Today's data highlights: Many universities announced the freedom to change majors; Shanghai is expected to have more plum rains this year

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 18, 2024 18:34 PM

With the end of the college entrance examination, various universities have recently released their enrollment and training policies.

The First Financial Daily found that in this year's fall semester, many universities have adjusted their talent training models, including relaxing restrictions on undergraduate major changes and strengthening the layout of new engineering disciplines.

When filling out their majors, some students chose popular majors that are said to be easy to find jobs in, while others were transferred during the college entrance examination and studied majors they did not like at all. Survey data shows that 79.0% of the respondents have thought about changing their majors. However, this kind of distress of finding that the major is not suitable after admission but it is difficult to change majors will be improved this year.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University announced that starting from 2024, the school will fully open up major changes. Students can apply for major changes multiple times with "zero threshold" in their freshman, sophomore, and junior years, and can also transfer between the main campus and the medical school.

Fudan University also recently stated that, except for special restrictions on major changes, Fudan students can apply for a major change in the first or second year after entering the school according to relevant regulations. In particular, starting from 2022, the major change channel between medical and non-medical majors has been opened in both directions.

Many listed companies have released plans to encourage employees to have children

Since the implementation of the three-child policy, the intensive introduction of measures to encourage childbirth has had an increasingly positive impact. At the same time, in the current process of building a child-friendly society, it is necessary for all sectors of society to form a joint force. Among them, more and more companies have joined the ranks of encouraging childbirth.

Recently, Guangzhou-based gaming company 37 Interactive Entertainment released its "New Generation Plan". The company will set up the "37 New Generation Fund" and inject a budget of over 10 million yuan into the fund to provide fertility benefits to eligible employees. This plan is a corporate practice of "creating a fertility-friendly environment".

According to reports, the "New Generation Plan" aims to reduce the cost of childbirth for employees and relieve the pressure on their families through actual financial support. The plan will provide a fertility fund of 20,000 yuan per child to formal employees who have been employed for two years. For "multiple children in the same pregnancy", the amount of the fund will increase by 10,000 yuan for each additional child. In addition, the fund will not only benefit female employees, but also the families of male employees will enjoy the same welfare policy.

According to statistics from the First Financial Daily, more than ten well-known companies have released measures to encourage employees to have children since 2021. Among them are many listed companies such as Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, Miniso, Ctrip, Qunar, Da Beinong, and Qiaoyin Shares.

Russia once again becomes Europe's largest natural gas supplier

According to news on June 17, data from the British company ICIS showed that in May this year, Europe's natural gas imports from Russia exceeded those from the United States for the first time in nearly two years, and Russia once again became the largest natural gas supplier to Europe.

Shanghai enters plum rain season, more plum rain is expected in Shanghai this year

According to the latest meteorological data, the plum rain belt is gradually moving from the south to the north to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are entering a period of concentrated heavy rainfall. It is expected that Shanghai will enter the plum rain season on the 19th. The first heavy rain to rainstorm will hit on the 19th and 20th, and may be accompanied by thunderstorms and short-term heavy rainfall. According to the forecast of the Shanghai Climate Center, the amount of plum rain in the city this year is relatively high. The temperature and humidity are high, and we need to prepare for all-round response.

Abdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, refers to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, which manifests as an increase in waist circumference. Doctors say that if a male waist circumference is ≥ 90 cm and a female waist circumference is ≥ 85 cm, it is considered abdominal obesity. Abdominal obesity is very harmful to the body, not only easily causing fractures, but also easily causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease and cerebral hemorrhage.

The secretaries are most concerned about this matter, and the "first meeting of the New Year" in each province and city
The secretaries are most concerned about this matter, and the "first meeting of the New Year" in each province and city

On the first day of construction, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee issued a "Notice on Carrying out a Grand Discussion on Emancipating the Mind in the Province", which triggered heated discussions. In the afternoon of the same day, the province's "first meeting of the New Year" - the province's investment promotion work conference was held in Changsha, emphasizing that focusing on investment promotion, economic development, and development should be focused on emancipating the mind and implementing it. Concrete actions. The relationship between "liberating the mind" and "attracting investment" can be interpreted in multiple ways. However, judging from the “first meeting of the New Year” held in various places after the Spring Festival, Hunan is by no means alone in attaching importance to investment promotion. In addition to some conferences directly with the theme of attracting investment, whether it is Henan's "Ten Thousand People Helping Thousands of Enterprises" or the "Optimizing Business Environment" of many provinces, they all embody a similar spirit of Hunan's "people are united as one, pro-business and valuing business" urgency and determination. most popular everywhere

