Today's data selection: The railway welcomes the highest peak of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day passenger flow on the first day; the Chinese team of the Hangzhou Asian Games has harvested 100 gold medals

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:42 PM

On the first day of the holiday, the country is expected to send a total of 63.205 million passengers

The Mid-Autumn Festival on September 29 is the first day of the Golden Week holiday. Jiemian News learned from the China National Railway Group that the national railways will usher in the peak passenger flow during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Golden Week. It is expected to send 20.2 million passengers and operate 12,508 passenger trains, including 12,508 passenger trains. 1,841 passenger trains were run.

According to CCTV News, since the national railways started transportation during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday on September 27, the number of people traveling by train every day has been at a high level. On the 28th, the national railways sent 16.18 million passengers. The railway department has maximized its transportation potential, and railways in many provinces and cities have increased their transportation capacity in an effort to meet the travel needs of passengers.

Xinjiang Tianchi receives an average of 18,000 tourists every day

Right now, Tianchi in Xinjiang’s Tianshan Mountains is entering its best viewing season. According to the monitoring of reservations in the scenic spot, Tianchi receives an average of 18,000 tourists per day. In order to increase tourists' travel comfort, scenic spots release information in advance and make reservations for off-peak travel.

September 29th is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there are many interactive activities at Tianchi Lake, including word puzzles, fun pot throwing, hiking challenges, etc. In the past ten years, the vegetation coverage of Tianchi in Xinjiang's Tianshan Mountains has increased from 34% to 89% now, and more than 780 plant species have been recorded. The most common tree species here is Xueling spruce. They have developed root systems and can store 2.5 tons each. water. Snow leopards, red deer, argali and other precious wild animals have also been monitored in the scenic area. There are more than 200 species of vertebrates here, including 39 species of national key protected animals.

In the men's 50-meter breaststroke final of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese team's famous player @胃海海_ won the gold medal. Like and congratulations!

The market has been flat for a month since the launch of major property market policies in various places

Starting from August, in more than a month, more than 40 cities across the country have implemented the policy of "recognizing a house but not a loan", and many cities have optimized or canceled purchase restriction policies. What is the effect of market feedback in various places?

Taking advantage of the weekend, Caijing visited new home sales offices in many places and found that the market's response to the policy was not as obvious as expected. High-quality projects still have long queues, and deserted projects are still empty.

In the second-hand housing market, the mentality of customers and owners has also become more rational.

The number of listings has increased, but the transaction volume and transaction price are basically stable. High-quality projects have experienced slight gains, while “old, broken, and small” projects are still half-dead. Many experts and intermediaries said that this round of policy adjustments is mainly aimed at the second-hand housing market and improvement demand groups. They believe that they still have to wait for more second-hand houses to be sold and the market to turn around before the situation can improve.

Survey says about half of Americans have no emergency savings

Most Americans once saved money to live a middle-class life with houses, cars, children, and pets. However, the primary goal of saving money for many Americans is no longer to buy a house or a car, but to save for emergencies.

A survey recently released by GOBankingRates, an American financial management company, shows that many people now realize that their financial situation is not secure, and 44% prioritize saving money for their emergency funds to protect against unforeseen financial challenges. Data shows that about half of Americans have no emergency savings at all, and even if they do, they are very small, usually around $1,000 or less.

Today's data selection: The railway welcomes the highest peak of Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day passenger flow on the first day; the Chinese team of the Hangzhou Asian Games has harvested 100 gold medals
Today's data selection: How much can the interest rate of existing housing loans be reduced; The national average temperature in summer is the second highest in the same period in history
Today's data selection: How much can the interest rate of existing housing loans be reduced; The national average temperature in summer is the second highest in the same period in history

This summer, the national average temperature is the second highest in history since 1961. On September 5th, the China Meteorological Administration held a press conference. Jia Xiaolong, Deputy Director of the National Climate Center, introduced that in the summer of 2023, the temperature in most parts of China was close to normal to slightly higher, with an average temperature of 22.0 ℃, which was 0.8 ℃ higher than the same period in normal years, the second highest in history since 1961, second only to the summer of 2022. Beijing, Hebei, Hainan, and Xinjiang all have the highest temperatures in history during the same period, with Tianjin and Shandong being the second highest, and Shanxi, Ningxia, Guangdong, and Yunnan being the third highest. The overall global temperature this summer is relatively high. From June to August, the average global land temperature was 15.2 ℃, which is 0.6 ℃ higher than the historical average climate during the same period, making it the third hottest summer since 1961. Western Europe, Central Asia to

