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This is an international economic and trade event of open cooperation and mutual benefit. On September 2, 2023, the China International Fair for Trade in Services opened in Beijing, injecting confidence and momentum into the world economic recovery.Everyone expressed that their speech was insightful and profound, fully affirming the important role of the Fair for Trade in Services and announcing important measures for China to deepen high-level opening up in the service sector, which will have a significant and far-reaching impact on promoting the development of global service trade and expanding the opening up of China's service industry. Build

In the golden autumn season, the capital Beijing welcomes a grand service trade event.Focusing on global trade in services, focusing on China and the world, opportunities and challenges, present and future, with judgment, initiative, and action, reflects China's firm determination to expand high-level opening-up to the outside world, and demonstrates its great responsibility to continuously provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development.Open and inclusive service trade is an important component of international trade, and the service industry is an important area of international economic and trade cooperation. after

On September 2nd, 2023, the China International Trade in Services Fair opened in Beijing.From emphasizing "promoting a higher level of opening up to the outside world" in 2019, to proposing three initiatives in 2020: "jointly creating an open and inclusive cooperation environment, jointly activating innovation led cooperation momentum, and jointly creating a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation situation", from proposing four measures in 2021: "improving the level of openness", "expanding cooperation space", "strengthening the construction of rules in the service field", and "continuing to support the innovative development of small and medium-sized enterprises", to emphasizing "working together to promote openness and sharing" in 2022

Draw a concentric circle in the overseas Chinese community and write a new chapter of rejuvenation - A side note on the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members
Draw a concentric circle in the overseas Chinese community and write a new chapter of rejuvenation - A side note on the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 3 (Xinhua) - Draw a concentric circle in the overseas Chinese community and write a new chapter of rejuvenation - Side notes of the 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members - Xinhua News Agency reporters Fan Sixiang, Dong Boting, and Wang Mingyu jointly shoulder the responsibility of national rejuvenation and share the glory of national rejuvenation. The 11th National Congress of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members was held in Beijing from August 31st to September 3rd. Nearly 1200 representatives of returned overseas Chinese and their families from all over the country, as well as nearly 600 specially invited guests from over 100 countries, gathered together. Here, the attending representatives and overseas guests gather the strength of the overseas Chinese community to jointly promote the unity and struggle of the Chinese people at home and abroad. In early autumn, Beijing, where the grand event of co prosperity takes place, has clear skies for thousands of miles; Tiananmen Square, with a picturesque display of red flags in the wind. At around 8:40 am on August 31st, the 11th National Congress of Representatives of Returned Overseas Chinese and their Family Members attended as a representative

Everyone expressed that the congratulatory letter further points out the direction for strengthening the construction of our military academies and talent cultivation work, and has important practical guidance and far-reaching historical significance. The National University of Defense Science and Technology was developed from the Military Engineering College founded in Harbin in 1953. It is a comprehensive research-oriented higher education institution directly under the Central Military Commission.

Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements
Current Politics Micro Observation | Service Open Sharing Achievements

As the largest comprehensive exhibition in the global service trade field, the 2023 Service Trade Fair attracted over 2400 companies to participate offline. Among them, there are over 500 Fortune Global 500 and industry leading enterprises, 59 countries and 24 international organizations holding exhibitions and conferences, with a total of 12 more than the previous one

China attaches great importance to the development of the digital economy, continuously promotes the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, synergistically promotes digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and accelerates the construction of a strong network country and a digital China. China is willing to work with countries around the world to grasp the new trends of the digital age, deepen international exchanges and cooperation in the digital field, promote innovative development of the intelligent industry, and accelerate the construction of the network

Service trade is an important component of international trade, and the service industry is an important field of international economic and trade cooperation. China will continue to promote high-level opening up, comprehensively promote Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development, and provide for the opening up and cooperation of all countries

Learning Ideology, Strengthening Party Spirit, Emphasizing Practice, and Building New Achievements | Using the Party's Innovative Theory to Consolidate Heart and Soul, Walking Well in the First Front of Practicing the "Two Maintenances" - Central and State Organs, People's Organizations, and High Quality Holding of Themed Education Themed Democratic Life Meetings for Leadership Teams
Learning Ideology, Strengthening Party Spirit, Emphasizing Practice, and Building New Achievements | Using the Party's Innovative Theory to Consolidate Heart and Soul, Walking Well in the First Front of Practicing the "Two Maintenances" - Central and State Organs, People's Organizations, and High Quality Holding of Themed Education Themed Democratic Life Meetings for Leadership Teams

Recently, central and state organs, as well as people's organizations, have successively held special democratic life meetings for the leadership team, fully promoting intra party democracy, strengthening intra party supervision, and making good use of powerful weapons of criticism and self-criticism. The members of the leadership teams of various units have undergone a strict ideological and political baptism, and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the leadership teams have significantly increased, promoting important phased achievements in theme education.

