Important news

Xi Jinping holds ceremony to welcome Palestinian President to visit Great Hall of the People | China | Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping holds ceremony to welcome Palestinian President to visit Great Hall of the People | China | Xi Jinping

21 salutes were fired on Tiananmen Square. Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and State Councilor Qin Gang attended the welcome ceremony. Accompanying Abbas on his visit to China were Vice Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs, and members of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The military band played the national anthems of Pakistan and China.The two heads of state returned to the reviewing stand to watch the parade of the honor guard.

Xi Jinping holds talks with Palestinian president | Palestine | Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping holds talks with Palestinian president | Palestine | Xi Jinping

The two heads of state announced the establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Pakistan.China is one of the earliest countries to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine, and has always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, promoting a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible. China supports Palestine to become an official member of the United Nations and will continue to speak up and uphold justice for the Palestinian side in multilateral occasions. It is willing to continue to provide assistance to the Palestinian side to the best of its ability, help alleviate humanitarian difficulties, and carry out reconstruction. China is willing to establish strategic partnership with Pakistan

Exclusive video: Xi Jinping: The establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Palestine will become an important milestone in the history of bilateral relations. People | Palestine | Strategic Partner
Exclusive video: Xi Jinping: The establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Palestine will become an important milestone in the history of bilateral relations. People | Palestine | Strategic Partner

China and Pakistan are good friends and partners who trust and support each other. China is one of the earliest countries to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine, and has always firmly supported the just cause of restoring the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. In the face of the century long changes in the world and the new changes in the situation in the Middle East, China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible. Today, we will jointly announce the establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Pakistan

Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the State of Palestine on Establishing Strategic Partnership | China | Strategic Partnership
Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the State of Palestine on Establishing Strategic Partnership | China | Strategic Partnership

The two heads of state exchanged in-depth views on China Pakistan bilateral relations and the Palestinian issue in a friendly and friendly atmosphere, and reached broad consensus. The two heads of state highly praised the traditional friendship between China and Pakistan, and unanimously believed that both sides have always trusted and supported each other, and are true good friends, good partners, and good brothers; We unanimously agree to establish a strategic partnership between China and Pakistan, comprehensively promote friendly cooperation in various fields, and benefit the people of both sides. 1、 Both sides will continue to firmly support each other on issues related to each other's core interests and major concerns. The Pakistani side firmly adheres to the One China principle, supports China in safeguarding national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, and firmly opposes any actions taken by China

General Secretary's Concerned "Native Products" | Small Auricularia grows into a big industry Xi Jinping
General Secretary's Concerned "Native Products" | Small Auricularia grows into a big industry Xi Jinping

The tradition of planting black fungus in Zhashui County has a long history. However, due to outdated technology, low yields, and small scale, most farmers only consider it as a sideline. Industrial poverty alleviation is the most direct and effective method. Zhashui County has abandoned the traditional method of planting basswood trees that require logging, developed greenhouses, and scaled up the cultivation of Auricularia auricula, making Auricularia auricula the leading industry for poverty alleviation.

Xi Jinping Proposes Three Propositions on Solving the Palestinian Issue State Visit | Palestine | Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping Proposes Three Propositions on Solving the Palestinian Issue State Visit | Palestine | Xi Jinping

The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in establishing an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital and full sovereignty. Secondly, the economic and livelihood needs of Palestine should be guaranteed, and the international community should increase development assistance and humanitarian assistance to Palestine. Thirdly, we must adhere to the correct direction of peace talks. Respect the current status quo formed in the history of Jerusalem's religious holy sites, reject extremist and provocative words and actions, and promote the convening of a larger scale

Xi Jinping holds talks with Palestinian President Abbas President | President | Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping holds talks with Palestinian President Abbas President | President | Xi Jinping

In March of this year, you wrote to congratulate me on my re-election as the President of China, and I am grateful for this. You are the first Arab head of state received by the Chinese side this year, which fully reflects the high level of China Pakistan relations.China is one of the earliest countries to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine, and has always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people's restoration of their legitimate national rights

Fearless of difficulties!, Pursue dreams bravely. The reply from Chinese stars far away from the "Heavenly Palace" has brought the dream of Tibetan teenager Tseren Dajie closer: to be an astronaut like Chinese spaceman | Xizang | Tibetan
Fearless of difficulties!, Pursue dreams bravely. The reply from Chinese stars far away from the "Heavenly Palace" has brought the dream of Tibetan teenager Tseren Dajie closer: to be an astronaut like Chinese spaceman | Xizang | Tibetan

