Xinhua Review | From the Perspective of the Continuity of Chinese Civilization, "We Must Follow Our Own Path" - The Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization Series Review Part 2: China | The Chinese Nation | Continuity

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:35 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 12 (Xinhua) - From the Continuity of Chinese Civilization, "We Must Follow Our Own Path" - Part 2 of a Series of Commentaries on the Outstanding Characteristics of Chinese Civilization

Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Lei, Sun Shaolong, and Dong Boting

"The outstanding continuity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines that the Chinese nation will inevitably follow its own path."

Among them, "continuity" comes first.

The source is dredged and the flow is long, while the root is deep and the leaves are lush. To understand the practical logic of an ancient country with a civilization history of over 5000 years, one must immerse oneself in the river of time and deeply grasp its historical logic; The only way to inherit the world's only long-standing and uninterrupted civilization from ancient times is to firmly follow one's own path.

"We have opened up the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics not by chance, but by the inheritance of our country's history and cultural traditions."

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the forum on cultural inheritance and development: "if we do not understand China from the historical continuity of a long history, it is impossible to understand ancient China, nor can we understand modern China, let alone the future China."

In the long process of history, the Chinese nation, with the determination and will to strive for self-improvement, has gone through a development process that is different from other civilizations in the world. To continue writing the magnificent chapter of Chinese civilization, it is even more necessary to firmly follow one's own path.

During his inspection of the Yin ruins in Anyang, Henan Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Chinese civilization has a long history and has never been interrupted. It has shaped our great nation, and this nation will continue to be great."

When he came to Zhu Xi Garden on the banks of the Jiuqu River in Wuyi Mountain, Fujian Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "without 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, where would there be Chinese characteristics? If it were not for Chinese characteristics, how could there be such a successful road to socialism with Chinese characteristics as we have today? "

Socialism with Chinese characteristics is rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese culture, reflects the will of the Chinese people, and adapts to the development and progress requirements of China and the times. It has a profound historical origin and a broad practical foundation.

This road continues the hope and dream of national rejuvenation.

On July 1, 2021, Red Flag Hunting was held at Tiananmen Square.

At the meeting celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared: "realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process!"

A long civilization understands the significance of rejuvenation better; A nation that has created glory yearns even more for the glory of rejuvenation.

In order to realize the dream of rejuvenation, the CPC led the Chinese people to embark on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics through arduous exploration.

Practice has proven that this is a road to building a strong country, enriching the people, and also a necessary path for national rejuvenation.

This road is imbued with the ideas and wisdom of ancient ethnic groups.

"There, everyone's free development is a condition for everyone's free development." Opening the "Communist Manifesto," the description of the future society is fascinating. This goal coincides with the imagination from the East thousands of years ago: "to make old age a happy ending, strong and useful, young and young have strengths, and to provide care for those who are proud, widowed, lonely, single, and disabled.".

The essence of socialism is nurtured and grown in the process of sinicization and modernization of Marxism.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said right to the point: "it is by no means accidental that the proposition of scientific socialism was warmly welcomed by the Chinese people and eventually took root in the land of China and blossomed and bear fruit. It is integrated with the excellent history and culture that our country has inherited for thousands of years and the values that the broad masses of people use but do not realize."

The choice of road is a historical choice, a people's choice, and also a cultural choice.

The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics has emerged from the inheritance of the 5000 year long civilization of the Chinese nation, and has injected fresh blood and vitality into the Chinese civilization of the times.

"We must deeply understand the correctness of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and firmly adhere to the only correct path of socialism with Chinese characteristics."

Once the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics takes root in the land of China, it demonstrates strong vitality. Only this path, without any other path, can lead China's progress and achieve the well-being of the people.

Along this path, the genealogy of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is magnificent, and the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization have obtained a more complete institutional guarantee——

"the ancients said that the 'six contract style, Kyushu runs together'. In contemporary China, this cannot be done without the leadership of the Party." General Secretary Xi Jinping looked at the history of Chinese civilization and pointed out the profound cultural soil for perfecting the Party's leadership system.

Inheriting the past and extending the present, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly stated: "only a system that takes root in the soil of our country and absorbs abundant nutrients is the most reliable and most effective."

Adhering to the spirit of "those who follow the law are strong, the country is strong, and those who follow the law are weak, the country is weak", and using the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics to distinguish and stop disputes;

Absorbing the concepts of "harmony between heaven and man" and "the coexistence of all things", the ecological civilization system is becoming increasingly sound;

Drawing on the wisdom of "harmony without uniformity" and "seeking common ground while reserving differences", the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC has been constantly improved

Our socialist system has extraordinary organizational and mobilization abilities, overall coordination abilities, and implementation abilities. The socialist system with Chinese characteristics, which draws on the essence of Chinese civilization, has unparalleled superiority.

Along this road, the development path of Chinese path to modernization is increasingly clear, providing a more solid material foundation for the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization——

The rolling Yellow River is the endless bloodline of Chinese civilization. By observing the Yellow River, one can understand China.

On June 5, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping went deep into Wuliangsuhai at the top of the "few-word bend" of the Yellow River, inspected and investigated the local promotion of ecological environment restoration, and urged "to leave a beautiful home with green mountains, beautiful waters, and new air for future generations."

Chinese civilization has had the wisdom of "unity between heaven and man" since ancient times. Today, "harmonious coexistence between man and nature" has become the proper meaning of Chinese path to modernization.

