of "still having a calm mind and grasping one's historical positioning" is a dialectical relationship between confidence and a calm mind.The symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era is not only a blueprint for the revitalization of Northeast China, but also a window for observing China's development.From the perspective of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

The original brand column "Workshop" of Xinhua News Agency's "Learning in Progress" has launched an article today to learn with you.

Learning every day | They cultivate a spirit. General Secretary replied with encouragement
Learning every day | They cultivate a spirit. General Secretary replied with encouragement

Hongqirapu Customs is located in the Pamir Plateau, known as the "restricted zone for life". The port is currently the highest customs supervision port in the world and the only land route from China to Pakistan. The natural environment here is harsh - with an average altitude of 4500 meters, the oxygen content in the air is less than 50% of that in plain areas, the lowest temperature is below -40 ℃, and the frost free period throughout the year is only 82 days. The unique geographical environment and strategic location have created many

Opening up the service industry injects new impetus into economic development (entering the market to see confidence)
Opening up the service industry injects new impetus into economic development (entering the market to see confidence)

On September 6th, 2023, the China International Fair for Trade in Services concluded in Beijing. 10 summit forums, 102 thematic forums, 18 side meetings, and 72 promotion and negotiation sessions... This year's Fair for Trade in Services has achieved more than 1100 results, with 83 countries and international organizations holding exhibitions and conferences under the name of government or headquarters. Under the promotion of high-level opening-up policies, China's service trade continues to maintain a stable and positive trend, in order to promote economic development

Promoting the high-quality development of civil affairs (starting from authoritative departments)
Promoting the high-quality development of civil affairs (starting from authoritative departments)

On September 12th, the State Council Information Office held a series of themed press conferences on "Authoritative Department Talks at the Beginning". Minister of Civil Affairs Tang Dengjie and others introduced the relevant situation of "promoting high-quality development of civil affairs work" and answered questions from reporters. Strengthening the guarantee of people's livelihood and continuously improving people's well-being. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to improve the hierarchical and classified social assistance system. Tang Dengjie stated that the Ministry of Civil Affairs adheres to the policy of ensuring basic needs, covering the bottom line, rescuing difficulties, and sustainability, and continues to improve a hierarchical and classified social assistance system with basic living assistance, special social assistance, and emergency social assistance as the main body, supplemented by social forces, to ensure the basic living of people in special difficulties. This year, we will focus on promoting the expansion of the subsistence allowance policy, strengthening assistance to those on the brink of subsistence allowance and those in financial difficulties. We will also promote the implementation of temporary assistance from emergency areas, and establish

Gathering in Rongcheng for a "Cybersecurity" Appointment
Gathering in Rongcheng for a "Cybersecurity" Appointment

CCTV News: Internet celebrities gather in Rongcheng to talk about the new trend of network security; Leading companies in cybersecurity have made a joint appearance, competing to showcase their "high-precision and cutting-edge" achievements; The enthusiasm of citizens attending the exhibition is high, and they are raising their awareness of cybersecurity through interactive experiences. Recently, in Fuzhou, Fujian, the 2023 National Cybersecurity Promotion Monday series of activities with the theme of "cybersecurity for the people, cybersecurity depends on the people" is in full swing. "High precision and cutting-edge" and "black technology" products are stunning. It's like connecting your phone to a maliciously modified charging station, and in just 10 seconds, you become a "transparent person". While information such as contacts and real-time positioning is obtained, the camera is also remotely controlled to take photos without your knowledge. This is not a plot from a movie, but a phone charger from the Cybersecurity Expo

This is your fifth visit to China since assuming the presidency, fully reflecting the brotherly friendship between China and Venezuela. China and Venezuela are mutual trusted good friends and good partners for common development. China has always viewed the development of relations with Venezuela from a strategic and long-term perspective, and will firmly support Venezuela's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability, as well as Venezuela's just cause of opposing external interference. I am pleased to announce with you the upgrade of China Venezuela relations to an all-weather strategic partnership. Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. I am willing to work with you to serve the Central Committee

A reply letter is both a reminder and a motivation.

