Important news

Head of State Diplomacy | This Economic Corridor Interprets the "24/7" Friendship between China and Pakistan | Head of State Diplomacy | China Pakistan Economic Corridor
Head of State Diplomacy | This Economic Corridor Interprets the "24/7" Friendship between China and Pakistan | Head of State Diplomacy | China Pakistan Economic Corridor

On July 31st, multiple landmark buildings in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, illuminated the colors of the national flags of China and Pakistan in the darkness.The China Pakistan Economic Corridor is a landmark project and an important pilot project for the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". Over the past decade, with the concern and promotion of the leaders of both countries, China and Pakistan have focused on corridor construction, with a focus on Gwadar Port, energy, infrastructure construction, and industrial cooperation. Together, they have painted a picture of "connecting Kashgar in Xinjiang to the north, Gwadar Port to the south, and crossing the plateau gorge"

The Road to Building a Strong Army | With a Sound of "Arriving", One's Life Goes to Belief | The People's Army | One's Life
The Road to Building a Strong Army | With a Sound of "Arriving", One's Life Goes to Belief | The People's Army | One's Life

The lofty ideals and beliefs are the spiritual strength for the people's army to move forward courageously, and are the burning torch in the hearts of all soldiers. On the path of progress, the People's Army must unwaveringly adhere to its lofty ideals and beliefs, and dare to work tirelessly for them at any time and under any circumstances——

Actively responding to extreme heavy rainfall and flood situation, local rescue and disaster relief continue to be carried out in Haihe | Du Suri | Rescue and disaster relief
Actively responding to extreme heavy rainfall and flood situation, local rescue and disaster relief continue to be carried out in Haihe | Du Suri | Rescue and disaster relief

CCTV News: Due to the impact of Typhoon "Du Suri", extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, the Yellow and Huai Rivers, and other areas in recent days, resulting in large-scale floods in the Haihe River basin. Starting today, precipitation in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other areas has significantly begun to weaken, and various regions have continued to invest a large number of rescue forces to rush to the scene for emergency response, making every effort to provide disaster relief and rescue. Today, rainstorm yellow warning and flood red warning have been lifted in Beijing. Rescue forces in multiple areas of Beijing continue to follow up. At around 8:30 am this morning, the first batch of 328 passengers of K396 train, trapped in Luopo Ridge in Mentougou District for two days and two nights, safely arrived at Fengtai Station in Beijing under the escort of armed police soldiers. The remaining passengers also arrived one after another by train. The emergency repair work in multiple areas of Beijing continues, and the officers and soldiers of the 82nd Group of the Central Theater Command Army have successively opened up and widened the Miaofengshan Town government to the grave

Enhancing the Gold Content of Growth through the Green Content of Development (People's Current Review) Maritime | China | Current Review
Enhancing the Gold Content of Growth through the Green Content of Development (People's Current Review) Maritime | China | Current Review

Green, circular, and low-carbon development is the direction of technological revolution and industrial transformation in today's era, and it is the most promising development field. China has considerable potential in this area, which can form many new economic growth points and generate 34.2 kilowatt hours of electricity in one revolution! Not long ago, the world's first 16 megawatt ultra large capacity offshore wind turbine successfully connected to the grid for power generation at an offshore wind farm in Fujian. At present, the installed capacity of non fossil energy power generation in China accounts for over 50%, historically exceeding the installed capacity of fossil energy power generation, reflecting the solid pace of China's green and low-carbon development. Green development is a high-quality and sustainable development that achieves maximum economic and social benefits with minimal resource and environmental costs. In the first half of this year, the "gold content" of China's economic growth rate was relatively high, which is an important manifestation of the synergy between green transformation and economic growth

Direct attack on site! K396, Z180, K1178 Train Passenger Transfer Record | Railway | Passenger
Direct attack on site! K396, Z180, K1178 Train Passenger Transfer Record | Railway | Passenger

