Understanding "Strong science and technology means a strong country", science and technology move towards innovation | Following the footsteps of the General Secretary
Understanding "Strong science and technology means a strong country", science and technology move towards innovation | Following the footsteps of the General Secretary

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, and the Conference of Academicians of the Two Academies were held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping presented awards to winners of the National Highest Science and Technology Award and delivered an important speech. The General Secretary emphasized that a nation will prosper if science and technology prosper, and a country will be strong if science and technology are strong. Chinese-style modernization must be supported by scientific and technological modernization, and the realization of high-quality development must rely on scientific and technological innovation to cultivate new momentum. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been thinking about high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and his footprints have spread across scientific research institutes, universities, high-tech enterprises, and high-tech industrial development zones in many parts of the country. Entering the new era, the construction of a scientific and technological power is moving forward steadily, and scientific and technological innovation has burst out with surging power to promote Chinese-style modernization. Show confidence to break through one "bottleneck" problem after another "Equipment manufacturing is the backbone of the manufacturing industry,

Technology Innovation | Industrial Gold
Technology Innovation | Industrial Gold

Editor's note: Strategic emerging industries and future industries are the main battlefield for the formation of new quality productivity. my country's "14th Five-Year Plan" proposes to organize and implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans in cutting-edge science and technology and industrial transformation fields such as brain-like intelligence, quantum information, genetic technology, future networks, deep-sea aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, and plan to layout a number of future industries. "AI Current Affairs Pictorial" has launched a series of planning to gain insights into new quality productivity from future industries. Learn every day that a bicycle frame made of carbon fiber weighs only about 600 grams, which is equivalent to 3 apples; a bundle of T1000-grade carbon fiber 1 meter long and as thick as a finger can pull two civil airliners; a carbon fiber product can still be safe and sound at a high temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius... As thin as a hair, as light as a feather, stronger than steel, it is known as "

Xi Jinping wrote back to the cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province
Xi Jinping wrote back to the cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province

Xi Jinping wrote back to the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, emphasizing the promotion of fine traditions and the use of unique advantages to write a new chapter in the development of Jingning, a She village, in the process of Chinese-style modernization. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently wrote back to the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Jingning She Autonomous County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, expressing warm congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Jingning County and expressing ardent hope for the development of Jingning. In his letter, Xi Jinping said that over the past 40 years, Jingning County has achieved gratifying results in ethnic unity and characteristic development, and the lives of people of all ethnic groups are getting better and better. I am very happy. Xi Jinping emphasized that on the new journey, he hopes that cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the county will conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, continue to carry forward fine traditions, enhance ethnic unity, give play to unique advantages, and actively promote ethnic unity.

Major cultural projects that the General Secretary cares about|The confluence of knowledge and wisdom will last forever
Major cultural projects that the General Secretary cares about|The confluence of knowledge and wisdom will last forever

The construction of the National Library of China is a project that General Secretary Xi Jinping pays great attention to and personally approved. The original intention is to collect and protect all the classic materials that can be collected since ancient times in our historical stage, and to continue to pass on the only uninterrupted civilization in the world. The National Library of China, which consists of the Central Main Library, Xi'an Branch, Hangzhou Branch, and Guangzhou Branch, is distributed in the east, west, south, and north of the land of China. They are all built on the mountains to concentrate on preserving and displaying the cultural treasures of the Chinese nation. The National Library of China is oriented to the grassroots, the people, and overseas, and widely collects various versions of publications, bamboo slips, silk books, Chinese classics, revolutionary documents, etc. Exhibitions with different themes demonstrate the profound Chinese cultural heritage. In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Central Main Library of the National Library of China. The General Secretary paid a visit to the National Library of China.

Important micro-video丨Comprehensively deepening reform: the distinctive features of the new era
Important micro-video丨Comprehensively deepening reform: the distinctive features of the new era

For a large oriental country with an area of ​​more than 9.6 million square kilometers and a population of more than 1.4 billion, what can happen in more than ten years? In the journey of comprehensively deepening reform in the new era led by General Secretary Xi Jinping, in more than ten years, the sky is bluer, the mountains are greener, and the water is clearer; "Shenzhou" flew into space, "Chang'e" flew to the moon, "Zhurong" explored Mars, "Xihe" chased the sun, "Beidou" formed a network, and "Struggler" dived; China not only won the largest poverty alleviation battle in human history, but also built the world's largest high-speed railway network and highway network, with continuous breakthroughs in key core technologies and gushing achievements in independent innovation. In more than ten years, China's economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and comprehensive national strength have leapt to a new level, and the door to opening up has opened wider and wider... Under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, comprehensively deepening reform and expanding opening up have made great strides.

Received this important gift, [Shangguan Live] Polish President gave a speech at Fudan University
Received this important gift, [Shangguan Live] Polish President gave a speech at Fudan University

This morning, Polish President Andrzej Duda came to Fudan University and delivered a speech to Fudan teachers and students. Prior to this, he attended the Poland-China Economic, Trade and Investment Forum held at the Peninsula Hotel and delivered a keynote speech. This is Duda's visit to China again in two years. In February 2022, he came to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics. In the Yuan Tianfan Lecture Hall on the first floor of Guanghua Building, the red backboard is printed with Chinese and Polish bilingual "Warmly welcome His Excellency Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, to visit Fudan University". The national flags of China and Poland are placed on both sides. At 10:35, Duda entered the venue, everyone stood up and applauded. More than 100 Fudan students met face to face with the Polish President. Poland was one of the first countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Poland. "I am very excited and very happy to listen to President Duda's speech.

Chen Jining meets with Polish President Duda
Chen Jining meets with Polish President Duda

Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Jining met with Polish President Duda today. On behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the people of the city, Chen Jining warmly welcomed President Duda's visit. He said that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Poland. President Xi Jinping held talks with His Excellency the President in Beijing, which pointed out the direction for the two countries to deepen friendly cooperation. As China's economic center city and a frontier window for reform and opening up, Shanghai is currently deepening the construction of an international economic, financial, trade, shipping and scientific and technological innovation center. We always adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, leave the best resources to the people, serve the people with high-quality supply, and let the people live a better life. Shanghai is willing to work with Poland, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, to further strengthen economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges, and contribute to the development of the China-Poland comprehensive strategic partnership.

Accelerate automobile renewal consumption, the municipal government executive meeting studies promoting the stable and positive operation of Shanghai's economy
Accelerate automobile renewal consumption, the municipal government executive meeting studies promoting the stable and positive operation of Shanghai's economy

Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, presided over an executive meeting of the municipal government today, requiring that, in accordance with the deployment of the municipal party committee, all efforts be made to promote the stable and positive economic operation and strive for the economic growth target in the first half of the year; accelerate the release of automobile renewal consumption potential and better play the role of consumption as a "ballast stone"; deepen the reform of the environmental impact assessment and pollutant emission permit system, and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of green and low-carbon development. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to accurately judge the situation, strengthen benchmarking, focus on key priorities, strengthen confidence, rise to challenges, and go all out to sprint for the economic growth target in the first half of the year. It is necessary to further promote key industries and fields to make the best use of their strengths and overcome their weaknesses, conduct in-depth analysis of the problems of stagnation, and propose practical and effective measures to make more contributions to stabilizing growth. It is necessary to magnify the traction effect of major national policies, give play to the drainage effect of consumption promotion policy activities, and hold the "Summer of Shanghai" International

Shanghai holds symposium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy
Shanghai holds symposium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy

On the morning of June 23, a symposium commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy was held at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. Chen Tong, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Minister of the United Front Work Department, and President of the Shanghai Overseas Friendship Association, attended the meeting and met with representatives of Whampoa classmates and their relatives. Xu Yisong, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, and Lu Xiaofeng, Secretary-General of the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association, attended the meeting. The meeting pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association provided a fundamental guideline for doing a good job in the work of the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association in the new era. Shanghai has a deep connection with the Whampoa Military Academy and a long-lasting relationship with the teachers and students of Whampoa. We must accurately grasp the contemporary connotation of the Whampoa spirit, lead compatriots at home and abroad to cultivate a sense of home and country, uphold national justice, and widely build a unified consensus. Continue to use the Whampoa relationship as a bond

Community party members from all over the city attended the class together. The class was hosted by the Standing Committee Member of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of the Organization Department.
Community party members from all over the city attended the class together. The class was hosted by the Standing Committee Member of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of the Organization Department.

On the morning of June 23, Shanghai held a live broadcast of "taking the same party class" for community party members across the city. Xie Chuntao, vice president of the Central Party School in charge of daily work, came to Shanghai to give a special report. Zhang Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of the Organization Department, President of the Municipal Party School, and Director of the School Committee, presided over the meeting. Xie Chuntao, with the theme of "The Communist Party of China and the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation", combined with a large number of vivid historical cases to review the party's century-long struggle, systematically reviewed and summarized the glorious course of the Communist Party of China uniting and leading the people to realize national rejuvenation and unremitting exploration and continuous struggle, and deeply interpreted the scientific connotation and practical path of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. Zhang Wei pointed out that carrying out "taking the same party class" among community party members across the city is an effective way to further promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the organizational life of grassroots party organizations.

Why are there still scenic spots "going against the tide"? Many places canceled reservations for scenic spots
Why are there still scenic spots "going against the tide"? Many places canceled reservations for scenic spots

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism issued a new initiative, suggesting that all tourist attractions in the city, except for some popular tourist attractions and units open to the public, such as the Forbidden City and the National Museum, should completely cancel the reservation requirement. This news quickly aroused heated discussion among the public. Some people agreed to extend the cancellation of reservation measures to the whole country, while others worried that not making a reservation might result in the venue being full upon arrival, thus making a wasted trip... In fact, before Beijing further expanded the reservation system for scenic spots, Shanghai and Suzhou had already announced relevant measures, announcing that, except for some popular scenic spots and cultural venues, all other cultural and tourism venues would cancel the reservation system for visits. Should the ticket reservation system, which has been implemented for several years, be completely canceled? Many scenic spots are "standard" and many people's perceptual perception of ticket reservations comes from the visit reservation system implemented by cultural and tourism venues during the epidemic prevention and control period.

The first public lawyer studio in the national maritime system was unveiled in Shanghai
The first public lawyer studio in the national maritime system was unveiled in Shanghai

June 25, 2024 is the 14th "World Seafarers' Day". The first public lawyer studio in the national maritime system - the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration Public Lawyer Studio was unveiled. Relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration said that the establishment of the studio, in addition to caring for the development of seafarers, serving the seafarer market, and protecting the rights and interests of seafarers, will also help Shanghai to make up for the shortcomings of high-end shipping services, enhance the influence of foreign-related rule of law, and better participate in the formulation of rules of the International Maritime Organization. It is reported that the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration currently has a team of 75 public lawyers, ranking among the top in the directly affiliated maritime system. After the establishment of the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration Public Lawyer Studio, it plans to move into the "North Bund International Legal Service Port" with the support of the Hongkou District Justice Bureau, and use the natural foreign-related factors of shipping to promote the development of foreign-related rule of law, in administration, justice, arbitration, and public

Go to Fujian to see the mountains, the sea and the food. More than 50 A-level scenic spots are open to Shanghai tourists for free.
Go to Fujian to see the mountains, the sea and the food. More than 50 A-level scenic spots are open to Shanghai tourists for free.

On the afternoon of June 24, the 2024 Fujian Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference with the theme of "Come to Fujian, be blessed with many blessings, enjoy mountains and seas and sing songs along the way" hosted by the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Sanming Municipal People's Government was held in Shanghai, attracting the attention of many Shanghai citizens and tourists. This promotion conference focused on the theme of "Come to Fujian, be blessed with many blessings, enjoy mountains and seas and sing songs along the way", and planned to launch a series of products and cooperation, including the promotion show "I'm Waiting for You in Sanming", the Fujian Food RAP Show, Fujian Summer Boutique Tourism Routes, Fujian Forest Scenic Road No. 1 Self-driving Tour Products, "pairing" of key scenic spots in Shanghai and Sanming, and cooperation agreements between key travel agencies in Shanghai and Fujian, inviting friends from all over the country to experience the unique style of Fujian in summer. Fujian Culture and Tourism Recommendation Officer Wang Zhixin vividly recommended Fujian's cultural and tourism resources and products, allowing the guests on the scene to have an understanding of the beautiful scenery scattered across the land of Fujian.

Some companies have already started to take action after the release of the "Eight Measures for the Science and Technology Innovation Board"
Some companies have already started to take action after the release of the "Eight Measures for the Science and Technology Innovation Board"

The reform effect after the launch of the "Eight Measures for the Science and Technology Innovation Board" has begun to emerge. Recently, two companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board have taken the lead in mergers and acquisitions. On June 19, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Eight Measures on Deepening the Reform of the Science and Technology Innovation Board to Serve Technological Innovation and the Development of New Productivity", which mentioned that greater efforts will be made to support mergers and acquisitions. Support Science and Technology Innovation Board listed companies to carry out mergers and acquisitions of upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. Improve the valuation inclusiveness of mergers and acquisitions, and support Science and Technology Innovation Board listed companies to acquire high-quality unprofitable "hard technology" companies. Enrich the payment tools for mergers and acquisitions, and conduct research on installment payments of share consideration. Support Science and Technology Innovation Board listed companies to focus on improving and strengthening their main businesses and carry out absorption mergers. Science and Technology Innovation Board companies have heard the news and moved. On the evening of June 21, Xinlian Integrated Circuit disclosed a restructuring plan, intending to acquire its holding subsidiary Xinlian Yuezhou Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 72.

The city's meteorological department has specially reminded that the strongest rainstorm process since the beginning of the plum rain season in Shanghai has arrived
The city's meteorological department has specially reminded that the strongest rainstorm process since the beginning of the plum rain season in Shanghai has arrived

Violent plum is making a comeback! The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that under the influence of the Meiyu belt, there will be a continuous rainstorm process in Shanghai from the morning of the 25th to the night of the 27th. The main precipitation periods are from the morning of the 25th to the morning of the 25th, from the night of the 25th to the morning of the 26th and from the night of the 26th to the morning of the 27th. It is accompanied by thunder and lightning, short-term heavy precipitation and thunderstorm winds of magnitude 7 to 9. In terms of rainfall, it is expected that there will be continuous heavy precipitation in Shanghai from the morning of the 25th to the night of the 27th, with a cumulative rainfall of 120,180mm and a local area of 200,000mm. The heavy rainfall from the morning of the 25th to the morning of the 25th is mainly concentrated in the southern region, with the maximum hourly rainfall intensity of 20,40mm and 40,60mm from the 25th night to the 27th. In terms of strong winds, Shanghai has high atmospheric instability energy and thunderstorms from the 25th night to the 27th night.

An average annual growth of 30%..." Jinshan's 16 industrial projects started construction, expanding from one factory to four factories, "settled for ten years..."
An average annual growth of 30%..." Jinshan's 16 industrial projects started construction, expanding from one factory to four factories, "settled for ten years..."

"After settling in Jinshan for ten years, the company has expanded from one factory to two, three, and four factories, and has grown from a small and micro enterprise producing stainless steel to a large-scale enterprise in the field of high-end new materials. In recent years, the average annual growth rate has exceeded 30%. Today, we ushered in the laying of the foundation stone of a new production base, which means that we will move towards a better future..." On June 26, in Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, the "Yilang Aerospace High-Temperature Alloy Industry Project" with a planned total investment of 1.13 billion yuan started. The project is planned to cover a total area of ​​about 230 acres, and the annual output value is expected to be 8-10 billion yuan after reaching full production. After the completion of the first phase, it can effectively meet the demand for new alloy materials in diversified high-end fields such as large aircraft, aero engines and gas turbines, and fine chemicals. On the same day, 16 major industrial projects in Jinshan District in the second quarter of 2024 were announced to start construction at the same time.

TOD Block Party Building Alliance continues to expand its "circle of friends", Putuo's "youngest" street
TOD Block Party Building Alliance continues to expand its "circle of friends", Putuo's "youngest" street

Recently, Wanli Subdistrict in Putuo District held a work promotion meeting on the full coverage of the party organization system in emerging fields and the Wanli TOD Block Party Building Alliance held a theme event to celebrate the "July 1st". As the "youngest" street in Putuo, Wanli Subdistrict has strengthened party building leadership and is making every effort to create a "Wanli model" of high-quality development led by party building. The street has identified the connection points and starting points between party building in emerging fields and economic, people's livelihood, and governance work, innovated governance measures, promoted the transformation of "two enterprises and three new things" from "point governance" to "whole-domain governance", enriched co-governance scenarios, and transformed the "biggest variable" of grassroots governance into the "most beautiful increment", activated the red engine, and improved governance efficiency through governance linkage. As the main base of the Wanli TOD Block Party Building Alliance, the West Station Complex·Wanli Bilin Party and Mass Service Station not only carries the responsibility of educating party members and serving the masses, but also carries the responsibility of serving the people.

The 2.0 version of the maintenance service platform was first launched in this street, and Changning District issued a follow-up management plan for the use of elevators
The 2.0 version of the maintenance service platform was first launched in this street, and Changning District issued a follow-up management plan for the use of elevators

“Whoever owns the elevator has the final say; whoever owns the elevator pays for it; whoever manages the elevator has the responsibility to perform his duties” - this basic principle was reiterated in the “Implementation Plan for the Subsequent Use and Management of Elevators Installed in Existing Multi-storey Residential Buildings in Changning District” issued and implemented on June 25. On the morning of the same day, Jiangsu Road Subdistrict held a ceremony for the early completion of the 2024 elevator installation and the launch of the “E-elevator” comprehensive maintenance service platform. A highlight of the event was the subsequent use and management plan for elevator installations, which was first released by Changning District. The reporter learned from the Changning District Housing Authority that the first elevator installation project in the district started in 2013, was completed and put into use in 2016, and has been in operation for 8 years. Over the past 11 years, a total of 846 elevators have been completed in the district, most of which were completed after 2020. Although it is not yet time for large-scale elevator replacement,

Application scenarios drive the development of Yangpu's green and low-carbon industries, and the coal ash silo of the thermal power plant has become a zero-carbon demonstration benchmark
Application scenarios drive the development of Yangpu's green and low-carbon industries, and the coal ash silo of the thermal power plant has become a zero-carbon demonstration benchmark

The coal ash silo of the former thermal power plant has now become a green zero-carbon energy storage demonstration benchmark. Such a huge leap took place in Yangpu Riverside. Recently, Weijing Energy Storage's zinc-iron liquid flow battery energy storage demonstration project "Zero-Carbon Smart Integrated Energy Center" was listed as a new energy storage pilot demonstration project by the National Energy Administration. This is also the only new energy storage project included in Shanghai. The Zero-Carbon Smart Integrated Energy Center integrates photovoltaic technology, smart energy management and control, new energy storage, carbon footprint analysis and low-carbon concept cafes, showing a full-scene urban zero-carbon community. It cleverly utilizes the coal ash silo of the Yangshupu Power Plant. After the photovoltaic panel roof converts solar energy into electricity, the zinc-iron liquid flow battery incorporates the electricity into the system storage, ensuring the efficient storage and release of electricity, and providing services for surrounding cafes, charging piles, landscape lighting and other facilities.

