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Let the treasures of Chinese civilization shine with new brilliance General Secretary | The Chinese nation | Treasures
Let the treasures of Chinese civilization shine with new brilliance General Secretary | The Chinese nation | Treasures

Oracle bone bamboo slips, depicting the storms and vicissitudes of life; Qin bricks and Han tiles, engraved with the code of civilization. The Chinese civilization carries the never-ending spiritual bloodline of the Chinese nation, and the Chinese treasures remain brilliant and dazzling after thousands of years of trials and tribulations.According to the rules of ancient times, open up the face of today.From the explosive growth in the number of visitors to heritage landmarks, to the increasingly important way of leisure and entertainment for museums to the gradual development of intangible cultural and creative products... The towering China showcases its culture and nature on the vast land

Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization and Cultural Confidence and Self Strengthening - Cultural and Natural Heritage Day Theme Promotion Video Humanities | Huazhang | Culture
Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization and Cultural Confidence and Self Strengthening - Cultural and Natural Heritage Day Theme Promotion Video Humanities | Huazhang | Culture

A drop of water nurtures a tree with all things, giving birth to a gust of wind. The string song never stops, coming from millions of years ago. I am the twinkling of stars from thousands of years ago. I am the rising dawn from over 5000 years ago. I am Huazhang Zhaoqi, observing humanity and transforming the world. I stand tall in the east, shining with the natural way of Taoism, and the singing of mountains and rivers. I am the imprint of time. Shengde is constantly new, and I am accepting and cultivating the character of all directions. I live in abundance due to the times, and I am close to your pulse. The east and west converge with the Nine Provinces, and the same day is new. New again, I endow rebirth with dignity that blends past and present. I understand the meaning of awakening and bridge the gap of time. I believe that time will forever sing, and I will moisten the world. Now, I have become your envoy and join hands with all nations to go to the stars, the sea, and the magnificent land of God

Current and political micro-records | General Secretary Xi Jinping's Inner Mongolia travel micro-records | Xi Jinping
Current and political micro-records | General Secretary Xi Jinping's Inner Mongolia travel micro-records | Xi Jinping

In June, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Inner Mongolia to start his sixth domestic inspection this year. On the afternoon of June 5, Xi Jinping came to Wuliangsuhai to learn about the local situation of integrated protection and systematic management of grass and sand in mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and lakes, and to observe the natural features and surrounding ecological environment of Wuliangsuhai. Subsequently, Xi Jinping came to the modern agricultural demonstration park on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai, inspected the display of soil and seed samples, went into the field, carefully observed the growth of wheat and pepper, and asked the agrotechnical personnel at the scene about the construction of high-standard farmland. On the morning of the 6th, Xi Jinping continued his inspection in Bayannur. At the state-run Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District, Xi Jinping learned about the construction of the "three north" shelterbelt system and inspected the sand under control on the spot. After that, Xi Jinping came to the water information monitoring center of Hetao Irrigation District to listen.

Striving to Write a New Chapter of Chinese Modernization in Inner Mongolia -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's Return Visit to Inner Mongolia
Striving to Write a New Chapter of Chinese Modernization in Inner Mongolia -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's Return Visit to Inner Mongolia

In June, the land of Inner Mongolia is lush with greenery and clear skies.Protect this "pearl beyond the Great Wall" and vigorously develop modern and efficient agriculture and water-saving industries. Located at the top of the "bend" of the Yellow River, the Wuliangsu Sea is rippling with blue waves

Webcast + | Xi Jinping delineates these "lines" for Inner Mongolia development | Red Line | Inner Mongolia
Webcast + | Xi Jinping delineates these "lines" for Inner Mongolia development | Red Line | Inner Mongolia

CCTV Network's "Lianbo+" has launched a long graphic to learn with you.