Recently, due to the impact of Typhoon Du Suri, extreme rainfall processes have occurred in North China, the Yellow and Huai Rivers, causing floods and geological disasters. The Fengsha, Shitai, Jingguang and other railway lines in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, as well as the Beijing Railway hub, have suffered serious water damage, and multiple passenger trains have been blocked. More than 2700 passengers and crew members on trains K396, Z180, and K1178 experienced signal interruptions and material shortages, which have touched the hearts of the entire nation. The People's Railway newspaper has gathered all media editorial forces, formed multiple special reporting teams, and rushed to the railway flood prevention and disaster relief and passenger transportation sites to provide comprehensive and multi-dimensional coverage of stranded passengers, staff, and rescue personnel. K396 train: "As long as there is still one point of strength, we must persevere until the end." On August 2nd at 12:53, the second rescue train consisting of six trains carried 1

【 Daily Learning Session · Youth Home 】 Strive to become a socialist builder and successor with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. China | Era | Youth
【 Daily Learning Session · Youth Home 】 Strive to become a socialist builder and successor with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. China | Era | Youth

The hope of the country lies in the youth, and the future of the nation lies in the youth. The ideals, beliefs, mental state, and comprehensive qualities of the younger generation are important manifestations of a country's development vitality and also important factors in a country's core competitiveness.

Focusing on High Quality Development | Liaoning: Cultivating a fertile ground for the development of private economy | Projects | fertile ground
Focusing on High Quality Development | Liaoning: Cultivating a fertile ground for the development of private economy | Projects | fertile ground

The picture shows the installation area of Hengli's 1.5 million tons/year ethylene project. Xinhua News Agency, Shenyang, August 1st - The business environment is the soil for the survival and development of enterprises, and whether the soil quality is good or not, enterprises have the most say. In recent years, Liaoning Province has successively introduced policy measures to promote economic development and optimize the business environment, stimulate the vitality of market entities, and promote the accelerated development of the private economy. Data shows that as of the end of June, the market entities in Liaoning Province have developed to 4.8996 million households, a year-on-year increase of 6.88%. At present, there are 4.589 million private economic operators in the province, accounting for 95.9% of the total number of operators. The continuously growing private economy has not only become the foundation and resilience to stabilize the economic foundation, but also provides a continuous source of endogenous power for high-quality economic development. Excellent environment enables more

"One Asia" Jointly Creating the Future for the Hangzhou Asian Games Promotion Song "Same Love" MV Released in Asia | Music | Promotion
"One Asia" Jointly Creating the Future for the Hangzhou Asian Games Promotion Song "Same Love" MV Released in Asia | Music | Promotion

On August 3rd, the music video for the Hangzhou Asian Games promotion song "Together in Love" was officially released, using warm and powerful music as a medium to sing the common voice of the Asian people, depicting the beautiful vision of Asia's mountains and rivers connected, hearts blending, and creating a better future together. The song is created around the concept of "Asian community with a shared future", and the title is rich in meaning. It not only reflects the close connection between Asia's geographical environment and historical culture, but also embodies the deep friendship of Asian people who unite and work together with love. The music melody is majestic, uplifting, and progressing layer by layer. Symphony performance and children's choir gradually push the music atmosphere to a climax, with strong artistic appeal. Throughout the entire article, the word "tong" is used to embody the power of sharing the same love, creating together, working together for mutual benefit, and moving towards the future, triggering recognition and resonance among audiences from different cultural backgrounds

Chasing Dreams | "My fighter jet will be the last missile to charge towards the enemy" Chasing Dreams | With more steel, more energy is needed | Enemy
Chasing Dreams | "My fighter jet will be the last missile to charge towards the enemy" Chasing Dreams | With more steel, more energy is needed | Enemy

