Why has there been no solution for so many years? , A bathhouse is opened downstairs in a community in Hongkou: Water vapor corrodes the "bus duct", limiting residents' electricity use

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:19 PM

Recently, Ms. Lin, a citizen of Hongkou District, called the Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News Hotline to report that a merchant opened a bathhouse downstairs in the community, which in recent years has caused troubles such as odor and limited electricity consumption to residents. Residents hope that the problem can be solved as soon as possible and they can return to normal life.

Water vapor corroded the "bus duct" in the bathhouse, causing multiple power outages

Ms. Lin lives in Hengcheng Garden Community, Lane 311, Siping Road, Hongkou District. The community was delivered at the end of the 20th century and consists of only two residential buildings, A and B. The two buildings are connected by a two-story podium. She reported that the "Yichi" bathhouse causing the problem is located in the podium and faces Siping Road. The back side of the bathhouse is the passage for residents to enter and exit the community. The bathhouse is separated from the residential area by a wall and is not connected to each other. Why does it affect the residents' lives?

Why has there been no solution for so many years? , A bathhouse is opened downstairs in a community in Hongkou: Water vapor corrodes the "bus duct", limiting residents' electricity use

After entering the lobby of the community, in a prominent position next to the elevator door on the first floor, the reporter saw a notice on power consumption restrictions from Hengcheng Huayuan Property Management Center, saying that around 2:55 a.m. on September 21, 2023, Block B A power outage occurred in the entire building. "In order to ensure that residents have electricity, temporary wires have been pulled on floors 3-17 of Tower B. The power supply lines will be further repaired in the future." In this notice, the property company implored the relevant floors to Residents "reduce electricity consumption as much as possible at home and only turn on one air conditioner per unit." Residents passing by also said that tripping has happened recently. "Residents in our entire building are restricted from turning on the air conditioner. If you turn it on too much, the power will trip!"

Next to the notice, a rectification order from the State Grid Shanghai Power Supply Company's Urban Power Supply Company was posted, stating that the residential building had "poor safe operation of electrical equipment." It was noted that the bus duct was burned out by the heat from the bathhouse. There was a power outage on the 3-10th floor of No. 311 B, Siping Road. After the power outage, the power company temporarily used 35mm plastic copper wire to connect to the line, but it was "only a temporary measure and there were safety hazards" and required "rectifications as soon as possible" and "power consumption needs to be restricted before normal power consumption is restored."

Manager Wang of the property company told reporters that in addition to the power outage mentioned in the above notice, a large-scale power outage occurred in the community in July 2022. At that time, the power company also found after inspection that the wiring from the power distribution room to the bus duct above the bathroom The box was a faulty section and “severely corroded”, and the reason was similar to recent accidents.

To verify the situation, the reporter called State Grid Shanghai Urban Power Supply Company. The staff said that the ownership of the pole busbar in the community building belongs to the community developer. The cause of the power outage was analyzed as "hot water vapor caused the bus duct to become damp" in the bath, that is, the community's own power supply equipment was corroded and damaged. The staff further explained that there are three lines in the bus duct in the community, which are responsible for power supply on different floors. The two power outages were caused by damage to two different lines. The current temporary power supply method is not suitable for long-term use. The residential property management should take measures to replace the bus duct as soon as possible.

Ms. Lin told reporters that in addition to electricity problems, the impact of public baths on residents also includes issues such as odor and water leakage.

"Every day when I enter and exit the first floor gate of the community, I can smell the unique smell of the bathhouse, which is particularly unpleasant."

Outside the lobby door on the first floor of the residential building, the reporter did smell a slight smell unique to public bathrooms. The property manager told reporters that the source of the leakage of the odor could not be determined. In order to reduce the impact of the odor, after contacting the property company, "Yichi" reinforced the facade of the bath above the residents' entrance multiple times.

In the lobby on the first floor of the community, directly above the blue-green glass is the "Yichi" business area.

Residents also told reporters that the bathtub’s drainage pipeline had leaked many times. On June 29 last year, water sprayed downstairs like a waterfall from the second floor of Building A. After investigation, residents found that the cause was a bathtub being renovated downstairs in Building A. In November 2022, water leakage also occurred in the underground garage. After inspection, it was found that the drainage pipe laid by "Yichi" in the top area of ​​the garage leaked.

The property owners committee requires the property management company to urge the restoration of the roof structure of the underground parking lot.

Manager Wang of the property company told reporters that last year, "Yichi" was renovated and the internal space of the business venue was expanded into the projection area directly below Building A of the residential building. And coincidentally, most of the various problems reported by residents occurred after the expansion of "One Pond". Regarding the expansion, Ms. Lin said that the bathhouse operator did not inform the residents and the property management in advance, and it had been renovated for several weeks when it was discovered. She questioned, "It is unreasonable to open the bathhouse directly under the residential building."

Residents jointly questioned the unreasonableness of opening a bathtub downstairs in a residential building.

Are there any irregularities in the business of "Yichi"? The reporter inquired about the relevant industrial and commercial information of "Shanghai Yichi Fitness Service Co., Ltd.", the operator of "Yichi", and found that the time when the business scope was expanded was different from what the property owner and residents informed the reporter. In early June 2023, the business of Yichi The address has just been increased from "Room 2c", Lane 311, Siping Road, to "Room 2c, 1b". The reporter also learned that on July 18 this year, the bathhouse was administratively punished by the Ouyang Road Sub-district Office for "operating without obtaining a public place health license in accordance with the law."

In addition, the business scope of this company established on October 21, 2016 was initially "fitness services; sales of fitness equipment", but was changed to include "catering services, public bathrooms" on July 27, 2017. Between the two points in time, "Yichi" did not have a public bathhouse business scope. However, it is said that "Yichi" was a bathhouse at the beginning of its operation, which was somewhat different from the allowed business scope.

The reporter interviewed the staff of "Yichi" on related issues. The person in charge said that the bus duct of the residential building is just above the "Yichi" business area. He has a different view on the idea that water vapor corroded the bus duct: "The community has been delivered for 25 years, and the bus duct lines have already exceeded their service life." As for the business scope allowed by the industrial and commercial information at the beginning of the business, there was no "public bathroom". He said that it was indeed a bathhouse since the trial operation at the end of 2016, and he was not clear about the discrepancy in the business scope shown in the industrial and commercial information. As for the odor, the person in charge said that the bathhouse passed the inspection and testing of the environmental protection department and there was no harmful gas.

In response to the related issues reported by residents many times, the person in charge of "Yichi" said that they are actively negotiating with residents through the sub-district office to resolve them.

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