To be responsible for the people, to be responsible for history, to be responsible for ecology, and to be responsible for history

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:20 PM

General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Inner Mongolia lasted four days, with research and two meetings between the two places. In Bayannur, which runs across the Yellow River, a symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three north" was held on the afternoon of the 6th, and the general secretary's evaluation was "of landmark significance."

Bayannur is located in the Hetao Plain, where there is only one set of wealth in the Yellow River. For thousands of years, forests have been competing against sand, water has been nourishing the fields, the sun rises and sets, and it thrives and thrives.

Lengthen the lens. In China's territory, a ten thousand mile wind sand belt starting from the Tarim Basin in the west and ending in the west of the Songnen Plain in the east is the place where China's key ecological projects such as desertification prevention and control and the "three north" have overcome difficulties.

The "Three North" project began in the year of reform and opening up, aiming to turn "thousands of miles of sandstorms" into "Green Great Wall".

"Practice has proven that the decisions made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China regarding sand prevention and control, especially the construction of projects such as the 'Three North', are very correct and visionary. China has embarked on a path of sand prevention and control with Chinese characteristics that conforms to natural laws and national conditions. It has forged the 'Three North Spirit' and established an international model of ecological governance."

Harvest season. The Book of Rites of Zhou states: "The grass grows from the Ze grass, and the seeds are planted with awns."

The symposium is related to "Zecao" and is also a global and national strategy. The implementation of the "Three North" project is a major national strategy, which has planted new hope for the Three North region, which accounts for nearly half of China's land area.

The situation of sand prevention and control remains severe.

Strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, deepening the construction of key ecological projects such as the 'Three North', is related to China's ecological security, the construction of a strong country, and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

The "Great Country" in a Blueprint

The greatness of a country is related to the long run. Standing on the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, only by seeing the far past can we foresee the far future.

Ecological issues test a historical perspective.

Every time, we talk about building a strong ecological security barrier. This time, he once again emphasized that building an important ecological security barrier in northern China is the "greatest of the country" that Inner Mongolia must remember.

The theme of research and discussion runs through the entire process.

On the 5th, arriving in Bayannur from Beijing, first go to Wuliangsuhai to see the water; Then go to the modern agriculture demonstration park on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai to see the fields.

On the 6th, go to the state-owned Xinhua Forest Farm in Linhe District to see the forest; Then go to the information monitoring center for water quantity in Hetao Irrigation District to inspect the canal.

In the afternoon of that day, a symposium was held to strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promote the construction of key ecological engineering projects such as the "Three North". Key officials from six provinces, regions, central and national government departments in the Three North region attended the meeting.

On the 7th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hohhot to go deep into the Central Industrial Park to see green transformation and innovative development.

At the work report meeting of the party committee and government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region on the 8th, the general secretary emphasized that high-quality development, ecological priority, and green development were still "primary" and "oriented."

Along the way, as far as my eyes could see, yellow and green intertwined and competed. The soaring birds, seedlings grown from improved saline alkali land, resilient and upright trees rooted in sandy land, and a network woven from the Yellow River irrigation canal all tell the story of what this land experienced yesterday and what is happening today.

A single leaf knows autumn. Every day in the Three North Land is ancient and also new.

In ancient times, the fertile fields covered thousands of miles, and the grasslands were fertile and beautiful.

Once upon a time, the clamor of population growth and exploitative development, as well as the roar of climate change and sandstorms, gradually increased. Green fades, yellow sweeps one after another, the land deserts, and ravines crisscross.

In the 1970s, the appearance of the Three North was worrying.

The implementation of the "Three North" project began in 1978, coinciding with the opening of the reform and opening up era. Despite the tide of seizing every moment, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, with great strategic determination and historical foresight, set its sights on the year 2050 of the next century, and created a grand project spanning 73 years.

This project covers 13 provinces in the Three North region and 725 counties including the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, with a total area of over 4 million square kilometers.

The length of time, the vastness of the region, the immense difficulty, and the determination are rare in the world!

Roots deep in the sand, leaves gazing towards the sky.

"Be worthy of our ancestors and future generations", the heavy commitment is carried on the shoulders of the CPC in the new era.