Pudong's robotics industry enters a new stage of development in quality certification
Pudong's robotics industry enters a new stage of development in quality certification

Robots are known as "the jewel in the crown of manufacturing." Their research and development, manufacturing, and application are important indicators of a country's scientific and technological innovation and high-end manufacturing level. In May of this year, the "Pudong New Area Robot Industry" was approved as the second batch of national and Shanghai's first regional pilot project for small and micro-enterprises to improve the quality management system. On June 25, the pilot project was officially launched. The reporter learned that the Zhangjiang Robot Valley, on which the pilot project relies, was established in November 2020. After more than three years of empowerment development, it has brought together dozens of industry-leading companies such as ABB, Fourier Intelligence, and Minimally Invasive Medical Robots, as well as more than 100 high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. The Robot Valley has an operating income of more than 44 billion yuan, with a total of 785 companies settled in. The number of industry-related companies accounts for more than 50% of Shanghai, including the robot specialty industry.

Where does it come from? The persistence of two winners of the highest science and technology awards
Where does it come from? The persistence of two winners of the highest science and technology awards

The 2023 National Science and Technology Awards were announced. The National Highest Science and Technology Award was awarded to Academician Li Deren of Wuhan University and Academician Xue Qikun of Tsinghua University. Li Deren is a famous photogrammetry and remote sensing scientist who has been committed to improving my country's surveying, mapping, remote sensing and earth observation capabilities. Xue Qikun is a famous scientist in the field of condensed matter physics and has made many important leading scientific breakthroughs. Looking at the ups and downs of the two academicians' scientific research lives, we can always find their precious spirit of perseverance. No matter how lofty the goals are, they can detonate the powerful energy to defeat themselves and surpass themselves; no matter what difficulties and obstacles they face, they can stand up, carry on and keep running forward. It is the deep patriotism and firm belief that supports this spirit of perseverance. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out

How to truly embrace new productivity? ,China Capital Market
How to truly embrace new productivity? ,China Capital Market

On June 19, the 2024 Lujiazui Forum was held. As global inflation is still at a high level, and the direction of interest rate hike policies of European and American central banks is uncertain, how to promote sustained and stable economic growth in a period of uncertainty has become a highly concerned issue at the Lujiazui Forum. The new quality productivity frequently mentioned by the guests at the meeting is undoubtedly the key to promoting economic development. In his keynote speech at the Lujiazui Forum, Wu Qing, Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, mentioned that the capital market must "actively embrace the development of new quality productivity." New quality productivity is rooted in the real economy and is the driving force for corporate development. It can bring more fresh water to the capital market. From this point of view, choosing to serve new quality productivity is also the nature of the capital market. But in reality, there are still many companies from the capital market to those that focus on new quality productivity.

Why can't students from prestigious universities go to the grassroots? Respect personal choice
Why can't students from prestigious universities go to the grassroots? Respect personal choice

Recently, the Civil Service Bureau of Suzhou City, Anhui Province, released a public notice on the list of candidates for this year's civil service examination. Among them, Su Zhen, a doctoral student from Stanford University, a world-class university, has become the focus of social attention. According to media reports, Su Zhen plans to be hired by the township agency of Lingbi County, which is under the jurisdiction of Suzhou City, to serve in the management of grassroots affairs. According to the application requirements, personnel must sign an agreement that they must not leave the township for 5 years after being hired. In the past two years, every news about students from prestigious schools going to the grassroots has always attracted attention. Previously, doctoral students from Peking University and Tsinghua University were admitted to the street civil service system, and graduates from prestigious schools went to primary and secondary school teachers, which had triggered discussions about "is it a waste?" and "is it necessary?" In the eyes of many people, graduates from prestigious schools are "the pride of heaven". After years of hard study, they abandon their majors and devote themselves to the grassroots. Such "high-level opening"

How to strengthen the construction of a flood prevention and disaster resilience system? General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions! The main flood season has fully begun
How to strengthen the construction of a flood prevention and disaster resilience system? General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions! The main flood season has fully begun

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions on flood control and drought relief. He stressed that as my country has fully entered the main flood season, the flood control situation is becoming increasingly severe. All regions and relevant departments must further strengthen risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, consolidate responsibilities, strengthen coordination, and do a solid job in flood control and drought relief, emergency rescue and disaster relief. We must strengthen disaster monitoring and early warning, investigate and identify hidden risks, prepare sufficient equipment and materials, improve work plans, effectively respond to various emergencies, and effectively protect the safety of people’s lives and property and the stability of the overall social situation. In recent years, heavy rains and severe floods caused by climate change have increasingly become major challenges affecting human safety. Since mid-to-late April, large-scale heavy rainfall has begun in southern my country, and some areas have experienced heavy rains, torrential rains, and even torrential rain disasters. Warning

Must it end with "special admission"?, the story of a technical secondary school student obsessed with mathematics
Must it end with "special admission"?, the story of a technical secondary school student obsessed with mathematics

Recently, the public's continued attention to the 17-year-old "math genius" Jiang Ping has evolved from the story itself to debates such as "whether colleges and universities should make exceptions for admissions". Some colleges and universities have been criticized by the public for only cautiously expressing to Jiang Ping that "you are welcome to apply." Taking into account that college entrance examination recruitment must balance fairness and efficiency, does the inspirational story of a technical secondary school student obsessed with mathematics really have to end with "exceptional admission"? In the original story, what touched us? It was the fact that "a 17-year-old technical secondary school girl won the 12th place in the global mathematics competition", and the details such as "the reason why she chose to go to a technical secondary school was a choice made after comprehensively considering her family conditions and academic performance" and "she met her 'mentor' teacher Wang Runqiu in the technical secondary school who encouraged her to study mathematics." The inspirational story outlined by these elements allows people to see the power of passion.

17 Chinese people were killed, white-haired Assange pleaded guilty and was released; a serious fire at a South Korean battery factory resulted in more than 5 years in prison
17 Chinese people were killed, white-haired Assange pleaded guilty and was released; a serious fire at a South Korean battery factory resulted in more than 5 years in prison

On June 26th local time, a court judge in Saipan ruled that Assange, the founder of the "WikiLeaks" website, would leave the court as a "free man" because the 62-month prison sentence he received was the same as the sentence he had already served in a London prison. On the same day, Assange pleaded guilty in the U.S. Federal Court on Saipan, the capital of the U.S. Mariana Islands, to a felony charge brought by the U.S. Department of Justice against him for conspiring to obtain and leak U.S. defense secrets. On June 26, Assange, the founder of the "WikiLeaks" website, walked out of the court on Saipan, the capital of the U.S. Northern Mariana Islands. On June 26, Assange, the founder of the "WikiLeaks" website, spoke to the media on Saipan, the capital of the U.S. Northern Mariana Islands. On June 25, in Melbourne, Australia, "WikiLeaks"

China has created these human firsts on the way to the moon, Science and Technology Innovation Party | Chang'e 6 successfully returned to Earth
China has created these human firsts on the way to the moon, Science and Technology Innovation Party | Chang'e 6 successfully returned to Earth

After 53 days, on June 25, the Chang'e-6 returner successfully landed at the Siziwang Banner landing site in Inner Mongolia with a "lunar package" weighing about 2 kilograms. China's space program has completed another difficult and great task. my country has become the only country in the world to land on the back of the moon twice, and for the first time in human history, it has successfully collected lunar soil from the back of the moon. Do you know when the Chinese began to explore the moon? In which year did the story of Chang'e begin? What human firsts has China created in the matter of lunar exploration? Although ancient China did not carry out lunar exploration activities in the modern sense, it still has rich cultural and scientific research on the moon. Around 2300 BC, it was recorded in "Shangshu Yaodian": "He ordered Xihe to respect the heaven, observe the sun, moon and stars, and teach the people the time."

There are things you can touch, these new exhibition halls are quite good, come and visit the exhibition|Shanghai Museum East Hall will be reopened tomorrow
There are things you can touch, these new exhibition halls are quite good, come and visit the exhibition|Shanghai Museum East Hall will be reopened tomorrow

The Shanghai Museum's East Hall will be reopened on June 26, with 10 new exhibition halls and interactive experience spaces. The open area will reach about 80% of the exhibition space, and the daily reception limit will also be increased to 20,000 people per day. How many good treasures are there in the 10 exhibition halls that are about to open? Needless to say, the four permanent exhibition halls have an overwhelming number of exhibits. Porcelain, jade, seal engraving, coins... Among them, the Jade Museum and the Ceramics Museum have made bold new attempts this time-a "touchable" link has been set up in the exhibition hall. Cultural relics that can be touched At the entrance of the exhibition hall of the Jade Museum, a piece of Xinjiang Hetian jade seed material weighing 158 kilograms and not artificially carved is placed for the audience to touch. On the other side, near the exit of the Ceramics Museum, an interactive area for touching cultural relics specimens has been set up, allowing the audience to touch an underglaze blue and white porcelain from the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty.

Some cultural relics can be seen and touched. The Shanghai Museum East Pavilion will reopen tomorrow
Some cultural relics can be seen and touched. The Shanghai Museum East Pavilion will reopen tomorrow

After more than a month of intensive construction and exhibition arrangement, the construction of the East Hall of the Shanghai Museum has now completed the second node of the "trilogy" of opening. With the addition of 10 exhibition halls and interactive experience spaces, the open area will reach about 80% of the exhibition space, and the daily reception limit will double to 20,000 people per day. Starting from June 26, in order to facilitate the travel of visitors between the People's Square Hall and the East Hall, the Shanghai Museum and public transportation will cooperate to open a convenient customized bus route to connect visitors point-to-point between the two halls. The Ceramics Hall has added an innovative exhibit at the end of the exhibition hall and set up an interactive area for touching cultural relics specimens. After professional evaluation and special protection treatment, and on the premise of ensuring safety and improving relevant measures, visitors are allowed to touch an underglaze blue and white porcelain vase from the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, setting a precedent for similar exhibitions in China. Ceramics Exhibition

He is the best actor! Ge Da Ye and Xiao Kai were invited to the stage temporarily... The Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Goblet Award winners were announced
He is the best actor! Ge Da Ye and Xiao Kai were invited to the stage temporarily... The Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Goblet Award winners were announced

On the evening of June 22, the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival held the Golden Goblet Award Ceremony at the Shanghai Grand Theater, and the Golden Goblet Awards were announced one by one. Asian Newcomer Award Jury Chairman Cao Baoping and Jury Member Dapeng. Huang Xiaoming. The crew of "A Man and a Woman" Director Guan Hu and his wife, the film's chief producer Liang Jing, walked the red carpet together. Actors Wu Lei and Qin Hailu stepped on the red carpet as special guests. Wen Qi. The crew of "Sunshine Club" Huang Xiaoming. The crew of Kazakhstan's "Divorce". Special guest Zhou Bichang. The crew of the movie "Impact". Japanese director Iwai Shunji and actor Sun Yi. The crew of the movie "Hedgehog" Director Gu Changwei, actors Ge You and Wang Junkai. The Golden Goblet Award for Best Film was won by the Kazakh film "Divorce", which also won the Best Actress Award. The Argentine film "Adults" won the Jury Grand Prix

Interpreting "the mature realistic tradition of modern urban life", Xuelin Essays|In Shanghai
Interpreting "the mature realistic tradition of modern urban life", Xuelin Essays|In Shanghai

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the important concept of the people's city, the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival was held as scheduled. In 10 days, 461 films from 64 countries and regions were screened in this city of movies, and 450,000 tickets were sold. The Shanghai International Film Festival has developed into a cultural event that brings together filmmakers from all over the world and movie fans across the country, and a mass festival that is shared by the whole city and participated by all people. It allows citizens and tourists to attend the light and shadow appointments and appreciate the beauty of the city together, fully reflecting the unchanging value pursuit of practicing the people's city. Enhance people's sense of gain by making it accessible to the people. At this film festival, 47 cinemas in 16 districts of the city participated in the screening; 6 city center cinemas jointly launched the "Warm Field" to give back to movie fans with a discounted ticket price of 50 yuan; the screening activities of the future cinema unit will be open to the public free of charge. At the same time

The left-behind elderly are reluctant to leave, and the flood hits the hollow village at the border of Fujian and Guangdong | Old House | Left-behind
The left-behind elderly are reluctant to leave, and the flood hits the hollow village at the border of Fujian and Guangdong | Old House | Left-behind

Two days after the flash floods, electricity was partially restored in Chagan Town, Pingyuan County, Meizhou City, where Chen Yue's grandmother lived. Although her grandmother's family has been relocated to a hill with a higher altitude, the 75-year-old still cultivates the fields near the old house in the low-lying area alone. She used to grow rice, but now she grows vegetables. After the flash floods, Chen Yue wanted to contact the old lady as soon as possible, but she couldn't get in touch with her. On June 16, heavy rains hit the mountainous area at the junction of Fujian and Guangdong. Heavy rains fell in Meizhou, Guangdong, Longyan, Fujian and other places, and torrential rains occurred in some areas. Flash floods and landslides occurred in Meixian District, Pingyuan County, Jiaoling County and other places in Meizhou City. As of June 17, 5 people have been killed, 15 people are missing, and 13 people are trapped; in Longyan City, adjacent to Meizhou, from 8:00 on the 16th to 7:00 on the 20th, the rainfall at 197 stations in 93 towns exceeded 10

How to reach the broad future of education? This botanical garden in Shanghai has been looking for the answer Wang Ximin | Popular Science Education | Chenshan
How to reach the broad future of education? This botanical garden in Shanghai has been looking for the answer Wang Ximin | Popular Science Education | Chenshan

In recent years, in Shanghai, botanical gardens, parks, and areas full of natural scenery have become more and more popular among people, and the relaxing feeling of being surrounded by green plants is fascinating. "What is better nature education" has also become a hot topic among more and more knowledgeable people. Not long ago, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, which is well-known in Shanghai for hosting the "Grassland Radio Music Festival" for many years, launched the "Plants and the Future-2024 Chenshan Botanical Garden Science Festival" for the first time. What kind of ideas are conveyed behind the continuous innovations, and what future-oriented exploration directions are brewing? With the above questions, the reporter visited Wang Ximin, director of the Science Popularization Department of Chenshan Botanical Garden. Better nature education: In addition to seeing "things", you must also see "people" Shangguan News: In recent years, many citizens have inadvertently discovered that every time they open the Weibo or WeChat public account of Chenshan Botanical Garden, they see...

The student has been booked by an institution before graduation to study this "unpopular" major
The student has been booked by an institution before graduation to study this "unpopular" major

There is a profession called architectural heritage restorer. The protection and repair of architectural heritage requires not only designers and architects, but also highly skilled craftsmen who master the special skills of repairing old buildings. However, at present, most of our old building repair craftsmen are ordinary construction workers, lacking systematic knowledge, cultural foundation and artistic modeling ability. Where do such highly skilled talents come from? Gu Xuefeng and his team worked hard for more than 800 days and nights to sew the 3 mm lamp wicks in the red-roofed and gray-walled Shikumen building Zhangyuan. Gu Xuefeng has been engaged in the construction industry for more than 30 years. He has gradually grown from an ordinary on-site construction worker to a technical backbone of the protection, repair and inheritance of Shanghai-style historical buildings. Today, he is a senior engineer and first-class constructor of Shanghai Jing'an Building Decoration Industry Co., Ltd. The restoration of architectural heritage and ordinary house repair

Then strive for some breakthroughs and bite the bullet, Fudan professor Ma Jianpeng: On the cutting-edge track that our country cannot afford to lose
Then strive for some breakthroughs and bite the bullet, Fudan professor Ma Jianpeng: On the cutting-edge track that our country cannot afford to lose

"Nature" magazine recently published a joint study by the Google Deepmind team and the AI ​​drug research and development team, demonstrating a new protein prediction model-the third generation "Alpha folding". At the 79th Cultural Forum of Jiefang Daily held recently, when asked “When will such a heavyweight innovation appear in Shanghai?”, Ma Jianpeng, dean of the Institute of Complex Systems and Multiscale Research at Fudan University, replied: This is a very good idea. The question is also a question I often ask myself, and it is also what we have been doing. Alphafold is a landmark event in the history of artificial intelligence. As we all know, when the computer defeated the world chess champion, everyone thought that artificial intelligence could not defeat humans in the field of Go. Later AlphaGo defeated the top human beings

The appointment method has been adjusted, and the "difficulty in obtaining vaccines" has been greatly alleviated! Shanghai will increase the supply of "yellow fever" vaccines starting today
The appointment method has been adjusted, and the "difficulty in obtaining vaccines" has been greatly alleviated! Shanghai will increase the supply of "yellow fever" vaccines starting today

On June 24, Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News published an article titled "Failed to get a yellow fever vaccine quota in a month? Shanghai citizens who want to go to Africa and South America face "difficulties in getting a vaccine"", reporting that the number of people traveling to Africa and South America has continued to increase this year, the number of applications for yellow fever vaccination has remained high, the vaccine is in short supply and appointments are difficult to make, and many citizens have not been able to get an appointment for a month. After the report was published, the Shanghai International Travel and Health Care Center immediately responded and adjusted the vaccination arrangements for the yellow fever vaccine from June 26. The measures taken include increasing vaccine supply, extending vaccination time, adding vaccinations on Saturdays, adjusting appointment methods, adding vaccination sites, etc. △Pudong Branch of "Shanghai International Travel and Health Care Center", 2090 Jinqiao Road, Pudong New Area

It is fake, but many family groups and owner groups in Shanghai are forwarding this message.
It is fake, but many family groups and owner groups in Shanghai are forwarding this message.

In the past two days, the Shanghai rumor-refuting platform has received many messages from fans, asking whether the news that "many people in the Chongming branch of Hua Hospital have been infected with the ng virus and cannot eat bananas in the near future" that appeared in family groups and owner groups is true or false. In fact, this has been debunked many times, and netizens can confidently tell the forwarder: This is false, don't forward it again. The Shanghai rumor-refuting platform traced back and found that the rumor that has been spread recently was also widely circulated in March last year, and there are serious factual errors. For example, there is no "Chongming Branch of Hua Hospital" in Shanghai; "ng" in medicine is usually the abbreviation of gonococci, which is a human parasitic bacteria, not a virus, and gonococcal infection is one of the common sexually transmitted diseases, commonly known as gonorrhea, and has nothing to do with fruits; bananas are not the specialty fruits of Nanhui, Shanghai, and there is no large-scale fruit in the area at all.

Artificial intelligence was used to generate the video of "Shanghai Zhongshan Park subway station stabbing"! How to control AI fraud?
Artificial intelligence was used to generate the video of "Shanghai Zhongshan Park subway station stabbing"! How to control AI fraud?