Today’s data selection: Huaqiangbei VisionPro sells for just over 1,000; fermented bean curd becomes popular overseas
Today’s data selection: Huaqiangbei VisionPro sells for just over 1,000; fermented bean curd becomes popular overseas

Huaqiangbei VisionPro sells for just over 1,000 yuan. When the United States on the other side of the ocean officially welcomed the launch of Apple's VisionPro on February 2, China's Huaqiangbei manufacturers were already "restless." A Shenzhen company called "Yijing Virtual" has attracted much attention recently because it has launched a VR product that almost replicates VisonPro in appearance and sells for only more than 1,000 yuan. This product has already appeared at some industry exhibitions, and has successively landed at the Wuzhen Internet Conference and the US CES show. The day before VisionPro was released, Jiemian News reporters met Shi Qing at Yijing Virtual Company. He does not shy away from talking about labels such as "Huaqiangbei", "low-end" and "cottage". On the contrary, he believes that these labels can bring attention to the company, thereby attracting more

Today's data selection: Strawberry prices are 20% to 30% cheaper than last year; it has been ten years since the last freeze warning was issued
Today's data selection: Strawberry prices are 20% to 30% cheaper than last year; it has been ten years since the last freeze warning was issued

The price of strawberries is 20% to 30% cheaper than last year. Now is the season when winter strawberries are on the market in large quantities. How is the market situation of winter strawberries this year? The reporter learned in Yunnan, a major strawberry growing province, that strawberry production this year increased by about 30% compared with last year, and the price was also 20%-30% cheaper than last year. In addition, strawberry varieties have become diverse, with seven or eight varieties. In order to maintain freshness, strawberries are packaged and transported in different ways. Long-distance transported strawberries need to go through the "chilling" process and enter the fresh-keeping cold storage. Strawberry operators said that the use of pre-cooling to preserve freshness can help slow down the saccharification and self-ripening processes. Have you bought strawberries this winter? Which variety of strawberries do you like best? The ratio of male to female patients with lupus erythematosus is about 1:9. Symptoms of lupus erythematosus are more severe when estrogen levels are higher. Recently, actor Zhou Haimei unfortunately passed away.

Today's data selection: 200 night high-speed trains will be added during the National Day holiday; 11 people arrested in JPEX fraud case!
Today's data selection: 200 night high-speed trains will be added during the National Day holiday; 11 people arrested in JPEX fraud case!

According to the Ministry of Public Security, 153 cross-border naked chat phone fraud suspects were escorted back to China. The night before last, 153 suspect of cross-border naked chat phone fraud were captured by the Chinese police and the Indonesian police through police law enforcement cooperation. They were escorted back from Indonesia by the public security authorities in Beijing and Shandong. More than 100 cross-border naked chat extortion cases involving multiple provinces and cities across the country were successfully solved. In response to the current situation of high incidence of naked chat extortion crimes, the Ministry of Public Security has organized and deployed public security organs in Beijing, Shandong and other places to closely monitor key cases, strengthen research and analysis, strengthen clue investigation, and preliminarily grasp the relevant situation of the large-scale cross-border naked chat extortion criminal gangs operating within Indonesia. In August this year, the Ministry of Public Security dispatched personnel to lead a working group of police officers from Beijing and Shandong public security organs to Indonesia to carry out work. With the strong support of our embassy in Indonesia and the police liaison officer

But it may not necessarily replicate the path of the "demographic dividend", as India's population surpasses China's | dividend | population
But it may not necessarily replicate the path of the "demographic dividend", as India's population surpasses China's | dividend | population

According to the United Nations forecast, the population of India has already reached or even surpassed that of China. In 2022, India's total economic output has surpassed that of the UK, becoming the world's fifth largest economy. Can India, which has become the world's most populous country, leverage its scale advantage to replicate economic miracles like China in the future? What is the "demographic dividend" window period? According to the definition of economics, "demographic dividend" refers to the economic growth effect that accompanies the increase in the proportion of labor force in the total population. The demographic dividend often occurs during a period of population transition when fertility rates are just beginning to decline. When the proportion of children, especially the elderly, decreases, and the proportion of young and middle-aged labor force is less than 50%, it means that the opportunity window period may have arrived. In recent years, the number and proportion of elderly people in India have slowly increased, with those aged 15 and above