Important news

Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | the ancient city of general secretary | Xi Jinping | the ancient city
Follow the general secretary to explore the Chinese civilization | the ancient city of general secretary | Xi Jinping | the ancient city

CCTV's "Lianbo+" program has specially planned a series of articles titled "Exploring Chinese Civilization with General Secretary" to help you appreciate the vastness and profoundness of Chinese civilization. Broadcast+source dredging leads to a long stream, while deep roots lead to lush leaves.Visiting ancient cities and touching history time and time again, General Secretary has consistently emphasized the importance of protection. In his heart, "history and culture are the soul of a city."

In this way, the general secretary urged him to look at and pilot the work of the communist youth league | career | important | general secretary | times | country | communist youth league | work | communist youth league of China | Xi Jinping
In this way, the general secretary urged him to look at and pilot the work of the communist youth league | career | important | general secretary | times | country | communist youth league | work | communist youth league of China | Xi Jinping

On June 19th, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.On the new journey, how to better unite, organize, and mobilize young people to strive for the realization of the second centenary goal and the Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a major issue that the youth movement and youth work in China must answer in the new era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about building a solid foundation for a bumper harvest | hiding grain in the ground, hiding grain in the technical red line | cultivated land | Xi Jinping
General Secretary Xi Jinping is concerned about building a solid foundation for a bumper harvest | hiding grain in the ground, hiding grain in the technical red line | cultivated land | Xi Jinping

June 25 this year is the 33rd National Land Day, with the theme of "saving and intensive land and strictly observing the red line of cultivated land". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the protection and utilization of cultivated land. On different occasions such as attending important meetings and field investigations, he emphasized that cultivated land is the lifeblood of food production, and hard measures with long teeth must be taken to implement the strictest Cultivated land protection system. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way", "firmly hold the red line of 1.8 billion acres of arable land, and gradually build all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland". From the granary of the Central Plains to the black land in Northeast China, from the Sichuan Basin to the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, various localities have implemented in-depth storage of grain in the ground and grain in technology, and the construction area of high-standard farmland has steadily increased. Comprehensive supporting facilities for fields, soil, water, roads, forests, electricity, technology, and management, agriculture

Zhejiang Promotion | Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Project | Treasures
Zhejiang Promotion | Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Project | Treasures

The second is to hold an annual performance exhibition, where he personally oversees the deployment, implementation, demonstration and guidance, and mobilizes everyone's enthusiasm. The fact has proven that the combination of "on-site meetings" and "effectiveness exhibitions" is quite effective, and the enthusiasm of the grassroots is immediately mobilized.From this, it can be seen that to do any job well, we need to set up at the top level

In a collective conversation with members of the new leading group of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xi Jinping stressed that he should earnestly shoulder the mission and task entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, and fully inspire the broad masses of young people to shoulder the mission in the construction of Chinese-style modernization | task | collective
In a collective conversation with members of the new leading group of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xi Jinping stressed that he should earnestly shoulder the mission and task entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, and fully inspire the broad masses of young people to shoulder the mission in the construction of Chinese-style modernization | task | collective

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 26. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, had a collective conversation with members of the new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League in Zhongnanhai on the afternoon of the 26th and delivered an important speech. He stressed that the hope of the cause of the party and the state rests on the youth. It is hoped that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League will thoroughly implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, earnestly shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions, adhere to reform and innovation, and better unite the young generation around the party, in order to promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation The great cause continues to struggle. Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, attended the collective talk. Xi Jinping first stated that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party's youth work has made major achievements and profound changes have taken place.

Forum on Joining Hands to Cope with the Century long Changes in the World and Explore the Path to Economic Recovery and Restart | China | Economy
Forum on Joining Hands to Cope with the Century long Changes in the World and Explore the Path to Economic Recovery and Restart | China | Economy

At present, the world's unprecedented major changes have entered a period of accelerated evolution. Multiple challenges and crises are intertwined and overlapping, making it difficult for the world economy to recover. Globalization is surging against the current, the wind of great power competition is high and turbulent, geopolitical challenges are surging, and the ecological environment is continuously deteriorating... Various focal points, hotspots, and difficult issues emerge one after another, and the world, times, and history are unfolding in unprecedented ways. In the current era where opportunities and challenges coexist, how to unite and cooperate, develop together, and walk the modernization path of co construction, sharing, and win-win is a contemporary proposition that countries around the world need to face. After four years, the 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum will once again kick off. From June 27th to 29th, around the theme of "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", from the political, business, academic, social organizations, and international communities

