Today's data highlights: Hunan welcomes the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the flood season; Xinjiang's coal production increases against the trend

Release time:Jun 20, 2024 18:24 PM

Hunan Meteorological Observatory issued a blue rainstorm warning at 6:00 on June 20: from 8:00 on June 20 to 8:00 on June 21, heavy rain will fall in Yueyang, Changde, Zhangjiajie and other places. Since June 16, Hunan has experienced the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of the flood season, and some areas have been severely affected.

According to the latest release from the Ministry of Water Resources, affected by rainfall and upstream water, the peak water level at the Guilin Hydrological Station, the control station of the upper reaches of the Guijiang River in Guangxi, was 148.88 meters at 0:55 on June 20, exceeding the guaranteed water level by 1.88 meters. The corresponding flow was 6,380 cubic meters per second. Both the water level and flow ranked first since measured data were available in 1958.

The Ministry of Water Resources maintains a Level III emergency response to flood prevention in Guangxi, and two working groups are on the front line of flood prevention in Guangxi to guide local governments in their flood prevention work.

Xinjiang's coal production has increased against the trend. Can it shake Shanxi's position as the "coal boss"?

Although the coal market is declining, Xinjiang's raw coal output still maintains a relatively high growth rate, leading the major coal production areas and forming a contrast with Shanxi, the "coal boss". As an important continuation of my country's coal supply, will Xinjiang become the new "coal boss" in the future?

According to the information released by China Railway Corporation recently, in the first five months of this year, the railway department has completed the export of 35.057 million tons of Xinjiang coal, an increase of 11.593 million tons and 49.4% year-on-year. After the implementation of the new train operation diagram of the national railway on June 15, Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway will add 6 freight trains, further improving the export capacity of Xinjiang coal.

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed that in May, the output of industrial raw coal was 383.853 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 0.8%; the cumulative output from January to May was 1857.878 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 3.0%. Against the backdrop of declining national coal production, the four major coal production areas of Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and Xinjiang, which account for 80% of the country's coal production, are in different situations.

In May, the output of raw coal in Xinjiang and Shaanxi increased by 12.3% and 5.3% year-on-year respectively, while that in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia decreased by -6.9% and -1.2% respectively; from January to May, the cumulative year-on-year output of raw coal in Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and Xinjiang increased by 2.7%, 1.4% and 6.6% respectively, while the cumulative year-on-year output of raw coal in Shanxi decreased by 15.0%.

The number of AI companies in my country has exceeded 4,000

As an important driving force for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, artificial intelligence is providing new impetus for accelerating the development of new quality productivity.

On June 20, the 2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo opened at the National Exhibition and Convention Center. With the theme of "Intelligent Travel Across the World, Enabling a Dynamic Future", the expo focused on presenting the top technology products in the field of global intelligent technology, and set up special exhibition areas for hot areas such as artificial intelligence large models and low-altitude economy.

In his speech, Liu Liehong, director of the National Data Bureau, said that artificial intelligence has become a strategic emerging industry that leads the scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. It has a "leading goose" effect with strong spillover and driving force, and plays a vital role in the development of the intelligent industry.

Liu Liehong said that as an important direction for the development of the new generation of artificial intelligence technology, big models can efficiently empower thousands of industries. On the one hand, we should accelerate the promotion of big model infrastructure, and combine it with high-quality industry data sets to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to use big models to cultivate an innovative ecosystem; on the other hand, we should promote the coordinated construction and inclusive and efficient use of general big model infrastructure, guide enterprises to coordinate and avoid blind development.

“We must accelerate the construction of a national integrated computing system and improve the layout of data infrastructure.

The development of artificial intelligence has put forward higher demands for intelligent computing power. The National Data Bureau is coordinating the integrated layout of multi-source heterogeneous computing power such as intelligent computing, general computing, and super computing with the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant departments, coordinating the integrated coordination of computing power in the east, middle and west, coordinating the integrated application of computing power with data and algorithms, coordinating the integrated integration of computing power and green electricity, and coordinating the integrated promotion of computing power development and security assurance, promoting the construction of a national integrated computing power system with networked dispatching, universal and easy-to-use, green and safe, and supporting the high-quality development of the digital economy with the high-quality development of computing power. "Liu Liehong said.

China is a major producer of coffee machines. From the beginning of this year to now, export orders have soared. In a coffee machine manufacturer in Foshan, Guangdong, ten production lines are in full production. The person in charge of overseas markets said that from January this year to now, orders have been pouring in, and working overtime to catch up with orders has become the norm. According to the latest data provided by Foshan Customs, from January to May this year, the export value of Shunde coffee machines was 1.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.4%.

Lost Civilizations: Data on stolen cultural relics in China
Lost Civilizations: Data on stolen cultural relics in China

"Are you taking me back to China?" The previously popular online short film "Escape from the British Museum" has once again brought the somewhat poignant issue of "returning cultural relics" into the public eye. In fact, the theft of cultural relics is still a severe test faced by the international community. The theft, excavation and illegal trafficking of cultural relics are important reasons for the depletion of cultural heritage resources and the destruction of historical memories and cultural genes in many countries. China's Stolen Cultural Relics Information Release Platform is the National Cultural Relics Crime Information Center established at the Shaanxi Provincial Public Security Department under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. Its main function is to provide legal basis for the legal pursuit of cultural relics lost overseas in my country, and to combat cultural relics crimes and regulate cultural relics. Provide information support for market management and other work, and provide reporting channels for the general public to participate in cultural relics protection work. Read the above data carefully and you will be shocked.

