Anting Town Housing Management Office responded: urge the property management to strengthen risk elimination and safety protection, after the report

Release time:Jul 02, 2024 08:45 AM

On July 1, Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News published an article titled "Half of the Residents' Homes Have Water Leaks! The External Wall Tiles of a Jiading Community Have Been Falling Off for Many Years, Why Have We Not Seen Any Action Despite Multiple Reports of Repair?", focusing on the frequent falling off of external wall tiles of some high-rise buildings in Laiying North County Community in Jiading District, but no follow-up repairs, which has caused water leaks in many households in the community. Many residents said that this phenomenon has existed for many years, and residents have reported repairs many times but have not seen any action.

After the report was published, the Housing Management Office of Anting Town, Jiading District, immediately intervened to understand the situation. It is reported that Laiying North County was developed and built by Shanghai Huige Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. between 2007 and 2013. The community has a total of 1,244 households, including 9 high-rise buildings and 28 buildings. After delivery, the exterior wall tiles of the high-rise houses in the community fell from high altitude one after another. The developer once carried out a large-scale repair during the maintenance period, but the problem was not fundamentally solved. After that, the exterior wall tiles still fell from time to time.

The cost of exterior wall repair is huge, and the community maintenance fund account has not been opened, so the corresponding maintenance work has been delayed. On August 5, 2023, the second owner's committee of Laiying North County was successfully elected and began to prepare for the opening of the maintenance fund account. At present, all owners are being consulted on the selection of a bank to open a maintenance fund account. The Anting Town Housing Management Office stated that after the consultation results come out, it will immediately guide the owner's committee to go to the District Housing Management Bureau to handle the opening and transfer of maintenance funds.

In response to the current phenomenon of exterior wall falling off, the Anting Town Housing Management Office stated that it will urge the property to formulate emergency plans and further strengthen daily inspections and emergency duty. Once hollowing and falling exterior walls are discovered, cordons will be immediately set up, safety notices will be posted, and reminders will be provided to residents as well as risk elimination and safety protection work will be carried out.

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Anting Town Housing Management Office responded: urge the property management to strengthen risk elimination and safety protection, after the report
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