The kidnappers are demanding a ransom of 5 million yuan! Jing'an police resolve crisis within 5 hours, international student's parents are "kidnapped" | Video | Police

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:40 PM

International students were kidnapped overseas, and their parents were demanded a ransom of 5 million yuan by the kidnappers. They also received videos of "meat tickets" being controlled and harmed - recently, the Jing'an Public Security Bureau received such a report.

Through on-site investigation and international police cooperation, 5 hours later, international student Xiao Jia was successfully "rescued" - not from the hands of kidnappers, but at the airport port.

What is the truth?

International students kidnapped, kidnappers call to demand ransom

At around 14:00 on April 17th this year, Mr. and Mrs. Jia's daughter, who was studying abroad in a Southeast Asian country, made a voice chat call.

After connecting, a male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Your daughter has been kidnapped. If you want her to be safe, pay a ransom of 5 million."

Kidnapping? 5 million? Upon hearing these words, the couple was suddenly confused and wanted to seek their daughter's confirmation, but they couldn't get in touch.

What frightened the two even more was that a video came immediately. In the video, the daughter is disheveled and wearing a torn top, crying for help: Mom and Dad, I'm a bit scared now, I've been taken away

The couple tried their best to remain calm and asked the kidnappers to confirm their daughter's situation. They asked "how many fish do we have at home?" The other replied, "There are only two turtles at home and no fish." Now, they concluded that their daughter was really kidnapped!

Amidst the panic, the couple contacted Xiaojia's roommate and teacher, and received information that Xiaojia had finished breakfast in the apartment and left, while both the teacher and classmates stated that they had not seen her at school that day. The couple immediately entrusted the school to report to the local police for help, and the relevant departments of the country confirmed that Xiao Jia had left the country at 2 pm on the same day.

Afterwards, the kidnappers called again and demanded that the family members turn on their cameras and not report to the police, otherwise they would tear up the tickets. The couple began to transfer 100000 yuan to a designated account as requested by the kidnappers. However, while pressing the password, the kidnappers urgently stopped the transfer instructions and asked the family members to wait for further notification.

At 17:57 that day, Mr. Jia hesitated for several times before sneaking downstairs and calling 110 to report to the police.

Is it kidnapping or fraud?

Received Mr. Jia's report, the police attach great importance to it. A few minutes later, police officers from Shimen Second Road Police Station rushed to the scene to understand the situation, calm the emotions of the parties involved, and remind them not to transfer money.

At 18:28, Liu Yuanyuan, the deputy captain of the Jing'an Public Security Criminal Investigation Detachment, rushed to the scene to further understand Xiao Jia's personal, social, and family situation.

At the same time, this police situation was urgently reported to the National Cooperation Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Command, and international police cooperation was initiated simultaneously. A special task force composed of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and relevant departments of the Jing'an Public Security Sub bureau was quickly established.

"This should be a fake kidnapping, real fraud." Surprisingly, Liu Yuanyuan believed that this was a "virtual kidnapping" case. He listed three reasons: firstly, there have been multiple similar fraud cases targeting the families of international students in recent years, and secondly, on the day of the incident, Xiaojia's WeChat account had been logged in to in different countries, which is highly likely due to fraudsters obtaining her account password; The third is that the domestic account that the fraudster originally intended to receive money has been marked as a fraudulent account and is in a frozen state.

Searching for the "kidnapped person"

Even though it was just a carefully planned fraud, the crisis has not been resolved. The police have determined that Xiaojia may be under the mental control of the fraudsters, posing a threat to personal safety, and must be rescued in a timely manner.

On one hand, the task force guides the couple to deal with the kidnappers, stabilize each other, and buy time to search for the missing Xiaojia. On the other hand, it actively maintains close contact with the country's police through international police cooperation mechanisms.

Based on various sources of information, at around 2 pm that day, Xiaojia left the country where the school was located with his passport and intended to travel to a neighboring country. However, no information about Xiaojia could be found in the entry information of the destination country. The task force has determined whether it is the fraudster who deliberately designed to hide Xiaojia in the "vacuum area" between the two countries in order to cut off her connection with the outside world and avoid the "kidnapping" scam being exposed?

Time passes by minute by second, especially for those who call the police, and they feel even more tormented. The kidnappers kept pressuring and threatening to demand ransom, and the couple began to hesitate: the safety of their daughter is the most important, why not transfer the money according to each other's requirements first? Liu Yuanyuan was also anxious and gave many real cases to persuade and persuade the informant.

Finally, at 22:41 that day, the police in the country where Xiaojia School is located reported that Xiaojia had been found at the entry and exit port, and everything was safe!

This is the best news, and everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. and Mrs. Jia tightly hugged each other, tears streaming down their faces.

Intimidation style deep brainwashing

What kind of scam is this? After the incident, the Jing'an police conducted multiple follow-up visits to review Xiao Jia's process of being deceived and the situation of the incident.

Time goes back more than a week before the incident. On April 9th this year, Xiaojia received a call from a local "immigration bureau staff", stating that she had abnormal travel records at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport and was about to be held accountable by the airport police. Afterwards, three men claiming to be under the Guangzhou police called her one after another, claiming that she was suspected of involvement in cross-border money laundering activities and would be deported.

In a flurry, Xiao Jia, who is still young in the world, provided the other party with information such as name, ID card number, economic situation and family situation.

The prey has already taken the bait, and even more cunning traps are about to be laid. Three days later, the other party requested Xiao Jia to log in to the so-called "Ministry of Public Security" website to inquire about the case situation on his own. After entering the number provided by the scammer, Xiaojia saw his wanted notice. At this point, the fraudster stated that in order to clear the suspicion, one must follow his instructions. Under the threat and intimidation of the other party, Xiaojia was deeply brainwashed and believed in the words of the fraudster.

On April 15th, the fraudster called again, suspecting that Xiaojia had acted in a "kidnapping case" to evade investigation and demanding that she shoot a video to prove her innocence. According to the scammer's request, the next day, Xiaojia filmed a "distress video after being kidnapped" and provided it to the "police" to compare its authenticity. Unexpectedly, this video recorded to prove one's innocence has become a tool for scammers to deceive their parents.

On the morning of April 17th, Xiaojia surrendered his WeChat account and password as requested by the scammer and took refuge outside the country. At around 2 pm, Xiaojia left the country and could only sit at the border between the two countries for six or seven hours without a neighboring country visa.

At the same time, scammers began using Xiaojia's WeChat to contact her parents, using her selfie video to falsely claim that Jia Yu had been kidnapped and demand a ransom of 5 million yuan. Until late that night, Xiaojia was discovered by the police.

Liu Yuanyuan analyzed that the fraudster may have initially just wanted to cheat Xiao Jia out of money, but after learning about her wealthy family, she gradually turned the blame to her parents and carefully planned a "virtual kidnapping" scam.

At present, Jing'an police have captured some suspect in the case, and the case is still under further investigation.

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