Be careful of crayfish allergies! A hospital received over 20 cases of urticaria in one night and urgently reminded them. Actually | price | crayfish

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:27 PM

Recently, in Lianyungang, Jiangsu

With the significant increase in the market volume of crayfish

The price of crayfish has also fallen repeatedly

The lowest price may even drop below 10 yuan per kilogram

Expected to be over half a month in the future

The price of crayfish will still remain in a relatively low range


Foodies should be careful


After midnight

The Skin Emergency Department of Chengdu Second People's Hospital

Always receive patients with the same food allergy

Sometimes more than ten, or even more than twenty

And this situation has been ongoing for a month now

4 crayfish in the stomach

Someone almost died

Mr. Zhu, who is 24 years old, killed half a pot of spicy crayfish while having a late night snack with friends on May 27th. A few hours later, Mr. Zhu suddenly began to feel itchy and painful all over his body, covered in red rashes, and couldn't help but feel nauseous.

A friend quickly took him to the nearest Chengdu Second People's Hospital for treatment. When he was taken to the hospital, Mr. Zhu had red and swollen lips, a rash all over his body, blurry speech, mild swelling in his hands and feet, and chest tightness and difficulty breathing. After active anti allergic treatment, half an hour later, Mr. Zhu's lip redness and swelling, as well as a red rash on his trunk, significantly improved, and his breathing difficulties eased.

The attending dermatologist Meng Huimin stated that this was caused by acute urticaria due to allergy to eating crayfish. Entering the peak season of eating crayfish, we now encounter more than ten or even twenty emergency allergy cases almost every night, and severe allergies may endanger our lives.

For example, according to the Yiwu Integrated Media Center, a 28 year old man in Yiwu recently ate only four crayfish and almost killed him.

"After finishing my meal, at 10 pm, my stomach began to ache faintly. I went to work around 8 am the next morning and experienced symptoms of jet vomiting. After vomiting, I felt weak and dizzy, with rashes on my limbs. My colleagues quickly took me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, Xiaolou's condition was quite serious, and the doctor said that if I were to be delayed for another half an hour, it could be life-threatening.".

"When the patient came to the emergency department, he felt very weak and dizzy. We tested his blood pressure and found that it was only 60/30 millimeters of mercury. We immediately considered that he might have allergic shock."

Be careful of crayfish allergies! A hospital received over 20 cases of urticaria in one night and urgently reminded them. Actually | price | crayfish

Why does eating crayfish lead to acute urticaria?

Crayfish contain abundant protein substances and belong to the category of exotic proteins. Some special populations are particularly sensitive to allogeneic proteins, and after ingestion in large quantities, they can easily accumulate in the body, producing corresponding IgE antibodies.

And lgE antibodies exist in many parts of the human body, such as the nose, throat, trachea, skin, and other lymphocytes. If allergens and lgE antibodies combine to produce related antigen antibody reactions, it can lead to symptoms such as skin lumps, laryngeal edema, and decreased blood pressure.

In fact, acute urticaria caused by eating crayfish is a symptom caused by allergy to allogeneic proteins. Acute urticaria is a very common allergic skin disease, and its causes can be mainly divided into two types: endogenous and exogenous.

Endogenous triggers are generally persistent, including fatigue, infection, lymphoma, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Exogenous triggers generally include physical stimuli, food, drugs, etc., and relatively speaking, their onset is temporary.

How to prevent foodborne acute urticaria?

Firstly, it is important to develop reasonable dietary habits, especially for individuals with allergies. The diet should be light and spicy, seafood, and various alcoholic beverages should be avoided or consumed in limited quantities.

Secondly, it is necessary to avoid contact with pollen substances, increase physical activity, pay attention to rest, develop good habits, and prevent immune system disorders and related skin diseases.

Which groups of people are not recommended to eat crayfish

People with allergic constitution

People with allergies should be cautious when consuming crayfish.

People who are prone to indigestion

Crayfish is rich in protein, and after consumption, digestion is slow and the gastrointestinal load is heavy. Excessive consumption at once can lead to digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Therefore, it is recommended that people who are prone to indigestion try to eat less crayfish and also pay attention to controlling the amount when consuming.

People with high uric acid and gout

The purine content of crayfish is very high. Patients with gout or abnormal purine metabolism should avoid or eat less. Even if you eat, don't drink alcohol to reduce gout attacks.

Patients with diabetes

Excessive consumption of crawfish in diabetes patients will easily increase the burden of gastrointestinal tract. If the crayfish is not cleaned thoroughly or not fully cooked, it may also cause gastroenteritis.

In the case of infection, diabetes friends may cause heterogenesis of glycogen, which may lead to increased production of ketone bodies, and thus ketosis.

Vomiting and diarrhea caused by gastrointestinal diseases lead to water and electrolyte disorders in the body, aggravating diabetes and further ketoacidosis.

In addition, pregnant women, children, elderly and other populations with lower resistance should also pay more attention when eating crayfish.

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