Planning to announce in advance? Who will Trump's running mate be? Harris | Biden | Trump

Release time:Jun 24, 2024 13:14 PM

On June 22, local time, former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump said that he had already decided on a candidate for his vice presidential running mate, but had not disclosed it to anyone. However, this candidate is "very likely" to appear in the presidential election debate to be held on June 27. At the same time, a list of candidates surfaced.

Since the United States entered the 2024 election year, the current President Biden and former President Trump have each secured their party's nomination for the presidential election, which means that if nothing unexpected happens, the two will face off again in November.

Currently, Biden has decided that his running mate will still be Vice President Harris. Trump revealed in May that he plans to officially announce his running mate in July this year, near the Republican National Convention.

However, Trump revealed during a campaign event in Philadelphia on June 22 that he has already decided on a running mate, who may be unveiled soon, but he has not revealed the answer to anyone. The actions of Trump's campaign team also indirectly confirm this statement. Currently, the team is stepping up preparations, including renting a private jet for the vice presidential candidate from July to November.

Why did Trump change his mind? The public noticed a background - the sentencing hearing and verdict of the "hush money" case in which Trump was involved was scheduled for July 11.

There is speculation that one of Trump's considerations for announcing his running mate in advance may be to divert attention from the legal battles he is involved in.

While keeping the secret, Trump also left a suspense - his running mate is "very likely" to appear in the presidential election debate to be held on June 27.

Previously, Trump and Biden agreed to participate in two presidential election debates on June 27 and September 10, hosted by CNN and ABC respectively.

The first round of debates will be held in CNN's studio in Atlanta, Georgia. This will be the first time in nearly four years that Biden and Trump will meet "face to face" in the same place.

Under the current circumstances, it is even more important for Trump to choose a capable deputy.

Polls show that voters are disappointed with both Trump and Biden. At the same time, both sides are working hard to win votes. For example, Trump went to Philadelphia last weekend to attend a rally in the north of the city, which is traditionally a Democratic stronghold.

Some people believe that as Trump's running mate, the first condition that this potential "number two" must meet is loyalty from beginning to end. The background of this statement is that Trump and his former deputy, Pence, broke up due to the "Capitol Hill riots."

Other factors include: Who can raise money? Who performs well on TV? Who can stand up to Harris on the debate stage?

At present, Trump's running mate is shrouded in mystery, but a list has surfaced. The current popular candidates are:

Burgum, 67, was a software engineer before entering politics. He has served as governor of North Dakota since 2016 and was re-elected in 2020.

Burgum has two main advantages. One is that he is rich. A software company he previously led was acquired by Microsoft for more than $1 billion. He is also engaged in real estate development and venture capital, and has spent millions of dollars on his White House campaign.

In this US presidential election, Burgum competed with Trump in the party. However, Burgum was less well-known nationwide and did not receive much support, so he later turned to support Trump.

Second, he has connections. Burgum not only gets along well with Trump, but his wife, Katherine, also gets along well with Trump and his team. If he becomes a running mate, Burgum is unlikely to compete with Trump for the spotlight. In addition, Burgum faces fewer controversies, and his connections in the fields of technology and energy are expected to attract more donors.

But Burgum also has a major disadvantage, which is his image as an older white male. It remains to be seen whether the American people will accept two "old white men" as president and vice president.

James David Vance, U.S. Senator from Ohio

Vance, 39, was a venture capitalist and was critical of Trump early on.

Vance has been in office for less than two years. Despite this, he has transformed himself into one of Trump's most staunch defenders of his "Make America Great Again" cause, especially on foreign policy, trade and immigration. Vance also has a close relationship with Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

If he appears on the debate stage on June 27, Vance is expected to inject some "post-80s" energy into the election, and his debate with Harris is likely to be intense.

However, whether Trump can easily forget Vance's fierce criticism of him during the 2016 US presidential election may affect Vance's political fate.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio

Rubio, 53, the son of Cuban immigrants, speaks Spanish and is expected to help Trump win the support of Hispanic voters.

Today, Rubio is also regarded as one of the capable leaders in the Republican Party. His positions on foreign policy and national security issues have attracted attention within the party, and he seems capable of competing with Harris.

However, Rubio and Trump had a falling out during the 2016 US presidential election. In public, Rubio does not seem to be that eager to become Trump's running mate. In addition, if Rubio wants to run for vice president, he may have to change his place of residence because the US Constitution stipulates that two candidates from the same state cannot run for president and vice president at the same time.

However, given that Trump often "takes the initiative by surprise", other candidates have not been completely ruled out. They are: South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, House Republican Conference Chair Alice Stefanik, Ben Carson, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Trump administration, and Florida Congressman Byron Donalds.

It is worth mentioning that Scott, Carson and Donalds are all relatively rare African-American Republicans in American politics, and Stefanik is a woman. If one of them becomes Trump's running mate, it may help win support from minority groups.

Finally, while Trump's running mate selection has received much attention, the presidential election in November is still largely a showdown between Trump and Biden.

Trump said earlier this year that vice presidential running mates "never really had much of an impact on the election."

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