On June 20, the Shanghai police reported that two brand marketing personnel fabricated false information such as "stabbing at Zhongshan Park subway station" in order to attract attention, and the relevant personnel have been administratively detained by the police. In the report, there is a detail that attracts attention: a counterfeiter used AI software to generate video technology and fabricated false information such as a fake video of a subway attack. This is not the first time that artificial intelligence technology has appeared in rumors. For some time, in the rumor-mongering incidents reported by the police in many regions, there have been words such as "AI software", "large models", and "automatic production". The content of these rumors varies, but the essence is the same: rumor makers use artificial intelligence technology to concoct rumors, and there are many forms such as text, pictures, and videos. What's more serious is that the "rumor-mongering efficiency" of some AI software is amazing.

So can we still drink Class C and D?, Recommended decreasing, "True" interview: Shanghai beverages are divided into ABCD grades
So can we still drink Class C and D?, Recommended decreasing, "True" interview: Shanghai beverages are divided into ABCD grades

At the end of March, Shanghai became the first city in the country to add nutrition choice labels for freshly made beverages. Under the guidance of the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, many beverage operators have added A, B, C, and D-level labels to their products, with the degree of recommendation decreasing in descending order. More than two months have passed, and many consumers are accustomed to looking at the nutrition choice labels before buying beverages. But some consumers are confused: Can C- and D-level beverages still be drunk? If they are not so recommended, why are operators still selling them? In this regard, Li Shuguang, an expert on Shanghai's good netizens and a professor at the School of Public Health of Fudan University, told the Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News "Shanghai Hotspot Investigation and Rumor Refutation" that the nutrition grading label should be viewed comprehensively, and consumers do not need to be afraid of choking. Li Shuguang said that Shanghai introduced the nutrition choice label to better guide citizens to live a healthy life. However, the nutrition choice label

It’s really not suitable for gifts, as many children are playing with it! But the authoritative department has long shouted "Don't buy", check quickly
It’s really not suitable for gifts, as many children are playing with it! But the authoritative department has long shouted "Don't buy", check quickly

During the Children's Day, various children's products are in hot sale, but some parents don't know that some products have long been recommended "not to buy" by authoritative departments because they contain extremely high safety risks, including some "Internet celebrities" product. This type of "mud" is very dangerous. Stress relief toys have become quite popular recently, including various "mud" toys, "pinch" toys, etc. As everyone knows, they all have certain security risks. Among them, various "mud" toys such as "Crystal Mud", "Slime", "Bubble Mud", "Cotton Mud", "Poke Mud" and "Snowflake Mud" are available in various colors, soft to the touch and diverse in shapes, and are very popular with children. , parents don’t seem to see the risk. On online platforms, such toys are dazzling, and some are even made into realistic "yoghurt" and "pasta". The sales volume is considerable, and they are out-and-out "Internet celebrities". each

Two men were detained, Shanghai police: using the traffic of "Fat Cat" to fabricate false information
Two men were detained, Shanghai police: using the traffic of "Fat Cat" to fabricate false information

Today, the Cyber ​​Security Brigade of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau announced three typical cases of combating online rumors. Among them, two men were criminally detained for fabricating false information about the "Fat Cat" incident. 1. Investigate and deal with a woman who posted false information about a "car accident in Datuan Town, Pudong" in accordance with the law. Recently, in order to gain attention and attract traffic, Yu Mou spliced ​​together several videos of young children involved in a car accident on the Internet, and deliberately fabricated the false information that "three children died in a car accident on Yonghui Road, Datuan Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai", and posted it on the Internet, causing adverse effects. At present, Yu Mou has been administratively punished by the Pudong police in accordance with the law. The content of the video is a rumor. 2. Investigate and deal with a man who posted false information about a "mutual slashing incident" in accordance with the law. Recently, in order to gain traffic, Qian Mou posted a video of a traffic accident scene on a social platform, and deliberately fabricated "an incident of mutual slashing".

9 people were arrested. The gang "buy and sell" to defraud more than 2 million yuan in subsidies and took advantage of the price protection mechanism of the e-commerce platform.
9 people were arrested. The gang "buy and sell" to defraud more than 2 million yuan in subsidies and took advantage of the price protection mechanism of the e-commerce platform.

Recently, the Pudong Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau smashed a criminal gang that took advantage of loopholes in the online shopping platform mechanism and defrauded platform subsidies for illegal profits. Today, April 1, a staff member of an online shopping platform discovered when analyzing the company's data that since October 2023, dozens of online stores have had abnormal price fluctuations in the sale of goods: goods that were priced at tens of thousands of yuan the day before, the price was as low as one hundred yuan the next day. These products are set with "price protection"-if the price of the product is reduced within one week after it is sold, consumers can apply to the platform for a refund of the price difference. In order to improve the after-sales experience of consumers, the platform will automatically review the factors through the system. As long as the application meets the requirements, the platform will simultaneously carry out an automated process of advancing the price difference to the consumer and collecting the relevant funds from the merchant. The platform suspects that

Strengthening patrols in rail transit areas, Shanghai police launch concentrated inspection and rectification operations
Strengthening patrols in rail transit areas, Shanghai police launch concentrated inspection and rectification operations

Today, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau organized and launched the twelfth centralized inspection and rectification operation of "Sharpening the Sword 2024" across the city, thoroughly investigating and resolving hidden risks, cracking down on all kinds of prominent crimes, and making every effort to ensure the safety and stability of the overall social situation. During the operation, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau will organize centralized comprehensive inspections at night, set up checkpoints and conduct spot checks in key and densely populated areas throughout the city, and increase the intensity of inspections of suspicious vehicles and personnel. For subway stations with dense passenger flow, the police further strengthened patrol and order maintenance, carried out centralized spot checks, strengthened the identification and inspection of suspicious personnel, and further increased the rate of police presence and the rate of handling matters. During the operation, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau strengthened the analysis of gambling and fraud cases, dug deep and expanded the lines, carried out crackdowns and investigations in a timely manner, and simultaneously strengthened prevention publicity to enhance the public's awareness of prevention. Focusing on

The scammer was married and had children, and was defrauded of 640,000 yuan. A Shanghai game anchor and a female fan had been in an online relationship for 7 years and had never met in person.
The scammer was married and had children, and was defrauded of 640,000 yuan. A Shanghai game anchor and a female fan had been in an online relationship for 7 years and had never met in person.

The game anchor and a "beautiful" fan were in an online relationship for 7 years, transferring money 260 times for a total of 640,000 yuan, but they had never met. In the end, it was discovered that the tortuous relationship was a long-planned "pig killing" scam. Recently, the Jing'an Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau cracked this online dating fraud case, and some of the defrauded money has been recovered. On May 27 this year, the game anchor Mr. Wang went to the Zhijiang West Road Police Station of the Jing'an Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau to report that he was defrauded by his girlfriend Zeng, who had been in an online relationship for 7 years, and lost nearly 640,000 yuan. At the end of 2017, Mr. Wang met Zeng, who gave him gifts, during a live broadcast. The two added each other on WeChat, and often made appointments to team up to play games, play in chat rooms, etc., and soon confirmed their "romantic relationship." According to Mr. Wang, Zeng often posted "selfies" on social media. Not only is she good-looking, but she also has a good lifestyle.

Shoot short films, write new songs, create micro-films... Eight provinces and one city anti-drug and drug rehabilitation propaganda alliance was established in Shanghai
Shoot short films, write new songs, create micro-films... Eight provinces and one city anti-drug and drug rehabilitation propaganda alliance was established in Shanghai

On June 18, on the occasion of the 37th "6.26" International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the judicial administrative drug rehabilitation systems of eight provinces and one city, including Shanghai, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hainan, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Zhejiang, and Anhui, joined hands to sign a memorandum of cooperation in Shanghai and established an inter-provincial drug control and rehabilitation publicity alliance. After the establishment of the alliance, it will give play to the advantages of cross-provincial and municipal synergy, innovate drug control and rehabilitation publicity models, hold joint publicity activities, and jointly develop a drug control and rehabilitation publicity and education curriculum system. At the same time, it will build a publicity resource sharing mechanism, jointly build and share, and openly cooperate in drug control and rehabilitation public welfare paintings, public welfare IPs, public welfare songs, public welfare short films, etc., integrate their respective content and communication advantages, and form an aggregated communication trend of drug control and rehabilitation. Combined with regional characteristics, drug rehabilitation units in various places have their own characteristics in drug control and rehabilitation publicity. For example, Shanghai

It will push Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center to a new level. Shanghai's science and technology system carefully studied the General Secretary's speech
It will push Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center to a new level. Shanghai's science and technology system carefully studied the General Secretary's speech

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches at the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, and the Conference of Academicians of the Two Academies have caused a huge response in Shanghai’s science and technology community today. Shanghai science and technology workers said that the city’s science and technology system will adhere to the party’s centralized leadership over science and technology work, give full play to the advantages of the new national system, focus on enhancing the source function of scientific and technological innovation, focus on strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, continue to deepen the integrated reform of the education, science and technology talent system and mechanism, create a steady stream of scientific and technological innovation “new forces”, and promote Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center to a new level. Contribute Shanghai’s strength to building a strong country in science and technology. Xu Feng, secretary of the Municipal Science and Technology Work Party Committee, said that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech further clarified the important position and strategic direction of scientific and technological innovation, which boosted spirits and inspired people to move forward. The city’s science and technology system must continue to deepen the laws

Jinshan has established a one-stop talent training system for opera from preschool to primary school, junior high school to high school. The "Opera into Campus" program has been going on for 7 years.
Jinshan has established a one-stop talent training system for opera from preschool to primary school, junior high school to high school. The "Opera into Campus" program has been going on for 7 years.

On the evening of the 24th, the "Opera Enters Campus to Educate People - Jinshan District's 'Opera Enters Campus' Achievement Performance" was held at the Shanghai Tianchan Yifu Stage. 165 students from 14 schools including Zhangyan Kindergarten, Tinglin Primary School, and Zhangyan Middle School in Jinshan District performed multiple works of Peking Opera, Kunqu Opera, Shanghai Opera, Yue Opera, Xi Opera, and Huai Opera. They not only concentrated on presenting their performance ability and artistic accomplishment of "singing, reciting, acting, and fighting" in opera learning in recent years, but also showed the artistic style of Jinshan students. In order to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and promote the all-round development of students' morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor, this Jinshan District "Opera Enters Campus" achievement performance consists of four chapters: "Colorful and Colorful", "Flowering", "Plum Blossoms", and "Abounding Fruits". The students' performances were well received by the audience. Children from Zhangyan Kindergarten in Jinshan District performed a medley of Yue Opera.

The General Secretary's speech has aroused great repercussions in Shanghai's science and technology community: Contributing to the science and technology innovation center and the country's technological power
The General Secretary's speech has aroused great repercussions in Shanghai's science and technology community: Contributing to the science and technology innovation center and the country's technological power

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches at the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, the 21st General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the 17th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Engineering caused a huge response in the Shanghai science and technology community yesterday. Shanghai science and technology workers said that they will actively participate in the great process of scientific and technological modernization and Chinese-style modernization, help achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, and contribute their own strength to building a science and technology innovation center with global influence and a science and technology power. Three-in-one coordination, seize the opportunity of paradigm change After listening to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech on the spot, Jin Li, President of Fudan University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the general secretary has put forward a series of new viewpoints, new conclusions, and new ideas on scientific and technological innovation, which are high-level and rich in connotation, and have set us up to unswervingly follow the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics.

The Shanghai Tower won the National Science and Technology Progress Award for its engineering technology, achieving many global and domestic firsts
The Shanghai Tower won the National Science and Technology Progress Award for its engineering technology, achieving many global and domestic firsts

This morning, the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards were presented in Beijing. The "Shanghai Tower Engineering Key Technology" project led by Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd. won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. The Shanghai Tower is 632 meters high and is the tallest building in China and the only building in my country that has exceeded 600 meters in height. It embodies the new concept of "vertical city" and coexists harmoniously with the environment. It has been rated as the "World's Best High-rise Building" and "The World's Most Influential High-rise Building" by international organizations. Achieved many global or domestic firsts As the finale of the Lujiazui super-high-rise buildings, when the Shanghai Tower was under construction, there were already two super-high-rise buildings, the Jinmao Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center, as well as other office and residential buildings around it. The environmental conditions were complex and there were many people working and living there. In order to build the project

Why has the difficulty of winning the award increased significantly? The National Science and Technology Award was awarded again after more than 2 years
Why has the difficulty of winning the award increased significantly? The National Science and Technology Award was awarded again after more than 2 years

This morning, the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards were presented in Beijing. This is the first time in more than two years that the National Science and Technology Awards have been presented since the 2020 National Science and Technology Awards Conference was held in Beijing in November 2021. What reforms and optimizations have the nomination system and award cycle of the National Science and Technology Awards undergone over the past two years? What is the difference between presenting the awards again after more than two years? What are the characteristics of the winning projects in Shanghai? A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News interviewed the person in charge of the Shanghai Science and Technology Awards Center. The difficulty of winning awards has increased significantly compared to the past. "In the past two years, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have optimized and improved the nomination system for the National Science and Technology Awards, strengthened the leadership of the Party Central Committee, and adjusted the award cycle from once a year to once every two to three years." Head of the Municipal Science and Technology Awards Center

You can also encounter it here - Berlin Philharmonic Shanghai Map: Didn't get a ticket
You can also encounter it here - Berlin Philharmonic Shanghai Map: Didn't get a ticket

On the evening of June 25, in the drizzling Xianghui Hall, Qian Kun, a senior girl from the Department of Mathematics at Fudan University who has studied the French horn for many years, met her idol, Sarah Willis, the French horn player of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. She is the first female brass player in the history of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Sarah Willis came to the Fudan campus with one of the oldest chamber orchestras of the Berlin Philharmonic, the Berlin Philharmonic Brass Chamber Orchestra. From June 24 to July 2, the art map of the special project of the China Shanghai International Art Festival "Berlin Philharmonic in Shanghai" will cover every corner of the city and is expected to reach 30,000 audiences. In addition to the four symphony concerts that sold out in 5 minutes at the Shanghai Grand Theater, there were also 7 indoor concerts held at Fudan University, ShanghaiTech University, YOUNG Theater, Dishui Lake Theater and other places.

New group re-interprets, Lai Shengchuan writes a spy drama for Shanghai
New group re-interprets, Lai Shengchuan writes a spy drama for Shanghai

"The preliminary work of "Yaoyaodongba" took several months. I thought about the whole outline very clearly, and it took only about three days to actually write. I walked around and "read" the script to my phone, because the script was already very mature in my mind, and I finished it in three days." On June 24, the media conference of "Yaoyaodongba" was held at the Shanghai International Hotel. The screenwriter and director Lai Shengchuan talked about the heroism in the play and said, "For me, the definition of a hero is very simple. A person who does selfless things is a hero." In August, "Yaoyaodongba" appeared in the theater with a new cast, Fan Guangyao returned, and Dou Jin joined. As a poem written by Lai Shengchuan for Shanghai, "Yaoyaodongba" takes place in an old warehouse in Hongkou, Shanghai. The novelist Shu Tong played by Dou Jin is led by the mysterious music "One Day, I Will Find You" and connected to the time and space in 1943.

Exclusive | "Jiangyuan Lane" disappeared? Shengli Cinema will build a film and television base on Zhapu Road
Exclusive | "Jiangyuan Lane" disappeared? Shengli Cinema will build a film and television base on Zhapu Road

Many citizens and tourists have discovered that the "sauce garden" in front of the Victory Cinema on Zhapu Road is being demolished. What will happen to this popular check-in spot in the city center in the future? "We plan to build a film and television base in the city center, which will serve as an extension of the Victory Cinema's business format." Shen Bin, the manager of the Victory Cinema, said in an exclusive interview with the Jiefang Daily Shangguan reporter that the demolition of the relevant scenery is the next step in revitalizing this century-old historical block. With the support of the Hongkou District Government and relevant departments, the figure-eight intersection of Wujin Road, Beihaining Road, and Zhapu Road in front of the Victory Cinema will be built into an immersive film and television base with a sense of history, welcoming filmmakers from all over the country to come and shoot Shanghai stories without any threshold or restrictions. At the same time, the block has introduced "niche" stores with traffic, such as wonton shops, teahouses, and cheongsam shops, to meet the needs of film and television shooting.

All-star lineup "Huashan Sword Contest", 145-year-old Shanghai Symphony Orchestra releases new season
All-star lineup "Huashan Sword Contest", 145-year-old Shanghai Symphony Orchestra releases new season

This year marks the 145th anniversary of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall. On June 25, the orchestra released the lineup for the 2024-25 music season, which includes 83 symphony, opera, chamber music and cross-border performances. Big-name conductors such as Daniel Harding, Jaap van Zweden, Charles Dutoit, Paavo Järvi and others will visit this season, as well as star musicians with unique skills such as Hilary Hahn, Maxim Vengerov, Frank Peter Zimmermann, Augustin Hadelich, András Schiff, Gerhard Opitz, and Wynton Marsalis. In the new season, the semi-staged opera "Porgy and Bess" and Verdi's "Rigoletto" will be staged one after another, and Liang Haoyi's "Chinese Kitchen" and Zhou Long's erhu and orchestra concerto "Nine Songs" will complete the world.

Shanghai-style folk music is played in Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago: "Chinese music is full of imagination!"
Shanghai-style folk music is played in Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago: "Chinese music is full of imagination!"

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, and between China and Venezuela. Performers from the Shanghai National Orchestra traveled across half the globe to perform on the same stage with local musicians in Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela on June 20 and June 23 local time, respectively, to celebrate the friendship spanning half a century with music. In Trinidad and Tobago: Three orchestras ensemble together, swaying together. The concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was staged at the National Performing Arts Center of Trinidad and Tobago on the evening of June 20 local time, and was co-organized by the Chinese Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Arts of Trinidad and Tobago, and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. The Shanghai National Orchestra, the Trinidad and Tobago National Steel Drum Orchestra, and the Trinidad and Tobago National Symphony Orchestra performed on the same stage, playing "Waltz for Alice" and "Tang Ke's Melody" in pairs.

The Netherlands, France, Germany and Spain will fight hard in the top half, Austria unexpectedly won the first place in the group, and the European Cup is getting better
The Netherlands, France, Germany and Spain will fight hard in the top half, Austria unexpectedly won the first place in the group, and the European Cup is getting better

In the early morning of June 26th, Beijing time, in the third round of Group B of the European Cup, the Austrian team played the role of a dark horse and defeated the Netherlands 3-2, rising to the top of the group with 6 points. In another match, Mbappe and Lewandowski each scored a penalty kick, and the French team was tied 1-1 by the Polish team, ranking second in the group. In the knockout stage, they will be in the devil's upper half with Germany, Spain and Portugal. There is a gap in strength between Austria and the Netherlands, but under the leadership of the famous coach Rangnick, the Austrian team played at a high level in this campaign. Only 5 minutes and 48 seconds after the start, Austrian team Plas made a cross from the left, and the Dutch team Malen returned to defense at high speed and "shoveled" the ball into his own goal. The fastest own goal in the history of the European Cup was born. This is also the fastest goal in the history of the European Cup for the Austrian team. There are a lot of own goals in this European Cup, and "Own Dragon King" continues to top the scorer list of this European Cup with 7 goals.

