The 2.0 version of the maintenance service platform was first launched in this street, and Changning District issued a follow-up management plan for the use of elevators

Release time:Jun 25, 2024 17:20 PM

"Whoever owns the elevator has the final say, whoever pays for the elevator has the final say, whoever manages the elevator has the final say" - this basic principle was reiterated in the "Implementation Plan for the Subsequent Use and Management of Elevators Installed in Existing Multi-storey Residential Buildings in Changning District" issued and implemented on June 25. On the morning of the same day, Jiangsu Road Subdistrict held a ceremony for the early completion of the installation of elevators in 2024 and the launch of the "E-elevator" comprehensive maintenance service platform. A highlight of the event was the subsequent use and management plan for the installation of elevators, which was released for the first time in Changning District.

The reporter learned from the Changning District Housing Administration that the first elevator installation project in the district started in 2013, was completed and put into use in 2016, and has been in operation for 8 years. In the past 11 years, a total of 846 elevators have been completed in the district, most of which were completed after 2020. Although it is not yet the stage of large-scale elevator replacement, the maintenance authority, fund allocation, and ownership of rights and responsibilities after the elevator is added are gradually becoming the new "urgent concerns" of residents in the "post-elevator era".

The purpose of issuing and implementing the Plan is to solve problems such as "difficulty in raising residents' fees" and "difficulty in determining the management entity". By practicing people's democracy throughout the entire process, it guides residents to negotiate rationally, ensures a smooth transition after the expiration of the free maintenance period for additional elevators, provides directional guidance and support for subsequent maintenance of additional elevators, and establishes a long-term, normalized supervision mechanism for additional elevator maintenance.

The reporter noticed that the "Plan" specifically mentioned that for existing elevator addition projects whose free maintenance period is about to expire, the local streets and towns have the responsibility to guide the owners of the installed elevators to start the renewal or re-selection of the elevator use management unit as soon as possible, and to make good material handover when changing the elevator use management unit.

In mid-June, a symposium was held to collect suggestions from Fangda District. Photo by Shu Shu

Before the "Plan" was officially released, the Changning District Housing Authority, the District Market Supervision Bureau and other units formed a research team and held several seminars to collect suggestions. In mid-June, at a seminar held in the Fangda Community of Tianshan Road Street, a community cadre pointed out that among the 20 elevators currently installed in the community, one-third of the elevator construction agents had not handed over all the materials to the property management. As for who is in charge of the elevators and how the specific maintenance is, the residential area lacks management and service tools.

A property manager pointed out that when some elevator projects were handed over to the property management after the three-year free maintenance expired, there was almost no sign of cleaning, and the property management had no authority to pursue responsibility, so they could only carry out regular maintenance for the elevators as soon as possible. Some construction agents also failed to provide complete elevator usage data and inspection reports when handing over the elevator maintenance authority, which made the work difficult for the property management that took over.

At this time, the release of the "Plan" is particularly critical. In May this year, the suggestion collection symposium went to Zhoujiaqiao Street, the first street in Changning District to start the consultation on the willingness to add elevators, complete the installation of the first elevator, explore the first batch of elevators, and introduce the "insurance maintenance" market-oriented maintenance operation model. Community cadres excitedly said that after the release of the "Plan", grassroots cadres will no longer "talk on paper", but communicate with residents with "black and white" regulations, so that more people will realize that adding elevators is not the end, and subsequent maintenance is a new beginning.

The reporter found in several seminars that residents all mentioned that members of some autonomous elevator installation groups and corridor "three-person groups" are often retired residents. As they grow older, when the elevators installed after 10 or 15 years reach the stage where they need to be replaced, the members of the autonomous groups may be too old to effectively recall the details of the elevator installation.

A resident of Anlong Community told reporters that he is 65 years old this year. By the time he is over 70 or 80 years old, he may no longer remember the details such as the proportion of fund allocation when installing the elevator. A professional management party is needed to take over the materials, certificates and various meeting minutes accumulated by the autonomous group when adding the elevator to deal with future needs.

The reporter noticed that the third-party management model for the elevator project was detailed and clarified in the Plan. In particular, in response to residents' concerns about "what to do with the elevator after the property management company leaves", it was clarified that if the property service contract is terminated, the original property service company must provide the use and management services of the installed elevator in accordance with the terms of the entrusted management agreement. Similarly, if residents fail to pay service fees in a timely manner and fail to fulfill relevant obligations, the elevator use management unit can suspend the use of the elevator according to procedures to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

On the same day, Jiangsu Road Subdistrict launched the "E-elevator" comprehensive maintenance service platform, which is a 2.0 version of the intelligent management system developed on the basis of Shanghai's first "E-elevator" online service center. At present, the subdistrict has 52 Class A buildings that can be installed with doors. As of June this year, 55 elevators have been built and 6 are under construction, taking the lead in completing the three target tasks of "starting, completing, and delivering" for the installation of elevators in Changning District in 2024. Among them, Changxin Community officially realized the installation of elevators in the entire community this year.

Jiangsu Road Street also jointly launched the "Jiangsu Road Street Community Smart Cloud Platform" with regional co-construction units such as West District Telecom and Yanba Technology, which includes four major module functions: smart cloud space, smart cloud access control, smart cloud charging, and smart cloud elevators. It will be simultaneously linked to the "E-Elevator" comprehensive maintenance service platform to achieve "one-stop platform, diversified connection, and full-cycle maintenance" for adding elevators, so that residents' maintenance needs can be truly heard and maintenance data can be actually seen.

The 2.0 version of the maintenance service platform was first launched in this street, and Changning District issued a follow-up management plan for the use of elevators
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