Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the State of Palestine on Establishing Strategic Partnership | China | Strategic Partnership

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:44 PM

At the invitation of the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping, President Mahmoud Abbas of the State of Palestine paid a state visit to China from June 13 to 16, 2023.

The two heads of state exchanged in-depth views on China Pakistan bilateral relations and the Palestinian issue in a friendly and friendly atmosphere, and reached broad consensus. The two heads of state highly praised the traditional friendship between China and Pakistan, and unanimously believed that both sides have always trusted and supported each other, and are true good friends, good partners, and good brothers; We unanimously agree to establish a strategic partnership between China and Pakistan, comprehensively promote friendly cooperation in various fields, and benefit the people of both sides.

1. and China will continue to firmly support each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns. Pakistan firmly adheres to the one-China principle, supports China in safeguarding its national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and resolutely opposes any interference in China's internal affairs by any force; reaffirms that the the People's Republic of China Government is the sole legitimate Government representing the whole of China and that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory; resolutely opposes any form of "Taiwan independence"; reaffirms that it will not conduct any form of official contacts with Taiwan; and supports all efforts made by the Chinese Government to achieve national reunification; we firmly support China's position on Hong Kong-related issues, support China's efforts to safeguard national security under the framework of "one country, two systems", firmly believe that Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, strongly condemn the illegal acts of external forces interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs, and reiterate that the Xinjiang-related issue is not a human rights issue at all, but an issue of anti-violence, de-radicalization and anti-secession.

China firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, and will always stand with the Palestinian people and make unremitting efforts to promote an early, comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue; firmly supports the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital; supports the maintenance of the status quo in the history of the holy religious sites in Jerusalem; and supports Palestine's becoming a full member of the United Nations; support Palestine to strengthen internal unity; support Palestine to resume peace talks with Israel on the basis of the "land for peace" principle, relevant UN resolutions, and the "two-state plan" to achieve peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel.

2. Pakistan highly values the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by the People's Republic of China President Xi Jinping. The two sides will carry out active cooperation, implement the above initiatives, and jointly promote the building of a community of human destiny.

China and 3. will continue to promote cooperation in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", give full play to the role of the bilateral economic and trade joint committee mechanism, actively promote negotiations on the China-Pakistan free trade area, and continue to promote exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, education, and journalism between the two countries. China will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to Pakistan and support Pakistan in implementing people's livelihood and development construction projects; it will continue to provide personnel training support to Pakistan to help Pakistan strengthen capacity building; it will continue to provide government scholarships to Pakistan to support Pakistan's integration of Chinese into the education system. The Palestinian side thanks China for its long-standing selfless assistance to Palestine.

4. The two sides will actively cooperate to promote the implementation of the results of the first China-Arab Summit, promote the spirit of China-Arab friendship, and work together to build a China-Arab community with a shared future for the new era.

China and 5. will strengthen coordination and cooperation in regional and international affairs, jointly adhere to true multilateralism, safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, jointly oppose hegemonism and power politics, and promote the building of a new type of international relations. The two sides support the promotion of the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom for all mankind, respect the people of all countries to independently choose the path of democratic development and social and political systems that suit their national conditions, and resolutely oppose the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues. Any country uses democracy and human rights as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

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