In the past decade of the new era, the construction of ecological civilization has been placed at an unprecedented height. A large party aspiring to the great cause of the future, with a series of fundamental, pioneering, and long-term work, has unprecedented courage, strength, and effectiveness.

Xi Jinping's thought of ecological civilization is nurtured and formed in practice and guides the practice. The construction of ecological civilization has undergone historical, turning and overall changes from recognition to practice.

Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang... Sand prevention and control have always been a concern in our hearts.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has also been thinking about Wuliangsuhai during this inspection. When the Inner Mongolia delegation participated in the deliberations of the National two sessions in 2021, the General Secretary said: "I have given instructions to Wuliangsuhai many times. Now we can see that the governance has achieved remarkable results, and it will take a long time to make meritorious service. "

This is the CPC's view of political achievements. Success doesn't have to be in me, success must be in me, and in the flow of time, it has precipitated the vision and responsibility of a great party and country.

The appearance of the Three North has changed, with blue sky, clear water, and green spaces visible and palpable to the touch. The key governance areas have achieved a historic transformation from "sand entering and people retreating" to "green entering and sand retreating", and the protection of ecology and improvement of people's livelihoods have entered a virtuous cycle. The economic and social development and ecological landscape of desertification areas have undergone earth shaking changes.

At the forum on the afternoon of 6 June, looking back at the past and looking at the present, General Secretary Xi Jinping said in earnest: "in building ecological civilization, we must be worthy of the ancestors of the Chinese nation and be accountable to our future generations. We should have a sense of awe for nature, do a good job in the construction of the 'three north' shelterbelt system, and be responsible to history and to the people. "

The System Concept in "A Big Chess Game"

"We can't rest or relax in this matter." During the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping compared desert prevention and control to "rolling stones up the mountain," and "without paying attention to the big stones, they rolled down."

China is one of the countries with the most severe desertification in the world, and the desertified land is mainly distributed in the three northern regions. Here, sand prevention and control face multiple challenges such as large land area, wide distribution, heavy intensity, and difficult governance. Drought and frequent ecological disasters make it even more difficult to prevent and control desertification.

After 45 years of arduous work, the engineering construction has entered the stage of "gnawing on hard bones".

Anchor the year 2050 and deepen the cultivation from 2021 to 2030. A big game of chess, strategizing and strategizing. The period from 2021 to 2030 is the construction period of the sixth phase of the "Three North" project, a key period for consolidating and expanding the achievements of sand prevention and control, and a crucial period for promoting the high-quality development of the "Three North" project.

Strive to fight a tough battle against the 'Three North' project in about 10 years.

The grand plan of 73 years has passed halfway, and in these 10 years, advancing towards the depths of the desert is destined to be crucial and difficult to tackle.

To properly handle the relationship between "overall progress and key breakthroughs,"we should not only pay attention to overall planning, but also pay attention to holding the 'bull's nose'." the general secretary's systematic concept reflects the overall view of "a big game of chess." it also draws the methodology of "taking the point with the surface."

At the forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to do a good job in three landmark battles: the battle of attacking the "few word bends" of the Yellow River, the annihilation of the two major sandy lands of Horqin and Hunshandake, and the blocking war between the Hexi Corridor and the edge of the Taklimakan Desert.

From the map, removing these deep yellow dots can connect sections of green lines, and the "Three North" project will also connect the more complete and heavy Green Great Wall and ecological security barrier in northern Xinjiang.

"fully functional and unbreakable" is the expectation of General Secretary Xi Jinping for the "three North" project in 2030, and it is also the goal that can only be achieved by finding the key points under the system concept and solving the problem by point.

The system concept is also reflected in the grasp of dynamic balance.

Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, decades of water conservancy construction have engraved a 7-level irrigation and drainage system on the Hetao Plain, which extends and spreads like human blood.

Under the 7-level irrigation and drainage system, from the main canal that crosses the plain to the furry and narrow ditches that can be seen everywhere in the fields, the power of nature can finally be used by me.

"the people who opened the canal have left their names through the ages and in history!" The general secretary admired the irrigation system that opened up the desert and moisturized the fertile fields.

Time will not stagnate, and the management of Hetao can only be carried out in a timely manner.

"what construction will be done next?" The general secretary's inquiry led his vision to the future.

