How to be a doctor with high medical ethics if you have strict technical requirements ②Shi Qi, a master of traditional Chinese medicine: Be passionate about patients, today

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 19:40 PM

Shi Qi, a master of traditional Chinese medicine and a tenured professor at Longhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been practicing medicine for more than 60 years since graduating from Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1963. The 87-year-old Shi Qi still insists on attending outpatient clinics three and a half days a week, teaching graduate students, and doing scientific research, and has never stopped on the road of medical progress.

A few days ago, in the first postgraduate course of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shi Qi gave the students four famous sayings by Zhang Zai Hengqu, a great scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty, to encourage them - to have a heart for the world, to live for the people, to carry on the unique knowledge for the saints, and to Peace for all eternity. He said bluntly: "Doctors are Chinese intellectuals, and this kind of integrity should be passed down from generation to generation." Today, how to be a doctor with high medical ethics? A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News recently interviewed this traditional Chinese medicine practitioner face-to-face to find the answer.

Be grateful and treat patients with enthusiasm and patience

When Shi Qi graduated from university, the country called on him to "learn from Comrade Lei Feng" and learn to be a screw that never rusts. Twelve students in the class were admitted from old revolutionary areas. After graduation, they decided to return to their hometowns to serve the people. Shi Qi was assigned to the Department of Traumatology of the Affiliated Longhua Hospital. "Actually, the Department of Traumatology was not my first choice. I am more interested in internal medicine." It turned out that his grandfather was a famous local Chinese medicine doctor and was proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of women and children with Chinese medicine. The seeds of intensive study of traditional Chinese medicine and internal medicine were planted for Shi Qi from an early age.

Even though he missed his favorite major, the young Shi Qi did not have many regrets. He said frankly, "The medical students at that time were grateful, and so was I. We feel very lucky." "In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, I was able to successfully complete college and get a job, and I was very satisfied as long as I was a doctor in the Department of Traumatology or Internal Medicine."

In this way, Shi Qi accidentally studied under Shi Xiaoshan, a famous "Shi's Traumatology Department" in Shanghai, and started a glorious medical career of more than 60 years. Shi's Traumatology Department has a long history and emphasizes "internal treatment." The school's view is that trauma causes poor internal organ function. The disease is on the surface of the body, but the pathogen is in the body. Treatment requires a combination of internal and external, strengthening the body and eliminating evil. This provides a lot of space for Shi Qi to continue to promote traditional Chinese medicine and treat both internal and external diseases in the future.

“Treat patients with enthusiasm and patience, and we Chinese medicine doctors are even more so.” To this day, Shi Qi still can’t forget the teachings of his teacher, Mr. Shi Xiaoshan. When asked why, he eloquently explained: Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to looking, hearing, asking, and understanding to understand the truest side of the patient. Only when doctors communicate cordially can patients be willing to treat them sincerely. Effective communication can help doctors find the cause of the disease faster. Therefore, humanistic care in TCM diagnosis and treatment is even more important.

Based on this principle of diagnosis and treatment, Shi Qi pays special attention to the overall "person" when practicing medicine. A 67-year-old retired worker was diagnosed with cervical spondylotic myelopathy, spinal stenosis, pain and numbness all over his body, unable to move, and several times he wanted to commit suicide. The patient has visited several hospitals, and the conclusion is that surgery is required. However, the patient also suffers from other underlying diseases and is not eligible for surgery. What should I do? Shi Qi analyzed the cause of the disease and took the trouble to communicate with the patient again and again. After more than half a year of diagnosis and treatment, the pain and numbness basically disappeared, he could move freely, and basically returned to normal life. The patient was grateful.

"Traditional Chinese medicine is not a panacea, but Chinese medicine does have characteristics and advantages that Western medicine cannot achieve. To develop high-quality medical care, integrating both Chinese and Western medicine is the best way," Shi Qi said.

Young doctors have heavy workloads and many family chores. Shi Qi recalled that he had experienced this when he was young. He has been practicing clinical practice for 15 years. In the 1970s, as the leader of the medical team, he went to Guizhou to provide support, practicing the "Bethune Spirit" under difficult conditions - being responsible for work, passionate about the people, and striving for technical excellence. This experience also became a turning point for him to enrich his knowledge reserve.

Pu'an, Guizhou, lacks medical treatment and medicine. Some local young people have suffered from polio since childhood, and their limbs are mutilated, which affects their normal activities. They are at the age of marriage and childbirth, causing great distress to their families and individuals. At that time, Shi Qi already had rich experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traumatology, and had further studied in the Orthopedics Department of Ruijin Hospital for 13 months. He played a great role in the mountainous area: he and his colleagues built an operating room in the mountain from scratch, using kerosene lamps if there was no electric light. Illuminated the hospital bed, lit the stove while operating in the winter, and operated from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.... In this way, I corrected the deformed bones of a young polio patient, allowing them to restore their normal activities, and once again ignited their dreams. Hope of rebirth.

