Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:39 PM

The yang of Shen Shui has a long cultural heritage.

The vast black land and the surging waters of the Liao River have nurtured Shenyang, a powerful and heroic city, and nurtured a unique cultural character.

Opening up the urban history of Shenyang, three cultural threads are clearly displayed——

The prehistoric culture over 7200 years ago, the history of city construction over 2300 years ago, and the "birthplace of one dynasty, capital of two emperors"... have such a profound historical background;

The former site of the Communist Party of China Manchuria Provincial Committee, the Korean War Martyrs Cemetery, and the former site of the New China Special Military Tribunal for the Trial of Japanese War Criminals... The bright red background is particularly shining;

Model worker who is as bright as stars, a great power with high morale, and many "firsts" in the industrial history of New China... What a glorious industrial civilization.

All of this has settled in the urban bloodline of Shenyang, forming a unique cultural gene and urban character, nourishing generations of Shenyang people.

The night sky of Shenyang city captured on June 5, 2023. Photo by Yang Qing, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Long Context: Nurturing Urban Temperament

Shenyang City North, Xinle Site Museum.

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

On the weekend of early summer, children come to this human site over 7200 years ago to search for its roots in archaeology.

This human site, excavated 50 years ago, advances the history of human activity in Shenyang to over 7200 years ago.

To observe the present, it is advisable to learn from the past. Without the past, one cannot achieve the present.

From the history of human activities to the construction of cities, from Shenzhou, Shengjing, Fengtian to Shenyang... The vicissitudes of life are deeply engraved in the cultural memory of cities.

The Shenyang Palace Museum, Qingzhao Mausoleum, and Qingfu Mausoleum - three world cultural heritage sites, witness the rich history of Shenyang.

The Shenyang Palace Museum, founded in 1625, is one of the two well preserved ancient palace architectural complexes in China. Its Wensu Pavilion once housed a complete set of the Complete Library of Four Treasuries. Throughout the years, this place has attracted a constant stream of Chinese and foreign tourists. Climbing onto the Phoenix Tower and gazing into the distance, half of Shenyang can be seen in full view. "Even if you try to climb a tall building today, the Liao River is still hidden between your legs." - The feeling of climbing from the Qianlong era is truly reproduced.

"The value of the Shenyang Palace Museum is no longer limited to its palaces, pavilions, and terraces. It is a witness to the excellent traditional Chinese culture, continuing the historical context, carrying the memory of the city, and demonstrating the cultural strength of the city." said Chu Guoqing, President of the Shenyang Cultural Heritage Protection and Research Association.

Under the cultivation of a thousand years of cultural heritage, Shenyang has nurtured a strong, confident, atmospheric, and innovative urban temperament.

In recent years, Shenyang has been focusing on extracting historical and cultural elements from its buildings, protecting and renovating historical buildings, and giving rise to a variety of business formats. After the renovation and upgrading of Shenyang Middle Street, which has a history of nearly 400 years, the antique business plaques and giant 3D screens complement each other, and popular snacks compete with time-honored brands in the same field, each with its own beauty, bringing vitality to the city; The old northern city of Shenyang, which has an equally long history, has been faithfully restored with folk scenes such as throwing circles for acrobatics, pulling Yangpian, blowing sugar, and selling large bowls of tea. Historical relics have bloomed with new colors

The Great Political Hall of the Shenyang Palace Museum.

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

Cultural confidence originates from the past and has evolved into the present.

The Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe has brought the treasure of Liaobo Town Hall, the painting of a beautiful woman with a hairpin flower, onto the stage, allowing the beautiful woman in the painting to leap out of the millennium long scroll; The scattered urban study rooms attract more and more young people to linger in them with their unique taste; Outside the Shenyang Palace Museum and in the Qing Dynasty cultural themed caf é, the phoenix shaped ice cream and ice cream are highly favored. The research and promotion of over a thousand cultural and creative products with Shenyang Palace Museum cultural elements have effectively spread history and culture

Heroic passion: condensed into urban character

Amidst the lush green pines and cypresses, the Shenyang Anti American and Aid Korea Martyrs Cemetery is solemn and dignified.

Here lie well-known martyrs of the volunteer army, such as Qiu Shaoyun and Huang Jiguang. The bone and blood of a hero merge with the earth, condensing into the distinctive urban character of this city.

