Important news

Global Connection | Bida Germany: China remains one of the most promising markets The Netherlands | China | Bida
Global Connection | Bida Germany: China remains one of the most promising markets The Netherlands | China | Bida

Bida Livestock Breeding Equipment Co., Ltd., located in Beichen District, Tianjin, is the only production base and logistics center of the German Dutchman Company in China. The company focuses on the research and development of modern poultry and livestock breeding equipment, as well as supply business in marketing, production, service, procurement, logistics, and other fields. Founded in 1938, the German Dutchman Company is one of the world's largest suppliers of livestock and poultry breeding equipment. Walter Benz, the President of China, stated that China is one of the most promising markets. In order to achieve long-term development in China, the German Dutchman Company has planned to establish a second production base and logistics center in southern China to meet the growing needs of the Chinese market. Overall camera: Fang Jinyang, Dong Yaoyu, Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin External News Agency. Joint production of Xinhua News Agency's international communication integration by branch offices

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Urge the US to stop making irresponsible remarks and fulfill commitments with practical actions. China | US | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Urge the US to stop making irresponsible remarks and fulfill commitments with practical actions. China | US | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On June 29th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked about the remarks made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in an interview a few days ago. How does China respond to this? "We are dissatisfied with Antony Blinken's remarks!" Mao Ning said that the United States, out of a wrong perception of China, pursues a wrong policy towards China, encircles, contains and suppresses China, attacks and discredits China for no reason, and wantonly interferes in China's internal affairs. The words and actions of the United States violate the basic norms of international relations, and China naturally firmly opposes them. Mao Ning emphasized that mutual respect is the most fundamental principle in dealing with countries, and it is also a necessary principle for the correct coexistence between China and the United States. China urges the United States to stop making irresponsible remarks and to fulfill its commitments with practical actions.

Doctors become "demons", the truth | In the "human purgatory" created in the United States, doctors become "demons" | In the "human purgatory" created in the United States | | The truth
Doctors become "demons", the truth | In the "human purgatory" created in the United States, doctors become "demons" | In the "human purgatory" created in the United States | | The truth

Data chart: Recently, a United Nations special envoy was granted permission to inspect Guantanamo Prison for the first time. The investigation found that detainees at Guantanamo Prison still receive inhumane treatment from the United States. In the 21 years since its establishment in 2002, Guantanamo Prison has been plagued by scandals of prisoner abuse, causing great outrage in the international community. However, in the face of calls to close Guantanamo prison, the United States has always turned a deaf ear. The various atrocities in Guantanamo prison, including waterboarding, sleep deprivation, ice baths, electric drills, and noise, can be regarded as a "dark textbook" of human rights violations in the United States. Guantanamo Prison is not even an isolated case. The "black prisons" of the United States around the world have long become a classic symbol of America's violation of the rule of law and human rights. What is particularly chilling is that the "black prison" like a "human purgatory" has twists and turns

World Theory: British Media: The Tragedy of Race! Targeted plunder of black communities in the United States builds a "wall of threat" Detroit | Factory | United States
World Theory: British Media: The Tragedy of Race! Targeted plunder of black communities in the United States builds a "wall of threat" Detroit | Factory | United States

On June 29th, according to the Guardian website, dozens of car factories in Detroit, USA are mostly built in areas called homes for people of color. In addition to the high pollution and asthma incidence rate faced by local residents, some of them are now again facing the "tragedy" that happened to their ancestors - displacement. The neighborhood where local resident Bethany Howard lives has been demolished to meet the demand for cars in the United States. In the 1980s, Howard grew up in Detroit. Her family has been living, working, and studying in East Canfield for five generations, which is a closely connected and walkable community. Howard still remembers the day the bulldozer came in, in the early 1990s. When she was in fifth grade, churches, businesses, and hundreds of houses were demolished, including her best friend

German citizen: "Decoupling Theory" should be swept into the garbage dump of history, signed article | China | History
German citizen: "Decoupling Theory" should be swept into the garbage dump of history, signed article | China | History