China is willing to work with other member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to continuously deepen the laws and judicial administration of various countries in the new era

General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Hunan Yuelu Academy
General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Hunan Yuelu Academy

The former General Secretary said here that the cultural inheritance and development of Hunan Yuelu Academy, a millennium old academy, meets modern universities. The towering Yuelu, the vast Xiangjiang River, the leisurely academy, and the endless string songs.Faced with passionate young students, the General Secretary said with deep emotion, "Only Chu has talent, and it is prosperous here." "Students must not disappoint the heavy trust of the times, not disappoint their youth, and contribute wisdom and strength to the construction of a socialist modernized strong country and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." Yuelu Academy was founded during the Northern Song Dynasty, from the "300 Daolin and 1000 disciples of the academy" in the Song Dynasty to the "General of Zhongxing, Shijiu Huxiang" in the Qing Dynasty, and then became a second level institution of Hunan University in the 1980s. After a thousand years, the academic network has been continuous. In the new era, Yuelu

We adhere to the concept that green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver. We adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands. The ecological civilization system is more sound, and the ecological environment protection has undergone historic, transitional, and global changes. Our motherland has bluer skies, greener mountains, and clearer water——During the recent heavy rainfall in Beijing, Miyun Reservoir maximized its ability to retain upstream floods and fully utilized its flood storage and peak shaving capabilities.

Learning Language | Better Undertaking New Cultural Missions
Learning Language | Better Undertaking New Cultural Missions

Culture is related to the foundation and destiny of a country.Only a nation with cultural confidence can stand firm, stand firm, and go far. Only a civilization full of confidence can tolerate, learn from, and absorb various different civilizations while maintaining its own national characteristics. I have said that cultural confidence is a more fundamental, broad, and profound confidence, which is more fundamental

Current political hot topics, "+" quick interpretation. Currently, the century long changes are accelerating and the world economy is lacking momentum for recovery. Service trade is an important component of international trade, and the service industry is an important area of international economic and trade cooperation.As the largest comprehensive exhibition in the global service trade field, the Fair has always played an important platform role in expanding openness, deepening cooperation, and leading innovation. Some foreign media have called it the "center of global business opportunities", injecting new impetus into the development of the world economy.

In this situation, China has not acted alone, but has strengthened cooperation with countries around the world, jointly explored solutions, and promoted the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. My proposal to jointly build the "the Belt and Road" initiative, the global development initiative, the global security initiative, and the global civilization initiative is to hope to work with all countries in the world to achieve economic growth

General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Zhu Xi Garden in Nanping, Fujian
General Secretary here talks about cultural inheritance and development: Zhu Xi Garden in Nanping, Fujian

Zhu Xi was a thinker, philosopher, and educator during the Southern Song Dynasty, and was revered as "Zhu Xi" by later generations. Nanping, where Mount Wuyi is located, is the place where Zhu Xi's Neo Confucianism germinated, developed and integrated.

On September 2, 2023, the China International Trade in Services Fair opened in Beijing, with over 80 countries and international organizations holding exhibitions and more than 2400 companies participating offline.Against the backdrop of insufficient impetus for global economic recovery, as the largest comprehensive exhibition in the field of global trade in services, China has built the Service Trade Fair platform, allowing countries to share new development opportunities in open cooperation, injecting strong momentum into restoring global economic vitality and enhancing the resilience of world economic development, and winning widespread praise from the international community.

The Yangtze River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, originates from the roof of the world, passes through high mountains and canyons, and flows into the sea, nourishing the long-standing Chinese civilization and nurturing hardworking and brave Chinese children.Nantong, Jiangsu, is a pearl by the river. Standing in the riverside area of the Five Mountains region, overlooking the vast and delicious river water, the Five Mountains stand by the river, with green onions on the riverbank