Let the light of civilization blending shine on future civilization
Let the light of civilization blending shine on future civilization

June 10, 2023 is Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. History tells us that only through exchange and mutual learning can a civilization be full of vitality. As long as we uphold the spirit of inclusiveness, there will be no "clash of civilizations" and we can achieve civilized harmony. Civilization is colorful, and human civilization has the value of exchange and mutual learning because of its diversity. Civilization is equal, and human civilization has the premise of exchange and mutual learning because of equality. Civilization is inclusive, and human civilization is driven by inclusiveness to exchange and learn from each other. Civilization is colorful through communication, and enriched through mutual learning. Civilization exchange and mutual learning are important driving forces for promoting the progress of human civilization and world peace and development. Total Production: Sun Zhiping, Director: Zhao Ningning, Zhang Yibin, Dubbing: Dong Qianqi, Filmed by: Ma Fenran, Xu Dayou, Leonardo Ceneri Longbrosso

What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi
What is the meaning behind it?, Current Politics Micro Observation | General Secretary Emphasizes "Top Priority" Industrial Park | Energy | He Shenyi

He emphasized that promoting the transformation and upgrading of the traditional energy industry, vigorously developing green energy, and expanding and strengthening important national energy bases are the top priorities for Inner Mongolia's development.Inner Mongolia is an important national energy and strategic resource base, as well as a production base for agricultural and livestock products. For many years, Inner Mongolia's energy economy has consistently ranked first in the country in multiple indicators: actual coal production capacity ranked first in the country, total installed capacity of electricity ranked first in the country, new energy installed capacity ranked first in the country, coal export ranked first in the country, and total exported electricity output ranked first in the country

Creative Poster | General Secretary of "Bringing More Cultural Relics and Heritage to Life" | Culture | Poster
Creative Poster | General Secretary of "Bringing More Cultural Relics and Heritage to Life" | Culture | Poster

The text is recorded in the object, with the essence attached to it.Numerous cultural relics

First observation? the General Secretary points out the direction for the development of Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping.
First observation? the General Secretary points out the direction for the development of Inner Mongolia, Xi Jinping.

"Two barriers," "two bases," and "one bridgehead," respectively refer to important ecological security barriers in northern China and security and stability barriers in northern Xinjiang; National important energy and strategic resource bases, as well as agricultural and livestock product production bases; Our country is an important gateway for opening up to the north."Building a Thousand Mile Green Great Wall in Northern Xinjiang of China" This time

Micro observation of current affairs | Let historical context better inherit culture | Nature | Current affairs
Micro observation of current affairs | Let historical context better inherit culture | Nature | Current affairs

Treasures are collected in museums, written in ancient books, and displayed on vast lands.June this year

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: China and the United States need to explore the correct way of getting along in the new era Xie Feng | National Committee on US China Trade | Xie Feng: China and the United States need to
Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng: China and the United States need to explore the correct way of getting along in the new era Xie Feng | National Committee on US China Trade | Xie Feng: China and the United States need to

On June 7, 2023, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was invited to attend the welcome event held by the National Committee on US China Trade for his inauguration and delivered a keynote speech. Xie Feng emphasized that China has brought rare stability and urgently needed certainty to the turbulent world. China and the United States should respect each other, coexist peacefully, cooperate for mutual benefit, and explore the correct way for China and the United States to coexist in the new era. If we use "risk reduction" as a cover for "decoupling", it will bury more nails in the relationship between the two countries. Maintaining stability in China US relations and safeguarding the interests of each country go hand in hand, and promoting economic and trade cooperation and common development between the two countries complement each other. On June 7, 2023, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was invited to attend the welcome event held by the National Committee on US China Trade for his inauguration and delivered a keynote speech. China brings rare stability to the world

To be responsible for the people, to be responsible for history, to be responsible for ecology, and to be responsible for history
To be responsible for the people, to be responsible for history, to be responsible for ecology, and to be responsible for history

Bayannur is located in the Hetao Plain, where there is only one set of wealth in the Yellow River. For thousands of years, forests have been competing against sand, water has been nourishing the fields, the sun rises and sets, and it thrives and thrives. Lengthen the lens. In China's territory, a ten thousand mile wind sand belt starting from the Tarim Basin in the west and ending in the west of the Songnen Plain in the east is the place where China's key ecological projects such as desertification prevention and control and the "three north" have overcome difficulties. The "Three North" project began in the year of reform and opening up, aiming to turn "thousands of miles of sandstorms" into "Green Great Wall".