On June 28th, Xia Lixian, the German editor in chief of Macau Post, published a signed article in China Daily, stating that the "decoupling theory" concocted by the United States has poisoned the relationship between the West and China and should be swept into the garbage heap of history. The article states that at the opening ceremony of the 14th Summer Davos Forum, Chinese Premier Li Qiang delivered a speech opposing the politicization of economic and trade issues and advocating for joint efforts to maintain the stability and smoothness of global industrial and supply chains. The article argues that the idea proposed by former US President Trump to achieve a "complete decoupling" between the world's largest and second largest economies is certainly one of the stupidest plans ever made by Western leaders. At a time when the global economy is more in need of extensive cooperation in as many fields as possible than ever before, the "Trump style stupidity" has poisoned the West and China

Di Er Xiu | "Building Block" Game: "Risk Reduction" in China is the True Risk in the United States | Risk | Building Blocks
Di Er Xiu | "Building Block" Game: "Risk Reduction" in China is the True Risk in the United States | Risk | Building Blocks

Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, recently delivered a meaningful speech in response to the so-called "risk reduction" rhetoric against China raised by the United States and Europe. He said that the United States has always advocated globalization and free trade in the past, encouraging other countries to open their doors and integrate into the world economy. Now it's going backwards, closing the door. In fact, there is no difference between "de risk-taking" and "decoupling", it's just changing the soup without changing the medicine. Video screenshot: So, what is the real risk and where does it come from? Let's start with the United States, which advocates for risk reduction. With its hegemonic position in the US dollar and strong economic strength, the United States has recklessly "harvested" global wealth. Since March 2022, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates 10 times in a row, causing a sharp appreciation of the US dollar. This has led to the depreciation of many countries' currencies, capital outflows, rising debt service costs, and increased imported inflation

The EU summit has become very special, after the Wagner incident, the EU Wagner summit
The EU summit has become very special, after the Wagner incident, the EU Wagner summit

Brussels/Moscow, June 29th (Xinhua) - The European Union is scheduled to hold its summer summit in Brussels, Belgium from June 29th to 30th. This is the first summit held by Western countries after the Wagner incident in Russia. Public opinion generally believes that the impact of the Wagner incident on the Russia-Ukraine conflict will become the primary topic of this meeting. On May 6th, people rested outside the headquarters of the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong's photo shows that the impact of the Wagna incident is yet to be evaluated. The agenda originally set for this summit included the situation in Ukraine, the economic situation, security and defense, immigration policies, and policies towards China. However, the Voice of Germany reported that the Wagner incident broke the original agenda, and this meeting will focus on the impact of the incident on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Estonian Prime Minister Kalas recently stated that,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: It is the responsibility of the Japanese government to provide an explanation. South Korean media exposed that Japanese officials gave more than 1 million euros to IAEA staff. Working Group | Evaluation | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: It is the responsibility of the Japanese government to provide an explanation. South Korean media exposed that Japanese officials gave more than 1 million euros to IAEA staff. Working Group | Evaluation | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On the 28th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked that recently, South Korean media reported that anonymous insiders claimed that the Japanese government had obtained the draft final evaluation report of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Fukushima Nuclear Pollution Water Disposal Technology Working Group in advance and proposed substantive modification suggestions, which had an inappropriate impact on the conclusion of the final report. Japanese officials gave over 1 million euros to the staff of the institutional secretariat. May I ask if the Chinese side has any comments on this? Mao Ning stated that the Chinese side attaches great importance to the relevant reports. The Japanese government has a responsibility to provide convincing explanations for the relevant reports, and the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency should also respond. In fact, the report has intensified the international community's concerns about Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea, and people have reason to question the international community

Courageously be the vanguard and commando of building a powerful country and rejuvenating the nation -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during a collective conversation with members of the new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League aroused enthusiastic responses. The cause of the party and the country | Xi Jinping
Courageously be the vanguard and commando of building a powerful country and rejuvenating the nation -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during a collective conversation with members of the new leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League aroused enthusiastic responses. The cause of the party and the country | Xi Jinping