On June 14th, China Daily reported that before the crew of the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft returned to Earth, astronaut Fei Junlong sent a reply letter from the "Heavenly Palace" to the 16-year-old Tibetan boy Ciren Dajie. Ciren's hometown is Lhasa, Xizang Autonomous Region. Because of his excellent academic performance, he was admitted to Beijing No. 80 Middle School in 2021. He was one tenth of the ten thousand who sent letters to the crew of Shenzhou-15, but became the only lucky one to receive a reply from space. "At first, I was very excited. After calming down, I felt very grateful. I sincerely thank the National Space Administration for providing this opportunity to write to astronauts in space," said Ciren. In his letter to the astronauts, Ciren shared many things, including when he was young, he heard his grandfather tell about the stars in Xizang, and he learned about the dream of the sky through photography, and

Outlook, Enhance Historical Consciousness, and Strive for Revival Xi Jinping
Outlook, Promotion of History and Consciousness, Fortification of Revival Journey Xi Jinping

The Communist Party of China is good at using historical thinking through history, reality and the future, summing up historical experience, grasping historical laws, having a high degree of historical consciousness and the superb ability to grasp historical initiative, enhancing historical consciousness and strengthening historical self-confidence, helping to strengthen the "four self-confidence", helping to seize strategic opportunities and grasp the general trend of development, helping to cope with risks and challenges and withstand major tests. Fully implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, grasping its world outlook and methodology, adhering to and using the standpoints, viewpoints and methods that run through it is to continuously consolidate the ideological foundation for enhancing historical consciousness and strengthening historical self-confidence. On June 2, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Attended the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium in Beijing and delivered an important speech. Photo by Ju Peng

Building a Flourishing Force for the Future Together - Written on the occasion of the 100 day countdown to the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Asian Games | Citizens | Asian Games
Building a Flourishing Force for the Future Together - Written on the occasion of the 100 day countdown to the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Asian Games | Citizens | Asian Games

A holy land of civilization, let's go to the Asian Games together. Respond to eager expectations with comprehensive preparation and welcome guests from all directions with sincere smiles. On June 15th, there are still 100 days left until the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games. In 100 days, the light of the Asian Games will illuminate the banks of Xizi Lake; In 100 days, Asian athletes will join hands to play a deafening song towards the future. The Hangzhou Asian Games is the largest and highest level international comprehensive sports event held in China after the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It has attracted national and global attention.From the 1990 Beijing Asian Games to the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, and then to this year's Hangzhou Asian Games, China's comprehensive national strength and competition concept have all undergone changes

20 Years of "Ten Million Project" | Zhejiang: the "The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" Concept of Beautiful Countryside | Success | Countryside
20 Years of "Ten Million Project" | Zhejiang: the "The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" Concept of Beautiful Countryside | Success | Countryside

The "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, abbreviated as the "Ten Million Project", is a successful practice of the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets" in grassroots rural areas of Zhejiang. In the 20 years since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", the production and life of farmers in Zhejiang have undergone tremendous changes. A livable and prosperous countryside, a never-ending cultural heritage, a beautiful home with green mountains and clear waters, and an integrated and upgraded prosperous industry are slowly unfolding on the land of Zhijiang. The limestone in Huzhou, northern Zhejiang has excellent quality, and years of mining have brought dust to this once beautiful land of Jiangnan. After the underground decision to shut down the mines, selling ore became selling scenery, and from relying on mountains to eat mountains became nourishing mountains. Ecology has become the biggest advantage for the development of Huzhou today. The local area has retained "green" and also welcomed "youth", with more and more young talents coming forward

Head of State diplomacy | Historic meeting leads the long-term Development of China-Hong Kong Relations head of State diplomacy | China | Honduras
Head of State diplomacy | Historic meeting leads the long-term Development of China-Hong Kong Relations head of State diplomacy | China | Honduras

In summer, Beijing is sunny and verdant with countless trees.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Honduras in March this year, the relationship between the two countries has started rapidly, with a good start and showing vigorous vitality and broad prospects. This historic meeting between the two heads of state has led and promoted the in-depth development of bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, and pushed the relationship between the two countries towards a bright future. A New Chapter - Bilateral Interaction News Frequently Spreads, Salute Soldiers Line up to Pay Tribute, Military Orchestra Plays the National Anthem of China and Hong Kong, Tiananmen Square Fires 21 Salute Cannons... 1

