Why has the difficulty of winning the award increased significantly? The National Science and Technology Award was awarded again after more than 2 years

Release time:Jun 24, 2024 05:18 AM

This morning, the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards were presented in Beijing. This is the first time that the National Science and Technology Awards have been presented again in more than two years since the 2020 National Science and Technology Awards Conference was held in Beijing in November 2021. What reforms and optimizations have been made to the nomination system and award cycle of the National Science and Technology Awards over the past two years? What is the difference between presenting the awards again after more than two years and the past? What are the characteristics of the winning projects in Shanghai? A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News interviewed the person in charge of the Shanghai Science and Technology Awards Center.

"In the past two years, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have optimized and improved the nomination system for the National Science and Technology Awards, strengthened the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and adjusted the award cycle from once a year to once every two or three years," said the head of the Municipal Science and Technology Awards Center. "In the future, competition for the National Science and Technology Awards will become increasingly fierce, and the requirements will become higher and higher."

In July 2021, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Improving the Evaluation Mechanism of Scientific and Technological Achievements", proposing to reform and improve the scientific and technological achievements reward system. This document points out: We must adhere to fairness and honor, focus on rewarding scientists and front-line scientific and technological personnel who have truly made creative contributions, control the number of awards, and improve the quality of awards. Adjust the national science and technology award evaluation cycle. Improve the award nomination system, standardize the nomination system, mechanism, and process, resolutely eliminate interference from small circles such as personal relationships, relationships, and interests, and reduce the burden on scientific researchers. Strengthen the close integration of national science and technology awards with major national strategic needs, and increase rewards for basic research and applied basic research results.

In May 2024, the "Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards" was announced. The amendments include: "National science and technology awards work adheres to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee" and "Major matters in national science and technology awards work should be reported to the Party Central Committee in accordance with relevant regulations."

From the State Council documents to the revision of the "Regulations on National Science and Technology Awards", we can see that the State Council has implemented a series of reform and optimization measures on the nomination system, award cycle, and award quality of the National Science and Technology Awards, making the "top of the pyramid" of the science and technology award system with Chinese characteristics have higher gold content and credibility.

In terms of nomination system and mechanism, the nomination work for the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards is stricter than in the past, requiring the nominating units and experts to fulfill their responsibilities and strengthening the review and approval of science and technology projects and their implementers. At the same time, the previous unlimited nomination system for provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities has been changed to limited nomination, and the number of nominations will be determined based on the award rate of the nominated projects in the past three years.

The 2023 National Science and Technology Awards announced today have shown the effectiveness of reform and optimization. In terms of the number of awards, the number of winning projects is basically the same as in 2020, but the quality of the awards has been significantly improved. This is because no National Science and Technology Awards were issued in 2021 and 2022, which means that projects accumulated for three years are competing for the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards. The difficulty of winning the awards has increased significantly compared to the past, and the projects that finally stand out can be said to be the best of the best.

Against this background, a total of 49 projects led or co-completed by Shanghai won national science and technology awards, accounting for more than 15% of the total number of awards nationwide for six consecutive years. This shows that since the construction of a science and technology innovation center with global influence, the quality of Shanghai's scientific and technological achievements has been at the leading level in the country.

Among the special prize projects, two special projects completed by Shanghai in cooperation won the National Science and Technology Progress Special Prize. They are both aerospace science and technology projects, demonstrating the scientific research strength of Shanghai aerospace.

Among the first-prize projects, three general projects led by Shanghai won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. Two of them are medical projects, namely the "Hematological Disease Translational Medicine Research Innovation Team" of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and the "Major Technological Breakthrough and Theoretical Innovation in Creating Peripheral-Central Pathways to Repair Limb Movement Disorders" of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, which reflects Shanghai's traditional advantages in the field of medicine. In particular, the innovation team led by Academician Chen Saijuan, Academician Chen Zhu, and Professor Zhao Weili is engaged in translational medicine research, closely combining basic research with clinical medicine, and providing breakthrough treatment solutions for blood diseases such as acute promyelocytic leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.

Hematological Disease Translational Medicine Research Innovation Team of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.

Another first prize project is the integrated circuit industry achievement - "Key Technologies and Applications of Radio Frequency System Design Automation" led by Academician Mao Junfa, a professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Faced with foreign monopoly, they independently developed my country's first set and series of radio frequency system design automation software, achieving basic independent control of my country's radio frequency design automation technology, and the overall technology has reached the international advanced level. Many core technologies are internationally leading, and an independent intellectual property system has been formed. The project results have been applied to more than 400 companies such as ZTE, Huawei, and China Electronics Technology Group, and exported to many multinational companies.

A series of RF three-dimensional integrated components developed based on the results of RF projects.

The State Council's "Guiding Opinions on Improving the Evaluation Mechanism of Scientific and Technological Achievements" pointed out: "It is necessary to strengthen the close integration of national science and technology awards with the country's major strategic needs." This project reflects this orientation, and has taken a path of innovation and breakthrough in self-reliance and self-improvement in integrated circuit technology, serving the country's major strategic needs.

Among the second-prize projects, Shanghai took the lead in winning 4 second-prizes in National Natural Science, 3 second-prizes in National Technological Invention, and 6 second-prizes in National Science and Technology Progress, covering disciplines such as chemistry, medicine, life sciences, materials science, computer science, as well as industrial fields such as nuclear power, heat pumps, construction, and traditional Chinese medicine. Some of the project results have broken the foreign technology blockade and product embargo, or are in a "leading" position in international competition.

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