Make way for life, reflect the love of the human world, elevated road | private car | human world
Make way for life, reflect the love of the human world, elevated road | private car | human world

CCTV News: On the evening of June 21st, a warm-hearted citizen captured a video of a private car giving way to an ambulance on an elevated road in the center of Shanghai, which immediately sparked discussion online. The incident occurred on a congested road section during the evening rush hour in Shanghai, and the 45 degree oblique insertion of passing vehicles also received praise from netizens. According to the captured video, there are two lanes in the same direction on the elevated road. At that time, there were many vehicles and the entire road was in a slow state. An ambulance was discovered, and private cars on both sides of the lane coincidentally left a gap in the middle, just enough for the ambulance to pass through. Among them, several private cars presented a 45 degree angle to the left and right to give way to the ambulance, and the front of the cars almost grazed the road fence. On this congested road of several hundred meters, an ambulance took over 30 seconds to pass by

A video full of silhouettes pays tribute to the anti drug hero suspect | drugs | hero
A video full of silhouettes pays tribute to the anti drug hero suspect | drugs | hero

June 26th of this year is the 36th International Anti Drug Day, and during peacetime, anti drug police are one of the most risky types of police. They go through life and death, hiding their names and doing bright things in the darkness. In the past five years, China has cracked 451000 drug-related criminal cases, captured 588000 drug-related suspect, and seized 305 tons of drugs. In the latest inventory operation, the border management detachment in Dehong, Yunnan, cracked a major drug transport case, successfully seized 382 suspicious objects, 226.7 kg of methamphetamine after weighing, and arrested more than suspect. Let's approach the anti drug scene together, witness the moment of crisis, and get to know the group of anti drug police officers who are fighting, colliding, and chasing with blood, fearless of knives and guns. Cherish life, stay away from drugs, and pay tribute to the anti drug police!

The blueprint of "Ten Million Projects" is drawn to create livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas | Project | Blueprint
The blueprint of "Ten Million Projects" is drawn to create livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas | Project | Blueprint

For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has been making long-term contributions and persistently promoting the implementation of the "Ten Million Project". Nowadays, the "Ten Million Project" has not only profoundly changed the appearance of rural areas in Zhejiang, but also explored a scientific path to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and build a beautiful China. In the midsummer season, the land of the Yangtze River is as picturesque and picturesque as the mountains and rivers. The villages scattered in the beautiful scenery of Zhejiang are becoming the "poetry and distance" of city dwellers. In Meilin Village, Hangzhou, the smart health service station at the village entrance guards the health of the entire village 24 hours a day. Miao Wenxiao, a villager from Meilin Village, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province: He can operate it himself, which is very convenient. In Daxiantan Village, Deqing,

How to master the basic skills of investigation and research? General Secretary's words and deeds teach the masses | source | General Secretary
How to master the basic skills of investigation and research? General Secretary's words and deeds teach the masses | source | General Secretary

Investigation and research are the foundation of planning and the way to success. Without investigation, there is no right to speak, let alone decision-making power.Only by using the right methods can we uncover the truth, develop practical strategies, and accomplish practical tasks.The social practice of the people is the source of obtaining correct understanding and the fundamental way to test and deepen our understanding. The quality of research results and the correctness of opinions formed ultimately depend on the practice of the people. Visiting the poor, looking at grain bags and touching kang quilts; Enter the community, observe the people's situation and alleviate their worries; Entering the workshop, asking for directions and demands

Current Politics Micro Observation | Why Has "Ten Million Projects" Deeply won the People's Hearts? Zhejiang | Earth | Current Politics
Current Politics Micro Observation | Why Has "Ten Million Projects" Deeply won the People's Hearts? Zhejiang | Earth | Current Politics

If we turn our gaze back to 20 years ago in Zhejiang, Qiu Lijin, the director of the Lujia Village Committee in Anji County, would not have thought of one day standing on the podium of the United Nations; The people of Jinxing Village in Kaihua County will not believe that "air can also sell for money";Through 20 years of continuous exploration and practice, the "Ten Million Project" has created thousands of beautiful villages, benefited thousands of farmers, and also shown the world a beautiful future for an ancient nation. "After walking through one village after another, every village is a garbage village; after walking through dozens of garbage villages, we finally found a demonstration village."

The Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong Province today. AI | International | Digital
The Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong Province today. AI | International | Digital

Today, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Jining, Shandong Province. The theme is "The Age of Artificial Intelligence: Building a Digital World of Exchange, Mutual Learning and Inclusion". This is the first thematic event held by the International Organization of the World Internet Conference after its establishment. The Nishan Dialogue activities include the opening ceremony, the main forum, the launching and release ceremony of the World Internet Conference's Charity Action Plan, and the member representatives' symposium. The main forum focuses on topics such as "building a secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence", "empowering thousands of industries with artificial intelligence", and "where human civilization is heading in the era of artificial intelligence". The aim is to promote all parties to better explore the historical and cultural values of the digital age, strengthen international cultural exchange and cooperation, open up new paths for the development of artificial intelligence technology, and actively contribute to the development and progress of human civilization

Guangming Current Review: When Traditional Culture Meets Digital Civilization, Modernization | Digital | Current Review
Guangming Current Review: When Traditional Culture Meets Digital Civilization, Modernization | Digital | Current Review

[Guangming Review] From June 25 to 27, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong Province. This is the first thematic event held by the International Organization of the World Internet Conference after its establishment. The dialogue is themed on "the era of artificial intelligence: building a digital world of exchange, mutual learning and inclusiveness". In today's world, digital technology is fully integrated into various fields and processes of human society, and artificial intelligence has become an important symbol of human civilization progress. With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence models, their impact on human civilization is increasing day by day, and the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence have become two ends of the scale. As for why we chose to hold the dialogue on digital civilization in the birthplace of Confucius and the birthplace of Confucianism, the relevant person in charge of the World Internet Conference said that the dialogue was held in Nishan, reflecting

"Wisdom" Summer Management China Grain See China Harvest Map → National | Li Yuhuan | Wisdom
"Smart" Summer Management of Chinese Grain Looking at China's Harvest Map → National | Li Yuhuan | Smart

The three summer seasons of summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management are coming to an end this week. The large-scale machine harvest in the main wheat producing areas has basically ended, which also means that most areas have entered the summer field management time, which is commonly known as summer management. The summer tube is the last link of the three summers and also the key to abundant autumn grain production. As the saying goes, "three parts are planted, seven parts are managed.". So, what is the main focus of summer management in the "Three Summers"? Let's find the answer from the map. Spring sowing, summer growing, autumn harvest, and winter storage are the experiences that Chinese people have summarized from life and work for thousands of years. In summer, the scorching and full passion envelops the entire earth, and all natural things are lush and beautiful, growing vigorously, and crops are no exception. The farmers who have just finished summer harvest and summer planting have no time to spare. Summer is the time for the growth, development, and yield formation of autumn harvest crops

The "Three Transformations and Three Beauties" Environment on the Land of Zhijiang | Countryside | Earth
The "Three Transformations and Three Beauties" Environment on the Land of Zhijiang | Countryside | Earth

In Cailu Village, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, students engage in research activities in a shared countryside. At the Orchid Digital Factory in Tangdi Village, Lizhu Town, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, e-commerce live broadcasts showcasing orchid seedlings online. The natural scenery of Xiantan Village in Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. "I come from a village in Zhejiang Province. 15 years ago, I had to carry a full bucket of dirty water every day and walk far away to pour it out. At that time, there was no sewage pipe in my kitchen, no garbage bin in the village, and the river was polluted, black, and smelly. Today, the implementation of the 'Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation' project has turned our village into a beautiful postcard. On September 26, 2018, in Manhattan, New York, the United Nations Environment Programme's' Earth Guardian Award 'ceremony was held here.". Standing on the podium of the United Nations,

Fighting the People's War Against Drugs Well, Learning Seasons | The Era of Adhering to the Strict Implementation of Drug Control Policies | Society | Seasons
Fighting the People's War Against Drugs Well, Learning Seasons | The Era of Adhering to the Strict Implementation of Drug Control Policies | Society | Seasons

Drugs are a public hazard to human society, directly endangering people's physical and mental health, and posing a huge threat to economic development and social progress. Drug control work is related to national security, the rise and fall of the nation, and the well-being of the people. Drug control is an invisible battlefield, and drug control is a people's war that must be won.Drugs never stop, drug prohibition never stops.

