In a collective conversation with members of the new leading group of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xi Jinping stressed that he should earnestly shoulder the mission and task entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, and fully inspire the broad masses of young people to shoulder the mission in the construction of Chinese-style modernization | task | collective

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:44 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 26. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, had a collective conversation with members of the new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League in Zhongnanhai on the afternoon of the 26th and delivered an important speech. He stressed that the hope of the cause of the party and the state rests on the youth. It is hoped that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League will thoroughly implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, earnestly shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the party in the new era and new journey, inherit and carry forward the fine traditions, adhere to reform and innovation, and better unite the young generation around the party, in order to promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation The great cause continues to struggle.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Secretary of the Central Secretariat, participated in a collective conversation.

In the past five years, the Communist Youth League, centering on such major tasks as building a new development pattern, promoting high-quality development, winning the battle against poverty, and combating the COVID-19, has organized its members and young people to actively participate, shoulder heavy burdens, and march ahead, demonstrating the courage and burden of Chinese youth in the new era. The Party Central Committee has full trust in the Communist Youth League and the vast number of young people.

I hope you can strengthen your own construction, play a leading role as a model, and promote new and greater development in the cause of the Communist Youth League and youth work.

As the Party's assistant and reserve army, the Communist Youth League must carry out its work closely around the central task of the Party's 20th National Congress to determine the new era and new journey, grasp the direction, and strive for success. To achieve the grand goal of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, it is necessary for the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups, including young people, to unite and give their all, continue to climb mountains and overcome difficulties. The Communist Youth League should firmly grasp the theme of youth work in the new era, unite, organize, and mobilize young people as widely as possible, inspire young people to enhance their sense of historical responsibility and mission, stimulate the passion of youth for building a strong country, and bravely lead the vanguard and assault team in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Only when young people have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can they endure hardship, and are willing to strive, can Chinese youth have strength, and the development of the Party and the country's cause be full of hope. We need to strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs among the vast number of young people, guide them to establish the lofty ideals of communism, firmly uphold the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly adhere to the political beliefs of listening to and following the Party, establish correct personal goals in the historical trend of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and lay the foundation for lifelong struggle. The Communist Youth League should prioritize strengthening political guidance for its members and youth, strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors, and continuously deliver healthy and dynamic fresh blood to the Party. We must focus on thematic education for the vast number of members and young people, guide them to seriously study and understand the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, strive to master the worldview and methodology of this scientific thought, be good at using positions, viewpoints, and methods that run through it to analyze problems, and improve their understanding of the Party's basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Communist Youth League must persist in focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, take the initiative to connect with major national strategies and major tasks, organize and mobilize young people to base themselves on their posts, actively participate in Chinese-style modernization, and defend the country in scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, green development, social services, and defense. Strive to be the vanguard and new force in all fields of work, and show youthful vigor.

We must adhere to the clear guidance of consolidating grassroots, continuously expand the coverage of youth organizations, and enhance the work ability of young people. The vast number of youth league cadres should cherish the precious opportunity to do youth work for the Party, continuously improve their political ability, theoretical literacy, and mass work skills, focus on their own work, and win the trust of the Party, social respect, and youth reputation with solid performance.

Leaders and cadres at all levels should devote their enthusiasm to being the confidants of young friends and the guides of young people.

At the meeting, the First Secretary of the 19th Central Secretariat of the Communist Youth League, Adong, reported on the convening of the 19th National Congress and the First Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, as well as relevant considerations for implementing the spirit of the Party Central Committee. The Secretary of the Central Secretariat of the Communist Youth League, Xu Xiao, Wang Yi, Hu Baijing, Hu Sheng, Shapakti Wushouer, and Yu Jing, made speeches respectively.

Shi Taifeng, Li Ganjie, Li Shulei, Chen Wenqing, Liu Jinguo, and Wang Xiaohong attended the conversation.

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