Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:48 PM

Recently, the group went around a large circle in rural Zhejiang: in Xiaogucheng Village, Hangzhou, three story villas and houses were arranged in rows; Go to Xiantan Village in Huzhou and sit in front of the library to taste coffee; Entering Cailu Village in Jinhua, we stopped by a thousand acre rice field and watched the drones buzzing past... Our group captured many picturesque rural landscapes, and our friends couldn't help but sigh, "This is different from the countryside in my impression."

More than 20 years ago, many rural areas in Zhejiang were still "modernized indoors, dirty and messy outdoors", "garbage had nowhere to go, and sewage flowed everywhere"... However, the advancement of a project has caused significant changes in tens of thousands of villages.

The idyllic scenery of Tairu Village, Chengdong Street, Dongyang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. Sharp Leaf


In 118 days, he traveled to 11 cities and 25 counties.

At that time, Zhejiang was at the forefront of economic development in the country, but also faced the pain caused by environmental pollution. Rural construction and social development were significantly lagging behind, and out of 34000 villages, only over 4000 had relatively good environmental conditions. The daily life of many villagers is portrayed as "earning money from dawn to dusk, counting money in the garbage heap, and lying in the hospital spending money.".

Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

Where to start by changing the rural landscape?

In December 2002, Xi Jinping visited Meilin Village, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City. Here, he saw a desirable village: new-style houses, central parks, contiguous green spaces laid along the village road, water, electricity, gas, etc. There are a lot of supporting facilities. After seeing it, Xi Jinping was deeply touched and proposed to build a number of standardized, standardized, and all-round development well-off demonstration villages and towns that are well-known in the province and even the whole country.

In May of the following year, in Tengtou Village, Fenghua, Xi Jinping saw trees and fragrant flowers and fruits everywhere. Knowing that the village-level environmental protection committee was established in the village as early as 1993, Xi Jinping felt: "If a person's home is clean and the environment is good, his confidence in doing things will also increase. People change the environment, and the environment will be reversed. Can also affect people."

How to rectify it? There should be a model, with county-level as the platform, township as the main battlefield, and village level as the main battlefield. Each county should establish 10 demonstration villages, and 100 counties are called thousand village demonstrations. This project is called "thousand village demonstration and ten thousand village rectification".

On June 5, 2003, under the advocacy and auspices of Xi Jinping, Zhejiang Province launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project.


Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

The name "Ten Million Project" is well-known, but grassroots cadres and people also have concerns: will environmental remediation affect economic development? When can we see the results of investing money in rural areas with a large quantity and wide coverage?

The second is to hold an annual performance exhibition, where he personally focuses on the deployment, implementation, demonstration, and guidance of the "Ten Million Project", mobilizing everyone's enthusiasm.

On August 15, 2005, two years after the "Ten Thousand Project" was launched, Xi Jinping walked into Yu Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Yucun engaged in a "stone economy" by blasting mountains and mining, becoming a "wealthy village". However, environmental problems followed: Yucun's mountains became bald and water became "soy sauce soup".

In the 1980s, Yucun opened a mine and a cement factory.

From 2003 to 2005, taking advantage of the "Ten Million Project", Yucun closed mines and factories. The environment has improved, but the income of the people has declined significantly.

Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

How should Yucun develop?

Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. The scientific thesis put forward by Xi Jinping not only made Yucun aim at a new way to get rich, but also pointed out the direction for the transformation and development of Zhejiang villages.

Today's Yucun is surrounded by green mountains and full of greenery. Many people in the village have built homestays and farmhouses, and some young people who originally worked in big cities have also returned to their hometowns to open cafes and cultural and creative shops. From "chopping wood" to "looking at wood", from "digging stones" to "appreciating stones", the development model of rural areas in Zhejiang has undergone an important transformation.

Since 2003, Zhejiang has held on-site promotion meetings for 20 consecutive years, issuing an action plan every 5 years, and drawing a blueprint to the end: from "demonstration and rectification of thousands of villages" to "high-quality and beautiful thousands of villages", and then to "future and common prosperity of thousands of villages", Zhejiang has created thousands of beautiful villages and benefited thousands of farmers.

Guoman themed coffee shop filmed in Yu Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Sharp Leaf


Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

There is a sentence in the text: "The implementation of the 'Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation' project is an inevitable choice tailored to local conditions."

