Major cultural projects that the General Secretary cares about|The confluence of knowledge and wisdom will last forever

Release time:Jun 26, 2024 08:55 AM

The construction of the National Library of China is a project that General Secretary Xi Jinping pays great attention to and has personally approved. Its original intention and purpose is to collect and protect all the classical literature that can be collected since ancient times at this stage in our history, so as to continue to pass on the only uninterrupted civilization in the world.

The National Library of China, which consists of the Central Library, Xi'an Branch, Hangzhou Branch and Guangzhou Branch, is located in the east, west, south and north of China. All of them are built on the mountains and concentrate on preserving and displaying the cultural treasures of the Chinese nation.

The National Library of China collects various versions of publications, bamboo slips and silk books, Chinese classics, revolutionary documents, etc., with the grassroots, the public and overseas. Exhibitions with different themes demonstrate the profound Chinese cultural heritage.

In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the National Library of China for inspection. The General Secretary fully affirmed the construction and management of the National Library of China. He emphasized: "In this prosperous era, we now have the will and ability to do a good job in cultivating literature."

In order to implement the instructions of the General Secretary, the National Library of Editions is not only promoting the collection of physical versions, but also simultaneously building a national digital resource library, striving to achieve the digital preservation and inheritance of the seed genes of Chinese civilization.

The music never stops, and the torch is passed on. The construction of the National Library of China is a landmark cultural project that will benefit the present and future generations. Looking to the future, this great undertaking will surely shine even brighter on the road to rejuvenation in the new era.

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