The fifth episode of the integrated media film "Chasing Dreams" in the ideological interpretation category, "More Steel, More Qi," selects battle stories from extreme conditions, extreme environments, and extreme task training and actual combat scenes, such as the Anti Mine Frogman Squadron of a certain army brigade, a certain navy minesweeper brigade, and the "Wanghai Brigade" of an air force aviation brigade. It depicts the spirit and spirit of officers and soldiers in different complex situations on land, underwater, and in the air, who wield swords and dare to fight and win, and tells the heroic and tenacious combat style of soldiers in the face of major tests. Bloody like a knife, without sharpening or sharpening, the "Sharp Sword" squad of a certain army brigade conducted the Y-20 parachute attack for the first time in an unfamiliar area and under unfamiliar aircraft conditions. Over the next 24 hours, they worked tirelessly and ultimately completed the night raid mission. Anti mine, anti submarine, and anti missile are the three challenges faced by navies around the world

[comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's record of governing the country since the beginning of this year] anchoring the central task to lead the magnificent new journey General Secretary | Modernization | Xi Jinping
[comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's record of governing the country since the beginning of this year] anchoring the central task to lead the magnificent new journey General Secretary | Modernization | Xi Jinping

CCTV News: This year marks the beginning of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Today, the first episode of "Anchoring the Central Task Leading a Grand New Journey" will be broadcasted. On July 24th this year, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting.

This corridor has developed into a "iron pole" friendship "new benchmark", learning every day | 10 years of economy | corridor | benchmark
This corridor has developed into a "iron pole" friendship "new benchmark", learning every day | 10 years of economy | corridor | benchmark

Since its launch in 2013, the two countries have adhered to the principle of consultation, joint construction, and sharing to promote corridor construction, forming a number of early gains, adding new impetus to Pakistan's economic and social development, and laying a solid foundation for regional connectivity and integration.After ten years of development, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor has become a new benchmark for China Pakistan friendship. CCTV's "Daily Learning · Learning Notes" specially summarizes the relevant knowledge points of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, and we will learn together with you

Chasing dreams, stepping on the path that Xiao Siyuan has walked, he is also willing to become a landmark of his motherland! Warrior | Xiao Rongji | Motherland
Chasing dreams, stepping on the path that Xiao Siyuan has walked, he is also willing to become a landmark of his motherland! Warrior | Xiao Rongji | Motherland

The sixth episode of the integrated media film "Chasing Dreams", titled "Forever Defending Roots and Souls," selects four touching stories: "Hard Bone Six Companies," Li Minrui, who developed new equipment, Han Feng, a soldier from a certain naval brigade, and Xiao Rongji, a soldier from "Yang Gensi Company," reflecting the practical consciousness of the military in inheriting and promoting excellent traditions, and showcasing the belief and pursuit of the vast number of officers and soldiers to become red inheritors and new generations. After the death of the anti Japanese hero Zhao Yuxian, his children found two first-class merit certificates pressed at the bottom of the box in his belongings. In an article online this year, Zhao Yuxian's family saw the name Zhao Yuxian on one of the old battle flags of the "Hard Boned Six Companies". Is Zhao Yuxian on this battle flag their father? What kind of story is behind it? Li Minrui is a national treasure level scientist in China, and his equipment has filled the gap of a new type of equipment in our military

Solid promotion of high-quality economic development-The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has led China's economy to continue to recover and make progress in stability this year. Xi Jinping.
Solid promotion of high-quality economic development-The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has led China's economy to continue to recover and make progress in stability this year. Xi Jinping.

2023 is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the trend of China's economy has attracted worldwide attention.Striving to achieve a good start - "Taking a Good Step for the Comprehensive Construction of a Socialist Modernized Country" In July, China presented its half year economic response to the world - GDP grew by 5.5% year-on-year, and social consumption

High-quality co-construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor-President Xi's congratulatory letter to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor triggered a warm response.
High-quality co-construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor-President Xi's congratulatory letter to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor triggered a warm response.