Are the medal-winning outfits of the Chinese sports delegation fashionable or rustic?, The champion dragon suit will shine at the 2024 Paris Olympics
Are the medal-winning outfits of the Chinese sports delegation fashionable or rustic?, The champion dragon suit will shine at the 2024 Paris Olympics

On June 26, the much-anticipated Paris Olympics ushered in a 30-day countdown. The Paris Olympics is not only a feast of sports competition, but also a stage for cultural exchange. The biggest Chinese element during the period may be the "Chinese battle suit" that Chinese athletes wear on the podium. The award-winning equipment of the Chinese sports delegation for the 2024 Paris Olympics was officially released in Beijing. On June 25, the award-winning equipment of the Chinese sports delegation for the 2024 Paris Olympics was officially released in Beijing. The design of the award-winning uniform inherits the classic Chinese style and the main color of white space, and combines the "dragon" element with embossed patterns, splicing, embroidery and other techniques. While conveying the traditional Chinese cultural heritage to the world, it also shows the hard-working, enterprising and vigorous spirit of Chinese athletes in the new era. In 2012, the Chinese Year of the Dragon, the "dragon" element was integrated into the Chinese sports uniform for the first time.

It's time to show the level of coach Muscat's rotation. Quick review: Harbor team continues to lead with nine consecutive wins but is beginning to show signs of fatigue
It's time to show the level of coach Muscat's rotation. Quick review: Harbor team continues to lead with nine consecutive wins but is beginning to show signs of fatigue

With goals from Oscar and Vargas, Shanghai Haigang defeated Wuhan Three Towns 2-0 away from home on the 25th and won nine consecutive victories in the Chinese Super League. Faced with four consecutive away games, Haigang has delivered a nearly perfect report card and continues to lead the standings. However, troubled by the sultry weather and intensive schedule, the overall competitive state of the Haigang team has declined significantly, and the fatigue of the whole team has begun to show. For head coach Muscat, who likes to rotate personnel, it is time to show the strategic wisdom of the coaching staff in terms of tactical response. Oscar is in great shape, and the contract renewal speculation will continue. In the fourth round of the Chinese FA Cup, Haigang played almost all substitutes in Nanning and finally defeated Nanning Hengchen 2-0. Before this campaign, Muscat decisively adopted a personnel rotation strategy. Five foreign players including Oscar and Vargas and Wu Lei

Minhang District public sports venues launch single-use fitness cards to create high-quality fitness spaces
Minhang District public sports venues launch single-use fitness cards to create high-quality fitness spaces

Mr. Liu, who lives in Qibao Town, Minhang District, discovered that the Qibao Citizen Fitness Center, which just opened in early June, not only has public-price membership cards, but also launched a one-time fitness card consumption service. It is understood that in order to allow more citizens to enjoy the high-quality sports resources around them and feel at ease when exercising, some public sports venues in Minhang District have recently launched a one-time fitness consumption service, allowing residents to achieve "fitness freedom" at their doorstep. Qibao Citizen Fitness Center is located at No. 3750 Qixin Road, Minhang District. As a comprehensive sports venue integrating sports fitness, leisure and entertainment, the center is divided into three major sections: leisure fitness, ball sports and outdoor children's play. It has table tennis halls, citizen fitness stations, billiard halls, badminton halls, squash halls and other sports spaces to meet the fitness needs of citizens of all ages and at multiple levels. Center operations

Why did Muscat leave the center position in the group photo to the cleaning lady? , Half-time champion Shanghai Haigang team fights in the "second half"
Why did Muscat leave the center position in the group photo to the cleaning lady? , Half-time champion Shanghai Haigang team fights in the "second half"

On June 26, Shanghai Haigang, the half-time champion of the 2024 Chinese Super League, will enter the "second half" of the competition - at 20:00 in the evening, they will challenge Wuhan Three Towns away. Earlier, the Chinese Super League officially announced the best coach and best player in May, and Muscat and Wu Lei of Shanghai Haigang were elected respectively. Before the Haigang team set off for the away game in Wuhan, Muscat specially convened the coaching team, medical team and logistics support team to take a big group photo, and gave the C position directly to the team's cleaning aunt. The aunt at the base occupied the C position in the group photo. The coaching team led by Muscat contributed greatly to the fact that Haigang team can become the leader in the first half of the Chinese Super League, but this Australian bald head not only showed excellent character and gentlemanly demeanor, but also used practical actions to shape the team spirit of a "warm family".

Ruijin team achieves breakthrough in pancreatic cancer mRNA vaccine: How to solve the two key problems of the "king of cancer"?
Ruijin team achieves breakthrough in pancreatic cancer mRNA vaccine: How to solve the two key problems of the "king of cancer"?

Pancreatic cancer, known as the "king of cancer", has become a major problem in the medical community due to its hidden onset, low early diagnosis rate, rapid progression, and extremely poor prognosis. In the past 10 years, the incidence of pancreatic cancer in China has increased year by year. The vast majority of patients are already in the middle and late stages when diagnosed, and the average survival time of advanced patients is only about 6 months. In order to further explore the research status and development trends in the field of pancreatic diseases and provide more guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment practices, the 2024 Ruijin Pancreatic Tumor Academic Conference and the Yangtze River Delta Pancreatic Tumor Alliance Annual Meeting, co-organized by Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Ruijin Hospital Pancreatic Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center, and the Yangtze River Delta Pancreatic Tumor Alliance, was held today. Shen Baiyong, chairman of the conference and vice president of Ruijin Hospital, introduced that during this meeting, 22 new units joined the Yangtze River Delta Pancreatic Tumor Alliance.

Liver cancer intervention combined with "cocktail therapy" can significantly prolong the survival time of advanced patients
Liver cancer intervention combined with "cocktail therapy" can significantly prolong the survival time of advanced patients

Liver cancer has an insidious onset, and only about 20% of patients can undergo surgical resection when clinically discovered. The team of Professor Xia Jinglin from the Department of Hepatic Oncology at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University has proposed a "cocktail therapy" for liver cancer, and recently published a research paper titled "Synergistic immunochemotherapy targeting the SAMD4B-APOA2-PD-L1 axis to enhance anti-tumor immunity in hepatocellular carcinoma" in the journal Cell Death and Disease on the effects of cocktail therapy against liver cancer and its mechanism of action. It is reported that drug treatments for liver cancer include hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, targeted combined immunotherapy, dual immunotherapy, etc. These methods can prolong the survival of patients with advanced liver cancer to a certain extent, but the results are not generally ideal, and there are many side effects, high costs, and inconvenient treatment. Interventional combined

Senior Health Promotion Week | Seniors should remember these 20 health reminders
Senior Health Promotion Week | Seniors should remember these 20 health reminders

June 24 to 30 is the sixth "National Senior Health Promotion Week". The theme of this year's event is "Maintain hearing health and enjoy a happy old age". The "2024 Shanghai Senior Health Promotion Week Theme Event and Shanghai Health Lecture Hall" hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission and the Minhang District People's Government and undertaken by the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai Health Promotion Center and other units has announced that 30% of people aged 65 to 75 in my country have varying degrees of hearing loss, and this figure is as high as 50% for people over 75 years old. Hearing disability is not only a "stumbling block" to the world of sound, but also directly leads to various physical and mental damages such as cognitive decline, dementia, and falls. Shi Haibo, chief physician of the Sixth Municipal Hospital, conducted a popular science lecture on the theme of "The Hazards and Prevention of Deafness". He proposed

Plans to build a team of 800 senior professionals, Putuo District launches the "819" plan for health talent training
Plans to build a team of 800 senior professionals, Putuo District launches the "819" plan for health talent training

This morning, at the "Gathering Strength" Pudong District Health and Health System Conference to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, news came out: Pudong District has launched the "819" plan for the training of health and health talents, striving to build a team of about 800 senior professional and technical personnel by 2026, and at the same time cultivate a team of about 100 compound party and government management talents, and weave a dense network of regional health and health talent training positions. At present, there are about 650 people with senior professional titles in the Pudong District health system. Since the "Pudong District Health and Health System Talent Development Implementation Measures" was issued in 2019, and the "Pudong District Health and Health System Talent Development Plan Implementation Measures" 2.0 version was revised and launched in 2023, a new plan for health and health talent training has been launched again this year to build a platform to strengthen systematic talents.

Scoliosis has become the third largest "crisis" for children's health in my country
Scoliosis has become the third largest "crisis" for children's health in my country

Today, the "Haipai children's massage, "hands" to protect children's "upright" growth" - a popular science lecture and free clinic on scoliosis prevention and treatment, held by Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, announced that the incidence of scoliosis among primary and secondary school students in my country is 1% to 3%, and the number of scoliosis has exceeded 5 million, and is increasing at a rate of about 300,000 per year, becoming the third largest "crisis" affecting the health of children in my country after obesity and myopia. "At the time, I really didn't think it was scoliosis!" Xiao Lu's mother said at the free clinic, "My son always complained about back pain. At first, I thought it might be caused by studying too long and sitting too long. Fortunately, he was discovered and treated in time. Now his spine is straight and the pain has improved!" Chief Physician Yan Zhen, deputy director of the Tuina Department of Yueyang Hospital, said that there are many children like Xiao Lu.

Pay attention to these issues. Citizens call 12345 to complain: Why is it suddenly not counted? The entire Yangtze River Delta is piloting
Pay attention to these issues. Citizens call 12345 to complain: Why is it suddenly not counted? The entire Yangtze River Delta is piloting

Qidong is one of the county-level cities closest to Shanghai. In the first half of this year, among the many cities in the Yangtze River Delta that tried the housing trade-in policy, Qidong started relatively early. In February of this year, Qidong Urban Investment Group launched the first batch of 50 places, which were snapped up in 8 minutes. Niu Xiangdong is one of the persons in charge of the old-for-new project of Qidong Urban Investment Group. In the past four months, he has been busy almost every day. "I held N meetings." As soon as we met, he lamented to the reporter that the company had been holding meetings almost every day for the old-for-new policy. With such an investment, the return is intuitive. Qidong Urban Investment gave a set of data: the first batch of customers who actually completed the transaction was 24 groups, with a total sales price of new houses of approximately 72.41 million yuan, a total purchase price of old houses of approximately 29.936 million yuan, and completed cash recovery of more than 40 million yuan, accounting for about

Only the market can persuade farmers to give up their homesteads.
Only the market can persuade farmers to give up their homesteads.

Recently, Nantong, Jiangsu, Fengyang, Anhui, Ezhou, Hubei and other places have introduced policies to encourage the abandonment and withdrawal of rural homesteads, which has attracted market attention. China's homestead system was established in the 1950s. Its main features are "collective ownership, use by members, one house per household, limited area, free distribution, and long-term use." Before the reform and opening up, this system was in line with the characteristics of the closed nature of traditional villages and the duality of social security, and played a certain role in ensuring the housing and production needs of farmers and the stability of rural society. However, with the development of the market economy and the advancement of urbanization, the urban-rural dual division system has gradually disintegrated, and the original homestead system has gradually become unsuitable for social and economic development. At present, with the large-scale influx of population into cities, the "hollowing out" of rural areas is becoming more and more serious, and many homesteads are idle all year round. Although farmers

Not in Xianju? , the ancestral place of Dongkui Yangmei
Not in Xianju? , the ancestral place of Dongkui Yangmei

Recently, the science and technology going to the countryside activity of the Bayberry Industry Promotion Branch of the China Agricultural Technology Extension Association was launched in Huangyan, and the activity will last until July 15. The purpose of this science and technology going to the countryside is nothing else but for Huangyan Dongkui Bayberry. When it comes to bayberry, the most famous is Xianju County, which also belongs to Taizhou. In fact, Huangyan has a long history of bayberry cultivation. It is one of the important bayberry production areas in Zhejiang Province. It is also the ancestral place of Dongkui Bayberry and the only "China's High-quality Bayberry Hometown" in the country. In order to promote the high-quality development of the bayberry industry, in recent years, Huangyan has relied on the unique advantages of the permanent venue of the Bayberry Industry Promotion Branch, actively connected with the expert team, and jointly built the China Bayberry Science and Technology Innovation Center with the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Taizhou Science and Technology Vocational College, and cooperated in the Dongkui Bayberry unveiling project to enhance the digitalization and intelligence of the bayberry industry and create a bayberry brand culture.

Shanghai residents can now become "villagers" in Yu Village, Zhejiang
Shanghai residents can now become "villagers" in Yu Village, Zhejiang

Recently, people from Shanghai can go to Yu Village in Zhejiang to be "villagers." However, they are not real villagers, but "cloud villagers." "Yu Village Cloud Villagers" is an urban-rural breaking circle plan initiated by Yu Village in Anji, Zhejiang. Through five major sections of cloud adoption, cloud travel, cloud co-creation, cloud festivals, and cloud social networking, it creates a cloud-based interactive experience between urban youth and rural areas, organizes and plans offline integration scenes, and allows more young people to experience the beautiful rural life at close range and participate in rural revitalization. In early April this year, "Yu Village Cloud Villagers" was officially launched. Just search for the WeChat applet "Yu Village Cloud Villagers" to complete the registration with one click, and receive the "Cloud Villager Electronic ID Card" and a personalized AI image. In the cloud adoption module, "Cloud Villagers" can also obtain a one-meter vegetable garden in the applet, take cloud photos with the vegetable garden, and show off the fields in the circle of friends. At present, it has

Who will become the "Memphis" of the Yangtze River Delta? ,Wuhu, Jiaxing, Nantong
Who will become the "Memphis" of the Yangtze River Delta? ,Wuhu, Jiaxing, Nantong

Recently, there have been continuous news about the construction of a world-class airport cluster in the Yangtze River Delta driven by the participation of private enterprises. On June 28, Wuhu Xuanzhou Airport will officially open its first international cargo route-Wuhu direct flight to Hanoi, Vietnam. This route operated by JD Cargo Airlines will help Wuhu's air cargo hub construction achieve a "zero" breakthrough; on June 17, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued an announcement: With the approval of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, the new Jiaxing Airport will be named Jiaxing Nanhu Airport. This airport is expected to be completed in June next year, and its future positioning is to be the first professional international cargo hub in the Yangtze River Delta. As early as June 2020, YTO Jiaxing Global Aviation Logistics Hub-Oriental Tiandi Port project signed a contract to settle in the airport. The recent planned annual cargo and mail throughput is 1.1 million tons, which will increase to 2.4 million tons by 2050. Aiming at "cargo", why don't the two airports meet

Why is the rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River so heavy? The Central Meteorological Observatory issued the first red warning for heavy rain this year
Why is the rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River so heavy? The Central Meteorological Observatory issued the first red warning for heavy rain this year

Following the issuance of the first red warning for heavy rain this year at 10 a.m. today, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a red warning for heavy rain at 18:00. The warning shows that from 20:00 on June 24 to 20:00 on June 25, there will be heavy to torrential rain in Hunan, central and northern Jiangxi, central and northern Zhejiang, southern Anhui, southeastern Guizhou, southeastern Yunnan, northern and western Guangxi and other places. Among them, parts of southern Anhui, central Hunan, central and northern Jiangxi, central and western Zhejiang and other places will have heavy rainstorms, and northeastern Jiangxi will have extremely heavy rainstorms. Some of the above-mentioned areas will be accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall, and local strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and gales. The forecast released by the China Meteorological Administration also shows that from June 25 to June 27, my country's heavy rainfall belts will be mainly concentrated in the northern part of Jiangnan to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the accumulated rainfall is expected to be higher than the same period in history. The overlapping main rain belts will lead to

In the next decade, the average annual growth rate will be more than 5%, and my country's per capita GDP is expected to reach 30,000 US dollars.
In the next decade, the average annual growth rate will be more than 5%, and my country's per capita GDP is expected to reach 30,000 US dollars.

On the 23rd, at the Third China-Style Modernization Forum, the China-Style Modernization Research Center of the Central Party School and the Social Sciences Academic Press jointly released the "China-Style Modernization Blue Book: China-Style Modernization Development Report". The blue book pointed out that it is optimistically expected that by 2035, my country's per capita GDP is expected to reach about US$30,000. The blue book stated that China-Style modernization is the modernization of economy, politics, culture, society, and ecology, and it is also a modernization that follows the path of national security construction and peaceful development. In terms of economic modernization, we must unswervingly adhere to economic construction as the center, and a modernized China must be a China with high-quality development, and it must also be a high-quality China. Only by striving to balance stable growth and quality improvement, and forming a powerful synergy for high-quality development, can we continuously build a solid economic foundation for realizing China-Style modernization.

The 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference will open on July 2 with the first new technology and product release area
The 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference will open on July 2 with the first new technology and product release area

Approved by the State Council, the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference, hosted by the Beijing Municipal People's Government and the Cyberspace Administration of China, will be held at the National Convention Center from July 2nd to 5th, and the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference Lhasa High-level Forum will be held in late July. It is reported that the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference is themed "Opening a New Era of Digital Intelligence, Sharing a New Digital Future" and has set up a "163N" activity framework, including an opening ceremony and main forum, six high-level forums, three brand-specific activities, and multiple special forums and series of activities. At a press conference on the relevant situation held today, Pan Feng, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, introduced that this conference will set up a new technology and new product release area for the first time, and many cutting-edge technologies and products will be launched and premiered at the conference.

The national electricity load will grow rapidly, and the temperature in most parts of my country this summer will be higher than the same period in previous years.
The national electricity load will grow rapidly, and the temperature in most parts of my country this summer will be higher than the same period in previous years.

The meteorological department predicts that the temperature in most parts of my country this summer will be higher than the same period in previous years, and the situation of ensuring power supply during the peak summer season is severe. Zhang Jianhua, director of the National Energy Administration, said at a series of themed press conferences on "Promoting High-quality Development" held by the State Council Information Office today that the national electricity load will grow rapidly during the summer this year, and the peak load is expected to increase by more than 100 million kilowatts year-on-year. He said that based on comprehensive analysis, the national power supply is generally guaranteed, and there may be power supply shortages in some local areas during peak hours. If extreme and catastrophic weather occurs, the power supply shortage may be further aggravated. Zhang Jianhua pointed out that the National Energy Administration will take "flexible normal supply, measures for local short-term shortages, and plans for extreme situations" as the goal, tighten the responsibilities of all parties, and make every effort to ensure safe and stable power supply during the peak summer season.

The antenna area is 20% smaller than Musk's "Starlink", but the performance is 2 times better. The first civilian satellite Internet terminal is on the market
The antenna area is 20% smaller than Musk's "Starlink", but the performance is 2 times better. The first civilian satellite Internet terminal is on the market

This year's government work report pointed out that it is necessary to create new growth engines such as commercial space. Recently, a reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that Wangling, a commercial aerospace company headquartered in Fengtai District, Beijing, has launched the first civilian satellite Internet terminal device to the market-OneLinQ Wangling Satellite Internet Terminal. This means that satellite broadband has officially entered my country's civilian market. A report predicts that the scale of China's commercial aerospace market will reach hundreds of billions in the future. But at present, how commercial aerospace can truly land and obtain commercial revenue is a topic of continuous concern to all parties. Since the beginning of this year, the heads of major companies in this field have stated that creating products that can serve the general public is the cornerstone of China's commercial aerospace landing. Yao Fahai, deputy chairman of the Satellite Communications Committee of the China Communications Society, introduced that the satellite industry chain involves satellites, frequencies, and stations.

