Unexpectedly turned into a "confused account"?, Over 5 times price increase in 3 years! This matter is closely related to the residents of Shencheng

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:01 PM

Hanging up the phone from the property management company, Aunt Zhou is still confused. Why did the property management company charge 2500 yuan for renovating and renovating a house after only a few years, despite only collecting around 300 yuan for renovation waste in 2018? After calculation, the fee has increased by more than 7 times, which makes Aunt Zhou quite unable to accept.

Housing decoration is undoubtedly a major event for all residents of Shencheng. As an important part of the decoration process, the cleaning and disposal of various types of decoration waste is closely related to residents. In recent days, many citizens have posted their bills on the 12345 Shanghai Citizen Service Hotline regarding this clearance fee: 1255 yuan was collected in 2020, and now 6500 yuan is required to be paid; When I first moved into the community, I paid 400 yuan, and now I have to pay a price difference of 1000 yuan for decoration... "Why has there been such a big adjustment in the price?" Under the confusion, the process of decoration had to come to a standstill.

There is a fee standard for "fixed price"

This is not Aunt Zhou's first time decorating a house. In 2018, she moved to the Guanlong community located in Lane 251, Guanlong Road, Putuo District. Before the decoration company officially entered the site, she paid a decoration waste removal fee of about 300 yuan to the property management. According to Aunt Zhou's recollection, the property management explained that the fee was charged based on the square meter of the house, but since the total cost was not high, we did not inquire in detail.

Unexpectedly turned into a "confused account"?, Over 5 times price increase in 3 years! This matter is closely related to the residents of Shencheng

Until this year, there was once again a demand for renovating bathrooms and kitchens at home. Before the renovation team started construction in early September, Aunt Zhou went to the property management company as usual to pay the renovation waste removal fee and apply for the renovation permit. Unexpectedly, I thought the cost was still a few hundred yuan, but this time the property management provided a response of 2500 yuan. "What are the charging standards now? Is it the property management company's' fixed price '?" Aunt Zhou, who is over seventy years old, made a difficult decision. "According to the property management's requirements, the garbage must be cleared within 48 hours after it is generated. Now that the renovation team has entered the site, the task of clearing the garbage is becoming increasingly urgent!"

Coincidentally, due to the lack of consensus with the property management regarding the cost of cleaning and transporting decoration waste, Mr. Han's new house located in Tianhe Jinyuan Phase III, Lane 6288, Daye Road, Fengxian District, has also had to suspend the decoration process. According to the property management regulations, the cost of cleaning and transporting decoration waste in the community is 650 yuan per vehicle, and residents pay the fee for 10 vehicles, totaling 6500 yuan. "In 2020, when delivering the second phase with a square size similar to ours, this cost was 1255 yuan. The price increase over three years was more than five times, isn't it too exaggerated?" Mr. Han complained.

Is this really a "fixed price" or "arbitrary charging"? When Shanghai Zhongshan Property Co., Ltd., which is responsible for managing the property of the community, learned about the situation, the relevant person in charge presented a "guide map for the cleaning and transportation of decoration waste in this community" to the reporter. It shows that in Shiquan Road Street, Putuo District, where Guannong Community is located, the cleaning and transportation of construction waste is handled by the First Branch of Shanghai Puhuan Industrial Co., Ltd., charging a standard fee of 400 yuan/3 ton vehicles and 650 yuan/5 ton vehicles. As for the 2500 yuan quotation given to Aunt Zhou, the person in charge stated that it is an estimate and will ultimately be refunded or supplemented based on the actual number of vehicles used. At the Great Wall Property Company in Tianhe Jinyuan, the staff also provided a price list. Shanghai Yongzhu Greening Engineering Co., Ltd., which is responsible for the cleaning and transportation of construction waste in the community, charges a fee of 650 yuan/8 tons of vehicles. The current fee of 6500 yuan is also a "prepaid" nature of refunding for excess and supplementing for shortfall.

A "garbage cleaning and transportation guide map" for the Guannong community clearly displays the name and fee standards of the company responsible for the cleaning and transportation of decoration waste in the community.

Unexpectedly turned into a "confused account"?, Over 5 times price increase in 3 years! This matter is closely related to the residents of Shencheng

The collection authorization letter posted by Tianhe Jinyuan Property Office is consistent with the fee standard published in the "Shanghai Decoration Garbage Appointment and Clearing" WeChat mini program.