New Ideas Lead a New Journey: Guarding the Long Historical Roots and Inheriting the Splendid History of Chinese Civilization | Cultural Relics | Chinese Civilization
New Ideas Lead a New Journey: Guarding the Long Historical Roots and Inheriting the Splendid History of Chinese Civilization | Cultural Relics | Chinese Civilization

We must solidly carry out systematic protection of intangible cultural heritage, better meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people, and promote cultural confidence and self-improvement. Today is China's Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, with the theme of "Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization and Cultural Confidence and Self Strengthening". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, breakthrough progress and historic achievements have been made in the protection, utilization, inheritance and development of China's historical and cultural heritage. Let cultural relics speak, let history speak, and let culture speak. The innovative and creative genes contained in cultural relics resources and cultural heritage are constantly activated. Historical and cultural heritage is non renewable

The "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart, look at the forest, look at the water, see the sand, look at the "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart-- exclusive manuscript | look at the forest, see the water and see the sand |
The "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart, look at the forest, look at the water, see the sand, look at the "green China" in Xi Jinping's heart-- exclusive manuscript | look at the forest, see the water and see the sand |

From June 5 to 6, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Bayannur City in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region and went deep into nature reserves, modern agricultural demonstration parks, forest farms, and water conservancy departments. he presided over a forum on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three north" and delivered an important speech. From June 5 to 6, 2023, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state president, and chairman of the Central military Commission, inspected Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, and presided over a forum on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three north". On the morning of the 6th, Xi Jinping inspected the state-run Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi took a photo of the inspection and investigation all the way, and the general secretary looked at the forest, water and sand, while consolidating and expanding the achievements of desert prevention and control.

Learning Seasons | Lion Awakening Youth Ling Yunzhi's Passionate Youth Dance Huazhang Culture | Seasons
Learning Seasons | Lion Awakening Youth Ling Yunzhi's Passionate Youth Dance Huazhang Culture | Seasons

The magnificent China has a long history and a vast civilization.The Chinese nation is thriving, and Chinese culture has a long and rich history. Guangdong, as the birthplace of Lingnan culture, holds a very important cultural position.June 10, 2023 is the seventh cultural and natural heritage day in China. With a thousand year history, Xingshi is one of the important representatives of the inheritance of Guangfu culture and spirit. In 2006

General Secretary Xi Jinping praised these beautiful intangible cultural heritage projects, ethnic | characteristics | industry | Chaozhou | tradition | skills | intangible | Xi Jinping | General Secretary | cultural heritage
General Secretary Xi Jinping praised these beautiful intangible cultural heritage projects, ethnic | characteristics | industry | Chaozhou | tradition | skills | intangible | Xi Jinping | General Secretary | cultural heritage

According to Liu Lu from Xinhua News Agency, intangible cultural heritage embodies the unique wisdom and cultural essence of the Chinese nation, continuing the spiritual bloodline of our country and nation.In Heilongjiang Province, the Hezhe Imakan Hezhe Imakan musical "Lahasusu" is being performed in Beijing. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liangkuai takes a photo of the Hezhe ethnic group's imakan as a storyteller of Hezhe ethnic group's Quyi

"do great things for a long time", as soon as you remember the mission entrusted by the General Secretary | Xi Jinping | General Secretary
"do great things for a long time", as soon as you remember the mission entrusted by the General Secretary | Xi Jinping | General Secretary

Observing this survey, the concept of "long-term success" has been consistently present throughout the journey - in Wuliangsuhai, it is pointed out that "we should manage with care and care carefully, and persist in it for a long time."; At the state-run Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District, when talking about the construction of the "three north" shelter forest system project, it was required that "we must continue to do a good job in this work, and be worthy of our ancestors and descendants"; At the Water Information Monitoring Center of Hetao Irrigation District, it is emphasized that "irrigation engineering in Hetao Irrigation District is a millennium old industry, and it has been a great effort and is also worth it" The forest is thin and delicate, and the stream is not only flowing

President Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and the construction of border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Border Defense Forces | Chairman | Control
President Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and the construction of border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Border Defense Forces | Chairman | Control

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 10th. Title: Resolutely obey the orders and strive to forge the Great Wall of Steel to defend the country and defend the border. Chairman Xi Jinping's important speech when investigating border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia aroused strong repercussions in the entire army. Xinhua News Agency reporter Mei Changwei, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping investigated border control and border defense forces in Inner Mongolia on June 7th, he listened to reports on the situation in the northern theater, the army, the border defense brigade stationed in Inner Mongolia, and the Inner Mongolia Military Region and delivered important speeches. The whole army conscientiously studied and understood the spirit of the speech, and believed that President Xi's important speech profoundly answered a series of fundamental, overall, and directional major questions about the new situation of border defense work in the new era, and will certainly encourage the broad masses of officers and men to further strengthen their responsibilities and keep the border for the party and the people.

