Building a Science and Technology Innovation Community?, How to strengthen innovation collaboration, the innovation index of cities in the Yangtze River Delta is divided into four tiers

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:06 PM

The "Development Plan for the Construction of the Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Innovation Community" released by the Ministry of Science and Technology clearly states that the Yangtze River Delta should be led by "science and technology innovation+industry", fully leverage the leading role of the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center, strengthen the innovation advantages of the Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui region, and strive to build a globally influential Yangtze River Delta science and technology innovation community.

Objectively speaking, the land area of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui is 358000 square kilometers, accounting for less than 4% of the country's total land area. The permanent population is 220 million, accounting for about 1/6 of the country's total, but it has created nearly 1/4 of the country's total economic output. Under the new situation, building a scientific and technological innovation community in the Yangtze River Delta is the basic requirement of the national scientific and technological innovation strategy, and is also the key to supporting the high-quality development of the country and promoting the process of Chinese path to modernization.

The innovative spatial pattern of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration has not yet formed

To build a scientific and technological innovation community in the Yangtze River Delta, it is necessary to focus on regional innovation synergy. The report on the Yangtze River Delta Regional Collaborative Innovation Index 2022 shows that the index has increased from 100 points in 2011 to 247.11 points in 2021, an increase of nearly 1.5 times compared to 2011, with an average annual growth rate of 9.47%. From the perspective of urban innovation, according to the "Innovation Index of Various Dimensions in China from 2001 to 2021" released by Professor Kou Zonglai's team at Fudan University, among the 337 cities in China, the top three cities in the innovation index in 2021 were Beijing, Shenzhen, and Shanghai. From the perspective of the Yangtze River Delta, the average innovation index of 41 cities in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui in 2021 was 138.67, an increase of 338 times from the base period of 0.4 in 2001, while the coefficient of deviation reflecting the dispersion of innovation levels between cities decreased from 2.46 in 2001 to 1.69 in 2021. This situation indicates that with the deepening of integration and innovative development, the innovation capacity of cities in the Yangtze River Delta has been significantly improved, and with the rapid flow of innovation resources between cities, the innovation differences within the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration have significantly narrowed.

From the perspective of urban agglomerations, based on the average innovation index of 41 cities in 2021, four tiers can be divided. The only city in the first tier is Shanghai, with an innovation index five times higher than the average, indicating a strong innovation capability. The innovation index of cities ranked in the second tier is 1-5 times the average, involving 8 cities, namely Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Ningbo, Hefei, Wenzhou, and Changzhou. The innovation index of cities ranked in the third tier is 0.5-1 times the average, including 9 cities such as Nantong and Taizhou. The remaining 23 cities are located in the fourth gradient.

From a geographical perspective, this hierarchical innovation pattern displays three major characteristics: firstly, the north-south cross provincial innovation continuous belt of "Shanghai Nanjing", with Suzhou, Wuxi, and Changzhou becoming the main supporting cities of this innovation belt; The second is the southward innovation sector of Zhejiang, centered around Hangzhou. In this innovation sector, only Ningbo and Wenzhou, which are distributed in the surrounding areas, have strong innovation capabilities, while other cities have relatively low innovation capabilities and lack spatial continuity; Thirdly, as a second tier city, Hefei has not seen any cities with outstanding innovation capabilities in its surrounding areas.

From this, it can be seen that the innovation space diffusion capacity of the north facing Shanghai and Jiangsu is higher than that of the south facing Shanghai and Hangzhou. However, as a rising high innovation city, Hefei has not yet established an organic connection with the innovation development of Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang. This indicates that within the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, a continuous and orderly pattern of urban innovation space has not yet been formed, and the innovation spillover between high innovation capacity cities and their driving capacity for surrounding areas still need to be strengthened.

Identifying regional advantages and increasing collaborative innovation between cities

Given the inherent complexity and systematic characteristics of urban agglomeration innovation, from the perspective of the entire Yangtze River Delta region, innovation should not be a single region, department, or field, but rather a collaborative and coordinated interaction among various cities and economic entities.

From the perspective of the development process of global urban agglomerations, within a metropolitan area, several mega cities always play a core role, and a unified knowledge innovation system is constructed through the economic network structure and information network between these cities. With the deepening of regional economic integration, cities in the Yangtze River Delta have gradually formed relatively unique advantageous industries. Currently, Shanghai has become an important diffusion source for high-tech industries in China's high-tech industry cluster and the Yangtze River Delta region. This also means that Shanghai has the ability to deepen innovation synergy in the Yangtze River Delta region with the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces, jointly build a community of scientific and technological innovation, jointly open up new fields and tracks for development, and shape new driving forces and advantages for development.