The Gwadar New International Airport, located in the Balochistan Province of southwestern Pakistan, is a key project under the framework of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor. At present, the main structural engineering of the project has been completed, and the installation of mechanical and electrical equipment and decoration are underway. The Sugginari Hydroelectric Power Station is located on the Kunha River in the Khyber Pashtun Province of northwestern Pakistan. It is one of the priority projects for the implementation of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, and after operation, it can provide Pakistan with 3.2 billion kilowatt hours of clean water annually

Learning language | Starting well and ending cautiously, promoting thematic education | Effectiveness | Being cautious and consistent
Learning language | Starting well and ending cautiously, promoting thematic education | Effectiveness | Being cautious and consistent

Testing the effectiveness of theoretical learning: whether the innovative theories of the Party are deeply rooted in our hearts and actions, and whether Party members and cadres are good at thinking and using them effectively. In this theme education, Party members and cadres, especially leaders at all levels

Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior of the People | General Secretary of Labor Creating Happiness | High Quality | Behavior
Daily Learning | Practical and Diligent Behavior of the People | General Secretary of Labor Creating Happiness | High Quality | Behavior

Serving the people is an essential requirement for building the Party for the public and governing for the people, fully demonstrating our Party's firm stance on the people. CCTV's "Daily Learning" has launched a special series of plans for "Practicing the People with Diligence", focusing on the happiness of people's livelihoods and understanding the aspirations of the people and the direction of politics together with you. Learning every day to make people's lives happy is the greatest of a country.

Constantly Climbing New Ideological Peak -- In-depth Study and Comprehensive Implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
Constantly Climbing New Ideological Peak -- In-depth Study and Comprehensive Implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Taking a broad stride in the new era and new journey, the vast number of Party members and cadres take this theme education as an opportunity to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "Two Foundations"

Grasping the primary task and promoting Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development | Socialism | China
Grasping the primary task and promoting Chinese path to modernization with high-quality development | Socialism | China

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.".He emphasized the need to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development. In his speech, General Secretary clarified the necessary path, strategic starting point, inevitable requirements, and ultimate goal to promote high-quality development

When the tide is rising, Xi Jinping leads the new journey of "innovating China" and pursues dreams. Xi Jinping leads the new journey of "innovating China" and pursues dreams.-Exclusive manuscript | When the tide is rising, it is the time of sailing.
When the tide is rising, Xi Jinping leads the new journey of "innovating China" and pursues dreams. Xi Jinping leads the new journey of "innovating China" and pursues dreams.-Exclusive manuscript | When the tide is rising, it is the time of sailing.

Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and the inexhaustible driving force for a country's prosperity and development. Bravely stand at the tide and step on the waves. Turn the beautiful prospect of Chinese path to modernization into reality step by step, innovate, and press the "acceleration key". 2023 is the beginning year for fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.In the 1990s, an important cooperation project between the Chinese and Singaporean governments, the China Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, was established in Suzhou to solidify the foundation of a strong country through technological innovation. Standing at thirty, experiencing great changes and vicissitudes.Outside the car window, within the view, tall buildings are arranged in rows, giving birth to

Chasing Dreams | "My Goal is to Let Our Country's Missiles Lead the World" National University of Defense Technology | Style | Country
Chasing Dreams | "My Goal is to Let Our Country's Missiles Lead the World" National University of Defense Technology | Style | Country

The seventh episode, "Bravely Being the Pioneer of Military Transformation," selects a certain Air Force aviation regiment to explore future unmanned combat styles, a certain college of National Defense University of Science and Technology to achieve cross domain unmanned clusters, military civilian joint cracking of key technological bottlenecks in aviation engines, typical clues for the Academy of Military Sciences to explore cutting-edge technology, and a rocket army unit to upgrade missile technology, telling the story of the entire army's struggle to improve combat effectiveness through continuous innovation. Unmanned combat is profoundly changing the face of war. How can manned aerial vehicles, drones, and individual soldiers integrate into the system for coordinated combat? The first integrated unmanned aerial vehicle unit of the entire army is exploring unmanned combat styles in practical training. How to make drone swarms unbreakable, indestructible, and capable of self-healing even after destroying a portion, forming super combat effectiveness? Researchers from a certain college of National University of Defense Technology conducted offline training through a simulation system