Journalist's note: Following General Secretary's insights into the harmonious coexistence of China's intelligent system | Landscape | Wisdom
Journalist's note: Following General Secretary's insights into the harmonious coexistence of China's intelligent system | Landscape | Wisdom

Xinhua News Agency, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, June 10th (Xinhua) -- Reporter's note: Following General Secretary Zhu Jichai and Huang Yue's insights into the harmonious coexistence of China, Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhu Jichai and Huang Yue make a powerful and vigorous stroke in the nine bends of the Yellow River. Taking a plane from Beijing to Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, from east to west, the route roughly follows the direction of the Yinshan Mountains. Entering the sky above Bayannur, through the porthole, one can see the scene: the winding Yellow River turns eastward when encountering the Yin Mountain Range. The Yin Mountain is towering like a huge screen, while the Yellow River meanders like a giant dragon. Under the screen arches, on the north bank of the Yellow River, and above the back of the giant dragon, lies the world-renowned Hetao Plain. On the south bank of the Yellow River, the Kubuqi Desert stretches endlessly. A touch of eye-catching green, either connected into a line or a forest, interwoven with the endless yellow sand

Xi Jinping's Excerpts on Women, Children and Women's Federation Work Published
Xi Jinping's Excerpts on Women, Children and Women's Federation Work Published

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 11. The book "Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Excerpts on the Work of Women and Children and Women's Federations" edited by the Party History and Literature Research Institute of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was recently published by the Central Literature Publishing House and distributed nationwide. The cause of women has always been an important part of the cause of the Party and the people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has proceeded from the overall development of the party and the country, attached great importance to and actively promoted women's work, strengthened the party's leadership over women's work, adhered to the path of socialist women's development with Chinese characteristics, and deployed Women's Federation Reform tasks, give play to the active role of women in all aspects, and promote historic achievements in my country's women's cause. Comrade Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on the work of women and children and the Women's Federation have lofty intentions, rich connotations, and profound thoughts.

Micro Video | Strengthening the Construction of an Education Strong Country, Comprehensively Improving Population Quality with High Quality | Population | Micro Video
Micro Video | Strengthening the Construction of an Education Strong Country, Comprehensively Improving Population Quality with High Quality | Population | Micro Video

June 11th is China Population Day. Population development is a major event related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The first meeting of the 20th Central Financial and Economic Commission recently stressed that Chinese path to modernization should be supported by high-quality population development. The meeting proposed to regard the construction of an education strong country as a strategic project for high-quality population development, comprehensively improving the scientific and cultural quality, health quality, and ideological and moral quality of the population. High quality scientific and cultural supply is continuously improving the scientific and cultural literacy of the people. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly proposes to "strengthen youth sports work". Rock climbing, baseball, running, ice sports... Sports activities are gradually being added to students' schedules and becoming an essential part of their learning and life. The 14th Five Year Plan for Cultural Development points out that improving families and schools

New Ideas Lead a New Journey: China's Space Station Chases Dreams of a Divine Boat in the Sky | Astronauts | Space Station
New Ideas Lead a New Journey: China's Space Station Chases Dreams of a Divine Boat in the Sky | Astronauts | Space Station

Recently, Shenzhou-16 took off, Shenzhou-15 triumphed, and the Chinese space station shone in space. In the vast universe of the new era, China has written a magnificent chapter in the aerospace dream, supporting the Chinese dream. This is the second rendezvous of Chinese astronauts in space, which marks the first time that three generations of astronauts have gathered at the space station. The space station has welcomed three types of astronauts for the first time.

Resolutely obey orders and work hard to forge a strong defense force for the country, the Great Wall, and the border
Resolutely obey orders and work hard to forge a strong defense force for the country, the Great Wall, and the border

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission investigated border control and border defense force construction in Inner Mongolia on June 7, listened to reports on the northern theater, the army, the border defense brigade in Inner Mongolia, and the Inner Mongolia Military Region, and delivered an important speech. The whole army has conscientiously studied and understood the spirit of the speech, and believes that President Xi's important speech profoundly answers a series of fundamental, overall, and directional major questions about the new situation of border defense work in the new era, and will certainly encourage the broad masses of officers and men to further strengthen their responsibilities, guard the border, strengthen defense, and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests for the party and the people. The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Northern War Zone held a special meeting to earnestly study the spirit of Chairman Xi's important speech, deeply understand the connotation and essence, study and implement specific measures, and express the need to keep in mind Chairman Xi's care, love and ardent

