Today's data selection: Strawberry prices halved; Shanghai-Hangzhou route resumed after more than 20 years of suspension

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 22:18 PM

According to incomplete statistics, there are 140 million egg-cracking players nationwide, with more than 20 million in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces alone. The popularity of egg-cracking has also driven the sales of related products such as playing cards, card machines, tablecloths, and egg-cracking secrets. Egg-beating pokers are larger than ordinary pokers and more expensive than ordinary pokers, which retail for about 5 yuan, ranging from 10 yuan to more than ten yuan. Lin Yuzhen, a merchant in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, is engaged in the wholesale business of playing cards and board game cards. She said that orders for Guandan playing cards have gradually increased since the second half of last year, and before the Spring Festival this year, "there are so many orders that I can't handle it."

Why did the price of strawberries suddenly drop sharply before the holiday? In this regard, reporters from China Securities Journal conducted on-site investigations at a number of strawberry wholesale and retail markets in Beijing and found that the sharp decline in strawberry prices is indeed true. "The weather is warm, strawberries grow very fast, and they ripen in clusters one by one. They become so red overnight that there is no time to pick them. Prices have dropped in the country of origin, and the wholesale and retail prices have also dropped accordingly." Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Wang Liang, who specializes in strawberry wholesale in the market, told reporters.

"Strawberries sell very fast. Basically, we get 3 or 4 boxes. We can sell 180 boxes in one morning. One box is about 6 or 7 pounds. A box of high-quality cream strawberries is about 100 yuan, and Dandong strawberries are 150 yuan to 200 yuan. One box. Compared with before the festival, it’s half cheaper.” During the visit, many strawberry wholesalers told reporters.

"The price of cream strawberries in Shandong and Anhui dropped to 8 yuan per catty in the past two days. It has snowed in the origin of the country these two days, and picking and transportation have been blocked. The price has increased by a few yuan, but even if it has increased, the price is still lower than last year. It was half cheaper than before," Wang Liang told a China Securities Journal reporter.

Many wholesalers also told reporters that the best-selling strawberries now are Dandong, Liaoning, which costs just over 20 yuan per pound. Before the Spring Festival, they sold for 50 or 60 yuan per pound, and the price has been "cut in half." Later, the reporter went to supermarkets such as Wumart and Yonghui. The reporter found here that the retail price of strawberries in Dandong has dropped to 20 yuan to 25 yuan per catty, while cream strawberries and red strawberries have generally dropped to more than ten yuan per catty.

Zhang Ming, a farmer engaged in high-quality strawberry cultivation in Dandong, told reporters frankly that the real Dandong high-quality strawberries are different from ordinary strawberries from the time they are raised. Grinding soy milk for strawberries, turning on the air conditioner, and listening to music... these methods are already very common in the Dandong boutique strawberry growing circle. In order to grow strawberries in different ways, each family has its own secrets. We work hard to bring the best quality strawberries to the market during the Spring Festival. "The best strawberries grown locally can be sold for two to three hundred yuan per catty. If they are particularly good, they can be exported by the strawberry, and the price can be as high as thousands of yuan per catty. But if the time is not followed correctly, they will not be released until the Spring Festival. Then you will basically lose money. After the Spring Festival, the price of strawberries will basically be cut in half. In another month, the taste and taste will be very different from those during the Spring Festival.

It only takes 28 minutes to fly from Hangzhou to Shanghai. The Shanghai-Hangzhou route has been restored after being suspended for more than 20 years.

On February 23, flight MU5440 from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport to Shanghai Pudong International Airport took off, which means that civil aviation flights from Hangzhou to Shanghai have resumed after more than 20 years, and the actual flight time only takes 28 minutes. Today, more than 20 years after the Shanghai-Hangzhou route was suspended, travel between Shanghai and Hangzhou has become very convenient. Why should the Shanghai-Hangzhou route be reopened? It is reported that this is mainly to consider the needs of passengers traveling to Pudong for transfer. After the Shanghai-Hangzhou route is reopened, taking a flight from Hangzhou to Shanghai and arriving at Pudong Airport will have more ample transfer time and more international flights to choose from.

As soon as the Lantern Festival is over on February 24, the 2024 Year of the Dragon Spring Festival is coming to an end. During the Spring Festival, wearing Hanfu and taking beautiful photos have become a ritualistic way for many Chinese to celebrate the New Year. According to previous reports, Cao County, Heze City, Shandong Province is one of the main production and sales bases of Hanfu and performance costumes in China. Last year, the sales of Hanfu exceeded 7 billion yuan. Data from the Cao County E-commerce Service Center shows that the local Hanfu industry’s sales during the Spring Festival this year exceeded 300 million yuan.

Yao Chixing, general manager of Caoxian Luo Ruyan Original Hanfu, told Jiupai News that in order to match the New Year atmosphere of the Year of the Dragon, the production line has designed more than 1,000 styles of New Year's greeting clothes. Among them, the horse-faced skirt with the element of "dragon and phoenix presenting auspiciousness" is particularly popular among customers. "On average, more than 500 units can be sold a day."

During the Spring Festival, the sales of Hanfu were so hot that it far exceeded Yao Chixing’s expectations. She said, "I thought I would have an easy New Year, but I didn't expect that since the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, customers have been calling to inquire whether they would be open during the Spring Festival. So from the second day of the lunar new year, some employees quickly opened their doors after visiting relatives." "He said that during the Spring Festival, he was so busy that he didn't even have time for lunch.

Can the A-share rebound above 3,000 points continue? Where is the main line of the market outlook?

In the first trading week after the Spring Festival holiday, the three major A-share indexes continued to rebound. As of February 23, the Shanghai Composite Index was at 3004.88 points, reaching the 3000-point mark again. If the three trading days before the holiday are included, the Shanghai Composite Index and the Shenzhen Composite Component Index have both posted positive results for eight consecutive days.

One view is that the recent continued rise in the market comes from the replenishment after the pre-holiday micro-cap style liquidity crisis dug holes. After eight consecutive positive days for A-shares, it remains to be seen whether the small-cap market can attract continued new capital. When the index returns to 3,000 points, the market has not yet formed a general money-making effect. Therefore, from the perspective of short-term funds, there is still great uncertainty in the rebound.

Some institutions also predict that A-shares will have more two-way fluctuations in the short term, and the upward slope may also converge. However, even if there is a short-term consolidation, it will not affect the mid-term trend. It is expected that the market will maintain an intermediate rebound trend before mid-March. .

Today's data selection: Strawberry prices halved; Shanghai-Hangzhou route resumed after more than 20 years of suspension
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