In the Martyrs Cemetery, flowers bloom all year round. "Remembering the martyrs is a tradition that has remained unchanged in this city for over 70 years," said Wu Tao, director of the Shenyang Anti American and Korean Aid Martyrs Cemetery Management Center.

The heroic spirit of heaven and earth flows through the ages.

Since 2014, the remains of the Korean Volunteer Army martyrs have been welcomed back to their homeland and buried in the Shenyang Anti American and Aid Korea Martyrs Cemetery. Every time a martyr returns home, it touches the hearts of the citizens of Shenyang. From the airport to the cemetery, tens of thousands of Shenyang citizens spontaneously stood on both sides of the street to welcome the martyrs and express their condolences and respect.

Shenyang was once the rear of the Korean War and the front line of the support battlefield.

Back in the day, nearly 40000 vehicles loaded with personnel and supplies were assembled and transferred here to the battlefield; More than 7400 local passionate youths enthusiastically joined the army and crossed the river; Countless engineering and technical personnel braved the bombing of enemy planes to repair bridges and ensure transportation lines... "Shenyang has mobilized the whole city's strength to resist the United States and aid North Korea, and defend the country," said Jing Shaofu, former director of the Shenyang Archives.

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

On September 28, 2020, the seventh batch of funeral ceremonies for the remains of Chinese People's Volunteer Army martyrs in South Korea were held at the Martyrs Cemetery of the Korean War in Shenyang. Photo by Yang Qing, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

The strong wind reveals the strong grass, and the fierce fire reveals the true gold.

No. 3 Fu'an Lane, Huangsi Road, Heping District, Shenyang City, is the former site of the Communist Party of China Manchuria Provincial Committee.

"In the magnificent centennial journey of the CPC, countless revolutionary ancestors left immortal marks in Shenyang, and the red blood was rooted in the city," said Liu Xiuhua, curator of the Memorial Hall of the former site of the CPC Manchuria Provincial Committee.

Here, the CPC lit the fire of Shenyang workers' movement.

On the day after the outbreak of the September 18 Incident, the first anti Japanese declaration in the country, the "Declaration of the Communist Party of China's Manchuria Provincial Committee on the Armed Occupation of Manchuria by Japanese Imperialism," was issued, sounding the horn of armed resistance against Japan to save the country and survive; Under the leadership of the CPC, Shenyang patriots risked their lives to collect evidence and announce the Japanese aggression to the world; The CPC has sent a large number of backbones to the northeast in succession to insist on armed resistance against Japan in the white mountains and black soil for 14 years

From the annual "Don't Forget September 18" alarm ringing and clock striking event, to visiting the New China Special Military Tribunal for the Trial of Japanese War Criminals; In recent years, Shenyang has fully exploited red resources, strengthened the protection of red resources, and told good red stories through the Internet and digital technology to inject fresh blood into the heroic spirit and red genes and integrate into the characteristics of the times, from the reconstruction of Zhou Enlai's former site of "studying for the rise of China" to the restoration of the national disaster memory coordinate "Beidaying".

Cultivate heroic spirit and spread the spirit through the flames.

Shenyang is a city where Lei Feng worked and studied. He spent over 300 days here, and the spirit of Lei Feng is deeply engraved in the urban spirit of Shenyang.

On February 28th this year, the ballet dance poem "Role Models" with Lei Feng as the theme, created and arranged by Liaoning Ballet Troupe, was performed at Liaoning Grand Theatre, presenting an unforgettable "first lesson" for many students; The Shenyang taxi fleet, named "Lei Feng", has been obligated to provide emergency support services for college entrance examination students for 10 consecutive years; Lei Feng Bookstore, Lei Feng Park, and Lei Feng Bank have been built in the city, and mass learning activities from Lei Feng are thriving

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

"In the promotion and inheritance of red culture and revolutionary spirit, Shenyang has drawn tremendous strength for progress," said Yu Zhenming, member of the Standing Committee of the Shenyang Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda.

On June 6, 2023, a high-speed train passed by the "September 18" History Museum in Shenyang. Photo by Yang Qing, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Model worker spirit: forging the spirit of revitalization

Tiexi District, Shenyang, China Industrial Museum.

