I talked to the person involved, is there a shopping mall in Shanghai driving away delivery guys? We went to the scene

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:11 PM

On September 13th, the incident of a delivery rider's shopping mall in Shanghai being driven to rest after consumption surged on the hot search. According to the Weibo account @ Hubei Economic Television, Mr. Pan, a delivery guy, took a break after consuming at the Crystal Shopping Center, but was still advised to leave. Many netizens are discussing that since delivery guys have made purchases in shopping malls, they should be able to rest. In order to restore the story of the incident, the Shanghai debunking platform visited the scene and contacted Mr. Pan, the delivery guy, and the involved shopping mall.

How should shopping malls treat delivery guys with consumer identity?

On September 14th, Mr. Pan told a reporter from the Shanghai debunking platform that after the peak lunch delivery period, he had a meal and rested at Mr. Rice on the LG2 floor of the Crystal Shopping Center mall. Around 3pm, he went upstairs to the LG1 floor and purchased a cup of milk tea. Then go downstairs and return to the public dining area on the second floor of LG2 to rest and prepare for this idle period. Around 4 o'clock, he had a dispute with the security guard.

Mr. Pan said that the security guard wants him to go to the delivery area opened by the mall to rest, but he believes that he is temporarily not taking orders and is in a non working state. Moreover, he made purchases in the mall, and as a consumer, he should be able to stay in the mall to rest and not want to go to the designated area. During the communication process, the security guard seemed to distrust him, and his attitude and tone gradually became stiff. Mr. Pan felt angry and called 110, asking the police to intervene in mediation. Finally, the Crystal Mall apologized to Mr. Pan.

However, Mr. Pan also stated that he has not encountered similar situations in other shopping malls. "Many shopping malls allow delivery guys to eat and rest, such as Golden Eagle Square, Meilong Town Square, Kerry Center, Rui Ou Department Store, Jiuguang Department Store, etc., which are all areas where I serve and have consumed without being driven away. I just feel that it is unreasonable for this to happen at Jingpin." Mr. Pan also mentioned that some shopping malls explicitly prohibit delivery personnel from entering the mall to pick up food, but they will set up unified pickup points. "With clear regulations, we will not forcibly enter to pick up food.".

On September 14th, the reporter visited the Crystal Shopping Center. There are a large number of restaurants on the underground LG1 and LG2 floors, with an average consumption of 30-50 yuan per person. It is a popular dining destination for many white-collar workers in the surrounding office buildings. Mr. Pan, the delivery guy, is resting on a bench on the LG2 floor, which is available for multiple people to dine on.

I talked to the person involved, is there a shopping mall in Shanghai driving away delivery guys? We went to the scene

The rest area where Mr. Pan, the delivery guy, was at the time of the incident

Mr. Lei, the mall security guard who negotiated with Mr. Pan, said in an interview with reporters that he saw Mr. Pan's uncivilized behavior of lying down on a bench that day, and there were also customers around who were eating, so he came forward to ask if he was waiting for a meal. Upon hearing Mr. Pan say no, he suggested taking him to the delivery staff rest area provided by the mall. "There is a sofa in the rest area, and he can rest in any position he wants, but he is unwilling. I can only report the situation to the security supervisor, who will come over to persuade him to leave."

But Mr. Pan said in an interview that he has never been lying on a bench and does not agree with the security guard's viewpoint.

Due to the inability of both parties to provide evidence, according to the journalist's investigation, this may be the main reason for the controversy.

However, there is indeed a food delivery staff rest area in the shopping center. According to the guidelines, the reporter found a rest area on the LG1 floor of the shopping mall, which is about 20 square meters with low foot traffic and sufficient air conditioning. A long sofa was arranged and charging sockets were installed in the surrounding area. Around 2 pm, two delivery drivers were lying down and taking a nap here.

The Crystal Shopping Center provides a resting area for delivery staff

I talked to the person involved, is there a shopping mall in Shanghai driving away delivery guys? We went to the scene

A delivery guy said that after watching online videos, he is not sure who is right and who is wrong, but he also adheres to mall regulations in his daily work. "The rest area is also quite good, you can lie down and sit." Another guy mentioned, "I have been running orders here for more than two months, and the merchants are quite good. You can drink tea, rest and charge in the rest area, and there are discounts for dining."

It seems that the delivery staff rest area set up in the mall has also been recognized by many young men. However, there is still room for further improvement in communication between mall staff and delivery guys in specific work. Perhaps a little more explanation can avoid disputes.