Hearing the reply of "modernization transformation," the general secretary urged: first, to "live within the limits of revenues" to plan investment, and second, to "diversify investment" and mobilize social forces to participate.

At Xinhua Forest Farm, some tree species such as poplar, dry willow, and tamarisk need to be updated.

The General Secretary advised: "the desert ecosystem is inherently fragile, which affects the whole body." We cannot transform the desert in inappropriate places, nor can we wait and see and be timid. Some deserts cannot be changed and cannot be changed. Do not know that they cannot be done. "

In the admonitions, there is a philosophy of overall planning and balance, which extends the perspective of overall planning.

When participating in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation at the National two sessions in 2021, the General Secretary pointed out: "to co-ordinate the management of the grass and sand system of mountains, rivers, forests, and lakes, the word 'sand' should be added here."

The addition of one word is the profound interpretation of the system concept and the essence of the concept of "six must be adhered to".

The investigation of Wuliang Suhai during this trip is a clear evidence.

Before the exhibition board, the local responsible comrades reported to the General Secretary the change in governance ideas: at first, "water control" was not effective for a long time. Following the general secretary's concept of systematic governance, the overall consideration of mountains, water, forests, fields, lakes, grasses and sand has significantly improved the pattern and effect.

Wuliangsuhai, which has accepted more than 90% of farmland drainage in the Hetao area, was once plagued by rampant reeds and dense yellow algae, causing severe illness. Now, before we reach the shore, we can hear the birds chirping, and when we reach the lake, we can even see fish flying. "Pearl beyond the Great Wall", then shine with extraordinary colors.

Observing chess, having a global perspective; Placement, fine layout.

In the late 1970s, sandstorms posed a serious threat. In order to turn green, trees were planted, often with seven out of ten withering. Now, if it is suitable for Qiao, then Qiao; if it is suitable for grass, then grass; if it is suitable for irrigation, then irrigation; if it is suitable for sand, then sand; precise sand prevention and control.

We should scientifically choose vegetation restoration models, reasonably allocate forest and grass vegetation types and densities, and adhere to the combination of trees, shrubs, and grasses.

"We are currently planning ecological protection areas, some are economic development areas, some are agricultural areas, and forests and grasslands are all being planned. We need to clarify them clearly, and in this process, we should not simplify them. We need to consider the diverse situations, dialectically view them, adapt to local conditions, and consider them comprehensively."

The "Three North" project, spanning over 4400 kilometers from east to west, has a broader significance when considered within a land area of over 9.6 million square kilometers.

Li Guo, like Zhang Se, has always been a combination of strings and rhymes.

Under this sky, national strategy shines like stars. The foundation of major strategies such as coordinated development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, western development, and Northeast revitalization is precisely ecology. The "Three North" project is the main battlefield for national ecological restoration.

In the global dimension, achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality has become a consensus. The functions of reservoirs, grain depots, money depots, and carbon depots, as well as the immeasurable three-dimensional ecological value of the "Three North" project, have become a solid foundation for actively assuming the responsibility of a major country and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The Long Term Merit in the "Three North Spirit"

"Yu Gong moved away from the mountains and Dayu controlled the floods. The Chinese nation has fought against natural disasters for thousands of years and has accumulated valuable experience, and we will continue to fight." General Secretary Xi Jinping once talked about the ancient nation's unyielding and unafraid in the face of natural disasters during an inspection.

The struggle between humans and sand is also a long journey.

The confrontation between yellow sand and green shade is not only a clash of space, but also a spiritual confrontation.

At the forum, the general secretary talked about the sand killers he had seen who had spent his whole life sticking to them: Wang Youde, a "hero of sand control" in Ningxia, a "six old man" in Babu Sha Forest Farm in Gansu Province, and a couple of forest rangers in Wanghai Building of Saihanba Forest Farm.

Their figures merge into the land of the Three North, ordinary yet resolute. China has created the world's largest artificial forest. Shouldered and dug by hand, before the world-class challenge of sand prevention and control, the people of Sanbei swore to exchange their white hair for an oasis. Countless hands covered in calluses, countless faces tanned from the sun, "one after another, one after another, working tirelessly." After a long period of effort, water will eventually wear away the stone, and yellow sand will eventually turn green.