"Plead guilty in exchange for freedom" to the United States? Assange will appear in court in Saipan tomorrow, after more than ten years of "holding up"
"Plead guilty in exchange for freedom" to the United States? Assange will appear in court in Saipan tomorrow, after more than ten years of "holding up"

According to news reports from the US media and the WikiLeaks website on June 24, Assange, the 52-year-old founder of the WikiLeaks website and an Australian citizen, was released from a British prison on the same day and boarded a flight to Australia. Prior to this, Assange had reached a plea agreement with the US Department of Justice, which waived its request to extradite Assange to the United States for espionage and allowed him to return to his country of origin, Australia. Some Australian public opinion said that a protracted farce is finally coming to an end. It's just a "finishing touch" away. "Assange is free." WikiLeaks posted consecutively on X on the 24th and 25th, saying that Assange had been approved for bail by the London High Court, left the British prison that morning, and boarded a flight to Australia at London Stansted Airport at 5 pm. Before that, Assange

Observer | The Shanghai Cooperation Organization shoulders a heavy responsibility
Observer | The Shanghai Cooperation Organization shoulders a heavy responsibility

In July this year, the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. After 23 years of joint efforts, the SCO has become a security barrier, a bridge of cooperation, a friendly bond and a constructive force in the region. According to the memorandum signed at the SCO summit last year, Belarus will join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a formal member state at the Astana summit. With this, the number of SCO member states will reach double digits. This expansion will be a "historic breakthrough", indicating that the SCO is gradually becoming the most influential regional international organization. With the large-scale expansion of the SCO, the economic complementarity between member states will be significantly enhanced, and the potential and awareness of cooperation will continue to increase. Looking back, the SCO has achieved remarkable results in the past 23 years. First, the level of political and security mutual trust has been iteratively upgraded.

Why are they "looking east"? ,In-depth | Leaders of Europe, Asia and Latin America are all visiting China this week | Boruart | Duda | In-depth | Europe, Asia
Why are they "looking east"? ,In-depth | Leaders of Europe, Asia and Latin America are all visiting China this week | Boruart | Duda | In-depth | Europe, Asia

This week, leaders from three countries in Europe, Southeast Asia and Latin America visited China almost at the same time, adding another bright spot to China's diplomacy in the first half of the year, which is about to end. Polish President Duda, who arrived earlier, is on a busy schedule. Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh left the capital Hanoi for China on the 24th. Both leaders will attend the 15th Summer Davos Forum held in Dalian. Also on the 24th, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Peruvian President Boruart will pay a state visit to China from June 25th to 29th at the invitation of the Chinese government. The three heads of state "gathered" in China, what are the highlights? Why are they all "looking east"? Poland: "Leading together" In this wave of visits to China, Polish President Duda "took the lead" and started his trip to China on the 22nd. This is Duda's third visit to China during his tenure. In Duda's own words

What is the purpose?, Plans to increase deployment in the north, Hot Questions and Answers | Israeli Prime Minister says Gaza's "fierce fighting phase" is about to end Hezbollah | Lebanese Hezbollah | Sun Degang
What is the purpose?, Plans to increase deployment in the north, Hot Questions and Answers | Israeli Prime Minister says Gaza's "fierce fighting phase" is about to end Hezbollah | Lebanese Hezbollah | Sun Degang

It is reported that on June 23rd local time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that the "fierce fighting phase" between the Israeli army and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement in the Gaza Strip is about to end, but it does not mean that the war will end. He is also ready to reach a "partial agreement" with Hamas, agreeing to temporarily stop the fighting in the Gaza Strip and return some hostages. He also revealed plans to deploy more troops to the north of the country after the "fierce fighting phase" is over. Public opinion believes that this is a sign of Netanyahu's "loosening up" on Hamas' offensive. Will Israel reach an agreement with Hamas? What is the purpose of the Israeli army's "migration to the north"? If Israel intensifies its offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, how will Iran react? A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News interviewed Sun Degang, director of the Middle East Research Center of Fudan University. Ushering in the end? It's too early to ask: What is Netanyahu doing?

Planning to announce in advance? Who will Trump's running mate be? Harris | Biden | Trump
Planning to announce in advance? Who will Trump's running mate be? Harris | Biden | Trump

On June 22 local time, former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump said that he had determined the candidate for vice presidential running mate, but had not disclosed it to anyone. However, this candidate is "very likely" to appear in the presidential election debate to be held on June 27. At the same time, a list of candidates has surfaced. Why announce in advance Since the United States entered the 2024 general election year, the current President Biden and former President Trump have each locked in their party's nomination for the presidential election. This means that, unless unexpected events occur, the two will face off again in November. At present, Biden has decided that his partner will still be Vice President Harris. Trump revealed in May that he intends to officially announce his running mate in July of this year, near the Republican National Convention. However, Trump attended the Philadelphia Convention on June 22.

Today's data highlights: 70% of undergraduate graduates from 11 universities pursue further studies; New IPO rules show their power in 70 days
Today's data highlights: 70% of undergraduate graduates from 11 universities pursue further studies; New IPO rules show their power in 70 days

The advanced education rate of undergraduate graduates from 11 colleges and universities has reached 70% in recent years, more and more college graduates enhance their academic advantages through further studies, so as to enhance their employment competitiveness. The overall reading and research rate of key colleges and universities is on the rise, and postgraduate study has become the first choice for undergraduate graduates of many famous universities. According to the undergraduate teaching quality reports or relevant data of graduates released by colleges and universities in 2022-2023, the first Finance and Economics reporter combed and counted the graduation rate of fresh undergraduates in 2023. Among them, at least 11 colleges and universities have a further study rate of 70% or more. These universities include Tsinghua University, Peking University, Chinese Academy of Sciences University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, Northwestern University of Technology, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology.

Today's data highlights: Jewelry gold fell back to the 5-digit range; the era of huge profits for parallel imported cars is gone forever
Today's data highlights: Jewelry gold fell back to the 5-digit range; the era of huge profits for parallel imported cars is gone forever

Wu Hua, a veteran in the auto sales industry, began to sell cars in 4S stores around 2010. At that time, joint venture car companies were in full swing. Santana, Jetta, Accord and other household cars were hot products at that time, and the market demand for luxury car products such as Audi, Mercedes-Benz and BMW was still relatively low, and imported cars were expensive. However, the business of parallel imported cars has not yet sprung up in China. In 2013, Wu Hua came into contact with the business of parallel imported cars. At that time, parallel imported cars were in circulation in Beijing, and the commission on the sale of a parallel imported car could get 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, while the profits of car dealers selling a car could even reach hundreds of thousands of yuan. As the largest distribution center of parallel imported cars in the country, thousands of people have gathered in Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone.

Today's data highlights: The paid market for filling out college entrance examination applications may reach 950 million; banks recruit highly educated debt collection talents
Today's data highlights: The paid market for filling out college entrance examination applications may reach 950 million; banks recruit highly educated debt collection talents

Banks are recruiting highly educated debt collection talents. Recently, many financial institutions such as Sanxiang Bank and Everbright Bank are planning to recruit talents in the debt collection field. Unlike the previous entrustment to third-party institutions, the debt collection talents that the banks are personally recruiting this time have higher thresholds in terms of education and experience. At the same time, most require candidates to have professional qualities in data analysis and financial technology. Some industry insiders believe that the fact that some banks have begun to pay attention to the training of their own debt collection teams is one of the manifestations of the gradual standardization of the market. Debt collection has begun to change from a "physical job" that mainly relies on human sea tactics to a "technical job." This transformation is also closely related to recent market changes. On the one hand, the scale of bank non-performing assets has continued to rise in recent years, and the scale of credit card non-performing assets has soared. Banks are eager to optimize asset quality; on the other hand, although outsourcing debt collection can save costs,

Today's data highlights: Hunan welcomes the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the flood season; Xinjiang's coal production increases against the trend
Today's data highlights: Hunan welcomes the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the flood season; Xinjiang's coal production increases against the trend

Hunan Province has experienced the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the flood season. The Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning for heavy rain at 6:00 on June 20: from 8:00 on the 20th to 8:00 on the 21st, there will be heavy rainfall in Yueyang, Changde, Zhangjiajie and other places. Since June 16, Hunan has experienced the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the flood season, and some areas have been severely affected. The Guijiang River experienced a flood that exceeded the historical measured record. According to the latest announcement from the Ministry of Water Resources, affected by rainfall and upstream water, the peak water level at the Guilin hydrological station, the upstream main stream control station of the Guijiang River in Guangxi, was 148.88 meters at 0:55 on June 20, exceeding the guaranteed water level by 1.88 meters, and the corresponding flow rate was 6,380 cubic meters per second. The water level and flow rate are both ranked first since measured data were available in 1958. The Ministry of Water Resources maintains a Level III emergency response to flood defense in Guangxi, and two working groups are guiding local governments on the front line of flood prevention in Guangxi to prepare for floods.

Today's data highlights: Many universities announced the freedom to change majors; Shanghai is expected to have more plum rains this year
Today's data highlights: Many universities announced the freedom to change majors; Shanghai is expected to have more plum rains this year

Many universities have announced the freedom to change majors. With the end of the college entrance examination, various universities have also recently released their enrollment and training policies. China Business News found that in the fall semester of this year, the talent training model of many universities has undergone adjustments, including relaxing restrictions on undergraduate major changes and strengthening the layout of new engineering disciplines. When filling out majors, some students chose so-called popular majors with good employment, while others were transferred in the college entrance examination recruitment and studied majors they did not like at all. Survey data show that 79.0% of respondents have thought about changing majors. However, this kind of distress of finding that the major is not suitable after admission but it is difficult to change majors will be improved this year. Shanghai Jiaotong University announced that starting from 2024, the school will fully open up major changes. Students can apply for major changes multiple times with "zero threshold" in their freshman, sophomore, and junior years. The main campus and medical school will apply for major changes multiple times.

Chen Yonghong and Ma Yuguang were prosecuted!
Chen Yonghong and Ma Yuguang were prosecuted!

Jiangsu procuratorial organs have filed a public prosecution against Chen Yonghong for suspected bribery. According to the WeChat public account of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, a few days ago, the case of Chen Yonghong, former deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nantong Innovation Zone, Jiangsu Province, suspected of bribery, was designated for jurisdiction by the Jiangsu Provincial People's Procuratorate, and the Wuxi Municipal People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Wuxi Intermediate People's Court in accordance with the law. During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorate informed the defendant Chen Yonghong of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defense lawyer. The Wuxi Municipal People's Procuratorate filed an indictment alleging that the defendant Chen Yonghong used the convenience of his positions as secretary of the Tongzhou District Committee of Nantong City, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nantong High-tech Industrial Development Zone, and other convenient conditions formed by his power or status, and through the official actions of other state officials, he facilitated relevant units and individuals in the workplace.

National Development and Reform Commission: Use the "visible hand" to guide all types of capital to abandon the impetuous mentality of "making quick money"
National Development and Reform Commission: Use the "visible hand" to guide all types of capital to abandon the impetuous mentality of "making quick money"

A long-term and stable source of funds is extremely important for the healthy development of the venture capital industry. At present, my country's financial scale system is already very large, but the financing structure needs to be improved. The cultivation of patient capital is crucial to promoting the high-quality development of my country's venture capital and achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. At the routine policy briefing of the State Council held by the State Council Information Office on the afternoon of June 26, Li Chunlin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, called patient capital a "friend of time" and a close partner in the development of "hard technology." How should patient capital be nurtured, developed and grown? Li Chunlin said that in addition to fully respecting market laws, the government's "visible hand" can also play an important role in guiding all types of capital to abandon the impetuous mentality of "quick success, quick in and out, and making quick money" and insist on long-term investment and strategic investment.

But you can't just use it if you want to lose weight.
But you can't just use it if you want to lose weight.

The pharmaceutical market has received another blockbuster news! On the 25th, Novo Nordisk China announced that the State Drug Administration approved the application for NovoCell, developed and produced by Novo Nordisk, to be listed in China. It has finally come out after much anticipation, but the outside world is most concerned about how the product will be priced and whether it can be included in medical insurance. 01 What is the price? Will it be included in medical insurance? Previously in China, semaglutide injection and oral medication were only approved for diabetes indications. This approval means that semaglutide can be "legitimately" used for weight management in the future. In the United States, Novo Nordisk's weight loss version of semaglutide is priced at US$1,350 per month. Regarding the domestic pricing issue, Novo Nordisk told China News Health that since the date of NovoCell's approval, the company has officially started the relevant process of drug supply as planned, and will...

Considering issuing more than $1 billion in bonds? Meituan responded!
Considering issuing more than $1 billion in bonds? Meituan responded!

On the evening of June 25, there were market rumors that Meituan, China's leading life service e-commerce platform, is considering raising funds through bond issuance this year to repay part of its existing debt and fund its expansion. It is reported that Meituan is working with investment banks to prepare for the issuance of bonds, and this issuance is more inclined to conventional bonds rather than convertible bonds. The scale of the bond issuance may exceed US$1 billion. In this regard, relevant people from Meituan responded that they would not comment. In the secondary market, Hong Kong stocks opened today, and Meituan opened 1.54% lower, and then rebounded. As of press time, Meituan's share price was HK$117.15 per share, up 0.3%, with a total market value of HK$729 billion. Pan Helin, a well-known economist, told the Securities Times e-company reporter that Meituan's asset-liability ratio still needs to be improved.

Wang Shan was prosecuted for colluding with others and destroying evidence
Wang Shan was prosecuted for colluding with others and destroying evidence

On June 26, a reporter from Justice.com learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate that the case of Wang Shan, former deputy director of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, suspected of bribery, was recently concluded by the Liaoning Provincial Supervision Commission and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. The Dandong Municipal People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Dandong Intermediate People's Court in accordance with the law after being designated by the Liaoning Provincial People's Procuratorate for jurisdiction. During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorate informed the defendant Wang Shan of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defense lawyer. The Dandong Municipal People's Procuratorate's indictment accuses: Between 1998 and 2014, the defendant Wang Shan took advantage of his positions as Minister of the Organization Department of the Panjin Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Panjin Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaoning University, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and Deputy Director of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Shanghai Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank provides inclusive finance with precise drip irrigation to highlight its service to the people
Shanghai Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank provides inclusive finance with precise drip irrigation to highlight its service to the people

On June 29, 2024, Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Branch will celebrate its 31st anniversary. For a long time, under the strong leadership of the Party Committee of the Head Office, the Party Committee of Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Branch has actively practiced the political and people-oriented nature of finance and focused on doing a good job in the "five major articles". By focusing on the important mission of building Shanghai's "five centers", we will continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial services to the real economy and promote high-quality development. In this process, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank people have set sail and broken through the waves, and have achieved a series of remarkable results. For a long time, Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Branch has attached great importance to the availability of inclusive finance, met the financial service needs of more small and micro enterprises and business owners, and achieved precise drip irrigation of the real economy. The Shanghai Branch closely combines the latest development trends and changes in financing needs of small and micro enterprises in Shanghai, relying on small and micro enterprises.

Ele.me's digital meal assistance for the elderly: every meal delivery is a visit
Ele.me's digital meal assistance for the elderly: every meal delivery is a visit

Every meal delivery is like a visit. The technological warmth in Ele.me’s digital meal assistance for the elderly. Food is the most important thing for the people, especially for the elderly. The small bowl is filled with a sense of happiness in their later years. Recently, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Putuo District signed a strategic cooperation agreement with all streets and towns in the district, Ele.me, Leyang Charity and Elderly Technology. The parties will deeply explore innovations around meal assistance services for the elderly. Among them, the "Assisting the Elderly e-Meals" community delivery service customized by Ele.me was officially launched in Putuo. In the process of each meal delivery, the efficiency of digitalization and the warmth of serving the elderly are integrated. . Community canteen riders: Solving the problem of the "last meter" of meals for the elderly At around 10 o'clock every day, at the meal pick-up point in the community canteen for the elderly in the Bailan area of ​​Changfeng New Village Street, dozens of packed lunches for the elderly in the street are neatly placed. At this time, in the canteen

Deepening application scenarios: Shanghai Unicom's "5G-A network renewal" helps 5G "take off again"
Deepening application scenarios: Shanghai Unicom's "5G-A network renewal" helps 5G "take off again"

As the wave of digitalization sweeps the world, the Internet has become a key force to connect the world and drive the future. In this era, Shanghai Unicom, as an industry leader, has woven an invisible intelligent network for the city with its excellent service and forward-looking vision. Relying on its solid network technology foundation, Shanghai Unicom empowers thousands of industries with intelligence and value, and actively acts in key industries such as smart cities, smart manufacturing, smart culture and tourism, transportation and logistics, contributing Unicom's strength to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. Recently, Shanghai Unicom won many honors such as "Excellent Operator in the Special Evaluation of Mobile Network Quality in Key Areas of the Country in 2023". This is an affirmation of its unremitting pursuit of network quality over the years, and it also inspires it to move towards the 5G-A era with a more innovative, pragmatic, and responsible attitude.

China Building Materials Engineering won the 2023 National Technological Invention Award, with original breakthrough in information display glass
China Building Materials Engineering won the 2023 National Technological Invention Award, with original breakthrough in information display glass

On the morning of June 24, the 2023 National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, and the Conference of Academicians of the Two Academies were grandly held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The "Key Technologies and Equipment for Ultra-thin Float Glass Substrates for High-generation TFT-LCD" jointly completed by China National Building Materials International Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and China National Building Materials Glass New Materials Research Institute were awarded the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award. Peng Shou, the first person to complete the project, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief scientist of China National Building Materials Group, and chairman of China National Building Materials International Engineering Group Co., Ltd., attended the conference. "Key Technologies and Equipment for Ultra-thin Float Glass Substrates for High-generation TFT-LCD" is a national key R&D plan project of the "13th Five-Year Plan". After five years of research, the China National Building Materials Engineering Group team invented the "

Go all out to fight the proactive battle of flood prevention and disaster relief, CPIC services are on the front line丨Building protective dams in heavy rain and floods
Go all out to fight the proactive battle of flood prevention and disaster relief, CPIC services are on the front line丨Building protective dams in heavy rain and floods

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a red warning for heavy rain at 10 a.m. on June 24, which is also the first red warning for heavy rain this year. It is expected that from June 24 to 27, there will be continuous heavy rainfall in northern Jiangnan, eastern and southern Jianghan, Jianghuai, Guizhou, Guangxi and other places. With the arrival of the main flood season, Guangxi, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Guizhou and other places have suffered the most severe rainstorm challenges since the beginning of the plum rain season this year. The uncertainty of flood season risks should be responded to with the certainty of Taibao services! China Taiping immediately launched the flood prevention emergency response mechanism, established a special disaster response working group, took multiple measures, and went deep into the front line: went to key enterprises, low-lying roads, old communities, farmland and other risk warning points to carry out inspections and investigations, sent risk warnings to car owners and company leaders in advance, and did a good job in disaster prevention and loss reduction; established a 24-hour

The Harvard University team brought three works to show the essence of ancient Chinese art, and the "Open Theater" series of themed exhibitions kicked off
The Harvard University team brought three works to show the essence of ancient Chinese art, and the "Open Theater" series of themed exhibitions kicked off

Starting today, the "Open Theater" series of themed exhibitions will be launched at the "Cheng Ci Hometown", a cultural protection unit with a history of nearly 300 years in Panlongtiandi, Shanghai, becoming the first exhibition of this series of exhibitions in Asia. The exhibition is based on Chinese classical aesthetics and innovatively presents immersive art works with different themes. The first phase will feature "Sky Dance·Lifting the Shape" and "Shadow Wall" brought by the Harvard Chinese Art Laboratory team led by Professor Wang Yuejin of Harvard University. ·Insight" and "Heart Tower·Step High" are three digital art works. Rooted in the study of medieval Chinese art, the multimedia art works developed by CAMLab strive to shape innovative exhibition paradigms for academic research and artistic creation. The themes of this exhibition include Dunhuang music and dance, Yingxian Wooden Pagoda, Zen Movie Grotto and other ancient Chinese art essences, which are explored through cutting-edge technology and contemporary expression.