Don't make a rider and a merchant stand in opposition just because of one dispute

On September 14th, Jingpin Shopping Center responded to a reporter from the Shanghai debunking platform that the mall has never refused to allow delivery staff to rest inside, and will not dissuade them from using public areas in a civilized manner without affecting others. However, for delivery personnel wearing work uniforms, it is indeed polite to remind the mall that there is a dedicated rest area for delivery personnel, and the specific location can also be guided by security guards.

"Of course, after this incident and on-site visits, we have also found shortcomings and have started to improve and adjust, including adding instructions and guidance to the takeout rest area, increasing free drinking water, and other measures. We will also provide service training to the staff to prevent unpleasant incidents from happening again," said a person related to the mall.

Overall, the shopping mall has not refused to allow delivery drivers to rest inside, and the short videos currently circulating only highlight the conflict between delivery drivers and the mall, leading people to mistakenly believe that all shopping malls in Shanghai do not welcome delivery drivers. In fact, even Mr. Pan, the party involved, mentioned that the vast majority of shopping malls in Shanghai are open and inclusive towards young people selling to the outside world. It is precisely because of this situation that they are angry for the first time.

I talked to the person involved, is there a shopping mall in Shanghai driving away delivery guys? We went to the scene

During visits by Shanghai debunking platform reporters, it was also found that many merchants and post stations actually welcome delivery drivers to "rest" and "drink tea", and are willing to serve them.

At the Starbucks Changde Road store, the reporter met part-time rider Wang Chen. When the shop assistant is making drinks, he sits at the dining table to rest. He said, "When I'm not in a hurry, I always sit and take a break in the store." Personally, I've never encountered a store that doesn't allow me to rest just because I'm wearing work clothes. Of course, rest should also be civilized. If I don't dress neatly or sit properly, even ordinary consumers won't be popular. "

"The merchants and merchants in Shanghai treat riders very well, pouring a cup of water and resting their feet, and they have hardly been rejected," said Ele.me Rider Xiao Chen at the Manner Cafe on the first floor of 1788 Square on Nanjing West Road. When picking up the order, he asked the salesperson to fill his 2-liter cold water jug, and the salesperson met his request without hesitation.

On the afternoon of September 14th, many young men were resting in the public area of 1788 Square

There are multiple restaurants concentrated on the basement floor of the shopping mall. In the evening, many delivery guys are resting in the public area, but no merchant has refused. The staff of a simple restaurant said, "Little brother is also very hardworking. As long as it doesn't affect the business order, we don't mind."

A journalist investigation found that in Shanghai, in addition to shopping malls and outdoor spaces, there are also various "post stations" specifically designed for riders, delivery guys, and other services, with a minimum number of five digits.

I talked to the person involved, is there a shopping mall in Shanghai driving away delivery guys? We went to the scene

Meituan riders Li Xiang and He Shiwen mainly deliver orders in the Boyang Entrepreneurship Park area of Yangpu District. In addition to stations and meal pick-up merchants, their most common resting place is the "HUI New House" on Boyang Road, where they can go in to water, rest, lie down, and brush their phones, which is very relaxing This post station is operated by the platform and equipped with tables and chairs, water dispensers, refrigerators, microwaves, and other equipment. All outdoor workers are welcome to come here to rest.

The Little Brother Station located on Boyang Road provides a resting space for delivery drivers.

Zhou Rui, the head of Dingdong Maicai Huinan Station, mentioned the "Red Gas Station" in Minle Community, No. 44 Tingxie Road. "Our station has nearly 30 riders responsible for delivery in this area, and many young people will go to the" Red Gas Station "to rest when they have free time because the gas station has a large space, complete facilities, and charging and swapping services."

Li Le, the regional manager of Meituan Waimai in Shanghai, believes that don't set riders and merchants in opposition just because of a dispute. "Overall, Shanghai is very friendly to riders and provides various warm services." He introduced that in addition to the platform's self built rest stations, many community party and mass service centers, brand merchants, etc. in Shanghai actively provide services to facilitate riders to obtain supplies and find nearby rest points. "There are already 13000 rider stations in the city, and they are all marked in the rider app. Riders can find nearby sites through the app and navigate to them."

Han Liu, Senior Vice President of Ele.me and President of Hummingbird, also said that overall, businesses in Shanghai are very friendly to riders. Currently, tens of thousands of businesses have participated in the platform's "One Square meter Love Station" project, allowing delivery riders, sanitation workers, and others to rest in clean and secure places and receive supplies such as drinking water.

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