Must it end with "special admission"?, the story of a technical secondary school student obsessed with mathematics

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 17, 2024 12:43 PM

Recently, the public's continued attention to the 17-year-old "math genius" Jiang Ping has evolved from the story itself to a debate on "whether colleges should make exceptions for admissions". Some colleges have been criticized by the public for only cautiously expressing to Jiang Ping that "applications are welcome". Considering that college entrance examination recruitment should take into account both fairness and efficiency, should the inspirational story of a technical secondary school student obsessed with mathematics really end with "exceptional admission"?

What moved us in the original story? It was the fact that "a 17-year-old technical secondary school girl won the 12th place in the global mathematics competition", and the details such as "she chose to go to technical secondary school after considering her family conditions and academic performance", "she met her 'mentor' teacher Wang Runqiu in the technical secondary school who encouraged her to study mathematics". These elements outlined an inspirational story that allows people to see the power of passion and rekindle the simple hope that "gold will always shine".

Jiang Ping's first 17 years of life, which were not paid attention to, are reminiscent of "The Moon and Sixpence". "Looking up at the stars with your feet on the ground" is the most inspiring part of this girl's story. On the other hand, most of the people touched by Jiang Ping have heard, witnessed, or even experienced the lingering anxiety of education. In the current educational environment, almost no one feels at ease, whether it is parents or children, schools or decision makers, whether in cities or rural areas, in preschool education or in higher education. In the hope of parents for their sons and daughters to become dragons and phoenixes, the trend of training and examinations has intensified and is constantly advanced. Even if many parents recognize that each child is a unique existence in cognition, they have to demand their children with uniform standards in action, just so that they can become more competitive individuals in the secular definition. This is why, when Jiang Ping's mathematical talent was seen, the public's focus shifted to "whether she can advance to the finals" and "whether she can be admitted to the university by exception".

But from Jiang Ping's perspective, if she fails to advance to the finals, if she fails to be admitted to the university by special admission, perhaps the cheerleaders will be disappointed, and perhaps the doubters will be complacent, but will her passion be worthless? Will people's onlookers of Jiang Ping be meaningless? Of course not. As an ordinary person, no one can make choices as they please, and it is very likely that you will have to do a job that is not creative, but if you can keep a passion that belongs to you in your heart, motivate yourself, and find people like you, it is undoubtedly a blessing in life. Just like teacher Wang Runqiu, his preciousness lies in the fact that as an ordinary person, he can do very extraordinary things in a seemingly ordinary position.

Therefore, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the cautious attitude of many colleges and universities towards "special admission". On the contrary, if colleges and universities rush to grab students and rashly extend the olive branch of "special admission", then the surprise of "technical secondary school students can also pursue their dreams" may eventually be reduced to "the end of the dream is college" because of "special admission". Vocational colleges will continue to be an educational desert that people stay away from. "Special admission" is also likely to once again arouse parents' enthusiasm for individual tutoring.

The essence of education is to explore and discover the unique creativity of individuals. How to guide people to understand themselves to a greater extent and find their own nature without interference is a more important educational exploration. If "a skill" becomes a stepping stone for colleges and universities again, colleges and universities also need to carefully consider and form a new talent selection mechanism from the mechanism, rather than arbitrarily "making special arrangements" for someone, which objectively aggravates parents' efforts in single training in order to prevent their children from losing at the starting line.

Back to the story itself: A 17-year-old technical secondary school student devoted himself to mathematical research and won the 12th place in the global mathematics competition. In this fast-paced society, people's hearts are often easily occupied by trivial matters and lose their passion and pursuit. The greatest thing about ordinary life is that no matter when and where you are, you can still embrace your passion and maintain the ability to discover beauty. The reason why student Jiang Ping and teacher Wang Runqiu are worthy of respect is that they have a pure passion for mathematics and see themselves in this passion. It is hoped that the public can exercise restraint and not project too much of their anxiety and expectations onto Jiang Ping, so that she can continue to love and focus on mathematics in her ordinary life.

Must it end with "special admission"?, the story of a technical secondary school student obsessed with mathematics
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