Chasing Dreams | Our Army's New Amphibious Attack Ship's First Ship Faces the World's Recognized Most Complex Combat Style with a Struggling Attitude, Practically Strengthening the Army | Support | Style
Chasing Dreams | Our Army's New Amphibious Attack Ship's First Ship Faces the World's Recognized Most Complex Combat Style with a Struggling Attitude, Practically Strengthening the Army | Support | Style

The eighth episode of the integrated media film "Chasing Dreams" titled "Striving to Build a Strong Army with a Struggling Attitude" tells the story of the Navy's Hainan ship from installation to combat effectiveness, a research institute at the Army Aviation Academy researching and designing a new type of helicopter, the Guilin Joint Logistics Support Center exploring unmanned intelligent support, and a certain brigade of the Air Force Aviation Corps building the J-16 systematic "all-around module", showcasing the continuous exploration and new breakthroughs of officers and soldiers. Depicting the fervent scene of the entire army's officers and soldiers inspiring their mental state, consolidating their efforts to advance, anchoring their goals and striving for practical results, showcasing the new breakthroughs and progress of the army in advancing high-level combat readiness, high-efficiency struggle, and high-quality development, reflecting the spirit of revolution and hard work at all levels, the mission and responsibility of returning to duty as scheduled, and the wholehearted efforts to promote the cause of building a strong military. The Hainan ship is the first ship of the Navy's new amphibious assault ship. "New" and "First Ship"

National Development and Reform Commission: The policy has shown strong effects and promoted the sustained recovery of the national economy towards good enterprises | Policy | National Economy
National Development and Reform Commission: The policy has shown strong effects and promoted the sustained recovery of the national economy towards good enterprises | Policy | National Economy

Today, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly held a press conference to introduce the situation of "playing a good combination of macroeconomic policies and promoting high-quality economic development". At the meeting, Yuan Da, Deputy Secretary General of the National Development and Reform Commission and Director of the Comprehensive Department, stated that since the beginning of this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant parties, has increased efforts to implement macro policies, promoted coordinated efforts to advance policies, and orderly implemented the "three batches". The system has effectively responded to the increasing adverse effects of international environmental changes on China and the interweaving of domestic cyclical structural contradictions, effectively promoting the sustained recovery and overall recovery of the national economy. Continue to optimize a batch of phased policies. Clarify the follow-up arrangements for phased policies that expire in March and April as soon as possible, and continue to implement them

Give it your all, poster | Unity of the City People | Rescue | Poster
Give it your all, poster | Unity of the City People | Rescue | Poster

Editor's note: Recently, due to the impact of Typhoon "Du Suri", extreme rainfall occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other areas, and large floods occurred in the Haihe River basin in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi and other places, trapping many people. On August 1st, the General Administration of Flood Control and the Ministry of Emergency Management presided over a flood control conference and dispatch, rolling analysis and judgment of rain, water, danger, and disaster situations, and arranging the deployment of flood control and rescue work in key areas. They demanded full efforts to rescue trapped people, and urgently arranged drones, helicopters, and rescue forces to understand the situation, safely transfer and properly relocate as soon as possible. As of 18:00 on August 2nd, the national comprehensive fire rescue teams in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region have participated in dealing with 2975 dangerous situations caused by this round of heavy rainfall, dispatched 22823 firefighters, and rescued and evacuated more than 15940 trapped people. In what time

Hot Review | Remember the Falling Slope Ridge, Remember the Life You Stand Up for | Passengers | Strength
Hot Review | Remember the Falling Slope Ridge, Remember the Life You Stand Up for | Passengers | Strength

