Inheriting and Promoting Traditional Forms of Ethnic Folk Literature and Art | China | Ethnic Groups

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:53 PM

Xi Jinping: we should attach importance to the development of nationalized artistic content and form, inherit and carry forward the tradition of national folk literature and art, expand styles, schools and forms, and clearly establish Chinese style and Chinese style in the field of world literature and art.

These words come from General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literature and Art and the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association on December 14, 2021.

In the more than 5000 years of civilization history of the Chinese nation, the people of all ethnic groups living on the land of China have created and inherited rich and colorful literature and art with distinct national characteristics and strong local flavor through long-term labor and production life. They are full of the most sincere thoughts and emotions of the Chinese nation, carrying the most vivid craft wisdom and the most simple aesthetic taste. In more than 2800 counties and 40000 townships in China, many places have their own unique forms of folk art, ranging from myths, epics, rap literature, to storytelling, mountain songs, and local operas. These rich and colorful folk arts not only reflect the vivid local customs and traditions in China's vast territory, but also provide rich cultural and spiritual nourishment for people. They are an important component of excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The General Secretary once wrote back to the members of the Ulan Cavalry team in Sunite Right Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, encouraging them to always be the "red literary light cavalry" on the grassland; During his inspection in Xinyang, Henan, the General Secretary encouraged Zhang Xiufang and her husband Fang Yingliang, the inheritors of the intangible cultural heritage of Guangshan Flower Drum Opera, to pass on the tradition of Flower Drum Opera well;

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, folk literature and art in China have flourished, not only driving the whole society to further deepen its recognition and inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also driving their innovative practice and development. In the 15th Chinese Folk Literature and Art "Shanhua Award" selection last year, a large number of excellent folk literature and art works were shortlisted for awards, including "Shanghai Urban Folk History" which won the Excellent Folk Literature and Art Academic Work Award, as well as the folk song "Shepherd Horse" which won the Excellent Folk Art Performance Work Award, and the square song and dance work "Prosperous Wind". In the process of implementing the rural revitalization strategy, folk literature and art, as an important lever to maintain nostalgia and promote rural cultural construction, will undoubtedly help empower the development of rural cultural industries.

The more national, the more global. In the new journey, we will launch more excellent works that enhance the spiritual power of the people. For the vast number of folk literary and artistic workers, it is necessary to constantly refine and create more excellent literary and artistic works with national characteristics, showcasing Chinese style, and embodying Chinese style in the vast and profound Chinese civilization, constantly expanding styles and forms, and inheriting Chinese excellent traditional culture in a more dynamic way.

Interpretation of this issue: Tian Tian Yangguang Network Commentator

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