Along the way, General Secretary Xi Jinping often lamented the wisdom and strength of the people through investigation, reflection, and enlightenment.

At Xinhua Forest Farm, the person in charge pointed to the piles of small particles in the sand and said, "This is called 'bitter beans'. As soon as the old farmer saw it, he knew that the sand was becoming soil. In the future, he could plant crops here."

The General Secretary pointed out: "this is the spirit of exploration in which the people are not afraid of difficulties under difficult circumstances."

At the Water Information Monitoring Center, while looking at the sand table, the General Secretary learned in detail about the irrigation history of Hetao Irrigation District, one of the three super-large irrigation districts in the country, for more than 2000 years.

Managing rivers is a crucial task of agricultural civilization. In the process of diverting the Yellow River from north to south, Hetao Irrigation Area was nurtured and developed. It was situated in the arms of the Yinshan Mountains and began in the Qin and Han dynasties. It was known that "diverting the river to irrigate the fields and gaining the power of nature", "cultivating and guarding the border" in the Han dynasty, "building cities and strengthening the border" in the Tang dynasty, and "wild geese walking on cultivated land" in the Qing dynasty. From the Qing dynasty to the Republic of China, the villagers who "traveled to the west" cultivated fields and canals, continuing the prosperity of the irrigation area.

Due to the lack of gate control for self flow water diversion at one time, the irrigation area was "difficult to divert water due to drought, and the water flowed heavily on the beach.". After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made up its mind to solve the problem and build a self flowing irrigation area.

The Sanshenggong Water Conservancy Hub, known as the first gate of the Yellow River for thousands of miles, was completed from here. The millions of builders of the New Republic, with their deep and resounding horns, gathered into a chorus in the history of water conservancy construction.

Another year has passed.The main canal runs through the irrigation area, and the capillary like branch canals penetrate deep into the farmland. The water level and flow rate on each capillary are clearly marked.

The local responsible comrade introduced that the problem of self flow water measurement under high sediment conditions has been solved through research and development, and "the next step is to carry out modernization transformation.".

"this system takes a lot of effort and is worth it. It will remain as a century-old and millennium-old foundation in the future. " General Secretary Xi Jinping wants to express his views: "when I see the construction of irrigation canals, I am very sad that one is our unique natural resources, and the other is the creation of the industrious and brave Chinese people for thousands of years, which is very valuable."

Water control is not easy, and sand control is also difficult. The resilience and perseverance, coupled with the determination to forge ahead and the wisdom to create.

Ningxia is surrounded by the three major deserts of Maowusu, Tengger, and Badain Jilin. Plants are planted here, and when the wind blows, they disappear without a trace.

It is precisely here that the sand control people invented the "Chinese Rubik's Cube" - the wheat straw grid, which locked in the soil and made greening possible.

Opening the sand control manual in the Three North regions, it is filled with the people's hard work and wisdom: building terraces, dams, reservoirs, diverting water to pull sand, locking edges to fix sand, spiral drilling planting method, water-saving container planting method

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out at the forum: "it is necessary to adjust measures to local conditions and scientifically popularize and apply effective governance models." Over the past 40 years, we have innovated and explored a large number of effective sand control models, such as the Shapotou model in Ningxia, the Dengkou model in Inner Mongolia, the Kubuqi model, and the Keya model in Xinjiang. "

History will not disappoint those who do it. Wearing the stars and the moon, fighting the heavens and the earth; Embark on a path through mountains and build a bridge over water. Saline alkali land, desert, and desert sandy land have moved away from "sand dens" and "poor dens". The spirit of the Three North was forged by people and also changed them.

Wherever the general secretary goes, he always cares about letting the people lead a good life.

On the ridge of the field, inquire whether the land transfer and contracting benefits farmers, and whether the transformation model of saline alkali land can be replicated. Food security is not only related to national strategic security, but also to the rice bags of countless households.

In the sand, pondering whether the development of the photovoltaic industry can achieve a win-win situation of diversified economy. The industrialization path of desertification control is a big article.

