Guangming Current Review: When Traditional Culture Meets Digital Civilization, Modernization | Digital | Current Review

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:36 PM

Guangming Review

From June 25 to 27, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong Province. This is the first thematic event held by the International Organization of the World Internet Conference after its establishment. The dialogue is themed on "the era of artificial intelligence: building a digital world of exchange, mutual learning and inclusiveness".

In today's world, digital technology is fully integrated into various fields and processes of human society, and artificial intelligence has become an important symbol of human civilization progress. With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence models, their impact on human civilization is increasing day by day, and the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence have become two ends of the scale. As for why we chose to hold the dialogue on digital civilization in the birthplace of Confucius and the birthplace of Confucianism, the relevant person in charge of the World Internet Conference said that the dialogue was held in Nishan, reflecting the collision and exchange between the wisdom of traditional civilization and new knowledge in the digital era. This dialogue aims to explore the forms in which artificial intelligence will promote the development of human civilization, promote all parties to better explore the historical and cultural value of the digital age, strengthen international cultural exchanges and cooperation, open up new paths for the development of artificial intelligence technology, and jointly promote the progress of human civilization.

The encounter between traditional culture and digital civilization will be more intuitively reflected in Nishan. "Li" has an image, "Le" has a voice, Juyan Han bamboo slips and Dunhuang posthumous notes can be used for digital tours, while Afang Palace and Weiyang Palace can be used for "cloud walks". We have a new perspective to examine traditional culture. The digital narrative process of traditional culture is the process of re creating and reinterpreting the content of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Traditional culture relies on digital technology to innovate and transform into new models that meet people's cultural experience needs based on content integration. It not only connects the past and present, but also will demonstrate stronger infectivity and charm in the future.

The meeting of traditional culture and digital civilization is not only reflected in the cultural level, but also a strategic choice to build a socialist cultural power and realize Chinese path to modernization. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), our Party has continued to advance on the basis of what it has already done, and has constantly achieved theoretical and practical innovation and breakthroughs, successfully promoting and expanding Chinese path to modernization. Chinese path to modernization is deeply rooted in China's excellent traditional culture, reflects the advanced nature of scientific socialism, draws on and absorbs all outstanding achievements of human civilization, represents the development direction of human civilization progress, shows a new vision different from the western modernization model, and is a completely new form of human civilization.

From the other side of Chinese path to modernization, the world, times and history are changing in an unprecedented way. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation represented by information technology are advancing rapidly, providing a strong development momentum for accelerating the construction of digital China and promoting Chinese path to modernization. Building a digital China is an important engine to promote Chinese path to modernization in the digital era, and a strong support to build a new competitive advantage of the country. The recently released Digital China Development Report outlines a rough outline for the comprehensive promotion of digital China construction.

The world is experiencing unprecedented changes, full of both hope and challenges. The importance of strengthening cultural exchange and mutual learning among civilizations is becoming more prominent. Agree on the moment of Mount Nishan, join hands in the promise of civilization, use digital technology to assist cultural inheritance, social governance, and sustainable development of the international community, and build a beautiful world of mutual learning and inclusiveness through dialogue among civilizations. We will face challenges together and share the future.

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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