How to strengthen the construction of a flood prevention and disaster resilience system? General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions! The main flood season has fully begun

Release time:Jun 18, 2024 16:37 PM

Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions on flood control and drought relief. He stressed that as my country has fully entered the main flood season, the flood control situation is becoming increasingly severe. All regions and relevant departments should further strengthen risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, consolidate responsibilities, strengthen coordination, and do a solid job in flood control and drought relief, emergency rescue and disaster relief. We must strengthen disaster monitoring and early warning, investigate risks and hidden dangers, prepare sufficient equipment and materials, improve work plans, effectively respond to various emergencies, and effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property and the stability of the overall social situation.

In recent years, torrential rains and floods caused by climate change have increasingly become major challenges affecting human safety. Since mid-to-late April, a large-scale heavy rainfall process has begun in southern my country, and some areas have experienced rainstorms, heavy rainstorms, and even extremely heavy rainstorms. Being vigilant against disasters caused by rainstorms is a major security issue that requires close attention across the country in the coming period. Therefore, it is an urgent issue for major cities across the country to coordinate high-quality development and high-level security to effectively build resilience systems for cities and regions against heavy rainstorms and floods. In this regard, it is recommended to promote it from the following five aspects:

First, establish and improve a sensitive, accurate and efficient meteorological forecast and warning system to provide solid time conditions for scientific rain and flood prevention. Starting from the city-region level, we must break the "separate" situation of meteorological forecasts, quickly establish and improve a joint warning and forecasting mechanism across regions, provinces, cities and cities, and improve the uniformity, authority and accuracy of local meteorological forecasts and warnings through resource sharing, data sharing and joint research and judgment. Through mobile phone text messages, radio, television, the Internet or smart terminals, the most authoritative and accurate rainstorm forecast information should be delivered to citizens in a timely manner to ensure full coverage and full knowledge of forecast and warning information. At the same time, local governments and enterprises and institutions should strictly abide by the "Regulations on Meteorological Disaster Prevention" and "Regulations on Emergency Response to Production Safety Accidents", attach great importance to and strictly implement the legal application of meteorological forecast and warning results, and win precious time for early deployment of flood control and disaster relief and timely transfer of residents.

Second, establish and improve a flood assessment and all-round emergency reserve system to provide a material guarantee basis for rapid rescue and loss reduction. Faced with the risk challenges of fierce rainfall and extremely heavy rainstorms and floods, it is an inevitable choice to improve the resilience of cities and regions to resist floods by making all-round flood assessments and emergency preparations for people, money and materials. At present, major cities should actively carry out risk assessments of extremely large floods in combination with their own characteristics and historical disaster data, and produce an authoritative and unified "city-wide flood and rainstorm map". Focusing on key areas and key links where extremely heavy rainstorms and floods may occur, coordinate the forces of multiple departments in the city, conduct all-round inspections and make good preparations for emergency rescue forces, emergency funds, and emergency materials, and formulate targeted, effective and practical emergency plans for extremely large floods and rainstorms to ensure that relevant emergency rescue work is initiated as soon as a severe flood or rainstorm occurs, so as to achieve "calling at any time and using it as soon as it is taken", and reduce the damage of disasters to people's lives and property with solid and powerful emergency preparations.

Third, taking the river basin as a whole, we should establish and improve the allocation system of inter-provincial and municipal water storage in the river basin to provide strong engineering support for responding to flood and rainstorm disasters. In the face of heavy rainstorms and floods caused by extreme weather, in addition to comprehensive inspections and ensuring that the urban drainage facilities system remains efficient and unobstructed, scientifically dispatching reservoir flows to give full play to their functions of regulating and discharging floods is also an important engineering facility guarantee for effectively alleviating flood pressure and ensuring people's safety. Under the overall coordination and guidance of relevant national departments, we should take the river basin as a unit, and according to the latest flood development situation in the river basin, we should link up and down, share information, and make accurate calculations to increase the inflow and outflow of water from major reservoirs, ensure the reasonable control and discharge of some major water conservancy hubs, give full play to the due disaster reduction and prevention effects, and reduce the flood control pressure of downstream cities or regions to the greatest extent, so as to ensure that the entire river basin safely passes the dangerous period.

Fourth, we should promote the construction of community flood defense capacity system in an all-round way to lay a solid foundation for the community to improve resistance and resilience. For cities that may experience heavy rainstorms and floods, it is necessary to combine short-term strategies with long-term strategies and implement flood prevention and disaster prevention work at the specific community level. On the one hand, when making flood prevention decisions at the city level, remedial measures should be taken to promote the construction of flood walls and barriers to effectively protect the community from floods. On the other hand, we should develop or use certain measurement tools to calibrate the community's social, material, financial, human and natural resilience to flood risks, identify weak links, and take various measures to minimize flood risks, so that the community can be best prepared for flood prevention and improve rapid recovery capabilities. In particular, we should actively carry out activities such as corporate first aid training, school education, and public participation in flood risk management projects to let people in the community know where to get information and knowledge about the location of floodplains; what actions can be taken to protect their homes from floods; what measures should be taken to protect their personal and property safety; how to evacuate in the event of a flood, so as to reduce personal risks, etc. By raising awareness of risks and sharing knowledge, we can improve people's risk awareness.

Fifth, we should improve and perfect the intelligent urban monitoring and early warning system for major floods, and improve the preventability and initiative of disaster prevention and reduction. In recent years, some cities have established a "one-network management" system for safe urban operation around solving urban waterlogging and flood disasters. By deploying intelligent sensors, they have played a good role in flood prevention and reduction. Next, while major cities continue to promote the upgrading and transformation of urban flood control and drainage facilities, they should establish and improve the diversified investment mechanism of flood control technology, use modern technologies such as geographic information systems, remote sensing, the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, and drones, establish an intelligent dynamic perception and monitoring network for urban floods, monitor the water level, flow and other parameters of key areas such as rivers, reservoirs, and urban drainage systems in real time, quickly obtain real-time images of flood areas, make up for the shortcomings of traditional manual monitoring, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of flood response. Through big data analysis, urban flood risk maps and models are constructed to predict the possibility and trend of floods, and flood warning information and response guidelines are promptly released to the public through social media platforms, so as to improve the intelligence, refinement and scientific level of urban flood control and effectively respond to flood challenges.

How to strengthen the construction of a flood prevention and disaster resilience system? General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions! The main flood season has fully begun
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