Have you visited these four cultural landmarks in the southern suburbs of Shanghai?
Have you visited these four cultural landmarks in the southern suburbs of Shanghai?

A romantic autumn trip should also be artistic, so why not take a walk around these four cultural landmarks in Fengxian? Yanzi Academy Recently, Yanzi Academy, a new landmark in Fengxian, was officially opened. The north-south axis symbolizes the extraordinary path Yanzi traveled south to preach and teach. This pure white cultural exhibition building will satisfy you every time you take a photo. At the main entrance of Yanzi Academy, there stands a statue of Yanzi. This is the facade of Yanzi Academy, and it is also its connotation. A must-visit "check-in point" for every citizen and tourist who comes to Yanzi Academy for the first time. Walking straight along the promenade is a beautiful bridge. The bridge symbolizes access and happiness in Chinese culture. Crossing the bridge, the design style of the entire building is very "minimalist", with sharp lines and large areas of white space, which is super eye-catching. Walking into Yanzi Academy, it seems that I am also being led by Yanzi

The "Poetic Picture Scroll" of Songjiang's Golden Autumn opens, and the charm of Maotian's thirteen villages, one village and one township
The "Poetic Picture Scroll" of Songjiang's Golden Autumn opens, and the charm of Maotian's thirteen villages, one village and one township

In the golden autumn, there is a harvest scene in the fields of hope. In Songjiang, two art festival buses slowly drove into the golden fields of Huguang Village, Maogang Town. More than 300 students from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts and Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts of Shanghai University entered the Fifth Avenue with their youthful vitality and infinite creativity. Maotian Art Festival. Relying on Pujiang Town's positioning as an "urban-rural integrated green development practice area", the three-day art festival brings together art and culture and strives to build the "Maotian Valley" brand through interactive displays, live performances, and shared experiences. At the opening ceremony, the first batch of 13 characteristic villages were launched to showcase their respective rural charm and market potential, gathering forces from all parties to discuss the blueprint for rural revitalization. You can see green mountains and green water from a distance, and you can see the world of humanity up close. Xinbang Town, Maogang Town, Xiaokunshan Town, Shihudang Town, and

How to present a magnificent water, land, and air scene that attracted 200000 tourists to watch, by the Huangpu River
How to present a magnificent water, land, and air scene that attracted 200000 tourists to watch, by the Huangpu River

At the opening ceremony of the Shanghai Tourism Festival held on the evening of September 16th, a three-dimensional water, land, and air landscape consisting of 19 colorful boats, 16 themed floats, and 1000 drones presented a panoramic view of Shanghai's urban scenery and cultural charm to Chinese and foreign tourists. That evening, about 200000 tourists went to the waterfront area of the Bund to enjoy this festive spectacle. How was this water, land, and air panoramic opening ceremony praised by tourists as both beautiful and cool created? What difficulties have you experienced? Zhang Han, the chief director of the opening ceremony of this year's Shanghai Tourism Festival and the chief producer of the large-scale event department of Oriental TV, gave an exclusive interview to the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter, telling behind the scenes stories. "The easiest way to do 'subtraction', but we need to do 'addition'." On the evening of the 16th, at the North Bund International Passenger Transport Center pier, the dazzling lights of the high-rise buildings in Xiaolujiazui

How difficult is it to grab a ticket to the Forbidden City after someone spent 4 hours scrolling through it without getting one? Brushing for more than ten minutes is the norm for accounts | teams | the norm
How difficult is it to grab a ticket to the Forbidden City after someone spent 4 hours scrolling through it without getting one? Brushing for more than ten minutes is the norm for accounts | teams | the norm

The popularity of summer study tours is not decreasing, and the news that tickets to the Beijing Palace Museum are hard to come by continues to attract attention. The head of a certain tourism brand stated in a media interview that the travel agency incurred a loss of about 10000 yuan due to the cancellation of the group due to the inability to help guests grab tickets for the Forbidden City. How difficult is it to grab tickets to the Forbidden City? Liu Wen, a staff member of a large travel agency's Beijing branch, told the Liberation Daily Shangguan News reporter that she almost uses her company's team account to help study tour group guests grab tickets to the Forbidden City every day. The time it takes to continuously refresh the page is as short as ten minutes, and as long as three or four hours. If she is lucky, she can grab twenty or thirty tickets, or she may not receive them at all. Team tickets are difficult to grab, and individual tickets are impossible to grab on their own. Liu Wen has been in charge of the company's Palace Museum ticket booking business for over three years. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, we have been doing one-day local tours in Beijing, so

Now that it is becoming a reality, what are the new academicians busy with? Jian Zhimin: The science fiction "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" 150 years ago
Now that it is becoming a reality, what are the new academicians busy with? Jian Zhimin: The science fiction "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" 150 years ago

[Editor's Note] General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during a recent inspection in Shanghai that promoting Chinese-style modernization cannot be separated from the strategic support of science and technology, education, and talents. Shanghai must be a good leader in this regard and accelerate its progress towards a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence. . Efforts should be made to cultivate a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission and create good conditions for them to display their talents. The additional election of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2023 was recently announced. A total of 18 scientific and technological experts in Shanghai were elected. What are they busy with recently? Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News launches a series of dialogue reports to listen to their scientific stories and their experiences on technological innovation. [Introduction to Jian Zhimin] He has been engaged in teaching and scientific research of marine geology for a long time, and has achieved systematic innovative results in the study of the ancient oceans of the Western Pacific and the paleoclimate of East Asia, especially in

The first batch of 12 national first-class cultural relics collected by the Qian Museum were released, ranging from bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree certificates from China and the United States to Qian Xuesen, Chiang Ying's mandarin duck genealogy
The first batch of 12 national first-class cultural relics collected by the Qian Museum were released, ranging from bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree certificates from China and the United States to Qian Xuesen, Chiang Ying's mandarin duck genealogy

Today, December 11, is the 112th birthday of Qian Xuesen, an outstanding scientist renowned at home and abroad and the founder of China’s aerospace industry. From Jiaotong University to MIT and Caltech, he has a full set of "bachelor's, master's and doctoral" degree certificates from prestigious schools in China and the United States, as well as a wedding invitation from his wife Jiang Ying, as well as "two bombs and one satellite" awarded by the party and the country. The first batch of 12 national first-class cultural relics collected by Qian Xuesen Library were released at the Qian Xuesen Library that day. Statue of Qian Xuesen. Photo by Xu Ruizhe A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the first batch of 12 cultural relics in the collection were identified as national first-class cultural relics, the earliest of which is about 90 years old. Including the undergraduate diploma awarded to Qian Xuesen by the National Chiao Tung University, and the first-class scientific scholarship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences awarded to Qian Xuesen for his book "Engineering Cybernetics" by the Science Prize Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

How to speed up the curve, but only two companies are among the top 100 in the world, and China’s medical device market is second only to the United States
How to speed up the curve, but only two companies are among the top 100 in the world, and China’s medical device market is second only to the United States

To alleviate the problem of "difficult and expensive medical treatment", the medical cost of medical equipment cannot be underestimated. In terms of market size, China has become the world's second largest medical device market after the United States. However, on the list of the top 100 global medical companies, with Medtronic, SC Johnson and Siemens as the top three, only two Chinese companies are on the list. At the 2023 China Health Equipment and Technology Conference and the 3rd China Health Management International Forum held in Shanghai these two days, medical devices became a major topic, and experts from government, industry, academia and research offered suggestions on how to accelerate the curve. Health medical equipment technology innovation and regulatory scientific exchange. Medical devices are an important pillar of the country's biomedical industry and are currently in a golden period of development. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, my country's medical equipment industry developed rapidly, and the market size increased rapidly.

National Art Fund Project "Horse Culture on Fur Paintings" National Tour Exhibition Opens in Shanghai
National Art Fund Project "Horse Culture on Fur Paintings" National Tour Exhibition Opens in Shanghai

On December 9, the first national tour of the National Art Fund project "Horse Culture in Fur Paintings: Arts and Crafts Works Exhibition" opened at the EMI Museum of Art in Shanghai. The exhibition took three years to prepare and will be toured in five cities including Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Yining and Urumqi. At the opening ceremony, the national intangible cultural heritage Twelve Muqam-Daolang Dance live performance promoted and popularized Chinese horse culture. As the 2022 communication and exchange promotion funding project of the National Art Fund, the exhibition mainly uses fiber art fur paintings as the creative carrier, with ancient and modern Chinese and foreign horse culture stories are the theme of creation, and the exploration and protection of horse culture and art are the main line of creation. The more than 120 works on display not only integrate excellent traditional culture, but also absorb modern artistic concepts and exclusive research results, generating a kind of both Old and young, alone

Help Shanghai become an international event capital, and develop a long-term volunteer talent pool to serve the Summer Olympics qualifying competition
Help Shanghai become an international event capital, and develop a long-term volunteer talent pool to serve the Summer Olympics qualifying competition

According to the Olympic Movement Reform Roadmap, the first Olympic Qualification Series will start before the Paris Olympics next year. It will become an important qualifying event for freestyle BMX, break dancing, skateboarding and rock climbing. It is also a brand-new combination of sports and urban culture. Festival type series. Among them, the Shanghai Station of the Olympic Qualification Series is scheduled to be held on the bank of the Huangpu River from May 16 to 19, 2024, and the Budapest Station will be held on a local university campus from June 20 to 23. Olympic Committee official announcement poster. Participate in the Olympic Games and build an event capital, with volunteer service first. In order to cooperate with the pace of building Shanghai into a world-famous sports city, the Shanghai College Student Sports Event Volunteer Training Base was established at Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology on the 9th to provide professional event volunteer service training and establish sports event records.

The main body of the high-energy synchrotron radiation light source storage ring is installed in a closed loop, and the first beam of light will be emitted in 2024
The main body of the high-energy synchrotron radiation light source storage ring is installed in a closed loop, and the first beam of light will be emitted in 2024

On December 11, the last magnet in the storage ring of the high-energy synchrotron radiation light source accelerator, a major national science and technology infrastructure project, was in place, marking the closure of the installation of the main equipment of the HEPS storage ring. The HEPS storage ring is an ultra-low emittance electron ring accelerator with a beam orbit circumference of approximately 1360.4 meters. It is the third largest light source accelerator in the world and the largest accelerator in China. The area within the ring is approximately the size of more than 20 football fields. Store high-energy and high-quality electron beams while producing synchrotron radiation. Pan Weimin, the commander-in-chief of the HEPS project, said that as a core component of my country's first fourth-generation synchrotron radiation device, the storage ring is the part of HEPS that has the largest scale, the highest development precision, and the most difficult components. Among them, ultra-high gradient four-pole magnets, power digital controllers, high-precision current sensors and high-stability

110 cities have a 6-level olive-shaped structure, and the Yangtze River Economic Belt Cities Collaborative Development Capability Index was released
110 cities have a 6-level olive-shaped structure, and the Yangtze River Economic Belt Cities Collaborative Development Capability Index was released

The Yangtze River Economic Belt covers 11 provinces and cities along the Yangtze River, accounting for "half of the country" in terms of population size and total economic output. Today, the China Modern Urban Research Center, a key research base for humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, and the Urban Development Research Institute of East China Normal University released the "Collaborative Development Capability Index of Cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt." The top ten cities with the strongest collaborative development capabilities are: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Suzhou, Wuxi, Chongqing, Hefei, and Changsha. Since the implementation of my country's Yangtze River Economic Belt development strategy, the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River and relevant central departments have implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, adhered to joint efforts in large-scale protection and not engaged in large-scale development, adhered to ecological priority and green development, solidly promoted the ecological and environmental protection and restoration of the Yangtze River, and actively Promote comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The coordinated development of cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a

Mobilize more people to contribute to the prediction of extremely low probability events. What are the new academicians busy with | Sun Shengli: Asking the Policy Philosopher Russell
Mobilize more people to contribute to the prediction of extremely low probability events. What are the new academicians busy with | Sun Shengli: Asking the Policy Philosopher Russell

Editor's note: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during a recent inspection in Shanghai that promoting Chinese-style modernization cannot be separated from the strategic support of science and technology, education, and talents. Shanghai must be a good leader in this regard and accelerate its progress towards a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence. Efforts should be made to cultivate a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission and create good conditions for them to display their talents. The additional election of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2023 was recently announced. A total of 18 scientific and technological experts in Shanghai were elected. What are they busy with recently? Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News launches a series of dialogue reports to listen to their scientific stories and their experiences on technological innovation. Introduction to Sun Shengli: Researcher and doctoral supervisor at the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, dedicated to studying the temporal and spatial evolution of infrared detection noise in special environments. get

Now there are even "land and other projects". Is there no more space for biomedical industry in Shanghai? "Old Almanac"
Now there are even "land and other projects". Is there no more space for biomedical industry in Shanghai? "Old Almanac"

One month after Chi-Med's fruquintinib was approved in the United States and the first prescription was issued, on December 8, as one of Shanghai's major strategic emerging industry projects, the "He-Medical" project in Zhangjiang Innovative Drug Industry Base Huang Medical Innovative Drug Production Base" was officially completed and put into operation. In the past, there was a voice that believed that Shanghai did not have more space for the biomedical industry. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News recently learned in an interview that with the release of more biomedical industry space in Shanghai, it used to be "land for projects", but now it is not only "there is no shortage of space for good projects", but also "land, etc." Project" new atmosphere. In order to accelerate the creation of a global biomedical R&D economy and industrialization highland and strengthen the integrated layout of "Zhangjiang R&D and Shanghai Manufacturing", the "Shanghai Action Plan to Accelerate the Construction of Biomedical Intelligent Manufacturing Space" was recently released.

Remember the extreme forest fires in Canada? Chinese scientists call for forest fire carbon emissions to be included in global carbon accounting system
Remember the extreme forest fires in Canada? Chinese scientists call for forest fire carbon emissions to be included in global carbon accounting system

Forest fire is a common disturbance process in forest ecosystems, which significantly affects the composition, structure and succession characteristics of forests, thereby changing the material cycle and energy flow of forest ecosystems. On December 7, the Chinese Academy of Sciences released the "Blue Book on Forest Fire Carbon Emission Research." The "Blue Book" pointed out that between 2001 and 2022, the global average annual forest fire area was 46.95 million hectares, which was 11 times the average annual increase in the area of ​​artificial forests during the same period. During this period, global forest fires emitted a total of 33.9 billion tons of carbon dioxide, which can increase atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by 4.35ppm, becoming a source of carbon emissions that cannot be ignored. There are obvious spatial differences in carbon dioxide emissions from global forest fires. Carbon dioxide emissions from forest fires in high-latitude coniferous forests in the northern hemisphere show a rapid increase trend. The Blue Book shows that affected by climate

This world sports dance competition has a more "Chinese style", on the banks of the Huangpu River
This world sports dance competition has a more "Chinese style", on the banks of the Huangpu River

On the WDSF competition calendar, a city is marked on the second weekend of December every year - Shanghai, where the world's top world sports dance players will go. On December 10, the 2023 WDSF World Dance Sports Grand Prix Finals came to an end at the Luwan Stadium. This year is also the 20th year since the WDSF World Dance Sports Competition was introduced to Huangpu District in Shanghai. As the song ends and everyone disperses, the lingering sound lingers. This world dance sports competition, which has been cultivated for 20 years, is at its peak in China. Returning to a familiar venue, World DanceSport Federation Vice Chairman Nenad Devtic praised Shanghai not only for its ability to successfully host the WDSF Grand Prix, but also for it to become a traditional local event. [Germination] In 2004, Shanghai introduced the WDSF World Dance Sports Competition for the first time.

Surpassing Messi, Ronaldo, James... This Japanese athlete created the largest contract in sports history
Surpassing Messi, Ronaldo, James... This Japanese athlete created the largest contract in sports history

Surpassing Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, James... People were a little caught off guard. The largest contract in sports history was suddenly born, and this contract belongs to a Japanese athlete. 29-year-old Japanese baseball player Shohei Ohtani announced on the 9th that he will join the Los Angeles Dodgers of the Major League Baseball in the new season. His agency later said in a statement that the new contract lasts for 10 years and has a salary of US$700 million. This number set a new record in the history of baseball and also created the history of professional sports. The previous record was in 2020, when the NFL team Kansas City Chiefs completed a contract extension with quarterback Mahomes. The two parties renewed the contract for 10 years and the contract was worth US$503 million. "This is a unique, historic contract for a unique, historic player," Ohtani's agent, Nez

Yan Bangbang: "I want the moon to come to me"
Yan Bangbang: "I want the moon to come to me"

"I hope that in 10 years, if someone wants to see what Latin dance is like, they can search for my video." In a red dance studio at the Luwan Gymnasium, Yan Bangbang, who is nearly 30 years old, smoothed his curly bangs with his hands. He said this to reporters with confidence and flamboyance. On December 9, the 2023 "Yongye Cup" WDSF Grand Prix Finals opened at the Luwan Stadium. In the Latin dance category that night, the Chinese combination Yan Bangbang/Du Yujun, currently ranked third in the world, danced vigorously and passionately, and finally won fourth place, achieving the first place in Chinese dance sports at the WDSF Grand Prix Finals. A historic breakthrough. Chinese combination Yan Bangbang/Du Yujun during the competition. Yi Bangbang comes from Jincheng, Shanxi Province and has been in Shanghai for 10 years. "These 10 years in Shanghai are the beginning of my international journey." Because of his mother

What does the never-ending Sports Expo look like? This Shanghai Sports and Health Promotion Industry Innovation Conference has the answer
What does the never-ending Sports Expo look like? This Shanghai Sports and Health Promotion Industry Innovation Conference has the answer

How is the never-ending Sports Expo realized and what unique services is provided? The 2023 Shanghai Sports and Health Promotion Industry Innovation Conference and Yangpu National Sports Consumption Pilot City Development Exchange Meeting were recently held in Haishang Park, Shanghai Sports National University Science and Technology Park, and the answer was revealed. Shanghai has rich sports industry endowments. Data from the "2022 Shanghai National Fitness Development Report" show that Shanghai will accelerate the construction of a higher-level national fitness public service system in 2022. The proportion of citizens in the city who regularly participate in physical exercise continues to increase to 50.1%, compared with In 2021, it will increase by 1.1 percentage points, exceeding 50% for the first time. According to statistics from the "2022 Shanghai National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin", the average life expectancy of Shanghai's registered population in 2022 will reach 83.18 years.