The two heads of state announced the upgrade of China Venezuela relations to an all-weather strategic partnership.In recent years, both China and Venezuela have gone through an extraordinary history of development. Both sides have supported each other in the ever-changing international situation and formed a "steadfast" friendship. China views the development of relations with Venezuela from a strategic and long-term perspective, firmly supports Venezuela's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability, and firmly supports Venezuela's just cause of opposing external interference. The establishment of an all-weather strategic partnership between China and Venezuela is in line with the common expectations of the two peoples and in line with the trend of historical development. Madu

This is your fifth visit to China since assuming the presidency, fully reflecting the brotherly friendship between China and Venezuela. China and Venezuela are mutual trusted good friends and good partners for common development. China has always viewed the development of relations with Venezuela from a strategic and long-term perspective, and will firmly support Venezuela's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability, as well as Venezuela's just cause of opposing external interference. I am pleased to announce with you the upgrade of China Venezuela relations to an all-weather strategic partnership. Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. I am willing to work with you to serve the Central Committee

The two heads of state announced the upgrade of China Venezuela relations to an all-weather strategic partnership.In recent years, both China and Venezuela have gone through an extraordinary history of development. Both sides have supported each other in the ever-changing international situation and formed a "steadfast" friendship. China views the development of relations with Venezuela from a strategic and long-term perspective, firmly supports Venezuela's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability, and firmly supports Venezuela's just cause of opposing external interference. The establishment of an all-weather strategic partnership between China and Venezuela is in line with the common expectations of the two peoples and in line with the trend of historical development. Madu

The two heads of state announced the upgrade of China Venezuela relations to an all-weather strategic partnership.In recent years, both China and Venezuela have gone through an extraordinary development process, supporting each other in the ever-changing international situation and forming a "steadfast" friendship. China has always viewed the development of relations with Venezuela from a strategic and long-term perspective, firmly supporting Venezuela's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability, and firmly supporting Venezuela's just cause of opposing external interference. The establishment of an all-weather strategic partnership between China and Venezuela is in line with the common expectations of the two peoples,

Strong @ Frontline of Major Country Diplomacy | Venezuelan President Visits China! Why is this visit called "historic"?
Strong @ Frontline of Major Country Diplomacy | Venezuelan President Visits China! Why is this visit called "historic"?

>In the golden September, the forefront of major country diplomacy is constantly moving forward.On September 8th, after arriving in Shenzhen in the rain, President Maduro wrote on his personal social media: "This visit to China is a historic one that will seek to strengthen bilateral cooperation, build a new global geopolitics, and bring good news to the Venezuelan people." From this sentence, what are the key points of President Maduro's visit to China? Let's follow the "frontline of great country diplomacy" together to the scene of the China Venezuela summit! Producer | Shen Yong Planner | Shi Wei, Wang Pengfei Reporter | Lu Xinyu Camera | Prince Jiang Shuo, Hang Zhouti

The two heads of state announced the upgrade of China Venezuela relations to an all-weather strategic partnership.In recent years, both China and Venezuela have gone through an extraordinary development process, supporting each other in the ever-changing international situation and forming a "steadfast" friendship. China has always viewed the development of relations with Venezuela from a strategic and long-term perspective, firmly supporting Venezuela's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability, and firmly supporting Venezuela's just cause of opposing external interference. The establishment of an all-weather strategic partnership between China and Venezuela is in line with the common expectations of the two peoples and in line with the trend of historical development. both sides

Accompanying Maduro's visit to China were the President's wife, Vice President, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The military band played the national anthems of China and the United States, firing 21 salutes.The two heads of state returned to the reviewing stand to watch the parade of the honor guard. Subsequently, the military band carried out a marching performance.

Beijing has a long history and a long cultural background, which is a powerful witness to the continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace of Chinese civilization. China will better leverage the advantages of Beijing as a historical capital and national cultural center, strengthen cultural exchanges with various parts of the world, jointly promote cultural prosperity and development, protect cultural heritage, exchange and learn from each other, practice global civilization initiatives, and inject profound and lasting cultural strength into promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum will focus on“

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research