Xi Jinping sends a congratulatory letter to the High-end Forum on Global Human Rights Governance | President | Human Rights
Xi Jinping sends a congratulatory letter to the High-end Forum on Global Human Rights Governance | President | Human Rights

We advocate safeguarding human rights with security, respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, following the path of peaceful development, practicing global security initiatives, and creating a peaceful environment for the realization of human rights; Promote human rights through development, implement global development initiatives, enhance the inclusiveness, inclusiveness, and sustainability of development, and safeguard the fair enjoyment of human rights by people of all countries through their unique modernization paths; Promote human rights through cooperation, respect each other, treat each other equally, implement global civilization initiatives, strengthen cultural exchanges and mutual learning, gather consensus through dialogue, and jointly promote the development and progress of human rights civilization.

[new ideas lead new journey] explore the footprint of civilization, firm culture, confident revival | General Secretary | Culture
[new ideas lead new journey] explore the footprint of civilization, firm culture, confident revival | General Secretary | Culture

Only by comprehensively and deeply understanding the history of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and more effectively promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and the construction of modern Chinese civilization.On the northern extension of Beijing's central axis, there is a large seal script“

Promoting the Clean and Honest Spirit, People's Daily Zhong Yin: Theme of Learning from the Correct Style | Education | Zhong Yin
Promoting the Clean and Honest Spirit, People's Daily Zhong Yin: Theme of Learning from the Correct Style | Education | Zhong Yin

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "strengthen the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era, educate and guide Party members and cadres to enhance their awareness of not wanting to be corrupt.". A refreshing breeze moistens thousands of households, and a clean and elegant charm embarks on a new journey. Carry out the Clean Culture Promotion Month activity and hold a Clean Speech Competition;

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui
Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

The yang of Shen Shui has a long cultural heritage. The vast black land and the surging waters of the Liao River have nurtured Shenyang, a powerful and heroic city, and nurtured a unique cultural character. Opening the urban history of Shenyang, three cultural threads are clearly displayed - prehistoric culture over 7200 years ago, city building history over 2300 years, "birthplace of one dynasty, capital of two emperors"... The historical heritage is so profound; The former site of the Communist Party of China Manchuria Provincial Committee, the Korean War Martyrs Cemetery, and the former site of the New China Special Military Tribunal for the Trial of Japanese War Criminals... The bright red background is particularly shining; Model worker who is as bright as stars, a great power with high morale, and many "firsts" in the industrial history of New China... What a glorious industrial civilization. All of this has settled in the urban bloodline of Shenyang, forming a unique cultural gene and urban character, nourishing generation after generation

Xinhua News Agency+| Cixi, Zhejiang: "Beautiful Butterfly Transformation" of "Ten Million Project" in Yousheng County, Zhouxiang Town, Cixi City | National | Butterfly Transformation
Xinhua News Agency+| Cixi, Zhejiang: "Beautiful Butterfly Transformation" of "Ten Million Project" in Yousheng County, Zhouxiang Town, Cixi City | National | Butterfly Transformation

On June 13th, an aerial view of Wan'anzhuang Village in Zhouxiang Town, Cixi City. This village is located in Zhouxiang Town, Cixi City, which is one of the first pilot towns for cultivating small cities in Zhejiang Province and a pilot town for cultivating satellite cities in Ningbo City. It has been awarded honors such as National Civilized Village, National Forest Village, and National Demonstration Village for Democracy and Rule of Law. In recent years, Cixi City in Zhejiang Province has continuously promoted the transformation of rural construction from "single breakthrough" to "overall development", from "one village per thousand" to "each with its own beauty". The rural living environment has been continuously improved, the rural ecological quality has been continuously optimized, and the quality of life of farmers has been significantly improved. Cixi City has been awarded the title of Excellent County in Zhejiang Province for Deepening the Construction of Beautiful Countryside in the New Era through the "Ten Million Project" for the past three consecutive years. With the continuous promotion of the "Ten Million Project", Cixi, Zhejiang has gone from the construction of beautiful countryside to the future countryside, and

The cross-border journey of "native products" | "a flower" concerned by the general secretary
The cross-border journey of "native products" | "a flower" concerned by the general secretary