Sure enough, he is really a "hexagonal warrior". He prepares for the exam while competing and wins the championship by the way. Gu Ailing returns to China to compete with injuries.
Sure enough, he is really a "hexagonal warrior". He prepares for the exam while competing and wins the championship by the way. Gu Ailing returns to China to compete with injuries.

"Even if I am injured, I will still compete in the competition. I will never give up the competition." Today, the FIS Freestyle Skiing U-shaped Track Skills World Cup Genting Station final was held. Chinese athlete Gu Ailing performed well even though she was injured, ranking first with a score of 94.25 points and winning her first championship of the season. From December 6th to December 9th, the Snowboard and Freestyle Skiing Halfpipe World Cup was held at Yunding Ski Park in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City. This high-level competition attracted the participation of 200 top athletes from around the world, including the Beijing Winter Olympics "two golds and one silver" winner and the Chinese team's freestyle skier Gu Ailing. Despite suffering a shoulder injury during training in Austria, Gu Ailing insisted on returning to China to participate in the first World Cup of the new season. In this regard, Gu Ailing said: "The two doctors met for the first time

Heart failure patients successfully averted danger, Zhongshan Hospital completed the world's first "one-stop" native three-valve interventional surgery
Heart failure patients successfully averted danger, Zhongshan Hospital completed the world's first "one-stop" native three-valve interventional surgery

Recently, the team of Professor Wang Chunsheng and Chief Physician Wei Lai from the Cardiac Surgery Department of Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University successfully performed the world's first "one-stop" native three-valve interventional surgery, correcting the "reverse flow" problem of the three blood delivery valves in the heart for the patient. , turning danger into safety. The patient, Mr. Li, was followed up for the first time two months after the operation. All three valves returned to normal function. After successfully escaping, he was finally able to sleep peacefully. Mr. Li, 66, has been suffering from chest tightness and asthma for the past five years. He has difficulty falling asleep at night and can only be relieved by sitting up. After a pacemaker was implanted in a local hospital a year ago, his symptoms did not improve significantly and even continued to worsen. In August this year, Mr. Li came to the Cardiac Surgery Department of Zhongshan Hospital for help. Chief Physician Wei Lai who treated the patient found that the patient had severe aortic and mitral valve regurgitation, extremely severe tricuspid valve regurgitation, and increased heart failure.

CDC recommends timely vaccination for key populations
CDC recommends timely vaccination for key populations

At a press conference held by the National Health Commission today, Xia Gang, director of the Department of Health and Immunization of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, said that starting in July this year, vaccination units across the country have successively launched influenza vaccination services, earlier than the influenza epidemic season. The production and supply of influenza vaccines this year has increased significantly compared with last year, and at this stage, it can meet the vaccination needs of the masses. High-risk groups such as the elderly are more likely to develop serious complications after being infected with influenza, and the elderly are always the focus of influenza vaccination. At present, some elderly people are not sufficiently aware of taking the initiative to receive influenza vaccines, and some people are still waiting to see the vaccine. Peng Zhibin, director of the Respiratory Infectious Diseases Division of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that influenza is not a common cold. People are generally susceptible to influenza viruses, especially infants, young children, the elderly and patients with chronic underlying diseases.

National Health Commission: The overall number of diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory diseases in secondary and above medical institutions across the country has shown a fluctuating downward trend.
National Health Commission: The overall number of diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory diseases in secondary and above medical institutions across the country has shown a fluctuating downward trend.

The news came out at a press conference held by the National Health Commission today: At present, the overall number of diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory diseases in secondary and above medical institutions across the country is showing a fluctuating downward trend, and the increase in pediatric diagnosis and treatment in some large children's specialized hospitals and general hospitals has been alleviated to some extent. . Judging from the overall situation of fever clinics and emergency departments, the number of respiratory disease visits across the country has been relatively stable in recent times, especially as primary medical institutions have diverted some patients. Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission, said: In response to the current high incidence of respiratory diseases, especially respiratory diseases in children, the National Health Commission, together with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention, continue to strengthen monitoring and judgment, and mobilize the supply and supply of medical resources in various regions. Diagnosis and treatment work, guiding localities to coordinate the overall deployment of medical resources within and between medical institutions, and based on patient

Let those born in the 70s, 80s and 90s organize group hospitalization operations, "Internet Hospital Nursing Home"
Let those born in the 70s, 80s and 90s organize group hospitalization operations, "Internet Hospital Nursing Home"

Grandma Sun, a "post-90s" generation, Grandpa Yang, a "post-80s generation", and Grandpa Fu, a "post-70s generation" who live together in the same nursing home, recently entered the Department of Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery at Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. They have lived in a nursing home for many years and are called the "Three Lucky Treasures" by the nursing home. In recent years, three elderly people have suffered from the same disease - inguinal hernia. Two of the grandfathers even suffered from pain in the groin area every day because of a small hernia that turned into a huge scrotal hernia. Out of worries about the surgery, the three elderly people delayed it for many years. Thanks to Renji Hospital's "Internet Hospital Nursing Home" smart medical platform, three elderly people began to seek medical treatment on the Internet hospital platform with the help of their family members. Chen Tao, an "Internet celebrity" expert from Renji Hospital and deputy chief physician of the Department of Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, had a full exchange with the elderly.

Is it a shock or an opportunity? Experts in Shanghai revealed: Relevant pilot projects are being steadily laid out, and Shenzhen announced that nurses will have the right to prescribe prescriptions
Is it a shock or an opportunity? Experts in Shanghai revealed: Relevant pilot projects are being steadily laid out, and Shenzhen announced that nurses will have the right to prescribe prescriptions

The saying "a doctor's words can break a nurse's legs" has long been outdated with the continuous development of medical services. "New era" nurses with doctoral degrees and innovative patents have increasingly entered the public eye in recent years, and another piece of good news has come: Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission and the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau jointly issued the "Shenzhen Specialist Nurse Training" and Management Measures", which will be implemented on January 1, 2024 and will be valid for 5 years. It stipulates that "Shenzhen specialist nurses can, under the authorization of medical institutions, issue prescriptions at specialist nursing clinics or community health service institutions in accordance with the catalog published by the municipal health department. "Inspection application form, treatment application form and external medicines." This means that nurses will have the right to prescribe, and the training of specialist nurses will also enter a new stage. What does it mean to have prescription rights? This is for medical

Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you
Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you

Art lights up life, culture nourishes the soul, and the city becomes more charming. The closing series of events of the 22nd China Shanghai International Arts Festival 2023 - the 78th Cultural Forum of Liberation Daily will be held at the Shanghai Grand Theater on November 19. Five guests, including Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, and Chen Liaoyu, will gather together to talk about the theme of "Art Empowers the Global City of Humanities", in order to further build the "Shanghai Culture" brand and create a "Shanghai sample" that is culturally confident and self-reliant. ”, contributing wisdom to building the best practice of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. He Jie, chief news anchor and broadcasting director of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, served as guest host. Xi Meijuan, film and television drama performing artist, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She has created unforgettable artistic images in drama stages, movies, and TV series. She said that literary and artistic workers

Switzerland's second most famous city
Switzerland's second most famous city

Worldwide, the most famous cities in Switzerland are not the capital Bern, but Geneva and Zurich. The former is well-known as the seat of the United Nations office; the latter is famous for its wealth. As one of the world's financial centers, it has many splendid nicknames - "the richest city in Europe" and "Europe's millionaire city". However, when I came to Zurich, I discovered that the locals prefer to call it a "little big city". Zurich is the commercial and financial center of Switzerland and the largest city in Switzerland. The main urban area is 91.88 square kilometers and the urban population is about 400,000. Unlike the hustle and bustle of other financial metropolises, the pace of life here is slow and leisurely. The city is located in the north of the Alps. The urban area is divided into the east and west banks by the Limmat River, and is also divided into the new city and the old city.

Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life
Because... I must go to Edinburgh International | Art Festival | Edinburgh once in August in my life

Edinburgh in August is free, abundant, and lively. The most charming old town in Scotland welcomes its annual event - the Edinburgh Art Festival. It is not only one of the oldest and largest international art festivals in the world, but also known as one of the most dynamic and innovative art festivals in the world. More than ten world-class festival events were held during this period, including the Edinburgh International Art Festival, Edge Art Festival, Royal Military Music Festival, International Book Festival, Visual Arts Festival, etc. Artists from all over the world present a colorful cultural feast to a continuous stream of tourists. The Edinburgh Art Festival opened with a stunning carnival parade held in the city center neighborhood, attracting tens of thousands of visitors every year. Art groups from dozens of countries form various parades, showcasing unique artistic forms

Unexpectedly scattered with these Chinese elements, the emblem of the Danish royal palace | Rosenberg | Chinese elements
Unexpectedly scattered with these Chinese elements, the emblem of the Danish royal palace | Rosenberg | Chinese elements

After the 17th century, global trade and cultural interactions have unfolded unprecedentedly, with sea routes connecting China and Denmark, two countries located at both ends of the Eurasian continent. Chinese elements have also begun to scatter in the Danish palace, embellishing Copenhagen, a Nordic city more than 8000 kilometers away from Shanghai. At the end of June this year, I took a day out of my tight schedule to visit various scenic spots in Copenhagen. The first one I visited was the Rosenberg Palace in the city center. This prestigious palace was built by King Christian IV of Denmark in early 1606 and became a repository for royal treasures after 1710. The appearance of the palace has a strong Renaissance style, consisting of towering towers and red brick walls decorated with sandstone. Strolling through it, you

Berlin Forest Concert: Charming Summer Night Classical Feast New Year Concert; Summer nights; Lang Lang | Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra | Classical Music
Berlin Forest Concert: Charming Summer Night Classical Feast New Year Concert; Summer nights; Lang Lang | Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra | Classical Music

The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, as the most well-known band in the world, has brought a rich musical atmosphere to the city of Berlin. The Philharmonic Summer Night Concert held on the last Sunday of June every year at the Forest Theater is one of the most popular and famous large-scale outdoor concerts. I have had the privilege of experiencing this music feast firsthand several times. It began in the lush primeval forest under the sunset, brewing the beauty of nightfall in the Roman Colosseum like basin, captivating countless musicians. The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra collaborates with a world-class conductor every year to present this unique and beautiful forest summer night concert to audiences from all over the world, marking the perfect end to the previous season. It has created miracles in the history of classical music performances for decades in a row, and every year at the beginning of the new year, over 20000 tickets are sold at lightning speed

20 Years of "Ten Million Project" | Zhejiang: the "The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" Concept of Beautiful Countryside | Success | Countryside
20 Years of "Ten Million Project" | Zhejiang: the "The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" Concept of Beautiful Countryside | Success | Countryside

The "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, abbreviated as the "Ten Million Project", is a successful practice of the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets" in grassroots rural areas of Zhejiang. In the 20 years since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", the production and life of farmers in Zhejiang have undergone tremendous changes. A livable and prosperous countryside, a never-ending cultural heritage, a beautiful home with green mountains and clear waters, and an integrated and upgraded prosperous industry are slowly unfolding on the land of Zhijiang. The limestone in Huzhou, northern Zhejiang has excellent quality, and years of mining have brought dust to this once beautiful land of Jiangnan. After the underground decision to shut down the mines, selling ore became selling scenery, and from relying on mountains to eat mountains became nourishing mountains. Ecology has become the biggest advantage for the development of Huzhou today. The local area has retained "green" and also welcomed "youth", with more and more young talents coming forward

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress held a meeting to listen to the report on the enforcement inspection of the regulations of the Free Trade Pilot Zone and the Lingang New Area, and held a report on the regulations of the China Free Trade Pilot Zone Lingang New Area
The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress held a meeting to listen to the report on the enforcement inspection of the regulations of the Free Trade Pilot Zone and the Lingang New Area, and held a report on the regulations of the China Free Trade Pilot Zone Lingang New Area

The fourth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Municipal People's Congress was held yesterday and listened to reports on inspecting the implementation of the "Regulations on China Pilot Free Trade Zones" and the "Regulations on China Pilot Free Trade Zones Lingang New Area" in this city. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of China's Pilot Free Trade Zone. In order to deeply summarize the ten-year construction experience of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, deepen integrated reform and institutional opening up, and promote the construction of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and Lingang New Area to a new level, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress organized a law enforcement inspection of relevant regulations. The law enforcement inspection report pointed out that since the implementation of the two regulations, they have led the reform, innovation, and development of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Lingang New Area, basically formed an investment management model that is in line with internationally recognized rules, established a trade supervision system that complies with high standard trade facilitation rules, and continued to promote it

40 craftsmen from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui were selected, and the first "Yangtze River Delta Craftsmen" was unveiled nationwide | Yangtze River Delta | Craftsmen
40 craftsmen from Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui were selected, and the first "Yangtze River Delta Craftsmen" was unveiled nationwide | Yangtze River Delta | Craftsmen

On June 28, 2023, the Joint Conference of Trade Unions to Promote the High Quality Integration Development of the Yangtze River Delta was held in Shanghai. At the meeting, 40 people were named as the first "Great Craftsmen of the Yangtze River Delta", and 10 craftsmen from Shanghai were selected. Previously, under the guidance of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the Federation of Trade Unions in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces and cities passed the "Plan for the First" Yangtze River Delta Craftsman "Tree Selection and Naming Activity" at the September 2022 Joint Conference of Trade Unions to Promote the High quality Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta. It was decided to select 40 trees for the first "Yangtze River Delta Craftsman" and reached a consensus to jointly carry out the "Yangtze River Delta Craftsman" Tree Selection and Naming Activity every two years. In October 2022, the organizing committee of the tree selection activity launched the first "Yangtze River Delta Craftsman" tree selection and naming activity. The recommended candidates are generally selected from the provincial and municipal level craftsmen named in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui, and should be selected

Come to Gu Village Park for summer and enjoy the lotus. Over 300 acres of lotus flowers are about to enter their peak flowering period. Video | Lotus | Peak Blossoming Period
Come to Gu Village Park for summer and enjoy the lotus. Over 300 acres of lotus flowers are about to enter their peak flowering period. Video | Lotus | Peak Blossoming Period

Green under the bamboo stream, fragrant in the lotus mirror. Deeply building the "Four Seasons Flower Appreciation" brand, from July 15th to August 15th, Gucun Park will launch the 2023 Summer Lotus Appreciation Event, under the name of "lotus", striving to create a colorful summer park event that integrates photography, culture, and science popularization. The activities include five main themes: admiring the lotus, the fragrance of the lotus in the mirror, crossing the lotus pond, the elegant fragrance of the lotus, and the good summer time. "Lotus Viewing" has carefully organized two check-in routes, namely the ground check-in route of "Gate 1- Lotus Pavilion - Moon Watching Pavilion - Yuwei Pavilion" and the water check-in route of "Gate 1- Cruise Terminal 2- Lotus Lake - Cruise Terminal 1- Moon Watching Pavilion - Yuwei Pavilion". It is understood that the lotus flowers in Gucun Park are naturally planted in multiple water bodies of the park, covering an area of over 300 acres, including Qingling

How Shanghai achieved "butterfly changes" in the past 180 years, from opening to the outside world
How Shanghai achieved "butterfly changes" in the past 180 years, from opening to the outside world

On October 6, the international academic symposium "From Opening to Opening Up: 180 Years of Urbanization in Shanghai" was held at the Xuhui Campus of Shanghai Normal University. Lin Zaiyong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Normal University, Wang Weisong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Full-time Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Social Sciences, Ge Jianxiong, Professor of Fudan University, Zhang Qing, President of the Shanghai Historical Society, and Guo Changgang, Director of the Institute of History of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, successively delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. In 1843, with the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing and its affiliated treaties, Shanghai was opened as a treaty port and gradually developed from an ordinary coastal county into an international metropolis. Participants pointed out that over the past 180 years, Shanghai has achieved "butterfly transformation" amid historical vicissitudes and exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, becoming a unique example in the world's urban development and globalization processes. The urban character of openness, innovation and inclusiveness allows

Detained by North Korea, [Looking at the World] Unauthorized crossing of the border into North Korea with American citizenship as a US soldier mudslide | US | US military
Detained by North Korea, [Looking at the World] Unauthorized crossing of the border into North Korea with American citizenship as a US soldier mudslide | US | US military

According to foreign media such as Agence France Presse and the British Broadcasting Corporation, a US citizen illegally crossed the military demarcation line into North Korea while visiting the joint security zone at Panmunjom on the South Korean border. The American citizen involved has been detained by North Korea. On July 18th, US Defense Secretary Austin confirmed at a press conference that a US soldier was detained by North Korean authorities after crossing the border without permission, and expressed concern about the soldier. "We are still trying to learn more about the situation. But what we know is that a soldier who was visiting the area intentionally crossed the military demarcation line without permission," said Poju, a North Korean military outpost. The joint security zone of the demilitarized zone in the ceasefire village of Panmunjom, South Korea. On July 18th, in Washington D.C., Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin met with his staff at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C

How to let the elderly "eat well"|15-minute living circle elderly care service survey, community canteen
How to let the elderly "eat well"|15-minute living circle elderly care service survey, community canteen

Shanghai has a large elderly population, and elderly care has always been a matter of great concern for urban development. In recent years, documents such as "Shanghai's 14th Five-Year Plan for Basic Public Services" and "Shanghai's 15-minute Community Living Circle Planning Guidelines" have continued to promote the construction of public service platforms and content at home. There are also a series of life services and convenient facilities that are well received, such as community canteens, pocket parks, etc. Compared with other groups, the elderly with limited activity radius have greater urgency and dependence on public services at their doorsteps. So what is the usage situation among the elderly? What elderly care problems can they solve, and which elderly people’s demands cannot they meet? We conduct research on this topic. The first article launches a community canteen. In the past year, it has become popular. Open the online platform and enter "community canteen". There are 8,000 in Shanghai.

Are the license plates of fuel vehicles and hybrid and pure electric new energy vehicles interchangeable? What’s the difference in applying for a license?
Are the license plates of fuel vehicles and hybrid and pure electric new energy vehicles interchangeable? What’s the difference in applying for a license?