I hope that the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League can effectively shoulder the mission and tasks entrusted by the Party in the new era and new journey, and better unite the younger generation around the Party, striving to continue the great cause of promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The requirements put forward by General Secretary for youth work in the new era have aroused warm reactions among the vast number of young people and Youth League members and cadres. Everyone expressed their desire to use the passion of youth to build a strong country, and bravely become the vanguard and assault team in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Write a new answer paper on the new road to the exam to live up to the times and the people -- write on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC to revive | China | the times
Write a new answer paper on the new road to the exam to live up to the times and the people -- write on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC to revive | China | the times

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 29, question: Write a new answer on the new road to the exam that will live up to the times and the people - on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC, Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Lei, Sun Shaolong, and Dong Boting have worked hard for 102 years. What makes a fire in the dark burn into a torch leading the national rejuvenation? 102 years of hard work, what makes a century old party still in its prime despite the vicissitudes of the century? From the small red boat on the South Lake of Jiaxing to the towering ship that navigates China, looking back at the turbulent and turbulent years, and reading the red chapter written with passion and life, people have a deeper understanding of the ideals, strength, and responsibility of the world's largest Marxist ruling party. Today, the CPC leads the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups to embark on the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country

More news | Guling story finally | two countries | hometown | Xi Jinping | wife | story | husband | China | Gardner | Guling
More news | Guling story finally | two countries | hometown | Xi Jinping | wife | story | husband | China | Gardner | Guling

The letter emphasizes that "the friendship between nations lies in mutual affinity between the people.". The foundation of the development of national relations lies in the people of both countries. I hope everyone can pass on and carry forward the story of Guling and the relationship between Guling, so that the friendship between the Chinese and American people can grow and thrive like a thousand year old willow tree on Guling. Where is Guling? What kind of touching story does it have? Located in the suburbs of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, Guling boasts beautiful scenery and has been a natural summer resort since modern times. At the beginning of the last century, American Milton Gardner came to China with his parents and spent 10 years of happy childhood in Guling. In 1911, the Gardner family moved back to the United States, but he always maintained Chinese dietary habits, and his greatest wish was to return to his childhood

The 2023 China Network Civilization Conference will be held in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China
The 2023 China Network Civilization Conference will be held in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China

CCTV News Client News: The State Council Information Office held a press conference today, and relevant officials from the Central Cyberspace Administration and Fujian Province introduced the preparations for the "2023 China Network Civilization Conference". The conference will be held in Xiamen, Fujian Province from July 18th to 19th, with the theme of "Gathering Civilization Power and Advancing Great Journey". It will include the opening ceremony and main forum, Network Integrity Construction Summit Forum, 12 sub forums, and Network Civilization themed activities. At present, all preparatory work is basically ready. It is reported that the conference will also release a series of achievements in the construction of network civilization, as well as "China Network Civilization Development Report 2023" and "China Network Integrity Development Report 2023".

The anchor said that Lianbo | The Centennial Party Will Always Maintain Youth Politics | Construction | The Party
The anchor said that Lianbo | The Centennial Party Will Always Maintain Youth Politics | Construction | The Party

In two days, the CPC will celebrate its 102nd anniversary. What is the best way to celebrate the party's birthday?What do you think of when it comes to party building? In fact, the content of party building work is very rich, including political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, and other aspects of the party. Among them, the political construction of the Party is the fundamental construction of the Party. The General Secretary emphasized in his instructions that strengthening the construction and organizational work of the Party should be based on the highest principle of adhering to and strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee. At the same time, strengthening the construction of the Party also has a main theme, which is the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. To forge iron, one must be hard on their own. To do China's affairs well, the key lies in the Party, and the key lies in adhering to the Party's management and comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. The Power of the Party

Towards the Clouds~Beyond the Mountains~In the Sea~Tianyan | China | Cloud
Towards the Clouds~Beyond the Mountains~In the Sea~Tianyan | China | Cloud

On the 28th, the world's first 16 MW offshore wind turbine was hoisted in Fujian and will soon enter commercial operation. The blades of this 16 MW wind turbine are 123 meters long and the sweeping area is equivalent to seven standard football fields. It is currently the largest wind turbine in the world, and the core key components have been fully localized. According to calculations, a single unit can output more than 66 million kilowatt-hours of clean electricity per year, saving about 22000 tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 54000 tons.‍The successful installation of the super "big windmill" has witnessed the further development of Chinese manufacturing. Made in China, how cool is it? "To the clouds ~ over the mountains ~ into the sea ~", follow the lyrics, take you to see ↓☁to the clouds! It runs to the stars.▶China Sky Eye FAST has China's independent intellectual property rights, is the world.