There are many rewards from hard times. Shi Qi said, "There is a road to learning, and hard work leads to a boundless sea of ​​learning." During the days of support in Guizhou, he saw with his own eyes that there were still shortcomings and blind spots in his profession that needed to be filled. Some patients fell and were sent to the hospital with broken bones and brain injuries, but he could only treat the bones and did not know much about brain surgery. The patient moved to the city and missed the best opportunity for treatment. Such clinical "lessons" inspired him to keep making progress and continue to learn.

After returning from Guizhou, Shi Qi took the initiative to participate in the 8th National Training Course for Brain Surgeons held at Huashan Hospital. Subsequent experiences have proven that this period of learning was fruitful.

An 11-year-old girl fell from the attic and was observed outside the hospital for two days. She remained listless and lethargic, and her symptoms neither improved nor worsened. On the way home from the hospital, the child suddenly fell into coma and was rushed to Longhua Hospital. At that time, the girl's pupils were slow to react to light, and many neurological signs showed weak positive reactions. Shi Qi, who received the diagnosis, used the brain surgery knowledge he had learned during his training to diagnose intracranial hematoma. He immediately performed surgery and combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the girl was saved. The whole family regarded Shi Qi as their "lifesaver."

"Actually, this type of surgery is a very common operation in brain surgery, but for doctors in other departments, identification and treatment require knowledge reserves. When it comes to life-saving times, patients can't afford to wait." Shi Qi said, "Doctors are proficient in their profession. , but knowledge can be broader. Combining learning with work, taking the patient’s needs as the starting point, finding shortcomings, and continuing to learn and improve can you become a better doctor.”

Handle the "three relationships" well to achieve higher value

Time flies and years of experience have passed. The young doctor grew up to be a master of traditional Chinese medicine. The team led by Shi Qi won many honors including the National Science and Technology Progress Award. Shi's Traumatology Department was passed down from the fourth generation to the eighth generation in his hands. "Blooming Branches and Scattering Leaves" is well-known at home and abroad. Even so, Shi Qi told reporters that his most cherished honor is the reputation of the people, "Doctors will not be very poor, nor will they be very rich. If you want to make money, I don't think it is necessary to become a doctor, but good doctors can get The sense of accomplishment and happiness is unparalleled.”

There was a patient with cervical spondylosis who had undergone surgery. The X-ray showed that the lesions were gone, but the patient’s functions had not recovered. Originally it was only hand numbness, but after the operation, it turned into general numbness. His mood continued to be depressed. “It was as if there were countless ropes tied to the body every day.” . When the patient found Shi Qi, he used the "internal treatment method" of Shi's trauma department to diagnose the patient's liver meridian dystrophy. After taking Chinese medicine for three months, the patient described that "the ropes were finally loosened and he felt like he was alive again." .

Shi Qi's theory has been clinically verified time and time again: "Internal treatment method" emphasizes internal and external use of drugs, combined with acupuncture techniques. More than 80% of patients with clinical chronic musculoskeletal diseases can be cured without the need for surgery.

"In fact, as early as a hundred years ago, British experts proposed the theory of orthopedics, which coincides with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine." Shi Qi believes that as my country enters an aging society and focuses on chronic degenerative diseases, there should be a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. ideas. He summarized this as - after adjusting a prescription internally and adjusting a pair of hands externally, a set of exercises can be cultivated. Specifically speaking, by thinking holistically, following the "Four Diagnoses and Eight Guidelines" of traditional Chinese medicine, using the double tone and one channel, unblocking the three burners, and integrating the "five in one" of prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, health maintenance, and disease prevention, we can achieve a more complete outcome. Effect.

The simplest things are often the hardest to stick to. Shi Qi finally encouraged young doctors: To be a doctor, it is crucial to handle three relationships well. Firstly, the relationship between foundation and opportunity. Only through accumulation can one achieve success; secondly, the relationship between entrepreneurship and employment, based on the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, cultivate determination and exert one's intelligence and talents; thirdly, the relationship between doing things and being a person, which has a great influence on the motherland. Only those who have sincere feelings for the Party, enthusiasm for the people, true feelings for the cause, affection for the collective, family affection, and passion for life can realize the higher value of being a doctor.

How to be a doctor with high medical ethics if you have strict technical requirements ②Shi Qi, a master of traditional Chinese medicine: Be passionate about patients, today
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