Recently, Mr. Wang, a Shanghai citizen, consulted through the Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News message board. He owns a Shanghai brand fuel vehicle and wants to replace it with a new energy vehicle. He wants to know whether his original Blue Shanghai brand can be directly configured on the newly purchased new vehicle. on energy vehicles. In recent years, new energy vehicles have gradually become the new favorite in the automobile consumer market, and Shanghai has also implemented many generous subsidy policies in recent years. Many citizens have replacement needs. The reporter compiled some of the most common questions from citizens and interviewed the city traffic police department. The answers are as follows. 1. When replacing a Shanghai brand fuel vehicle with a new energy vehicle, can the original Lanhu brand be directly used on the newly purchased new energy vehicle? Answer: According to the national standard "Motor Vehicle License Plate GA36-2018 of the People's Republic of China", there are unified national regulations on new energy vehicle license plates dedicated to the issuance of new energy vehicles.

Zheng Shuang was sentenced to pay 60 million yuan to investors. He was banned for surrogacy and tax evasion, which caused the TV series to be unable to be launched.
Zheng Shuang was sentenced to pay 60 million yuan to investors. He was banned for surrogacy and tax evasion, which caused the TV series to be unable to be launched.

After being "blocked" for "surrogacy and abandonment" and tax evasion, actor Zheng Shuang was also sued by a film and television investment company in Haining to court, demanding compensation. Today, a reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned the verdict of this case from a typical case released by the Shanghai Songjiang District People's Court. Zheng Shuang was ordered to refund 30.5 million yuan in service fees and interest, and to pay 60 million yuan in compensation. On January 13, 2016, a film and television investment company in Haining, as Party A, signed a "Planning Service Contract" with Party B, Shanghai Zhengshuang Film and Television Culture Studio, stipulating that Party A entrusts Party B to provide relevant planning services for Party A's production of TV series, including Project implementation, content and brand planning, artist selection, project marketing planning, etc. The planning service period is from February 15, 2016 to May 1, 2016

To create an immersive science fiction space for "The Three Body Problem", the "Shangtang Daily New" big model system has been comprehensively upgraded. Shangtang | Model | System
To create an immersive science fiction space for "The Three Body Problem", the "Shangtang Daily New" big model system has been comprehensively upgraded. Shangtang | Model | System

At the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference "Da Ai Wu Jiang · Ri Ri Xin" Artificial Intelligence Forum held yesterday, the reporter learned that the "SenseNova" large model system of Shangtang Ri Ri Xin has completed multiple upgrades and is being applied in industries such as finance, healthcare, and automotive. Xu Li, Chairman and CEO of Shangtang Technology, stated that the company hopes to continuously promote the improvement of AI infrastructure capabilities through "big models+big devices", build professional big models that understand the industry more and have more expertise, and let the industrial value of big models bloom in thousands of industries. Under the AGI strategic layout of "big model+big device", Shangtang's big model system is undergoing rapid iteration. As a natural language processing model with billions of parameters, SenseChat 2.0 has broken through the input length limitation of large language models,

How to "return to nature" in reinforced concrete? View the answers from 26 international artists Landscape | Art | International
How to "return to nature" in reinforced concrete? View the answers from 26 international artists Landscape | Art | International

On July 1st, the international art group exhibition with the theme of "Returning to Nature" was unveiled at the Mingzhu Art Museum in Shanghai. 26 artists from 10 countries and regions around the world have brought over 100 natural themed creations, including painting, installation, sculpture, imaging, photography, performance art, and other diverse media, to answer the questions of how to "return to nature" in reinforced concrete for urban audiences. The exhibition is divided into four chapters: "People and Scenery", "Travel", "Picture Stories", and "Questions and Explorations". It not only presents personalized artistic representation and creation of natural themes, but also questions and reflections on environmental issues, and unique expressions of "non anthropocentric views on nature". The Pearl Art Museum has always focused on issues such as sustainable development and the connection between nature and art. The "In the Name of Flowers" exhibition launched in 2020 has become an art that continues to grow and emerge from the museum

Federer makes his debut at Qizhong Tennis Center on October 13th!, Shanghai Rolex Masters Ticketing Products Launch New Tennis | Champion | Product
Federer makes his debut at Qizhong Tennis Center on October 13th!, Shanghai Rolex Masters Ticketing Products Launch New Tennis | Champion | Product

From October 2 to October 15, the 2023 Shanghai Rolex Masters will open at the Jiushi Stadium Qizhong Tennis Center. Since the opening of the ticket on June 15, the enthusiasm of fans to buy tickets has continued to rise. In order to echo everyone's enthusiasm for watching the competition and meet the needs of different groups of people, 2023 Shanghai Rolex Masters special ticketing products have added new surprises. From October 12th to October 15th, with the continuous advancement of the schedule, this tournament's "Super Best Friend", the winner of the 20th Grand Slam championship, and also the two Shanghai Tennis Masters Cup and the two Shanghai Rolex Masters. Champion-Swiss "King of Heaven" Roger Federer will appear in the flag and have a perfect encounter with the audience. On October 13, he will also come to the central venue to interact with the audience. Today, the "super best friend" product is ceremoniously

"Health Talk Show" won the first prize for health science popularization works in the Yangtze River Delta New Era, creating a healthy China science popularization innovation brand
"Health Talk Show" won the first prize for health science popularization works in the Yangtze River Delta New Era, creating a healthy China science popularization innovation brand

Recently, reporters learned from the Shanghai Municipal Health Promotion Commission Office that the first domestic large-scale health science TV talk show "Health Talk Show" was jointly sponsored by the Municipal Health Commission, the Municipal Health Promotion Commission Office, Shanghai Educational Television, the Municipal Health Promotion Center and other institutions. won the first prize for the Yangtze River Delta New Era Health Science Popularization Works. "Health Talk Show" is another innovative breakthrough in Shanghai's health communication after "Human World" and "Emergency Room Story" and other phenomenon-level works with national influence. It is also a major measure to enhance the city's soft power. According to statistics, the number of viewers across the entire network in the first two seasons exceeded 2.2 billion. In particular, the second season will focus on auditions in the Yangtze River Delta, and radiate to the global Chinese community through Phoenix Satellite TV, achieving wider coverage, greater dissemination, and deeper influence. At present, the third quarter has been opened to all levels and all levels of the country.

Moisturizing Xinjiang, Beautiful Water in Tianshan Mountains, People and Nature | Utilization | Xinjiang
Moisturizing Xinjiang, Beautiful Water in Tianshan Mountains, People and Nature | Utilization | Xinjiang

On 1.66 million square kilometers of land in Xinjiang, the rivers and lakes are beautiful, the ecology is improving, and people and nature coexist harmoniously. Nowadays, the scientific examination and utilization of water resources is historically expanding the development space of Xinjiang. Tianshan Mountain is located in the north and south, surrounded by clear water, with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers in urban and rural areas; Three mountains and two basins, rivers and lakes are peaceful, with green waters and lush mountains shining brightly. Xinjiang fully implements the water management policy of "prioritizing water conservation, spatial balance, systematic governance, and dual efforts", promotes the transformation of water resource management from extensive mode to refined and scientific mode, supports sustainable economic and social development with sustainable utilization of water resources, and strives to achieve effective protection of water safety, efficient utilization of water resources, significant improvement of water ecology, and the gradual development of a colorful picture of harmonious human water relationship.

The Ministry of Emergency Management announced that new regulations will be implemented next year, and safety accidents in limited space operations are frequent.
The Ministry of Emergency Management announced that new regulations will be implemented next year, and safety accidents in limited space operations are frequent.

Reporters learned from a press conference held by the Ministry of Emergency Management today that in order to further strengthen and standardize the safety of limited space operations in industrial and trade enterprises and effectively curb the occurrence of limited space operation accidents, the newly revised "Safety Regulations for Limited Space Operations in Industrial and Trade Enterprises" has been reviewed. Passed, it will be officially implemented on January 1, 2024. According to reports, sewage wells, septic tanks, biogas tanks, as well as fermentation tanks, pickling tanks, pulp tanks, sewage treatment tanks and other places. In these places, personnel generally do not work for long periods of time and only enter when necessary to carry out temporary operations such as maintenance, cleaning and desilting. Since the design of a limited space does not consider lighting, lighting, ventilation and other requirements according to the fixed workplace, it can easily lead to poisoning, suffocation, or explosion. In recent years, major accidents have occurred in limited space operations in the industrial and trade industry.

Thaksin was transferred to the hospital within less than 24 hours of imprisonment after returning to his home country
Thaksin was transferred to the hospital within less than 24 hours of imprisonment after returning to his home country

On August 23rd local time, the Disciplinary Department of the Thai Ministry of Justice stated that former Prime Minister Thaksin was urgently taken to the hospital in the early hours of the same day due to health reasons. It was less than 24 hours before Thaksin returned to China and was imprisoned. Against the backdrop of months of turmoil in Thai politics, this scene is seen as the latest turning point. Public opinion has noticed that the Thai party, which has just become the ruling party and is associated with Thaksin, may help him obtain a royal pardon. The overnight transfer to the disciplinary department of the Thai Ministry of Justice stated that Thaksin developed hypertension, hypoxemia, chest tightness, and insomnia on the night of his imprisonment on the 22nd. Prison medical staff believe that in order to prevent Thaksin's life from being in danger, it is recommended to urgently send him to a larger hospital with more professional personnel and equipment. According to Thai media reports, in the early morning of the 23rd, he was taken from Bangkok Special Prison to the Police General Hospital. According to regulations

Nine car companies cut prices on the same day! Excessive production capacity of new energy vehicles will lead to life and death
Nine car companies cut prices on the same day! Excessive production capacity of new energy vehicles will lead to life and death

The Year of the Dragon has just arrived, and the price war for new energy vehicles has gone crazy. On March 3, Xpeng Motors announced that all G6 models will receive an immediate discount of 20,000 yuan for a limited time, with prices starting from 189,900 yuan after discounts. On March 1, according to media statistics, at least 9 car companies officially announced price cuts or limited-time discounts. Previously, BYD, Wuling, Changan Automobile, Nezha Automobile and other car companies have announced price cuts. In 2023, traditional fuel vehicles have experienced waves of fierce price wars, and now this wave of price cuts has finally reached new energy vehicles. When will this price cut storm end? What changes will it bring to the entire industry? New energy vehicles with excess production capacity have to cut prices. Although they are not in a life-or-death situation like fuel vehicles, the sales of domestic new energy vehicles are still rising, with a year-on-year increase of 3% in 2023.

Is the woman rescued from Mount Everest unwilling to pay the full rescue cost? Rescue worker's voice: Stop cyberbullying team member | Fan Jiangtao | Female
Is the woman rescued from Mount Everest unwilling to pay the full rescue cost? Rescue worker's voice: Stop cyberbullying team member | Fan Jiangtao | Female

On May 18th, Nepal time, Fan Jiangtao, the leader of the Hunan Provincial Mountaineering Team, and Xie Ruxiang, a team member, gave up climbing Mount Everest at an altitude of 8450 meters and saved a female compatriot. Subsequently, some of the actions of the rescued woman sparked controversy online. On June 5th, # The rescued woman from Mount Everest refused to pay the full rescue fee # even made it to the hot search on Weibo. Chao News reporters interviewed rescuer Fan Jiangtao and team member Xie Ruxiang on this matter. Regarding this, Fan Jiangtao stated that when we were doing this, we didn't think too much, we just considered saving lives. Because I mentioned the development of the situation in a private setting, which was spread through screenshots by someone. The current development of the situation is beyond my imagination. We also expressed our hope that this matter will come to an end and will not be mentioned again in the future. We saved her and also hoped for her

The total investment exceeds 5.5 billion yuan! Qianjin Town in Nanxun District Helps Accelerate the "Yangtze River Delta Central Kitchen" Run Central | Kitchen | Yangtze River Delta Central
The total investment exceeds 5.5 billion yuan! Qianjin Town in Nanxun District Helps Accelerate the "Yangtze River Delta Central Kitchen" Run Central | Kitchen | Yangtze River Delta Central

On August 26th, the "Xunwei Guangzhou · Prefabricated Future" Guangzhou Promotion Conference for the Central Kitchen of the Yangtze River Delta in Qianjin Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province was held. Experts and industry leaders from Guangzhou and even the whole country who are deeply involved in the field of prefabricated dishes joined forces to form a beautiful friendship, jointly plan a new chapter for the future, and jointly draw a development blueprint. At the promotion meeting, 10 projects with a total investment of over 5.5 billion yuan were successfully signed, including Hengxing Group's East China Aquatic Industry Chain, Hairun Group's East China Pan Meat Prefabricated Vegetable, and Jiangda Hefeng Group's Prefabricated Vegetable Seasoning Base. These projects will further promote the upgrading of the modern food industry in Nanxun District, continuously extend the industrial chain, enhance the value chain, and create a supply chain, helping to promote the high-quality development of Nanxun. This is a vivid interpretation of the accelerated progress of the Central Kitchen Project in the Changtriangle area of Qianjin Town, Nanxun District. In recent years, Qianjin Town has deeply implemented and implemented

The Harvard University team brought three works to show the essence of ancient Chinese art, and the "Open Theater" series of themed exhibitions kicked off
The Harvard University team brought three works to show the essence of ancient Chinese art, and the "Open Theater" series of themed exhibitions kicked off

Starting today, the "Open Theater" series of themed exhibitions will be launched at the "Cheng Ci Hometown", a cultural protection unit with a history of nearly 300 years in Panlongtiandi, Shanghai, becoming the first exhibition of this series of exhibitions in Asia. The exhibition is based on Chinese classical aesthetics and innovatively presents immersive art works with different themes. The first phase will feature "Sky Dance·Lifting the Shape" and "Shadow Wall" brought by the Harvard Chinese Art Laboratory team led by Professor Wang Yuejin of Harvard University. ·Insight" and "Heart Tower·Step High" are three digital art works. Rooted in the study of medieval Chinese art, the multimedia art works developed by CAMLab strive to shape innovative exhibition paradigms for academic research and artistic creation. The themes of this exhibition include Dunhuang music and dance, Yingxian Wooden Pagoda, Zen Movie Grotto and other ancient Chinese art essences, which are explored through cutting-edge technology and contemporary expression.

The prototype of the story is actually..., "She is 'Jiaojiao'!" The new female anchor entered the Shanghai Jiao Tong University news broadcast room
The prototype of the story is actually..., "She is 'Jiaojiao'!" The new female anchor entered the Shanghai Jiao Tong University news broadcast room

"I heard she is 'Jiaojiao'." On December 8, on the official video account of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a new news anchor was broadcasting campus information live. She stands upright, expresses richly, and has a natural demeanor. Without prompting, you would not be able to tell that this live news broadcast is different from the past, because the female anchor is not a "real person", but a "virtual person". She is the first virtual digital human anchor launched by Jiaotong University Fusion Media Platform. Virtual digital human news anchor. Judging from the news footage, the anchor is well-dressed, and his body movements and facial expressions appear very natural. When broadcasting the news, his voice is fresh and smooth, showing the style of a professional anchor, and even his lip movements are very similar to those of a real person. What is even better than a real person is that as long as no wrong information is entered, the virtual anchor will not make mistakes and does not need to rest. He is satisfied.

Zhangjiang High-tech Zone has a new "construction drawing" to provide a power engine for Shanghai to build an international science and technology innovation center
Zhangjiang High-tech Zone has a new "construction drawing" to provide a power engine for Shanghai to build an international science and technology innovation center

We strive to have more than 100 "unicorn" and "hidden champion" companies by 2025, with the total scale of the three leading industries accounting for more than 85% of the city, and 3-5 residential areas reaching a trillion-level industrial scale. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned from Shanghai Kechuang that in order to further promote the high-quality development of Zhangjiang High-tech Zone, the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government recently issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Reform, Innovation and Development of Zhangjiang High-tech Zone to Build a World-leading Science and Technology Park". Adhere to goal-oriented and problem-oriented, the city's "one game of chess", highlight "one park, one characteristic", survival of the fittest, and will be implemented from November 30, 2023. [Benchmarking the world’s leading science and technology parks] As the main battlefield for the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center and the main position for Shanghai to build world-class industrial clusters, we strive to use Zhangjiang High-tech Park in three years.

What does the never-ending Sports Expo look like? This Shanghai Sports and Health Promotion Industry Innovation Conference has the answer
What does the never-ending Sports Expo look like? This Shanghai Sports and Health Promotion Industry Innovation Conference has the answer

How is the never-ending Sports Expo realized and what unique services is provided? The 2023 Shanghai Sports and Health Promotion Industry Innovation Conference and Yangpu National Sports Consumption Pilot City Development Exchange Meeting were recently held in Haishang Park, Shanghai Sports National University Science and Technology Park, and the answer was revealed. Shanghai has rich sports industry endowments. Data from the "2022 Shanghai National Fitness Development Report" show that Shanghai will accelerate the construction of a higher-level national fitness public service system in 2022. The proportion of citizens in the city who regularly participate in physical exercise continues to increase to 50.1%, compared with In 2021, it will increase by 1.1 percentage points, exceeding 50% for the first time. According to statistics from the "2022 Shanghai National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin", the average life expectancy of Shanghai's registered population in 2022 will reach 83.18 years.

Heart failure patients successfully averted danger, Zhongshan Hospital completed the world's first "one-stop" native three-valve interventional surgery
Heart failure patients successfully averted danger, Zhongshan Hospital completed the world's first "one-stop" native three-valve interventional surgery

Recently, the team of Professor Wang Chunsheng and Chief Physician Wei Lai from the Cardiac Surgery Department of Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University successfully performed the world's first "one-stop" native three-valve interventional surgery, correcting the "reverse flow" problem of the three blood delivery valves in the heart for the patient. , turning danger into safety. The patient, Mr. Li, was followed up for the first time two months after the operation. All three valves returned to normal function. After successfully escaping, he was finally able to sleep peacefully. Mr. Li, 66, has been suffering from chest tightness and asthma for the past five years. He has difficulty falling asleep at night and can only be relieved by sitting up. After a pacemaker was implanted in a local hospital a year ago, his symptoms did not improve significantly and even continued to worsen. In August this year, Mr. Li came to the Cardiac Surgery Department of Zhongshan Hospital for help. Chief Physician Wei Lai who treated the patient found that the patient had severe aortic and mitral valve regurgitation, extremely severe tricuspid valve regurgitation, and increased heart failure.

Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you
Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, Chen Liaoyu... The Liberation Daily cultural forum meets with you

Art lights up life, culture nourishes the soul, and the city becomes more charming. The closing series of events of the 22nd China Shanghai International Arts Festival 2023 - the 78th Cultural Forum of Liberation Daily will be held at the Shanghai Grand Theater on November 19. Five guests, including Xi Meijuan, Yu Long, Zhang Jun, Ji Pingping, and Chen Liaoyu, will gather together to talk about the theme of "Art Empowers the Global City of Humanities", in order to further build the "Shanghai Culture" brand and create a "Shanghai sample" that is culturally confident and self-reliant. ”, contributing wisdom to building the best practice of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts. He Jie, chief news anchor and broadcasting director of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, served as guest host. Xi Meijuan, film and television drama performing artist, vice chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. She has created unforgettable artistic images in drama stages, movies, and TV series. She said that literary and artistic workers