The blueprint of "Ten Million Projects" is drawn to create livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas | Project | Blueprint
The blueprint of "Ten Million Projects" is drawn to create livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas | Project | Blueprint

For the past 20 years, Zhejiang has been making long-term contributions and persistently promoting the implementation of the "Ten Million Project". Nowadays, the "Ten Million Project" has not only profoundly changed the appearance of rural areas in Zhejiang, but also explored a scientific path to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and build a beautiful China. In the midsummer season, the land of the Yangtze River is as picturesque and picturesque as the mountains and rivers. The villages scattered in the beautiful scenery of Zhejiang are becoming the "poetry and distance" of city dwellers. In Meilin Village, Hangzhou, the smart health service station at the village entrance guards the health of the entire village 24 hours a day. Miao Wenxiao, a villager from Meilin Village, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province: He can operate it himself, which is very convenient. In Daxiantan Village, Deqing,

Xi Jinping's Cultural Footprint | Qufu's "Three Holes": A Thousand-year Cultural Past of Confucian Style Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping's Cultural Footprint | Qufu's "Three Holes": A Thousand-year Cultural Past of Confucian Style Xi Jinping

For over two thousand years, the ancient Confucius established himself as a model of learning and became a "teacher for all ages". The Confucian doctrine founded by Confucius and the Confucian ideology developed on this basis have had a profound impact on Chinese civilization.

Creating Thousands of Beautiful Countryside and Benefiting Thousands of Farmers -20 Years of Revelation from the "Ten Million Project" in Urban and Rural Areas | Project | Revelation
Creating Thousands of Beautiful Countryside and Benefiting Thousands of Farmers -20 Years of Revelation from the "Ten Million Project" in Urban and Rural Areas | Project | Revelation

2003-2023. 20 years have passed by. What is the power that has led countless mountain towns to undergo tremendous changes and made the lives of countless farmers thriving?

[Daily Learning] Ensure that 1.8 billion mu of arable land is well-deserved protection | Teeth | arable land
[Daily Learning] Ensure that 1.8 billion mu of arable land is well-deserved protection | Teeth | arable land

Food is paramount to the people. The fundamental guarantee of national food security lies in arable land, which is the lifeblood of food production. In recent years, the demand for grain consumption in China has continued to grow, coupled with the basic national situation of more people and less land, the situation of farmland protection in China is still very severe. Therefore, the momentum of promoting grain production can only be tight and cannot be relaxed. We must firmly uphold the red line of farmland protection and make it an important task to protect farmland

Current Political Micro Observation | Protecting Farmland Vision Like Protecting Giant Pandas | Luan Xiyan | | | Ning | Giant Pandas
Current Political Micro Observation | Protecting Farmland Vision Like Protecting Giant Pandas | Luan Xiyan | | | Ning | Giant Pandas

June 25th is National Land Day, and this year's theme is "Saving and Intensive Land Use, Strictly Observing the Red Line of Farmland". Farmland is the most precious resource in our country.China, with 9% of the world's arable land and 6% of its freshwater resources, nurtures nearly 1/5 of the world's population. The basic national condition of having more people and less land in our country determines that we must protect the arable land that is crucial for the livelihood of over a billion people, and there must be no mistakes. How to protect arable land?

People's Leaders | Protecting the Cultural Roots of the Heart of the Red Child History | Inheritance | Culture
People's Leaders | Protecting the Cultural Roots of the Heart of the Red Child History | Inheritance | Culture

At the age of Dragon Boat Festival, I recited Qu Yuan again.He likened the excellent traditional Chinese culture to the "cultural roots of the Chinese nation" and regarded it as the "foundation to stand firm in the world cultural turmoil". "Chinese culture is very civilized, progressive, and advanced."