A unique advantage of the Party is related to daily learning, which is an important conference organization
A unique advantage of the Party is related to daily learning, which is an important conference organization

From June 28 to 29, the National Organization Work Conference was held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on party building and organizational work, emphasizing that we should deeply understand the important thinking of the Party Central Committee on party building and constantly improve the quality of organizational work. The strength of the party comes from the organization. Strict organization is the glorious tradition and unique advantage of the party. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, the party's overall leadership and all the party's work must be realized by the party's strong organizational system. What is the Party's organizational work? What kind of meeting is the National Organizational Work Conference? CCTV Network "Learning Every Day" takes you to understand. Director-General, Luo Hongbing, Director of Wei Drive Tiger, Editor-in-Chief of Wang Jingdong, Li Xuan Planning, Meng Lizheng Vision, Yan Ni Proofreader, Li Shanshan Sun Jie, Yan Tian Fan

Opening the Door to Happiness, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy": Shanhai Urban and Rural Zhejiang | Project | Strategy
Opening the Door to Happiness, 20th Anniversary of the Implementation of the "88 Strategy": Shanhai Urban and Rural Zhejiang | Project | Strategy

In the process of China's reform and opening up, cities and towns are an important pair of relationships for understanding economic and social development. The reality of cities without townships, high cities with low townships, and many cities with few townships destined the task of urban-rural integration to be great and arduous.For a long time, work hard, refine and develop into excellence. Zhejiang has taken the lead in completing the poverty alleviation task nationwide; The per capita disposable income of rural residents has been ranked first in various provinces and regions for 38 consecutive years; Becoming one of the provinces with the smallest income gap between urban and rural residents; Exploring the Way for the National Common Prosperity. A set of data, honors, and step-by-step exploration all illustrate a fact: coordinated development has become a prominent advantage of Zhejiang. two

Current affairs micro video | Ah! Guling! Folk | Guling | Current Politics
Current affairs micro video | Ah! Guling! Folk | Guling | Current Politics

This is a true story spanning a century. In 1901, American Gardner came to Fujian, China with his father and spent a joyful and unforgettable childhood. In 1911, the Gardner family returned to California, USA. Later, Gardner became a physics professor at the University of California. Time flies, and Gardner often misses Guling, but for various reasons, he cannot return to China. Before his death, he repeatedly said "Kuliang, Kuliang", but Mrs. Gardner didn't know exactly where "Kuliang" was. After this story

Follow General Secretary to see China's Optics Valley "this beam of light" rushing towards the world and shining around the world! Information Industry | Optoelectronics | Industry | Innovation | Optics Valley
Follow General Secretary to see China's Optics Valley "this beam of light" rushing towards the world and shining around the world! Information Industry | Optoelectronics | Industry | Innovation | Optics Valley

The optoelectronic information industry is a widely used strategic high-tech industry, and it is also a high-tech industry in China that has the conditions to achieve breakthroughs first. Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone in Hubei Province is unique in the field of optoelectronic information industry. We need to strengthen technological research and development, master more core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, continuously extend the innovation chain, improve the industrial chain, and make greater contributions to promoting the accelerated development of China's optoelectronic information industry. With the development and growth of our country, it is urgent to break through the bottleneck of key core technologies. We must adhere to a problem oriented approach, leverage the advantages of the new national system, work hard and catch up, and accelerate the realization of technological self-reliance and self-improvement——

Crossing Mountains and Seas to "Hunan" Expo Africa | Expo | Mountains and Seas
Crossing Mountains and Seas to "Hunan" Expo Africa | Expo | Mountains and Seas