There are significant natural and economic differences in various regions of Zhejiang, including mountainous areas, plains, hills, coasts, and islands. Developed and underdeveloped areas, suburban areas, and pure agricultural villages are also different.It cannot be uniform, it must be tailored to local conditions.

Implementing the "Ten Million Project" to build ecologically livable and beautiful villages is not about making rural areas uniform. This time in Zhejiang, the group saw the "Thousand Villages and Thousand Faces" of beautiful countryside——

Tangdi Village, located in Lizhu Town, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, is known as the "Millennium Orchid Township". Through the improvement of the village environment, Tangdi fully leverages the resource advantages of "China's Spring Orchid Hometown" to create a characteristic tourist scenic village with flower and wood trading as the leading industry and orchid culture creative research and experience as the emerging industry. Orchids have become the prosperity flowers in the hands of the people;

Orchid planting base in Tangdi Village, Lizhu Town, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. Shown by Jing Xuan

Starting from Tangdi Village and heading south for over a hundred kilometers, the group arrived at Cailu Village. In the 1990s, the villagers of Cailu Village created the method of "broadcasting rice directly", which solved the problem of abandoning farmland in one fell swoop and was vigorously promoted as the "Cailu experience";

Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

A driverless tiller in Cailu Village, Chengdong Street, Dongyang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. Shown by Jing Xuan

Driving northwest from Tangdi Village will take about 2 hours to reach Xiaogucheng Village. For more than 20 years, there has been a democratic deliberation method circulating here, where everyone discusses and handles village affairs. From how to change the appearance of the village to how to build parking spaces in the village, the village party committee takes the lead in conducting democratic consultations with villagers under an ancient camphor tree time and time again

The wooden plate "under the camphor tree" in the small ancient city village of Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Shown by Jing Xuan‍‍

There is more than one answer to how to revitalize rural areas.


On September 26, 2018, in Manhattan, New York, a farmer named Qiu Lijin from Anji, Zhejiang was invited to the United Nations to receive an award. On this day, the "Ten Million Project" was awarded the highest environmental honor of the United Nations - the "Earth Guardian Award".

Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

On the podium, Julie Qin delivered her acceptance speech: "I come from a village in Zhejiang Province. Fifteen years ago, I had to carry a bucket full of dirty water every day to go far away to pour sewage. At that time, there was no sewage pipe in my kitchen, no dustbin in the village, and the river was polluted, black and smelly. Today, President Xi Jinping personally promoted the" Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation "project to turn our village into a beautiful postcard."

Evaluation by the United Nations Environment Programme: Some regions of China have achieved decades of environmental governance achievements from Western countries in a relatively short period of time, demonstrating the determination and wisdom to promote environmental governance and build ecological civilization.

On September 26, 2018, the United Nations Environment Programme's "Earth Guardian Award" ceremony was held in New York, USA. Qiu Lijin, a villager from Lujia Village, Dipu Town, Anji County, Zhejiang Province, delivered an award speech at the ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Muzi

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping has always been concerned about the development of rural areas in Zhejiang and has made important instructions on the "Ten Thousand Million Project" many times. In May 2015, Xi Jinping was in Zhejiang for research and walked into a farmhouse, and he said to everyone, "Zhejiang has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and it was indeed early and forward-looking to carry out the 'Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages' back then. I hope Zhejiang will keep up its efforts and continue to take the lead."

In 2019, the experience of "Ten Million Project" was written into the No. 1 central document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, becoming an important starting point and learning model for rural revitalization in the new era.

What has the implementation of the "Ten Million Project" for 20 years brought to Zhejiang? Data shows that 27000 administrative villages in the province have comprehensively promoted the construction of rural living environments, building 2170 characteristic boutique villages and more than 3 million beautiful courtyards, with a forest coverage rate of over 61%. In 2022, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Zhejiang was 37565 yuan, and the income gap between urban and rural residents was narrowed to within 1.9, laying a solid foundation for Zhejiang's high-quality development and construction of a demonstration zone for common prosperity.

Xi Jinping's "ten million" miss group | Zhejiang | Xi Jinping

The "Ten Million Project" has not only changed rural areas in Zhejiang, but also stirred up global resonance. After a United Nations official visited Zhejiang, he looked at the scene before him and said with emotion, "What I see here is the future of China, and even the future of the world."

Wen/Jingxuan, Ruiling

Editor/Jiudan, Zhong Qi

Source/People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News, etc

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