"Northeast China is sure to revitalize its strength and achieve better results."

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:44 PM

The original statement "Northeast China is sure to revitalize its strength and achieve new success"

Over the past 20 years, Northeast China has gradually emerged from the pains of transformation and development, and step by step entered a new stage of comprehensive revitalization that is poised for development.

"There are many people from Northeast China, and I am very concerned about the revitalization and development here," General Secretary once said with deep emotion.

Piaochaoxia, topped with stars, a few points pry a surface.

"Point", landing in Heilongjiang. In the border city of Mohe, which has the highest latitude in our country, there are new era stories of green mountains and clear waters everywhere; In the ancient and youthful Harbin, I went to the countryside to investigate the disaster situation and went to school to observe technology.

"Mian" is a symposium held in Harbin: the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era.

The key words of "new era and comprehensive revitalization" correspond to the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which proposed "promoting new breakthroughs in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China"; It is the magnificent northeast practice on the new journey of Chinese path to modernization.


What is the mission of Northeast China?

When there is a shortage of oil and gas, it carries the mission of delivering kinetic energy to the republic; When there is a shortage of clothing and food, it carries the mission of supplying food to the north and south of the country

In today's new era, where is the new mission?

Security is the cornerstone of a great country. The mission positioning of Northeast China is closely related to the overall national security situation.

Northeast China deserves this trust. The geographical location, historical accumulation, resource advantages, industrial foundation, and development potential of Baishan and Heishui all provide a stronger foundation for the implementation of the "Five Major Security" in Northeast China.

Regarding the advantages of Northeast China, General Secretary outlined in four sentences at this symposium: "Northeast China has good resource conditions, a strong industrial foundation, unique geographical advantages, and enormous development potential."

What are the results of the implementation of the strategic measures to ensure the "Five Major Security" for five years?

Liberate the mind, transform thinking, leverage strengths and avoid weaknesses, and the transcript is evident to all. Taking food security as an example, at this symposium, several speakers mentioned food.

In 2022, Heilongjiang Province's total grain production accounted for 1/9 of the country's total, with the highest total production, commodity volume, transfer volume, and reserve volume in the country;

Inner Mongolia also presented a set of data, with a total grain production of 78 billion kilograms and an external transfer of 50 billion kilograms last year.

Food is the top priority in politics. "Beidacang" was once called "Beidahuang", but now it is a fertile land for agricultural modernization.

The mechanization rate of cultivation and harvesting in Heilongjiang is the highest in the country. The General Secretary talked about modern agriculture during the work report meeting of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government during this inspection, encouraging them to "accelerate the construction of modern agricultural bases, large enterprises, and large industries.".

Let's take ecological security as an example. The modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature brings sustainable development and a better future to Northeast China.

Mohe is located at the northern foot of the Greater Khingan Mountains, like a pearl embedded in the crown of this "rooster" in China. The broad Heilongjiang River borders the city like a jade belt.Looking up, the camphor pine and larch stand tall in the clouds; Overlooking, there are azaleas, chrysanthemums, and cranberries blooming in the wind in the forest. Red fruits and green leaves.

High mountains and steep ridges, layered with lush greenery. Red beans, blueberries, walnuts, Yansong Pagoda, black fungus, mushroom, prickly ginseng... Fruits, mushrooms, medicine, vegetables and other mountain delicacies are dazzling.

Never forget the danger. The General Secretary urged us to persistently carry out fire prevention work. "We must adhere to the equal emphasis on afforestation and forest protection, and be prepared for rain and prevent disasters before they occur." He vividly said, "It should be said that we are not 'fire' prepared."

"Green waters and green mountains are like mountains of gold and silver, and even ice and snow are like mountains of gold and silver," has a vivid interpretation in Mohe. The homestay courtyard of villager Shi Ruijuan's house has 8 rooms and attracts a constant stream of tourists. She has earned nearly 200000 yuan so far this year.

Concerned about

We must always keep the people's well-being and safety in mind.

During this inspection, General Secretary was eager to visit villages with severe disaster situations. Recently, the extreme rainfall in Heilongjiang province has been affecting his heart.

First look at the fields, then enter the house. Observing the appearance of the village and observing the urgent difficulties and anxieties of the villagers. The collapsed rice and washed down houses silently recount the thrilling experiences here.

At the work report meeting of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, the General Secretary pointed out, "The next test in the disaster area is to warm up the winter and restore normal production and life order in the disaster area as soon as possible."

"Efforts should be made to effectively carry out post disaster recovery and reconstruction work, ensure that the affected population stays warm during the winter, ensure that students in the disaster area have access to education, and restore normal production and living order in the disaster area as soon as possible."

"Some officials from Caozhou County, one branch and one leaf, always care about the situation." General Secretary repeatedly quoted, "We Communists should have such feelings for the suffering of the people."

Comprehensive revitalization, "common prosperity" is the meaning of the question.

Pay more attention to filling the gaps in the field of people's livelihood and enable the people to share the achievements of Northeast revitalization. Looking back on my repeated trips to Northeast China, from the banks of the Hailan River in Yanbian to the forest farms in Yichun;

Shi Ruijuan, the Mohe girl who dreams of turning the homestay courtyard into a chain store; Yang Chungui, this disaster stricken man who dreams of a good harvest in his fields next year... They are all ordinary members of the great cause of Northeast revitalization, as well as hardworking, entrepreneurial, and dedicated individuals emerging from the black soil.