Therefore, local governments at all levels should find their own positioning and establish functions that are relatively equal to their local position in the innovation system of the Yangtze River Delta. At the same time, due to the different resource endowments and historical and cultural characteristics of each city, local governments can strengthen the interaction between governments, enterprises, and scientific and technological talents by establishing a concept of misplaced competition, providing a continuous source of scientific and technological resources for technological innovation in the Yangtze River Delta. Shanghai's advantage in science and technology innovation lies in basic research and development, which has a good ability to undertake the national high-tech strategy and also has a certain foundation for the development of new technology industries; Zhejiang has more significant advantages in green economy, private economy, and digital economy; Jiangsu has always had strong technological research and development resources, and its manufacturing industry foundation advantages are very obvious. In recent years, Hefei, Anhui has developed good research and development capabilities through government efforts, gathering new energy vehicle industries such as Volkswagen and NIO, and continuously enhancing the development space of high-tech industries.

In general, when building the Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Innovation Community, each city must increase its collaborative innovation efforts between cities based on its existing advantages, while ensuring full play to its advantages. The key is to strengthen innovation cooperation between key node cities, and form a new pattern of innovative development in urban agglomerations that is "multi-point flowering, connecting points into lines, and using lines to lead areas". For example, as a city with strong innovation capabilities, Shanghai's key task should be to lead innovation in second tier cities, especially in cities such as Hangzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, and Suzhou, which are geographically close and have a good foundation. The second tier cities should focus on promoting innovation through industrial division of labor and project cooperation. At present, although cities belonging to the third tier are still in the stage of innovation imitation and follow-up, their latecomer advantages cannot be underestimated. If high-intensity innovative cities can be cultivated around them, their innovation capabilities will soon be enhanced. For example, Suzhou is a second tier innovative city with a good industrial foundation, which not only has the possibility of catching up from behind, but also can timely and strongly drive the rise of third tier innovative cities such as Huzhou and Jiaxing in the surrounding areas. In addition, in recent years, Hefei has attracted a large number of innovative enterprises and gradually driven the improvement of innovation capabilities in surrounding cities by increasing policy support.

Accelerate the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Innovation Community

With the deepening of integration in the Yangtze River Delta, cities should aim to promote overall innovation in the region and carry out innovation cooperation across regions and administrative regions. We need to accelerate the establishment of science and technology information platforms and digital trading platforms for scientific and technological achievements in three provinces and one city, fully leverage the comprehensive resource advantages of Shanghai and the characteristic resource advantages of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces, and construct a science and technology information and digital network covering three provinces and one city. At the same time, it is necessary to vigorously strengthen cross departmental cooperation, integrate social and technological resources in the four regions, mobilize research institutes and universities in the four regions to exchange and share information on scientific and technological achievements, advantageous research fields, and disciplinary directions, jointly build a science and technology education information network, and improve the level of sharing basic resources. In addition, the development of scientific and technological resources in the Yangtze River Delta should be organically integrated with the construction of the national scientific and technological infrastructure platform, retaining the characteristics of the Yangtze River Delta itself and becoming an organic component of the national scientific and technological conditions, providing guarantees for the national scientific and technological development strategy.

From a specific operational perspective, the first is to establish a government decision-making consulting and staff organization with economic experts from the Yangtze River Delta as the main body. These institutions are different from general research institutions and should serve as advisory staff for decision-making by the four local governments; The second is to establish cross regional industry alliances and fully leverage the positive role of industry organizations in regional industrial integration. The key here is for industry associations or civil organizations to break through administrative barriers, form cross regional industry alliances, jointly formulate regional industry development plans and regional common market rules, promote the establishment of regional market order, and explore the connection and integration of various market resources in the region; The third is to establish and cultivate several large, internationally aligned comprehensive innovation service and technology intermediary institutions, which are market-oriented entities with diversified shareholding systems. Here, we can learn from foreign experiences, such as the operational model of the German Stadberg Foundation, and establish foundations or technology transfer centers dedicated to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. These institutions can gradually form a network of innovative service institutions in the Yangtze River Delta region through various market means such as equity participation, investment, collaboration, affiliation, and agency. The fourth is to establish a cross regional science and technology fund, with a focus on long-term funds, mainly used to support the basic investment and construction of industries in the Yangtze River Delta and the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. The fifth is to establish a national level cross regional strategic industry integration group company. Of course, this type of super enterprise group is not an administrative fit, but should follow the national technological needs and market laws, and focus on exploring the formation of leading enterprises with the goal of technology breakthroughs and bottleneck technology breakthroughs through cross administrative regional enterprise alliances. Then, through leading enterprises, the upstream and downstream supporting enterprises in the region can be integrated to form a giant enterprise group composed of tight and loose layers.

In general, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui must work together to build the Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Innovation Community while adhering to the basic requirements of national strategy, focusing on the concept of "science and technology+industry" leadership, comprehensively breaking administrative boundaries, integrating and optimizing the allocation of science and technology resources on a larger scale, wider fields, and higher levels, and improving the utilization efficiency of science and technology resources. Only in this way can we enhance the technological innovation capability of the Yangtze River Delta and truly build an international first-class regional innovation system.

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