"Ten Million Projects" Create Thousands of Beautiful Rural Economy | Projects | Rural Areas
"Ten Million Projects" Create Thousands of Beautiful Rural Economy | Projects | Rural Areas

In summer, Jiangnan is full of scenery. Under the guidance of the "Ten Million Project", a modern version of the "Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Map" of village beauties and common prosperity is slowly unfolding on the land of Zhijiang.Twenty years of hard work, Zhejiang

Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that micro-video | firmly hold this red line of grain
Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that micro-video | firmly hold this red line of grain

Food is the top priority for the people, and grain is based on the land. The fundamental guarantee of national food security lies in arable land.He emphasized that the Chengdu Plain has been known as the "Land of Abundance" since ancient times. We must strictly abide by the red line of arable land, protect this grain producing treasure land, and tighten the production of grain to create a higher level of "Tianfu granary" in the new era. As of now, four

Revitalization, Twenty Years of Rural Development | Project | Revitalization
Revitalization, Twenty Years of Rural Development | Project | Revitalization

Creating Poetic Residences in the Countryside and Countryside, Dwelling in the Countryside and Peasants, Drawing the Poems and Distances of Young People, Sketching the Future of Smart Countryside on the Vast Land, Twenty Years of Continuous Efforts, and Twenty Years of Long Striving to Achieve the "Ten Million Project", Creating Thousands of Beautiful Villages in Zhejiang Province. Starting from the Rural Living Environment, the Rural Appearance is Renovated. From an Aerial Perspective, Experience the Great Changes in the Mountains and Towns brought by the "Ten Million Project". The people of Yu Village are walking in the middle of the picture. The current Yu Village is picturesque, with beautiful mountains and water, and picturesque scenery. In the past, there have been mines and cement factories scattered all over the village. The mountains are "bald", with water turning into "soy sauce soup". Since the implementation of After 20 years of hard work, the beautiful ecology has become a golden business card in the village. The village is also welcoming more and more youthful energy, relying on youth

The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures
The Seven Treasures Behind the "Ten Million Project" Zhejiang | Engineering | Treasures

The second is to hold an annual performance exhibition, where he personally oversees the deployment, implementation, demonstration and guidance, and mobilizes everyone's enthusiasm. The fact has proven that the combination of "on-site meetings" and "effectiveness exhibitions" is quite effective, and the enthusiasm of the grassroots is immediately mobilized.From this, it can be seen that to do any job well, we need to set up at the top level

Idiom reading | to take "long teeth" hard measures to protect cultivated land protection | Xi Jinping | cultivated land
Idiom reading | to take "long teeth" hard measures to protect cultivated land protection | Xi Jinping | cultivated land

Plant one grain of millet in spring and harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn. In a country like our country with many people, few land, and a large country with small farmers, food security has always been regarded as the "greatest of the country". Land is the foundation of grain. To firmly stabilize China's rice bowl and protect arable land

Drawing a Blueprint to the End of Urban and Rural Areas | Engineering | Blueprint
Drawing a Blueprint to the End of Urban and Rural Areas | Engineering | Blueprint

Poetry and painting villages, harmonious urban and rural areas, and the river of prosperity. A new era painting of "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain" unfolds before our eyes. Tracing back to the source, the blueprint for the "Ten Million Project" that was started 20 years ago was created.We should regard the 'Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation' project as the basic project to promote the comprehensive well-off construction of rural areas, the leading project to coordinate urban and rural development, the ecological project to optimize the rural environment, and the popular project to benefit farmers and the masses. Agriculture, rural farmers, and farmers are the foundation and ballast of China's economic and social development. Environmental resources and ecology, developing countries moving towards modernization

To deepen your understanding of the significant significance of the "two combinations", Xinhua News Agency will broadcast a series of commentaries on two | cultural | series
To deepen your understanding of the significant significance of the "two combinations", Xinhua News Agency will broadcast a series of commentaries on two | cultural | series

"Insist on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture." At the meeting celebrating the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China on July 1, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed "two combinations" in October 2022. When he delivered the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the 16th, General Secretary Xi Jinping further elaborated the profound connotation of "two combinations" at the Symposium on Cultural Heritage and Development on June 2, 2023 "it is of great significance to point out that this is the understanding of regularity that we have gained in exploring the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is the greatest magic weapon for our success. From June 18 to June 23, Xinhua News Agency has successively launched six major reviews to bring you a deep understanding of" two combinations"