The 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference will open on July 2 with the first new technology and product release area

Release time:Jun 21, 2024 09:12 AM

With the approval of the State Council, the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference, hosted by the Beijing Municipal People's Government and the Cyberspace Administration of China, will be held at the National Convention Center from July 2 to 5, and the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference Lhasa High-level Forum will be held in late July.

It is reported that the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference is themed "Opening a New Era of Digital Intelligence, Sharing a New Digital Future" and has set up a "163N" activity framework, including an opening ceremony and main forum, six high-level forums, three brand-featured activities, and multiple special forums and series of activities.

At the relevant press conference held today, Pan Feng, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, introduced that this conference has set up a new technology and new product release area for the first time, and many cutting-edge technologies and products will be launched and debuted at the conference site to showcase the latest achievements in the innovation and development of digital technology. The conference also enriched the scenes for audience participation and experience and expanded the scale of experience.

He said that this conference will continue to expand the "circle of friends" of global digital economy partner cities, start to build a cooperation network of domestic and foreign business associations, and promote the establishment of a long-term cooperation mechanism. The conference will discuss deepening regional digital cooperation such as Beijing-Tibet, Beijing-Inner Mongolia, Beijing-Xinjiang, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and build a solid platform for coordinated development. At the same time, the conference will build an enterprise exchange platform and strive to achieve integrated development of digital and real integration.

This year's conference has taken a step forward in terms of "professionalism" and "internationality". According to Zhao Junqian, deputy secretary-general of the China Communications Enterprise Association, the conference will hold six high-level forums and several special forums. Among them, the high-level forums are themed on digital security, Internet 3.0, digital transformation, data elements, global governance, and digital bridges across the Himalayas; in addition to covering the main topics in the field of digital economy, the special forums also include the "East-West Digital Economy Face-to-Face Forum" to connect the digital economy between the east and the west, the "Eurasian Digital Economy Cooperation Forum" to promote digital economy cooperation in the Eurasian region, the "Digital Ecosystem Overseas Development Forum" to promote domestic and international exchanges, the "Digital Economy 'Her Power' Forum" to give full play to the power of women, and the "Wireless Technology and Application Forum" to promote the innovative development of wireless technology.

Xu Pengfei, deputy secretary-general of the Lhasa Municipal People's Government, said that the Lhasa High-level Forum is the fourth consecutive year that Lhasa has hosted related activities as a domestic venue for the Global Digital Economy Conference. This year, Lhasa will also form a high-level delegation to Beijing to attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference, participate in the 2024 East-West Digital Economy Face-to-Face, Beijing-Lhasa Digital Economy Collaborative Development Cooperation and Exchange Conference and other activities. This is the first time that Lhasa has fully displayed the achievements of digital economic development at the main venue.

The 2024 Global Digital Economy Conference will open on July 2 with the first new technology and product release area
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