What is Shanghai going to do now?, After passing the heavyweight file, the four major functions | File

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:44 AM

On the occasion of the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up, the 10th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, the 12th The Third Plenary Session of the Municipal Party Committee focused on deepening high-level reform and opening up and promoting high-quality development.

This declares Shanghai's determination and will to unswervingly advance in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, continue to be the vanguard of reform and opening up, and the pioneer of innovation and development, and better shoulder the strategic mission and tasks entrusted by the country and take the lead in Chinese-style modernization. Pioneer is of great significance.

Practicing Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech in Shanghai, the emphasis is on the word "reality. The top priority at present is to vigorously promote a pragmatic style, follow the deployment of the plenary session, work together, and implement it, and persist in the major strategies, major tasks assigned by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, and important requirements. Persevere and refine it into "construction drawings" and transform high-quality into "real-life paintings" to ensure that all tasks take root.

Only by deepening the construction of the "Five Centers" can Shanghai's development clench its fists, strengthen strategic leadership, and better play the leading role; Only by continuously enhancing the "four major functions" can we find the main direction of deepening the construction of the "five centers", concentrate on overcoming difficulties, enhance the overall, collaborative, and creative nature of reform and opening up, and drive the comprehensive upgrading of the "five centers"; Only by deepening high-level reform and opening up, and carrying out greater policy and institutional innovation, can the "four major functions" continuously achieve breakthroughs and leaps - this is the development logic and practical logic for Shanghai to focus on high-quality development, and it is also a clear ideological guideline for implementation.

For Shanghai, the higher level of reform and opening up on the new journey is facing new internal and external environments and contexts, and there are a series of issues that need to be addressed. The "Opinions" passed at this plenary session are closely deployed around the "four major functions", emphasizing problem orientation and effect orientation, and focusing on the bottleneck problems and shortcomings in the process of strengthening the "four major functions" to propose countermeasures. In the process of implementation, emphasis should also be placed on problem oriented and effect oriented approaches, with a focus on key areas. It is particularly important to identify key issues that have breakthrough and driving effects, adhere to a combination of long-term and short-term approaches, and strive to achieve breakthroughs as soon as possible and drive the overall situation.

Compared with the past, high-level reform and opening up emphasizes more on the completeness and maturity of the system, and emphasizes more on systematicity, wholeness, and synergy. Many shortcomings in the past, including homogeneous competition in certain regions and fields, as well as bottlenecks and breakpoints in the work chain, often stem from insufficient systematicity and weak collaboration. Whether it truly promotes a pragmatic approach largely depends on whether there is a collaborative approach. All regions, departments, and leaders at all levels should firmly establish the city's awareness of "one game of chess", work together and make efforts in the same direction, and systematically, holistically, and collaboratively promote various key tasks. We must resolutely eliminate the "Nine Dragons for Water Control" and strive to achieve the goal of "grasping fingers and turning fists".

The Opinion provides detailed "construction drawings" and a schedule for higher-level reform and opening up. The pragmatic orientation conveyed during this period resonated highly with the plenary session. Transform it into a "real-life painting", requiring relevant parties to decompose tasks item by item, compact responsibilities, actively benchmark and benchmark tables, and come up with more detailed and practical execution plans as soon as possible.

At the same time, to do a good job in Shanghai, we must always emphasize creative implementation - the plenary session clearly stated that to make good use of the "key move" of reform and opening up, we must continuously strengthen the "first driving force" of innovation. In the process of implementation, all aspects should also boldly try, break through, and make independent changes, with greater courage and wisdom to strengthen execution, creativity, and penetration, and continuously achieve breakthroughs and leaps in innovation, truly shouldering a special mission.

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