The people-oriented ideology of "the people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and peaceful" complements the grand prospect of "modernization with a huge population size";

The governance philosophy of "the way of governing the country starts with enriching the people" is consistent with the goal of "modernization for common prosperity of all people";

The unremitting pursuit of carrying virtue and promoting integrity and harmony provides value support for achieving modernization that coordinates material and spiritual civilization;

Inheriting the cultural genes of "being kind and friendly to neighbors, the treasure of the country", and the Chinese nation's commitment to modernization on the path of peaceful development, is clearly presented.

Chinese path to modernization, which has a profound connotation due to Chinese civilization, endows Chinese civilization with modern strength.

Along this path, China's spirit is shining with a new era of brilliance, and the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization has gained more proactive spiritual power——

On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the leafy campus of Peking University and solemnly pointed out during a discussion with teachers and students:

"The core values of a nation or a country must be in line with its history and culture, combined with the ongoing struggles of its people, and adapted to the contemporary issues that the nation or country needs to address."

The simple ideals of "prosperity and democracy" connecting "the people are prosperous, the country is prosperous" and "the people are precious";

"Patriotism and dedication" draw on the spiritual pursuit of "serving the country with sincerity" and "the way of heaven rewards diligence";

"Integrity and friendliness" absorb the ancient wisdom of "without trust, do not know what can be done" and "do not do to others what you do not want"

With Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the CPC Central Committee creatively condenses the connotation of traditional culture into the core values, and makes its influence as omnipresent and omnipresent as the air, thus gathering a majestic spiritual force for the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization.

"We have created a great Chinese civilization, and we can continue to expand and follow a development path that is suitable for China's national conditions."

At present, the world is undergoing unprecedented changes and accelerating its evolution, and Chinese civilization has once again entered a new stage of development.

On the new journey, continuing to walk one's own path requires achieving spiritual independence and autonomy with a high level of cultural confidence.

Meishan, Sichuan, San Su Temple.

From cultural confidence, the General Secretary also talked about road self-confidence: "the Chinese nation has a long history of civilization of more than 5,000 years, and we are leading the people to take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics."

Cultural confidence is a more fundamental, profound, and enduring force in the development of a country and a nation.

Looking at the time and road, the pre Qin scholars, the Han and Tang dynasties, and the Song and Ming dynasties... The Chinese culture is like a vast river, nourishing the vast China and laying a solid foundation for the Chinese people to strengthen their cultural confidence.

On a new journey, cultural relics collected in museums, heritage displayed on vast land, and characters written in ancient books are increasingly entering people's hearts, and cultural confidence is constantly rising in the hearts of billions of people.

"Every civilization continues the spiritual bloodline of a country and nation, which requires not only passing on the torch and generations of protection, but also keeping up with the times and daring to innovate."

In March 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), explained the relationship between civilization inheritance and innovation.

The Chinese nation has never lacked an innovative spirit. Philosopher Feng Youlan once wrote, "To conquer the great powers of the world may be new but not ancient; to Greece and Rome may be ancient but not modern. But our country is both new and old, as the saying goes, 'Although the Zhou dynasty is old, its destiny is to be renewed.'"

When the Beijing Winter Olympics ushered in a stunning start in the countdown to the 24 solar terms, expressing a sense of farewell and nostalgia through the "broken willows", the Chinese cultural heritage that has lasted for more than 5000 years converged into the surging tide of the new era; When the "Beidou" shines, "Chang'e" flies to the moon, and "Zhurong" explores the fire, ancient legends become a reality due to technological innovation

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the "second combination" is another emancipation of the mind, enabling us to make full use of the precious resources of China's excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space to explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovation.

Adhering to keeping up with the times, upholding integrity and innovation, the Chinese civilization will surely continue indefinitely.

On the new journey, continue to walk your own path well, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and adhere to bottom line thinking.

"The sage who does not treat illness does not treat illness, does not treat chaos does not treat disorder" "Born in distress and died in peace"... Despite hardships, he still grows and grows, faces challenges, and maintains a sense of crisis, which is an important reason for the continuous and uninterrupted development of Chinese civilization for thousands of years.

Currently, China is in an important period of historical opportunity, but the path forward cannot be smooth sailing. Only by continuously strengthening bottom line thinking and better coordinating development and security can we effectively tame the "gray rhinoceros", effectively prevent the "black swan", and promote the stable and far-reaching journey of the "China" giant ship.

Walk triumphantly, not far from the mountains and seas; Take advantage of the situation, not limited by the sun and moon.

In May 2023, China and the leaders of the five Central Asian countries joined hands again in Chang'an. Among the gifts given to the heads of Central Asian countries, there is a "He Zun". The inscription on He Zun of the Western Zhou Dynasty, "Dwelling in China," is the earliest source of the term "China" discovered so far.

From the charm of bronze, to the atmosphere of the Han and Tang dynasties, and to today's great country style, a China with a long and rapid civilization is firmly walking on the path it has opened up, with a high spirit.

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Everyone said that on the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should be firm in cultural self-confidence, take on the mission, and work hard to learn rich nutrition from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, refine and sublimate in the great practice of Chinese path to modernization, so that the Chinese civilization can glow with new vitality and vitality, and inject strong civilization nourishment and spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. The cultural and national fortunes are intertwined, and the cultural context is connected to the national context.

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