A casting workshop about 30 meters high, with a huge cupola hanging in mid air, is stunning. The sunlight crosses the window frames inside the museum and sprinkles on the crisscrossing steel tracks

The China Industrial Museum, built on the former site of Shenyang Foundry, condenses the century old industrial history of Shenyang and records the city's rich industrial culture.

"In the process of contributing to many 'firsts' in the history of new China's industry, Shenyang has developed an industrial and cultural characteristic of being responsible, dedicated, and serving the country," said Wang Rongwei, the director of the China National Museum of Industry.

On November 2, 1948, Shenyang, which had just been liberated, was in dire straits. Under the leadership of the Party, workers in Tiexi District shouted the passionate slogan "Let the factory smoke" and worked tirelessly day and night, creating one miracle after another with the spirit of "ants gnawing on bones". They continuously transported a large number of industrial products to the country and the front line, supporting national liberation and the construction of New China.

A Chronicle of Tiexi District, a heroic song——

In 1956, the National Conference of Advanced Producers was held in Beijing, and 46 people from Tiexi District, Shenyang were awarded the title of "National Advanced Producer".

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

In 1957, a series of equipment products such as ordinary lathes, rock drills, gliders, rubber boats, and 25 ton tower cranes produced in Tiexi District accounted for 100% of the national market share.

Zhao Guoguo, Ma Hengchang, Wei Fengying... A large number of model workers are famous throughout the country, and their unique craftsmanship spirit and model worker culture make this city shine brightly.

This spirit and culture have been passed down from generation to generation and are constantly evolving.

On November 25, 2012, after watching the handmade J-15 fighter successfully land on the Liaoning ship, 51 year old Luo Yang, the helmsman of Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, suddenly suffered a heart attack and passed away, writing his life in the sea and sky of his motherland.

From the batch installation of aircraft carriers and carrier based aircraft to the deep diving of the Jiaolong, and then to the production of 1.5 million ton ethylene compressor units and fully independent intellectual property heavy-duty gas turbines... From solving each problem from scratch to achieving each one from existence to strength, Shenyang in the new era is still continuously contributing to the "first" and creating magic.

Time flies as the stars move. The factory buildings and machine components that once made contributions to the industry of New China are regarded by the people of Shenyang as a precious "historical language" and "cultural expression" of the city, and are cherished even more.

Citizens are visiting an art exhibition at the Hongmei Cultural and Creative Park Art Museum. Photo by Yang Qing, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Shenyang Hongmei Monosodium Glutamate Factory was once a leading domestic enterprise in the production of monosodium glutamate. The industrial factory buildings that were left behind have been renovated and "revived" into a cultural and creative park, becoming a place for many young people to start their own businesses.

"At that time, the train brought in raw materials and took away finished monosodium glutamate. Now, the old train has become a popular restaurant on the internet, and the old factory has built a taste museum," said Sun Mingjun, the general manager of Shenyang Hongmei Cultural and Creative Park.

The second metalworking workshop of Shenzhong Group in the past is now the 1905 Cultural and Creative Park; The former Shenyang Dongmao Warehouse, today it is the Times Library City Study; The Shenyang Sandcloth Factory in the past, today it is the Iron Anchor Cultural and Creative Park... Shenyang has transformed a batch of industrial heritage left by history into cultural landmarks of the new era, giving new life.

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a Sample City | Shenshui Haodang Wenyun Xin - Decoding the Cultural Confidence of the Ancient City of Shenyang as a Sample City | Shenyang | Shenshui

"Over the years, we have taken a building photo, painted a beautiful corner of the city, and sung a section of the city's history. Through the use of 'city photo albums, city picture albums, and city songs', we have opened up a new perspective for better inheriting the city's cultural heritage." Wang Jing, Vice Chairman of the Shenyang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, introduced.

Yue Yang, Deputy Director of the Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, said that Shenyang is accelerating the expansion of the "culture+" dimension, enhancing the cultural empowerment effect, and amplifying the integration and penetration function of culture and tourism. Leading the integration of culture and tourism with new formats and creativity, and consolidating internal momentum for revitalization and development with new practices in the humanities and economy.

The river of culture flows forever, and the fertile soil contains the essence of culture.

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