At the briefing on the work of the party committee and government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, General Secretary Xi Jinping talked about common prosperity: "Common prosperity embodies the essential requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but it is not tied up like a crab. We should encourage some people to get rich first. But the second half of the sentence should not be forgotten, 'get rich first and get rich later'. This is in line with our road to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and this is the way to take the right path. "

Building a Strong Country under the "Dual Circulation"

Time has pushed open a new door.

Today, the world is amazed by the evolution of the three northerns. the Yellow River rushes forward with a new "Mother River" story, and the "timetable" of achieving carbon neutralization urges people to forge ahead. In the grand plan of Chinese-style modernization drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping, green development and innovative development are the necessary answers.

Inner Mongolia is known as the "East Forest and West Railway, South Grain and North Animal Husbandry, and Everywhere Mineral Resources", with 17 mineral resources identified as the largest reserves in the country. Should we continue to rely on the mountains and eat the mountains, or seek another way out?

New energy, new materials, and new industries are nurturing new hope everywhere.

The park has been under construction for over a decade, and 16 semiconductor and photovoltaic industry enterprises that have settled in have competed to enter the top tier domestically and internationally. This has also become a microcosm of the exploration of green transformation and development, as well as the path of innovation in the Three North region.

The photovoltaic industry, which is mainly developed by photovoltaic panels, is a new force in Inner Mongolia's new energy industry.

"what's the plan next?" The general secretary asked.

A local comrade responsible for the development of the energy industry is well-known: "It is expected that by 2025, the installed capacity and power generation of new energy in Inner Mongolia will more than double compared to 2022, and the amount of exported electricity will more than double."

General Secretary Xi Jinping told them: "the energy industry in Inner Mongolia has been dominated by coal for a long time. But the industry is too single, diversified development is the direction. Energy construction should not rely solely on traditional industries, but should vigorously develop new and clean energy, strive to achieve carbon neutralization, and build a green China. "

For China, which has gone through the modernization path of developed countries for hundreds of years in just a few decades, it is timely to do a good job in modern energy economy.

The introduction left a deep impression on the General Secretary: "just now you said that some of them will more than double, and some of them will more than quadruple in the past two or three years. Inner Mongolia has a clear direction, the right path and a good prospect in this respect. After reading it, it is very refreshing! "

The constant travels far, and the contemplation is always new.

In the past decade of the new era, the Three North Land has been practicing the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", expanding new space for "value-added".

Silicon wafers are like the "foundation" of photovoltaic panels.They operate day and night, producing silicon rods, which are then sliced and made into solar photovoltaic panels.

In the exhibition hall, there is a row of transcripts:

In 2019, we pioneered the release of 12 inch photovoltaic silicon wafers, driving industry technology forward by 5 to 10 years, and reducing photovoltaic electricity costs by 6.8%.

Now, we are targeting the localization of semiconductor monocrystalline silicon for technological breakthroughs.

With one hand focusing on the new energy industry and the other on modern equipment manufacturing, Inner Mongolia's practice is inspiring. Under the situation of great changes not seen in a century, China's economy has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. Innovation and green are not only the era topic of Chinese path to modernization today, but also the strategic choice under the turbulent international situation.

"now, we need to rely on high-level science and technology to achieve self-reliance and build a new development pattern to overcome scientific and technological difficulties." The general secretary has a long-term vision.

In all kinds of predictable and unpredictable storms, the most important thing is to do our own thing.

A new era, a new journey, a grand pattern, and a grand strategy.

This time, he talked about the road to rejuvenation under the new situation: "Some countries want to exercise hegemony and monopolization, and want us to become vassals and follow them. We, the Chinese nation, must revive! We must continue to overcome difficulties and climb higher!"

History has never let down fighters and pioneers.

The century long struggle is a history of pursuing national rejuvenation and constantly exploring the path of modernization.

China has a broad vision for the world.

Green development has set an international model for ecological governance in China. Our focus is not only on beautiful China, but also on the common home of humanity. We look forward to extensive international exchanges and cooperation; Innovative development, China leads development through innovation in open cooperation, benefiting both itself and the world.

The great road is like a stone, and the traveler has no boundaries. An unprecedented pioneering cause, a Chinese exploration to create a new form of human civilization, Chinese path to modernization, the only correct path to the construction of a powerful country and national rejuvenation, is historic and global.

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