Peony symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and auspiciousness, and has a long history of natural growth and cultivation in China for thousands of years.He inspected the Yao Shun Peony Industrial Park and gained a specific understanding of the development of the peony industry in Heze, exploring the value-added of peony processing, and driving farmers to increase their income and become prosperous. Since 2013, Heze City has been committed to building the peony industry chain and actively promoting the transformation and upgrading of the peony industry. At present, the peony industry in Heze is dominated by

President Xi Jinping Appoints and dismisses Ambassadors to Foreign Countries | the People's Republic of China | Countries
President Xi Jinping Appoints and dismisses Ambassadors to Foreign Countries | the People's Republic of China | Countries

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 13th. the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping appointed and removed the following ambassadors abroad in accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress: 1. removed Zhu Jing from the post of the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Democratic Republic of the Congo; appointed Zhao Bin as the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2. dismissed Guo Shaochun as the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Zimbabwe and appointed Zhou Ding as the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Zimbabwe. Liang Jianquan was 3. dismissed as the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Latvia; Tang Songgen was appointed as the People's Republic of China Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Latvia.

Micro Video | Common Pursuit of Career | Human Rights | Micro Video
Micro Video | Common Pursuit of Career | Human Rights | Micro Video

75 years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born amidst the ruins of World War II. 30 years ago, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action explicitly stated that all types of human rights have equal status. Today, countries around the world are moving towards the goal of enjoying human rights for all. In today's China, under the leadership of the CPC, the fate of countless people has changed, and China's human rights cause has achieved all-round development. China upholds the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, contributing four forces to the development of global human rights, and continuously injecting new impetus into the realization of the human rights goals established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. Protecting human life, values, and dignity, and realizing the enjoyment of human rights by all, is a common pursuit of human society. Producers: Fu Hua, Lv Yansong, Chief Producer

Guarding This "Pearl Outside the Great Wall" General Secretary's Concern about the New Changes in Wuliangsuhai - Exclusive Manuscript | Guarding This "Pearl Outside the Great Wall"|
Guarding This "Pearl Outside the Great Wall" General Secretary's Concern about the New Changes in Wuliangsuhai - Exclusive Manuscript | Guarding This "Pearl Outside the Great Wall"|

Located at the top of the "several bends" of the Yellow River, Wuliangsuhai is the largest lake and wetland in the Yellow River Basin, responsible for important functions such as water regulation, water quality purification, and ice and flood prevention. It is a natural ecological barrier that controls the sources of wind and sand in Beijing and Tianjin, and is known as the "pearl outside the Great Wall".People's Daily Online, CPC News Network, Learning Deeply This issue focuses on Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia, earnestly implementing

First observation: historic meeting between the heads of state of Zhonghong and Xi Jinping
First observation: historic meeting between the heads of state of Zhonghong and Xi Jinping

Beijing in June is sunny and sunny.Observe the profound meaning of this historic meeting from three dimensions. On March 26th of this year, China and Honduras officially established diplomatic relations, ushering in a new era of bilateral relations. As the first Honduran President to make a state visit to China, Castro's visit is of significant milestone significance.

New Ideas Leading a New Journey: Inheriting the Spirit of Saihanba and Strengthening the Ecological Barrier of Beijing and Tianjin | Area | Beijing and Tianjin
New Ideas Leading a New Journey: Inheriting the Spirit of Saihanba and Strengthening the Ecological Barrier of Beijing and Tianjin | Area | Beijing and Tianjin

CCTV News: Hebei Saihanba Machinery Forest Farm is the world's largest artificial forest and a vivid example of China's promotion of ecological civilization construction.Remember the instructions, the new generation of Saihanba people will vigorously promote the spirit of Saihanba, continue to struggle, and build a strong ecological barrier in Beijing and Tianjin. In June, the Saihanba Machinery Forest Farm was lush with greenery. During this period, workers were carrying out afforestation operations under the canopy. In 2022, the afforestation direction of Saihanba will shift to understory afforestation, and broad-leaved forests will be introduced, using a mixed method of coniferous and broad-leaved trees to construct a multi tree species, multi-level, and composite forest structure. More than 60 years ago, Saihanba was a plateau desert, with yellow sand blocking the sky and flying

Xinhua Review | From the Perspective of the Continuity of Chinese Civilization, "We Must Follow Our Own Path" - The Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization Series Review Part 2: China | The Chinese Nation | Continuity
Xinhua Review | From the Perspective of the Continuity of Chinese Civilization, "We Must Follow Our Own Path" - The Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization Series Review Part 2: China | The Chinese Nation | Continuity

