[Daily Learning] Let Youth Bloom in the Chinese Dream of Realizing the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation Xi Jinping | Youth | Chinese Nation

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:15 PM

Xi Jinping: great dream, great mission, the vast number of League members and young people consciously shoulder the important task, go deep into the grass-roots front line, let youth bloom in the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and contribute to the historic achievements and historic changes in the cause of the party and the state!

This passage comes from the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League on May 10, 2022.

Youth are the most vibrant, dreamy, and innovative. History and reality tell us that on the road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, if the younger generation has ideals and responsibilities, the country has hope, and the nation has a future.

In the past decade of the new era, China's education investment has steadily increased. Last year, the national general public budget for education expenditure was 3945.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.5%. The proportion of national fiscal education expenditure to GDP has remained above 4% for 10 consecutive years; Steadily implementing the plan for revitalizing high skilled talents, the project for improving the quality of enterprise management talents, and the plan for cultivating outstanding talents in agricultural research, we cultivate and train millions of talents in the industry every year. At the same time, the first national level special plan for youth in the history of New China, the "Medium - and Long Term Youth Development Plan," has been promulgated and implemented, providing policy guarantees for the development of China's youth cause in the new era. As an advanced youth group organization led by the CPC, the Communist Youth League of China actively organizes youth volunteer service exchange activities, youth employment and entrepreneurship policy publicity, online theme group classes, etc., and strives to do practical things and solve problems for youth. According to statistics, as of the end of December last year, there were a total of 73.583 million Communist Youth League members and 4.093 million Communist Youth League organizations in China.

Contemporary Chinese youth should keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary and move forward together with the new era. In China's manned spaceflight industry, we have a large number of young teams who are particularly capable of enduring hardship, fighting, tackling challenges, and dedicating themselves; In the battle against poverty, there are countless young people who bravely shoulder their responsibilities, overcome difficulties, and strive to eradicate poverty and change the face of their hometowns; At the scene of technological breakthroughs and major national weapons, there are young talents who strive to climb and persistently pursue; At the forefront of disaster relief, there are young assault team members who stand up and sacrifice their lives; In border areas and United Nations peacekeeping operations, Chinese young soldiers have demonstrated their unwavering loyalty to their motherland and people, as well as their resolute actions in defending peace

Building a socialist modernized strong country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a relay race. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that if young people are strong, then the country is strong. Contemporary Chinese youth are born at the right time, and on the new journey, we young people should bear in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary, embrace dreams and be down-to-earth, dare to think, dare to do good deeds and achieve success, aspire to be a good youth of the new era with ideals, dare to take responsibility, be able to endure hardship, and be willing to work hard. We should strive to become a new generation who can shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation, and let our youth tirelessly strive for the beautiful future of our country, nation, people, and humanity.

Special expert of this issue: Liu Shichao, Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences

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