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A little more news in the footsteps of the General Secretary: the National Edition Pavilion of China: the seed Bank of the continuous Chinese context
A little more news in the footsteps of the General Secretary: the National Edition Pavilion of China: the seed Bank of the continuous Chinese context

The National Version Museum of China is mainly responsible for coordinating national version resource planning, census collection, collection display, research exchange, and promotion. It is composed of the Central General Museum, Xi'an Branch, Hangzhou Branch, and Guangzhou Branch. On July 30, 2022, the National Version Museum of China officially opened its "One General and Three Divisions". Based on the theme of "a famous mountain for preservation and passing on to future generations" as a cultural seed, the construction of the Chinese National Version Museum closely revolves around the positioning of the "passing on project" and has become a major highlight - the Central Committee

Chinese Stars | Supporting Aerospace Heroes with Life Support Umbrella Medical | Mission | Life
Chinese Stars | Supporting Aerospace Heroes with Life Support Umbrella Medical | Mission | Life

Supporting the Life Support Umbrella of Aerospace Heroes - Documentary of the Medical Rescue Team's Medical Support Mission of Shenzhou 15 Manned Flight, Traveling Three Thousand Miles All the Way, Shouldering the Dream of Aerospace! From the heart of our country's capital to the vast depths of the Gobi Desert, the Shenzhou series manned flight mission medical rescue team quietly sets out with the stars every time, heading back silently in the morning, faithfully fulfilling the responsibilities assigned by the Party and personnel for space medical rescue missions. They are always ready to escort the safe return of space heroes with unwavering courage, fearless sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of excellence and meticulous technical skills. They have successfully completed all the medical support missions of Shenzhou manned flights and shouldered the mountain like responsibility of escorting the dream of flying. In order to welcome the astronauts back home safely, they have been working hard day and night - fully prepared to ensure that the divine ship is flawless

Xi Jinping sent condolences to Indian President Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the train derailment collision in the Indian state of Orissa. Prime Minister Modi | India
Xi Jinping sent condolences to Indian President Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the train derailment collision in the Indian state of Orissa. Prime Minister Modi | India

Xi Jinping sent condolences to Indian President Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the train derailment collision in the Indian state of Orissa. Li Qiang sent condolences to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. President Xi Jinping sent messages of condolences to Indian President Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi respectively on the train derailment collision in the Indian state of Orissa. Xi Jinping said that he was surprised to learn that a train derailment and collision occurred in the state of Orissa, your country, causing heavy casualties. On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I would like to express my deep condolences to the victims, extend sincere condolences to the families of the victims and the injured, and hope that the injured will recover as soon as possible. On the same day, Premier Li Qiang of the State Council sent a message of condolences to Modi.

Daily Learning, Zhongnanhai monthly (2023.05) head of State | Xi Jinping | Zhongnanhai
Daily Learning, Zhongnanhai monthly (2023.05) head of State | Xi Jinping | Zhongnanhai

Summer is more charming than spring.Two plans related to the millennium are intertwined around the mainline of high-quality development, looking back on the past and hoping for the future. The millennium long friendship between China and Central Asia has been renewed in Xi'an, the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road, and China Central Asia cooperation has entered a new stage of high-quality development. The construction of Xiong'an New Area, a millennium long project, has shifted its focus to high-quality construction, high-level management, and high-quality development, creating a magnificent "future city". As the new journey sets sail, history, reality, and the future intertwine and converge in China in May. CCTV's Zhongnanhai Monthly uses intelligent big data to review this transition between spring and summer with you,

Viewpoint 1 | Xi Jinping: lan Hongguang should do this event well | Photography Department | Resources | Construction | Symposium | Branch Library | investigation | Culture | Xi Jinping | version
Viewpoint 1 | Xi Jinping: lan Hongguang should do this event well | Photography Department | Resources | Construction | Symposium | Branch Library | investigation | Culture | Xi Jinping | version

The National Version Library of China is the National Version Resource Library and the Seed Gene Library of Chinese Culture. It consists of the Wenhan Pavilion of the Central Library, the Wenji Pavilion of the Xi'an Branch, the Wenrun Pavilion of the Hangzhou Branch, and the Wenqin Pavilion of the Guangzhou Branch. It officially opened on July 30, 2022, mainly responsible for the national version

Chinese Stars | This is a reply letter sent by Chinese astronauts from the "Heavenly Palace" | Dream | China
Chinese Stars | This is a reply letter sent by Chinese astronauts from the "Heavenly Palace" | Dream | China

The crew of Shenzhou 15 astronauts is about to return to Earth. Before returning home, astronaut Fei Junlong sent a reply letter to Earth from the Heavenly Palace—— The starry sky has always been a dreamy and wonderful realm for me. In my hometown Xizang, there are many legends about the stars—— We can see the magnificent plateau covered in white snow, with mountains faintly visible. That's your hometown, right—— I also know that the path of dreams is not a smooth one. Have you ever considered giving up during your long preparation period—— When I was not selected, I also felt disappointed, but I never thought of giving up. Only by continuing to give it all can dreams take off This is the letter and reply from the "Take My Dream to the Heavenly Palace" activity, word by word, it is a dialogue between heaven and earth, as well as a commitment to dreams and perseverance