Africa, with an area of approximately 30 million square kilometers, is the second largest continent in the world. Here, there are unique natural landscapes and cultural customs scattered throughout.The China Africa Economic and Trade Expo is an important initiative of the "Eight Major Actions" of China Africa cooperation, and an important platform for China to carry out economic and trade cooperation and exchange dialogue with African countries. It is held every two years. Driven by the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, products such as South African oranges, Namibian oysters, and Ethiopian coffee have come to the dining tables of Chinese people, which has also brought broad prospects to related industries in Africa

"Seeking Truth" magazine published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping "Strive to grow into a pillar of loyalty and reliability to the party and the people, worthy of the important tasks of the times" Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | Magazine | Xi Jinping
"Seeking Truth" magazine published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping "Strive to grow into a pillar of loyalty and reliability to the party and the people, worthy of the important tasks of the times" Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | Magazine | Xi Jinping

The article emphasizes that the healthy growth of young cadres is closely related to the successors of the Party and the people's cause. We must temper our political character of loyalty to the Party, establish a patriotic sentiment that does not disappoint the people, pursue a noble and pure ideological realm, cultivate strong skills that are worthy of heavy responsibilities, strive and contribute to the cause of the Party and the people, and leave an unforgettable footprint of struggle on the new era and journey. The article points out the need to establish a solid foundation of ideals and beliefs. Ideals and beliefs are the foundation for building and revitalizing the Party, as well as the foundation for Party members and cadres to establish themselves. The most important thing for young cadres to take over their work well is to uphold Marxism

The Revitalization of the Yangtze River: From the Perspective of Humanities and Economics, Observing the High Quality Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
The Revitalization of the Yangtze River: From the Perspective of Humanities and Economics, Observing the High Quality Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt

As for the opening of the column: The river flows day and night, and the song of generosity is yet to be sung.Under the guidance of the concept of "jointly promoting large-scale protection and not engaging in large-scale development", provinces along the Yangtze River are promoting ecological and environmental improvement, promoting comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The intensity, scale, and impact are unprecedented. At present, there has been a turning point in the ecological environment protection of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and historic achievements have been made in economic and social development. The mother river of the Chinese nation is full of vitality and a new face is shining

【 Daily Study · New Era Exam Road 】 Grasp the Fate of China's Development and Progress Firmly in Your Own Hands | China | Era
【 Daily Study · New Era Exam Road 】 Grasp the Fate of China's Development and Progress Firmly in Your Own Hands | China | Era

Independence and autonomy are important principles for building our party and country, and self-reliance is the cornerstone of the Chinese nation's struggle for independence among the nations of the world. Resolutely following one's own path is the cornerstone of the entire theory and practice of the Party, and it is also the historical conclusion drawn from the Party's century long struggle. The development of a country or a nation must be based on its own national conditions and culture, and walk its own path well. China's development ultimately depends on itself, and the most important thing is to do our own things well, continuously strengthen our comprehensive national strength, and continuously improve and improve

More showcasing the grandeur of the party
More showcasing the grandeur of the party

Author: Xinming 2023 is the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC. The CPC has made unremitting efforts for more than 100 years, not only creating great achievements that shine in history, but also forging the largest political party in the world.If you are big, you must have a big appearance. The appearance of this big party was established step by step by the CPC in the unremitting struggle to solve the unique problems of the big party by implementing the original mission. Always remember your original intention and keep your mission in mind. The most difficult thing for a political party is to have gone through vicissitudes without changing its original intention, to have weathered hardships and remained true to its true colors. From the day of its birth, the CPC has taken it as its original mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and has striven unswervingly for the people's aspirations for a better life.

General Secretary's request for a journey to forge "hard steel" in China
General Secretary's request for a journey to forge "hard steel" in China

Time is the most faithful recorder. From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from Xingye Road to Fuxing Road, a red ship carrying the trust of the people and the hope of the nation, crosses rapids and treacherous waters, and becomes a towering ship that guides China's steady and far-reaching journey. The CPC united and led the Chinese people to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.History has fully proved that without the CPC, there would be no new China and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The key to comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies in the Party

Strive to grow into a loyal and reliable pillar of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times. Practical work | People | Times
Strive to grow into a loyal and reliable pillar of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the responsibilities of the times. Practical work | People | Times

