Idiom Reading | "To be a great teacher for learning, doing things, and being a person"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 20:41 PM

Learning keeps us energized forever

Editor's note: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has published a series of important speeches and important articles with distinctive styles, profound thoughts, and profound connotations. They use history to reflect reality and look at the future from a distance, shining with the truth of Marxism. The charming language in these important speeches and articles is a true portrayal of General Secretary Xi Jinping's governing philosophy and a vivid manifestation of his personality charm. CCTV's "learning every day" column has launched a series of "idioms reading", which takes you to understand the language charm of general secretary Xi Jinping from different dimensions in the form of "news cartoon text reading.

In China, the term "sir" is a respectful title for individuals with high moral standards and profound knowledge, emphasizing a cultivation, a spirit, and a sense of reverence. In the Book of Rites, the teacher was once referred to as "Mr.": "From the teacher, do not cross the road and speak to others. From the teacher, follow the path, move forward, and arch your hand upright." This fully reflects the ancient people's respect and admiration for the teacher. And "big" means a person opening their hands and feet, standing tall and upright. "Sir" is crowned with "great", highlighting the realm and demeanor required for a teacher.

The greatness of a teacher lies not in the size of the school or the height of the professional title, but in the depth of knowledge, high moral character, and the size of the situation. In ancient times, there were Confucius, Zhu Xi, and Han Yu, and now there are Liang Qichao, Cai Yuanpei, Tao Xingzhi, and others who hold profound insights and enthusiasm for society, the country, the nation, and the future of humanity, and have become respected "great masters" by the world.

The greatness of a teacher lies in knowledge. A profound knowledge is the foundation for becoming a "great teacher," just as "if the accumulation of water is not thick, then the burden of the great boat is also powerless." Without solid knowledge, it is difficult to become a teacher.

How to achieve the greatness of knowledge? Only by knowing "small" can one become "big". Now, in the era of the "information explosion", teachers not only need to possess rich general knowledge and profound professional knowledge, but also aim at the forefront of academic and social development, continuously updating their knowledge reserves. Only by truly realizing the small scope and shallow knowledge of oneself, rather than being arrogant and complacent, can one continuously improve and break through knowledge, and make one's classroom profound, broad, thick, and warm.

The greatness of a gentleman lies in his character. Without virtue, one cannot stand firm. If one abandons moral integrity, it is difficult to become a capital person. For education, cultivating morality and nurturing talents is the fundamental task.

Idiom Reading | "To be a great teacher for learning, doing things, and being a person"

In the eyes of students, teachers use their words as scriptures and their actions as methods, and every word and action has a great impact on students. Moral education is the foundation of education. Teachers should establish themselves with morality, learn with morality, and teach with morality. They should set an example and lead by example in right and wrong, right and wrong, good and evil, righteousness and profit, and gains and losses, leading students to form good moral qualities.

The "big" of a teacher lies in the pattern. As the saying goes, "the three foot podium is the foundation of national destiny, and one's entire life is spent holding candles to forge the soul of the people." Teachers are tasked with cultivating new talents of the times and must have a clear understanding of the "greatness of the country".

What is a person who harbors the greatness of the country? It means "having the country and the nation in mind" and having a clear understanding of "what people to cultivate, how to cultivate them, and for whom to cultivate them". Today, more than 290 million students from various levels and types of schools across the country are the main force in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese Dream. More than 18 million teachers are the dream builders of this "Dream Team". Zhang Zai of the Northern Song Dynasty once said, "To establish one's heart for heaven and earth, to establish one's destiny for the people, to continue learning from the sages, and to open up peace for all generations." Teachers should not only have such a state of mind, but also cultivate students to shoulder such historical and national responsibilities.

In recent years, a large number of outstanding teacher representatives have demonstrated through their actions what "great teachers" are and interpreted what "learning to be a teacher and behaving in the world" is. From Zhang Guimei, who gave students a lamp in the distance, a road at their feet, and a light in front of them, to Huang Danian, who devoted her whole life to fulfilling the oath of "revitalizing China is our responsibility"; From Li Baoguo, who rooted himself deep in the mountains and wrote his thesis on the land of our motherland, to Zhang Yuguan, who carried hundreds of pounds of textbooks over the mountains with a shoulder pole... They demonstrated the noble qualities and responsibility of the "great master" of the new era with perseverance and dedication, reaping numerous fruits and the fragrance of peach and plum blossoms.

"Meeting a good teacher is a stroke of luck in life for a person, having a good teacher in a school is a glory for the school, and the continuous emergence of a group of good teachers in a nation is the hope of the nation. Teachers should always motivate and motivate themselves with the requirements of a" great teacher ", and be the" great teacher "of students for learning, doing things, and being a person.".

On the occasion of the 39th Teacher's Day, let's pay tribute to the teachers!

Director system | Luo Hongbing, Wei Quhu

Director of production, Wang Jingdong

Idiom Reading | "To be a great teacher for learning, doing things, and being a person"

Editor-in-chief, Li Xuan

Editor Wang Zhuojie

Vision-Chen Teng

Proofreading | Meng Lizheng, Sun Jie, Song Chunyan, Yan Tiantian, Li Yingzhuo

Product: central Radio and Television Central Television Network

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