"As long as we have a bite to eat, we must not let them go hungry," said the Secretary of the Party Branch of Luopoling Community in Mentougou District, Beijing, which has been scrolling online these past few days. Due to heavy rainfall, train K396 was forced to stop at Luopo Ridge Railway Station. In a small village with no water, electricity, or power supply, residents took out all their household supplies to provide maximum care for nearly a thousand passengers. I am also a child from another family, and because of wearing this outfit, I have to live up to everyone. Previously, there was also a female conductor on train K396 who became a focus of attention. And members of the Beijing Armed Police Force brought rescue supplies and escorted some passengers to evacuate in the early morning. "Everyone is applauding, they have come to save our lives.". Thank you for standing up! For the safety of everyone! In critical moments, from military officers and soldiers to communities

[Xi Sheng Echo] Let China's Big Market Become the World's Big Opportunity Import | International | Opportunity
[Xi Sheng Echo] Let China's Big Market Become the World's Big Opportunity Import | International | Opportunity

Now, the CIIE has become a window for China to build a new development pattern, a platform to promote high-level openness, and a globally shared international public good——Holding the China International Import Expo is a major decision made by China with a focus on promoting a new round of high-level opening up to the outside world, and a major measure taken by China to actively open up its market to the world. I have been busy lately exhibiting for the CIIE

On Adhering to "One Country, Two Systems" and Promoting the Reunification of Taiwan
On Adhering to "One Country, Two Systems" and Promoting the Reunification of Taiwan

"One Country, Two Systems" is an important system under which the Party leads the people to achieve peaceful reunification of the motherland, and is a fundamental national policy of the country. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, which means that the cause of "one country, two systems" has also entered a new era. Continuously promoting the successful practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong and Macau is an important component of the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Total Production: Sun Zhiping, Chen Guojun, Producer: Xing Peiyu, Directed by Luo Bo

The mission of putting the people first must be achieved - the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force are directly attacking the military for flood prevention and disaster relief
The mission of putting the people first must be achieved - the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force are directly attacking the military for flood prevention and disaster relief

Officials and soldiers from a certain unit of the Central Theater Command Air Force are loading sandbags on the banks of the Huai River in Miaocheng Town, Huairou District, Beijing. Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 4th - The People First Mission Must Be Reached - The People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force have launched direct attacks on Liu Yi, Peng Bingjie, and Zhao Wanshu in flood prevention and disaster relief. In recent days, the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force have urgently invested in flood prevention and disaster relief work, making every effort to search and rescue missing and trapped individuals, and ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. Affected by Typhoon Du Suri, extreme rainfall has occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other areas, causing severe geological disasters such as floods and waterlogging in many parts of Hebei and southwestern Beijing, resulting in significant casualties and property damage. On August 4th, officers and soldiers of the People's Armed Police Hebei Corps drove boats in the flooded area of Zhuozhou to evacuate the affected people. The flood situation in Xinhua News Agency is an order. On the early morning of July 31st, a member of the Beijing Armed Police Force

Focus on flood prevention and continue to carry out rescue and relief efforts in key regions | personnel | key regions
Focus on flood prevention and continue to carry out rescue and relief efforts in key regions | personnel | key regions

CCTV News: In recent days, many places have been closely monitoring the key points of flood prevention, making every effort to search and rescue trapped people, properly resettle disaster victims, and quickly repair damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity, in order to restore normal production and life order as soon as possible. In recent days, flood control and disaster relief work has been intensively carried out in several severely affected areas in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. Although precipitation has ended in many areas, it still takes time for water levels to fall back. In an industrial park in Zhuozhou, there are people trapped in water and the situation is urgent. The reporter saw at the scene that the armed police officers and soldiers were riding on assault boats to go for rescue. At the same time, rescue medical teams are also stationed nearby, providing timely diagnosis, treatment, and distribution of medication for rescue personnel and the public. Damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity are also being repaired as soon as possible. National and provincial roads, as well as county and township roads in Shunping County, Baoding, Hebei Province, were severely damaged and traffic was interrupted during heavy rainfall,