China's foreign trade demonstrates "resilience" in cross-border trade | E-commerce | China
China's foreign trade demonstrates "resilience" in cross-border trade | E-commerce | China

CCTV News: In the first five months of this year, China's trade with emerging markets grew rapidly, and cross-border e-commerce flourished. During the investigation, the reporter found that foreign trade entities in various regions actively think about changes, accelerate digital and green transformation, and the resilience of foreign trade continues to emerge. Not long ago, the first "Yixin Europe" and "New Energy" China Europe freight train, loaded with materials for photovoltaic power station projects, departed from Yiwu and headed to Uzbekistan. Since this year, emerging markets have become a new growth point of China's foreign trade. In the first five months, China's trade volume with China and Asia has increased by more than 40%, and its total imports and exports to countries along the "the Belt and Road" have achieved double-digit growth. During the investigation, the reporter found that in the face of the real difficulties of global economic downturn and weak external demand, foreign trade operators are also actively adapting and enhancing their competitive advantages. In this foreign trade company in Hangzhou, the enterprise utilizes flexibility

Xinhua News Agency+| "Ten Million Project" has created countless beautiful villages in Haili Village, Shitang Town, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province over the past 20 years. In recent years | Culture | Xinhua All Media+
Xinhua News Agency+| "Ten Million Project" has created countless beautiful villages in Haili Village, Shitang Town, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province over the past 20 years. In recent years | Culture | Xinhua All Media+

In June 2003, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project. Select around 10000 administrative villages from 40000 villages in the province for comprehensive renovation, and build around 1000 central villages into comprehensive well-off demonstration villages. Over the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has been solidly promoted and contributed to the creation of thousands of beautiful rural areas in Zhejiang, benefiting thousands of farmers, with significant results and far-reaching impact. In September 2018, the "Ten Million Project" was awarded the highest environmental honor by the United Nations Environment Programme - the "Earth Guardian Award". Elementary school students are playing football in a football field donated by local elites in Lipu Town, Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province. Xinhua News Agency reporter Weng Xinyang took a photo of a rural bookstore built in Honglishan Village, Daochang Township, Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. In recent years, Daochang Township has adhered to the principle of "satisfying the spiritual and cultural needs of the people"

The General Secretary is concerned about the "local products" and the bamboo fragrance in Shenshan Village Xi Jinping.
The General Secretary is concerned about the "local products" and the bamboo fragrance in Shenshan Village Xi Jinping.

He came to Shenshan Village, Maoping Township, Jinggangshan City, and praised the descendants of the Red Army martyrs, Zuo Xiufa and Zuo Xiangyun, for their practice of relying on local resources and increasing income through bamboo and wood processing to alleviate poverty. He wished the bamboo tubes they produced sell well. Villager Zuo Xiangyun utilized the abundant bamboo resources in the local area to embark on the path of entrepreneurship and wealth. In 2017, Jinggangshan City listed the bamboo industry as one of the "four major industries" for key development in the city. As of now, the local

Daxing's pragmatic style, with the theme of learning from the correct style | aspect | Daxing
Daxing's pragmatic style, with the theme of learning from the correct style | aspect | Daxing

The issue of party conduct is related to the survival of the ruling party.

Frontline research | A "bed" leaps over the dragon gate! Breaking through the core key technology of 0.01mm and continuously surpassing Dong Lingyun | Technology | Frontline
Frontline research | A "bed" leaps over the dragon gate! Breaking through the core key technology of 0.01mm and continuously surpassing Dong Lingyun | Technology | Frontline

The technical level of high-end CNC machine tools is one of the standards for measuring a country's core manufacturing capabilities. Last year, China's machine tool industry ranked first in the world with a production volume of 182.3 billion yuan. However, being large but not strong is the biggest bottleneck restricting the development of China's machine tools. How to break through in high-end machine tool manufacturing? Recently, the reporter conducted a survey on the largest CNC machine tool research and production base in China - General Technology Shenyang Machine Tool. The user distribution map released by Shenyang Machine Tool this month covers multiple key industries such as energy, rail transit, automobiles, and construction machinery. On the day of the reporter's investigation, Dong Lingyun, the Minister of Strategy and Operations of Shenyang Machine Tool, was about to conduct a follow-up visit with the technical service department on the user experience of the new Longmen series products. Thanks to the significant improvement in core technical indicators, the new products of the Longmen series have been highly recognized by users