However, most residents are unfamiliar with such a "car by car" charging standard. During an interview in the Tianhe Jinyuan community, a homeowner who was inspecting the construction situation at the renovation site told reporters that several years ago, Shanghai had released a "Price Information for Residential Community Decoration Garbage Cleaning Industry Fees", which stipulated that fees were calculated based on whether it was the first renovation and the area of renovation. "It has always been thought that fees were charged based on this."

Are there still "confused accounts" under the new standards?

After investigation by reporters, it was found that in July 2021, the Shanghai City Appearance and Environmental Hygiene Industry Association, the Shanghai Property Management Industry Association, and the Shanghai Decoration and Decoration Industry Association jointly announced the first batch of decoration waste removal price information. According to the new charging standards, this type of garbage will be cleared and transported by bag

Unexpectedly turned into a "confused account"?, Over 5 times price increase in 3 years! This matter is closely related to the residents of Shencheng

Pricing by box, by vehicle, and by piece, each district belongs to different clearing companies according to their respective streets. In the subsequently released and updated clearance price information, it has basically covered all residential areas throughout the city. The public announcement also specifies that from the date of the new price release, the price information previously charged based on the number of renovations and area has become invalid.

"This means that fees are now charged based on the actual amount of garbage generated, in short, 'whoever produces pays, and whoever produces more pays'. Industry insiders have explained that' in contrast, this charging method is more intuitive, especially when it comes to partial renovations of houses. The quantity based charging method is obviously more scientific. At the same time, this is also more suitable for the service model of collection and transportation enterprises and property companies. '"

The charging standards may seem clear and explicit, but during the interview process, the reporter found that even with the existence of regulations, it is still not uncommon to not follow them. For example, Mr. Ma, who lives in Huamu Street, Pudong New Area, is struggling with the decoration of his newly purchased school district house. According to the property management company's quotation, he needs to pay a one-time decoration garbage removal fee of 8000 yuan for a total of 4 cars, at a rate of 2000 yuan per car. "No refund or compensation for more or less, if not paid, the property management company will refuse to apply for a decoration permit." However, according to Mr. Ma's online search, the bicycle fees in the Lianyang community where the new house is located are all around 1200 yuan. Now, the property management company has quoted a "fixed price", which is extremely unreasonable.

In fact, due to the inability to reach a consensus on fees with property management companies, many citizens have also tried to contact the collection company through the "Shanghai Decoration Garbage Appointment and Clearing" WeChat mini program. However, according to feedback from various social media platforms, very few have been successful: most collection companies do not accept private orders from owners, and property management companies do not allow non cooperative collection vehicles to enter the community. For example, when calling the phone number of the "Pu Huan Industrial" company responsible for managing the cleaning and transportation of decoration waste in the community, the relevant staff told the reporter that they only signed contracts with the community's property management based on the published prices. If the owner has a need for cleaning, they must contact the property management company. "As for the specific mode of charging the owner by the property management, it is entirely up to the property management to decide."

Unexpectedly turned into a "confused account"?, Over 5 times price increase in 3 years! This matter is closely related to the residents of Shencheng

Citizens call for clear notification and adherence to regulations

"In fact, in the chain of cleaning and transportation of renovation waste in residential areas, property companies should only play a role of collecting, paying, and booking on behalf of the community." Industry insiders introduced to reporters, "When homeowners generate renovation waste, the cleaning and transportation companies enter the community on time and in quantity to collect the renovation waste, and then transport it to the designated places of the greenery department, government, or street. Essentially, this is still a relationship between the homeowners and the collection and transportation companies. All the property companies can do is to clearly inform the homeowners of the charging standards and charge them according to the published prices. If homeowners want to make their own appointment with the collection and transportation company, of course, it is also possible."

According to the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Decoration Garbage and Large Garbage Disposal and Collection in the City jointly issued by the Shanghai Greening and Urban Appearance Management Bureau and the Shanghai Housing Management Bureau in May 2021, owners can contact the cleaning enterprise through the property management company or by themselves.

Currently, many citizens have also put forward relevant suggestions for the collection and transportation of decoration waste in Shencheng. On the one hand, some citizens have called for property management companies to publicly display the corresponding collection and transportation company names, service content, charging standards, pricing units, and contact information of each community in prominent locations such as the community owner group, and provide explanations for the specific collection methods of the property management company, such as whether it is a pre collection model of refunding more or compensating less, or a post payment model of charging according to the actual loading situation; On the other hand, based on the existing "Shanghai Decoration Garbage Appointment and Clearing" WeChat mini program, the autonomy of citizens to choose a collection company should also be guaranteed.

Unexpectedly turned into a "confused account"?, Over 5 times price increase in 3 years! This matter is closely related to the residents of Shencheng

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