Today's data selection: Train ticket sales hit a new historical high; Experts say the cause of female monkeypox infection is not yet clear
Today's data selection: Train ticket sales hit a new historical high; Experts say the cause of female monkeypox infection is not yet clear

22.877 million copies! On the 15th, train ticket sales reached a new historical high. According to China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., the railway department began selling tickets on September 15th, the first day of the National Day Golden Week holiday, which was September 29th. The daily ticket sales reached 22.877 million, of which the ticket sales on the Railway 12306 website reached 20.95 million, all setting a new record for daily ticket sales. The person in charge of the Passenger Transport Department of China Railway Group introduced that ticket sales reflect the travel needs of the public and the trend of economic and social development. On September 15th, ticket sales reached a new historical high, with the 12306 railway system receiving 53.2 billion visits, reflecting a stronger demand for passenger travel during the upcoming National Day Golden Week. Moutai Ice Cream Shop requires a pairing sale of liquor and chocolate on September 16th at 15:30. Moutai and Defu jointly sell liquor and chocolate

Today's data selection: Large scale price increase of traditional Chinese medicine; The magnitude of global temperature rise in the next five years may exceed the original threshold
Today's data selection: Large scale price increase of traditional Chinese medicine; The magnitude of global temperature rise in the next five years may exceed the original threshold

The large-scale price increase of 25 commonly used bulk Chinese medicinal materials has exceeded 200%. Since June this year, the continuous rise in prices of Chinese medicinal materials nationwide has attracted attention from all parties. According to reports released by relevant industry associations, in several major wholesale and trading markets of traditional Chinese medicine, such as Bozhou in Anhui, Anguo in Hebei, Chengdu in Sichuan, and Yulin in Guangxi, over 200 conventional varieties have increased by more than 50% compared to the same period last year, 25 commonly used bulk medicinal materials have increased by more than 200%, and some varieties have even increased in price by 4 to 9 times. Experts explain that the primary factor driving up the price of traditional Chinese medicine is the frequent occurrence of abnormal weather, which leads to a reduction in the production of traditional Chinese medicine. Meanwhile, as the recognition of traditional Chinese medicine among the general public deepens, the market demand for traditional Chinese medicine health care is also increasing. Ranking of Talent Attraction in Chinese Cities: Over 70% of Eastern Cities in Top 100, Beijing and Shanghai are Deep Dwelling Cities

Today's data selection: Experts say iodized salt cannot prevent radiation; Double the number of sashimi orders in Japanese restaurants | Global | Data
Today's data selection: Experts say iodized salt cannot prevent radiation; Double the number of sashimi orders in Japanese restaurants | Global | Data

Experts say that iodized salt cannot prevent radiation. Japan announced the launch of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea on the afternoon of August 24th, which has sparked global attention and discussion, leading to a "salt rush" in many places. For this reason, experts from @ Science Defying and @ China News Network @ Sina New Knowledge Connection stated that the proportion of raw materials used in China's production of table salt, including sea salt, well salt, and lake salt, is 22%, 61%, and 17%, indicating that sea salt is not the main raw material. Moreover, China's salt production is safe and its salt reserves are sufficient, so there is no need to hoard salt. Some people also hoard salt because they have heard that eating iodized salt can prevent radiation. In fact, the iodine and potassium iodide in iodized salt are not high, and neither of them has radiation protection effects. Suspending imports of Japanese aquatic products: Japanese restaurant sashimi ordering volume doubles. On August 24th, according to the General Administration of Customs

Today's data selection: The era of global boiling has arrived; Du Suri has caused 720000 people in Fujian to be affected by the disaster scale | Pets | Global
Today's data selection: The era of global boiling has arrived; Du Suri has caused 720000 people in Fujian to be affected by the disaster scale | Pets | Global

The national pet diagnosis and treatment market has a scale of over 67 billion yuan. The shortage of practicing veterinarians in China has reached 300000 people. Summer is a high incidence period for pet skin diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, canine distemper and other diseases, which has led to a surge in demand for pet medical care. At present, there are nearly 20000 pet diagnosis and treatment institutions nationwide, with a market size of about 67.5 billion yuan, accounting for approximately 22.5% of the entire pet industry. Meanwhile, some pet consumption disputes have also increased accordingly. At present, the charging standards for pet immunization and diagnosis services in China are independently customized by pet hospital operators based on operating costs and market supply and demand. In addition, the low entry barriers, low technical abilities, and imperfect talent evaluation system of pet healthcare personnel also limit the development of the pet healthcare industry. According to statistics, the current shortage of practicing veterinarians in China is around 300000 people. Du Suri has caused 720000 people in Fujian to suffer from disasters