I always talk about the class opening ceremony. The reason why I attach great importance to this matter is because the healthy growth of young cadres is closely related to the successors of the Party and the people's cause. I have a certain emphasis in my speeches, but my requirements are consistent, which is to hope that young cadres can grow into loyal and reliable pillars of the Party and the people, capable of shouldering the important responsibilities of the times. Below, I emphasize a few points. Firstly, establish a solid foundation of ideals and beliefs. Ideals and beliefs are the foundation for building and revitalizing the Party, as well as the foundation for Party members and cadres to establish themselves. A large number of facts indicate that if a political party loses its ideals and beliefs, it will lose its spiritual bond and become a mob, scattering like birds and beasts in the face of storms; A party member

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. Xiong'an | New District | Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee
The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. Xiong'an | New District | Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

At present, the focus of work in Xiong'an New Area has shifted to high-quality construction, high-level management, and high-quality development. A package of support policies have been formulated and introduced to coordinate the overall development

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to review the "Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Support the Construction of Xiongan New Area with High Standards and High Quality" Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting Xi Jinping
The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to review the "Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Support the Construction of Xiongan New Area with High Standards and High Quality" Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting Xi Jinping

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 30. The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on June 30 to review the "Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Support the Construction of Xiongan New Area with High Standards and High Quality." Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. The meeting pointed out that the establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to relieve Beijing's non-capital functions and further promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. It is a millennium plan and a national event. At present, the focus of the work of Xiong'an New Area has shifted to high-quality construction, high-level management, high-quality deconstruction and development, and the formulation and introduction of a package of support policies is of great significance for the overall promotion of Xiong'an New Area to undertake Beijing's non-capital function deconstruction and large-scale construction and development, high standards and high quality construction of Xiong'an New Area. The meeting stressed the need to combine Xiongan

Learning the Original Voice and Listening to the Golden Sentence | On Adhering to the Party's Leadership in All Work Learning the Original Voice
Learning the Original Voice and Listening to the Golden Sentence | On Adhering to the Party's Leadership in All Work Learning the Original Voice

The CPC is the strong leadership core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the highest political leadership. We must firmly and consciously adhere to the leadership of the Party in all fields and aspects. Only by consistently adhering to the Party's leadership over all work can we achieve ideological unity, political unity, and action consistency at a higher level, and further enhance the Party's creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness. Total production: Sun Zhiping Production: Xing Peiyu Directing: Dong Linna Posters: Wang Qiwen, Chen Luyuan, Wu Sisi Production: Xinhua FM Studio Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department Production:

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to review the "Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Support the Construction of Xiongan New Area with High Standards and High Quality" Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting of the new area | Meeting | Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee
The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to review the "Opinions on Several Policies and Measures to Support the Construction of Xiongan New Area with High Standards and High Quality" Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting of the new area | Meeting | Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on June 30th to review the Opinions on Several Policy Measures to Support the High Standard and High Quality Construction of Xiong'an New Area.At present, the focus of work in Xiong'an New Area has shifted towards high-quality construction, high-level management, and high-quality development. A package of supporting policies has been formulated and introduced, which is of great significance for promoting the coordinated development of Xiong'an New Area in undertaking the non capital functional relocation and large-scale construction of Beijing, and building Xiong'an New Area with high standards and quality. The meeting emphasized the need to combine with the actual needs of Xiong'an New Area at the current stage, and to

[CCTV quick review] March forward bravely on the way to the new exam - warmly celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC | Thought | CCTV
[CCTV quick review] March forward bravely on the way to the new exam - warmly celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC | Thought | CCTV

Rivet your feet and start a new journey, set sail and set sail again. In the first year of comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, we ushered in the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC. Advancing forward on a new journey, all comrades in the Party hold their heads high, have firm confidence, and are full of energy, striving to turn the grand blueprint depicted in the 20th National Congress of the Party into a beautiful reality. The key to comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies in the Party and the people. At present, the world's unprecedented great changes are accelerating, and China's development has entered a period of strategic opportunities and risks, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors. The mission is significant, and the situation is pressing. We must strengthen our historical and strategic confidence, build the Party stronger and more powerful, so that our Party will always be full of vitality and vigor, and respond with a state of readiness