Everyone has a responsibility, broadcasting+| The Rise and Fall of the World

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 21:36 PM

From September 18, 1931, the CPC led the people to form a great spirit of resistance in the 14 years of arduous war.

After 14 years of bloody struggle, countless revolutionary martyrs held high the torch of faith and bravely stepped into the historical tide of arduous struggle for national independence and people's liberation for the sake of "lovely China". "The Republic is red, we cannot downplay this color." This year marks the 92nd anniversary of the outbreak of the September 18 Incident. Let us learn from history, cherish peace, never forget national shame, and strive for self-improvement together!

On September 18, 1931, Japanese imperialism deliberately created the "September 18 Incident" and began to occupy the Northeast region of China on a large scale. In 1932, Yang Jingyu was commissioned by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to organize the Anti Japanese United Army in Northeast China, leading the Northeast army and civilians to engage in a bloody battle against the Japanese invaders in the mountains and rivers. Faced with the crazy encirclement and suppression by the Japanese invaders, Yang Jingyu was full of fighting spirit: "Revolution is like fire, allowing heavy snow to seal mountains and birds and beasts to hide. As long as we have a spark, we can drive away the cold and bring light and warmth."

From the winter of 1939 to the spring of 1940, the Japanese army implemented the "decapitation tactic", and Yang Jingyu led the Guard Brigade to fight in the Mengjiang area. Faced with the heavy encirclement and persuasion of the Japanese invaders to surrender, some people around him sacrificed and some rebelled. However, with unimaginable perseverance, Yang Jingyu even persisted in dealing with the enemy alone after running out of food for a few days, until he ran out of ammunition and died heroically in February 1940.

Everyone has a responsibility, broadcasting+| The Rise and Fall of the World

The cruel Japanese invaders cut off his head and abdomen, only to find that there was not a grain of food in his stomach.

The heroic spirit of heaven and earth is still majestic for thousands of years. Faced with the barbaric aggression of Japanese aggressors, countless Chinese people are willing to sacrifice their lives and shed their blood for the independence and freedom of the Chinese nation.

That was 1933, when the Great Wall of Gubeikou was defeated in the Anti Japanese War, and the areas outside the Miyun Great Wall were incorporated into the puppet state of Manchukuo. From then on, Deng Yufen's village fell into the depths of Japanese puppet rule. In order to drive away the invaders, Deng Yufen resolutely sent his eldest son, second son, and third son to the guerrilla forces, and allowed his fourth and fifth sons to join the anti Japanese self-defense army model team in the village. While clearing land and farming, Deng Yufen and her husband transported military supplies, bullets, and transportation for the Eighth Route Army. Between 1942 and 1943, news of the sacrifice of loved ones came one after another. Faced with the immense pain of losing loved ones, Deng Yufen's smile on her face decreased, but her enthusiasm for supporting anti Japanese work increased, and she became more friendly to her children and soldiers.

In August 1945, the Chinese people finally defeated the Japanese aggressors, and Deng Yufen was extremely excited. In 1970, Deng Yufen left her last wish before her death: "Bury me by the roadside, I will watch the children come back."

Everyone has a responsibility, broadcasting+| The Rise and Fall of the World

The enemy can only chop off our heads and never shake our faith, this is the resolute oath left by revolutionary martyr Fang Zhimin before his generous sacrifice.

In March 1924, Fang Zhimin joined the CPC, determined to fight for the party all his life. He wrote excitedly: "Since then, everything I have, until my life, has been handed over to the party." After the failure of the Great Revolution, white terror enveloped the country. He insisted that he was "a sincere believer in Marxism", and firmly believed that the revolution would win.

In 1935, Fang Zhimin was unfortunately arrested. In prison, he endured his illness and used his pen as a gun to write famous chapters such as "Lovely China" and "Poverty Alleviation". Faced with the choice of life and death, he firmly believed that "the head can be severed, faith cannot be moved, and integrity cannot be lost", and he must never "abandon his original ideological beliefs and tear up his past struggle history". Finally, he was secretly killed by the Kuomintang at the age of 36.

Everyone has a responsibility, broadcasting+| The Rise and Fall of the World

On the night of July 7, 1937, the Japanese army provoked the shocking Lugou Bridge Incident in North China. Tong Linge, then the commander of Nanyuan in Beiping, issued an order in the name of the military headquarters: "Any Japanese invasion, resist resolutely, swear to live or die with Lugou Bridge, and not take a step back." The soldiers were moved by his resolute righteousness, and everyone swore to sacrifice themselves to save the country and the nation.

On July 19, 1937, the invading Japanese army surrounded Beiping; On July 26th, the number of invading Japanese troops in China increased to over 100000; On July 28th, the Japanese launched a fierce attack. Tong Linge was shot in the leg while commanding the troops to launch an assault. He remained steadfast on the front line despite his injuries, and the officers and soldiers burst into tears upon seeing this scene, fighting to the death with the Japanese army. After the Japanese ground attack suffered heavy setbacks, they sent fighter jets to bombard indiscriminately. Tong Linge was unfortunately hit in the head and died heroically for his country at the age of 45.

Over the decades, the revolutionary spirit of General Tong Linge has never been forgotten. After the establishment of New China, Tong Linge was posthumously recognized as a revolutionary martyr. In 2014, Tong Linge was selected as one of the first 100 most famous heroes of the Anti Japanese War. On September 3, 2015, General Secretary awarded the 70th anniversary commemorative medal of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan to the family of Tong Linge. At present, the heroic deeds of General Tong Linge have been compiled into various versions of biographies and widely circulated as patriotic education books.

Chen Shuxiang is the commander of the Red 34th Division. After the Battle of Xiangjiang, he led a total of 6000 Red Army soldiers to fight fiercely against enemies dozens of times their own for several days, until the main force of the Central Red Army broke through and crossed the Xiangjiang River. After completing the interception mission, the Red 34th Division was blocked by the Nationalist army east of the Xiang River. Faced with the dilemma of half of the casualties, running out of food and ammunition, and being surrounded by enemies on all sides, Chen Shuxiang ordered a breakout.

Everyone has a responsibility, broadcasting+| The Rise and Fall of the World

During the breakout, Chen Shuxiang was ambushed and suffered serious abdominal injuries, with his intestines streaming out. Unfortunately, he was eventually caught. On the way to be carried away by the enemy to seek credit, Chen Shuxiang took advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and bravely twisted his own intestines in agony, sacrificing himself heroically. At the age of only 29, he fulfilled his oath of "shedding his last drop of blood for the Soviet".

In 2021, at the Memorial Hall of the Red Army's Long March Xiangjiang Campaign, General Secretary gazed at the oil painting "Chen Shuxiang" for a long time and couldn't help but exclaim, "Magnificent! Chen Shuxiang is a very typical sacrificial hero."

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