Among them, "continuity" comes first. The source is dredged and the flow is long, while the root is deep and the leaves are lush. To understand the practical logic of an ancient country with a civilization history of over 5000 years, one must immerse oneself in the river of time and deeply grasp its historical logic; Inheritance is the only thing in the world that has been passed down since ancient times and has never been

Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras (full text) Joint Statement
Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras (full text) Joint Statement

Both sides unanimously believe that establishing diplomatic relations between China and Hong Kong on the basis of the One China principle opens a new chapter in the history of bilateral relations, conforms to the overall trend of the times, and is in line with the fundamental interests of both countries and their peoples. Looking towards the future, both sides have agreed to strengthen political leadership, promote exchanges at all levels between China and Hong Kong, enhance cultural exchanges and cooperation in various fields

Focus Interview | This hot spot of high-quality development has created nearly a quarter of the country's economic aggregate | high-quality | economic aggregate
Focus Interview | This hot spot of high-quality development has created nearly a quarter of the country's economic aggregate | high-quality | economic aggregate

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly states that "high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.". This year is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Starting from May 11th, the Central Propaganda Department organized major central media and relevant local media to carry out themed interviews on "High Quality Development Research Tour", delving into the frontline and fully reporting on the beneficial experiences, highlights, and achievements of high-quality development at the grassroots frontline. The first stop of the "High Quality Development Research Tour" is in the Yangtze River Delta region, including Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces and cities. This is a hot land for high-quality development - less than 4% of the country's land area, creating nearly a quarter of the country's total economic output. What are the findings from the research? The Yangtze River Delta region is the most active, open, and innovative region in China's economic development

High quality development research tour | Sing the ocean pastoral song - Guangdong's "blue economy" development enters the fast lane pasture | Ocean | Blue
High quality development research tour | Sing the ocean pastoral song - Guangdong's "blue economy" development enters the fast lane pasture | Ocean | Blue

In the Wanshan area of Zhuhai, Guangdong, a white "fortress" floats on the endless blue sea surface. As it slowly rises, a 12 meter high net cage emerges from the water, and schools of grouper raised in the cage shuttle and swim. This is the first large-scale semi submersible wave energy aquaculture tourism platform in China, "Penghu", and also a microcosm of Guangdong's marine ranching practice. The ocean is a strategic location for high-quality development. Guangdong is a major maritime province with a winding mainland coastline of 4314 kilometers and a vast sea area of 420000 square kilometers. Its unique climate and natural environment have nurtured abundant marine life. Emerging from the sea and striving for strength towards the sea, Guangdong Province's total marine production value reached 1.8 trillion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%. The "blue economy" is accelerating its development on the land of southern Guangdong, and "ocean ranches"

The "the Belt and Road" has added Latin American friends, and the first historic meeting between China and Hong Kong has been achieved | two countries | one belt
The "the Belt and Road" has added Latin American friends, and the first historic meeting between China and Hong Kong has been achieved | two countries | one belt

I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the China Hong Kong relationship will surely remain stable and move towards a bright future. The two countries signed a series of bilateral cooperation documents on the same day. Among many achievements, Honduras has expressed its willingness to actively participate in the "the Belt and Road" initiative and signed relevant cooperation documents with China. In addition, the two countries have begun to negotiate a free trade agreement. Several analysts told Global Times reporters that less than three months after the establishment of diplomatic relations, Hong Fang expressed his participation in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative

"selecting talents without sticking to one style"-- Comrade Xi Jinping's practice and inspiration of launching "Nine principles for talents" during his work in Zhengding, Hebei Province | Xi Jinping | talents
"selecting talents without sticking to one style"-- Comrade Xi Jinping's practice and inspiration of launching "Nine principles for talents" during his work in Zhengding, Hebei Province | Xi Jinping | talents

Talents are flourishing, and national fortune is flourishing. The issue of talent is not only an urgent task for revitalizing Zhengding, but also a century long strategic plan with strategic significance; Talent introduction requires new ideas, broad perspectives, and major measures, which require an international perspective to attract talents from both national and global perspectives; "Improve the strategic layout of talents, adhere to the joint efforts of talents from all aspects, and build a large-scale, structurally reasonable, and high-quality talent team"