Four key points are quickly screened, and short videos of popular medical science are mixed.

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 01:43 AM

"Eat more egg yolks if you have cancer", "7 rules to avoid going to the hospital in your life", "Just rub it every day and all diseases will go away"... Many short video platforms are full of self-proclaimed health management and health tips. The "experts" and "physicians" whose stories have no scientific basis are conclusive, and even make up nonsense to create anxiety. While spreading wrong information, they also mislead some members of the public who are eager to seek medical treatment and have health anxiety. How to quickly distinguish between true and false, and spot fake health care and fake science popularization? The Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform launched an investigation.

Behind many accounts that provide health tips are not professional doctors, but may just be a cultural media company. In an account that shares Baduanjin and Yi Jin Jing, common fitness exercises are described as panaceas, such as "Three switches to sleep well and eat well" and "rubbing every day will eliminate all diseases without leaving a trace." To digest food after a meal, turn your thumb.”

On the account "Zhang An [Mingde Culture]", the certification shows that it is Fujian Zhang An Cultural Industry Co., Ltd., but it directly publishes so-called traditional Chinese medicine case analysis and diagnosis videos with the purpose of selling online and offline courses.

Many of the accounts offering health tips are not professional doctors.

Some accounts that treat psychological problems have lower registration thresholds. An account claiming to apply Oxford University's mindfulness cognition and stress reduction courses, and sell emotion cognition courses and sleep experience courses. Without any academic degree or qualification certification, the text in the video calls itself "Dr. Zhang Haimin, teacher of Oxford University's mindfulness cognition course." .

At the same time, the account is suspected of incubating a small account "Dr. Zhang Team-Speaking of Sleep". The photo shows the same as "Jue Xin Mindfulness", which is a male image named "Dr. Zhang Haimin". The registration certification states that he is a national level three Psychological counselor. However, when browsing the video, there was only one woman who claimed to have a history of anxiety disorder, and she was not "Dr. Zhang" herself, providing so-called experience sharing.

The content of his narration has nothing to do with mental health. There are even words such as "two actions can reveal your character", "what you usually say will shape your destiny", "being too nice to others will not end well", etc., which only intensifies the psychological poisoning. Public anxiety.

Such accounts use or borrow terminology from traditional Chinese medicine to attract attention, or use over-exaggerated or absolute expressions to attract attention. They give absolute diagnostic opinions and treatment suggestions without a diagnosis and treatment background, and even give specific medication guidance, which creates a negative impact on the public. Seriously misleading and illegal content.

When browsing short videos, you must pay attention to whether the account is an e-commerce author, whether it has opened e-commerce showcases, community group buying and other functions, and whether it has signed a contract with an MCN organization. Many big Vs use this to promote products in the name of health care and health management. The effectiveness and authenticity of their content are questionable.

The account "Doctor Benevolence" shows that the degree is from the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although it does not have a medical qualification certification, it has a wide range of fans. It posted "Cancers eat more egg yolks" and "You cannot eat foreign corn because it contains spider genes", etc. Ridiculous remarks.

The account "Daxi Mijun" has more than 2 million fans, mostly young people. It is not difficult to find that the "3 methods! Develop a physique without dysmenorrhea!", "Nourishing the spleen and stomach in one month", "One video to solve women's qi and blood problems" mentioned in the video all point to the tea drinks, medicinal powders, etc. on the shelves Window merchandise.

Many big Vs use this to promote products in the name of health care and health management. The effectiveness and authenticity of their content are questionable.

In fact, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of my country has formulated national professional skills standards for "public nutritionists", and the Chinese Nutrition Society has also established a registered nutritionist level evaluation system, including the assessment and certification methods for registered dietitians and registered nutritional technicians. These are qualification certificates recognized by national authorities.

Using food to treat diseases or substitute medicine is not scientific in itself. The public must be vigilant and distinguish between accounts that publish so-called exclusive health secrets without authoritative qualification certification.

At present, major short video platforms have adjusted and strengthened the relevant regulations for some personal medical and health account certification applications. When the public generally searches for popular science content related to diseases, all those that appear are certified accounts. However, the platform also has areas to be improved in the process of certifying professional doctors.

A reporter from the Shanghai Rumor Refuting Platform noticed that the certification information of Dr. Wang, a doctor of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, is an attending physician in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. However, the reporter checked the official website and the WeChat public account registration service platform, but found no relevant introduction to the doctor.

The reporter dialed the manual customer service number through the official website and learned that the telephone number of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is 88001051. The reporter then called to check whether the doctor Wang was there, but the staff who answered the call repeatedly said, "I don't know him, I don't know this person."

In fact, if the general public wants to check whether the short video doctors are legitimate, they can check the official website of the National Health Commission’s doctor registration information.

By entering the doctor's name, the name of the medical institution, and the province where he or she is located, you can check whether the person is a practicing physician and all the practicing institutions where he is located.

The public can check physician practice information on the official website of the National Health Commission for physician practice registration information inquiry

Take the above-mentioned Dr. Wang as an example. She is indeed a practicing physician specializing in traditional Chinese medicine, and her main practice institution is also at the Guang'anmen Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. However, the actual department is the Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Outpatient Department, not the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition, she practices in 4 other institutions. For similar situations, platforms should also improve the accuracy of identity information.

A medical practitioner in Shanghai told reporters that more and more hospitals and doctors are willing to enter the short video platform. The main purpose is to save time and cost and provide patients with guidance on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, diet, daily management, etc. In her opinion, although the medical and health content on short video platforms is mixed, its communication methods are still worthy of learning by professional medical practitioners. For the public, if they want to quickly identify fake science, they can pay attention to the following points:

1. Whether the wording is rigorous. Professional doctors rarely use absolute words in their statements, because the human body is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Be wary of content that uses exaggerated effects or absolute terms to see if it is pseudo-science.

2. Whether to use individual extreme cases. The human body is complex, and everyone’s lifestyle and physique are different. Professional doctors will not deduce universal methods or provide opinions and suggestions through individual cases or special cases.

3. Whether to identify according to physical constitution. Dietary therapy and dietary supplements are common methods of health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine, but they need to be differentiated according to physical constitution and recommendations are made in categories. Therefore, professional doctors rarely propose an absolutely single dietary supplement program that is suitable for all body types.

4. Is there any traffic flow with goods? Many short video content does provide popular medical knowledge at the beginning, but in the end it is found that it is to promote products, so the content may be misleading or misleading. Professional doctors are not allowed to bring goods directly for the time being.

Four key points are quickly screened, and short videos of popular medical science are mixed.
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