Today's data selection: The average commuting time in major cities in China is 36 minutes; Suggestions for lowering the legal age of marriage for children have emerged in various regions | Number | China
Today's data selection: The average commuting time in major cities in China is 36 minutes; Suggestions for lowering the legal age of marriage for children have emerged in various regions | Number | China

The number of left behind children in China has dropped to 9.02 million. On August 18th, the 2023 Rural Education Development Forum was held in Beijing. The theme of this forum is "Focusing on County Areas, Dialogue on the Future", hosted by the China Rural Development Foundation. The 2023 Rural Education Development Report was released at the meeting, which showed that the number of left behind children in China had dropped to 9.02 million last year. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the advancement of county-level urbanization and the improvement of inclusive education infrastructure, the problem of left behind children in China has been alleviated. Left behind children and migrant children are representative special groups in county-level compulsory education. The report shows that in 2012, there were 22 million left behind children in China, and last year this number decreased to 9.02 million. In 2021, ordinary students and migrant students, local migrant students and migrant students from other provinces

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Today's data selection: Consumer loan interest rates hit a minimum of 3%; How to compensate Hebei with catastrophe insurance for losses of nearly 10 billion yuan | Variations | Interest rates

The EG.5 variant is dominant among the epidemic strains in Foshan. Recently, the number of cases infected with COVID-19 variant EG.5 is on the rise in many parts of the world. The World Health Organization lists EG.5 as a "variant that needs attention". According to the monitoring project of local COVID-19 variation conducted by Foshan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the EG. 5 variant is gradually dominant among the epidemic strains in Foshan. It is reported that the mutant EG.5 is actually still a member of the Omikron mutant family, and it is the "offspring" of the COVID-19 Omikron sub variant XBB. 1.9.2. The EG.5 variant does not enhance its virulence to humans, but has a stronger ability to escape immunity and infect cells, so its transmission range is relatively large. The Foshan Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that overall, the harm caused by the mutant strain EG.5 is significant

Today's data selection: 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province operate beyond flood control limits; Apple's market value may fall below $3 trillion in Shangzhi City | Floods | Reservoir
Today's data selection: 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province operate beyond flood control limits; Apple's market value may fall below $3 trillion in Shangzhi City | Floods | Reservoir

Over the past few days, 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province have exceeded their flood control limits. Due to continuous rainfall and the impact of upstream floods, the Shangzhi section of the Ant River in Heilongjiang Province has experienced floods beyond the guaranteed water level. Some sections of the river have also faced the risk of flooding, and many areas in Shangzhi City have experienced severe waterlogging. On that day, more than 200 officers and soldiers from the Harbin Detachment of the Armed Police Heilongjiang Corps rushed to the scene to carry out rescue operations upon receiving orders. Rescue team members boarded the assault boat and entered the flooded area. They shouted through the loudspeaker, built a rope passage, and one by one transferred the trapped villagers to the assault boat, taking them to a safe area. Data shows that as of 8:00 am on August 4th, a total of 9 hydrological stations in Heilongjiang Province have exceeded the guaranteed water level, and 40 reservoirs have exceeded the flood control limit. On the afternoon of August 4th, the Zhengzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center reported that the minimum down payment for purchasing a new house with a Zhengzhou provident fund loan is 20%

Today's data selection: 12306 trial online shop selection service; Permanent chemical substances detected in the blood of residents in Tokyo. USD exchange rate | RMB | Residents
Today's data selection: 12306 trial online shop selection service; Permanent chemical substances detected in the blood of residents in Tokyo. USD exchange rate | RMB | Residents

The reporter learned from China Railway Group that starting from yesterday, the 12306 website and mobile client will pilot online berth selection services, selecting 230 high-speed and conventional passenger trains that can reach all regions of the country as pilot programs. Online autonomous berth selection services will be provided for soft and hard sleeper trains, as well as soft sleeper, first class sleeper, and second class sleeper trains on conventional trains. At the same time, priority allocation of lower berths will be provided for key passengers aged 60 and above. The countdown to the closure of H&M's flagship store in Sanlitun, Beijing. One of the largest flagship stores in China, H&M's store in Sanlitun, Beijing, has announced the recent cessation of operations, highlighting the difficulties and challenges faced by the brand in the Chinese market. H&M's inability to adapt to the rapid changes in the Chinese clothing market and the lack of online marketing on social platforms have exacerbated the brand's shortcomings