The grand goal of revitalizing Northeast China is ultimately for people, and it also relies on people.

The spirit of Daqing and the spirit of the Northern Wilderness... Looking back into the depths of time, in the spirit of the Northeast Anti Japanese League, there are anti Japanese heroes Yang Jingyu and Zhao Yiman, as well as martyrs who shed their last drop of blood in battle... Throughout the century long journey, generation after generation continue to move forward and tirelessly seek.

Pioneering in poverty and poverty, trekking through hardships, thinking of the Party, serving the country, and strengthening the army.

A great cause nurtures a great spirit, and a great spirit drives a great cause.

The word "people", placed in the heart, is as heavy as a tripod.


Five years ago, it was also in the golden autumn. The symposium on deepening the revitalization of Northeast China was held in Shenyang.

Two symposiums were compared, with high expectations for consistency and effective measures to be taken. From "deepening promotion" to "promoting in the new era", from "Northeast revitalization" to "Northeast comprehensive revitalization", these changes in the wording of the conference theme also indicate new situations, new opportunities, and new ideas and measures that come from them.

A skilled player seeks power. Looking at the big picture and writing in the small details, General Secretary is planning a big article in the big opportunity:

Realizing high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement is beneficial for Northeast China to transform its advantages in science, education, and industry into development advantages;

Building a new development pattern and further highlighting the important strategic position of Northeast China;

"To promote Chinese path to modernization, we need to strengthen the strategic support role of the Northeast".

The new opportunities for development in Northeast China are the vibrant vitality brought by the new journey of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.

In the past, the glory of Northeast China also relied on the opportunities of the new China construction era. The guiding ideology of China's industrial construction in the "First Five Year Plan" is to "improve one and expand the network". One is Northeast China.

The first batch of Liberation brand heavy-duty trucks, the first jet aircraft, the first 10000 ton ship, the first diesel locomotive, the first piece of "Dacron"... Northeast China has become the cradle of new China's industry.

Afterwards, the tide of reform and opening up surged, and a hundred boats competed along the southeast coast. The pace of Northeast China slowed down, and the long-term accumulated systemic and structural contradictions became increasingly apparent.

At the symposium on deepening the revitalization of Northeast China, focus on key areas and seize key links. A big game of chess, playing chess pieces.

At this symposium, the five requirements were to deploy a strategic approach, focusing not only on new opportunities but also on old issues; It has both inheritance and innovation.

Promote industrial innovation through technological innovation and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with Northeast China's unique advantages;

Taking the development of modern agriculture as the main direction of attack, accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas;

Accelerate the construction of a modern infrastructure system and enhance the level of opening up and cooperation both domestically and internationally;

Improving the overall quality of the population and supporting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China with high-quality population development;

Further optimize the political ecology and create a favorable business environment.

Each article has a targeted approach, targeting its weaknesses and weaknesses. For example, the term "population".The three eastern provinces have put forward some practical measures, such as Liaoning, which has deeply implemented the "Xingliao Talent Plan". In 2022, 238 high-level talent teams will be "transplanted with soil". For example, in Jilin, senior professional title talents have shifted from net outflow to net inflow, and high-end talents have achieved inflow exceeding outflow for two consecutive years. For example, Heilongjiang Province introduced 60 talent policies last year, bringing in 5.8 times the total number of high-end talents from home and abroad in the past year compared to the previous six years.

Harbin Engineering University, a fertile red soil and a cradle of talents. Seventy years of spring and autumn have been fruitful, and the "timeless national team" is in its youth.General Secretary's message: "The younger generation will become the one who strives hard and revitalizes China, and achieving the second centenary goal is full of hope. Young students should firmly establish their aspirations to serve the country through science and technology, study hard and research hard, and bravely climb the scientific peak, shining with youthful brilliance in promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation."

At this symposium, several speakers talked about the progress and effectiveness of three major articles: "Old Brand", "Original Brand", and "New Brand".

Progress schedules have been released in various regions: Liaoning has accelerated the construction of three trillion level industrial bases, including advanced equipment manufacturing, and 22 key industrial clusters, including aviation equipment and robotics; In Jilin, the index of scientific research material conditions has risen to the 5th place in the country, and the index of science and technology promoting economic and social development has risen to the 11th place in the country; Heilongjiang, a "new name" high-tech enterprise, has grown 5.5 times compared to 2012... Heavy equipment, manned spaceflight, deep-sea exploration, national defense and military industry, entering the sky and into the sea.

A batch of national treasures and innovative achievements in breaking the bottleneck technology were born in the midst of white mountains and black waters. By the banks of the Songhua River, the Liaohe River, and the grasslands of eastern Mongolia, we actively connect with national strategic needs, strengthen the real economy, deepen scientific and technological innovation, tackle industrial upgrading, and gather new momentum.

On this land of over 1 million square kilometers, tasks are being pushed forward one by one, and deployments are being implemented in an orderly manner.

Time is not tight, tasks are not heavy, only to face difficulties and work hard.

The Party Central Committee has high expectations for Northeast China.

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