Attracting 84 upstream and downstream enterprises... Zhangyan Town promotes "deep integration of party building and development", 1 leading enterprise

Release time:Jul 01, 2024 15:07 PM

On July 1, Zhangyan Town, Jinshan District held a special party class "Secretary Speaks to Secretary", inviting the town's industrial cluster party general branch secretaries, party cadres, industrial park enterprise leaders, and party organization secretaries to participate. In the party class, Zhangyan Town Party Committee Secretary Shi Wenquan focused on the theme of "deep integration between party building and development" and discussed with everyone.

It is reported that in recent years, the number of enterprises in Zhangyan Town has increased significantly, especially small and medium-sized enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Party building work is an important force to promote the development of enterprises. At present, Zhangyan Town has a total of 28 "two new" party organizations. Based on the existing "two new" party organizations, four industrial cluster party general branches have been established, including optoelectronic transmission, new material research and development, intelligent equipment, and transformation and upgrading, to coordinate 274 enterprises.

The Party branches of these industrial clusters fully play the role of bridges and links, promote the deep integration of the "industrial chain", "resource chain" and "talent chain" by strengthening the "organizational chain", and connect and link resources such as industry-university-research, upstream and downstream, large, medium and small enterprises, and financial services, in order to find more "development partners" for enterprises and form a circular chain effect within the park.

Taking the optoelectronic transmission industry cluster as an example, relying on the leading enterprise Shanghai Qifan Cable Co., Ltd., Zhangyan Town has successfully attracted 84 upstream enterprises represented by Shanghai Xieyi Industrial Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Zili Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. and midstream enterprises represented by Shuaiyi Chi New Materials Group Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Niwei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., driving the "common prosperity" of small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2024, the optoelectronic transmission industry cluster of Zhangyan Town was rated as a characteristic industry cluster of small and medium-sized enterprises in Shanghai.

Chen Yongda, secretary of the joint party branch of Shanghai Qifan Cable Co., Ltd., said, "In the process of development, enterprises will encounter many problems that need to be solved and many contradictions that need to be broken through. As a party branch secretary, we should give full play to the leading and pioneering role of party organizations and party members to help enterprises alleviate difficulties."

Zhangyan Town also holds corporate secretary salons, red-collar roundtables, and red-collar party classes every quarter, putting problems on the table and allowing companies and the government to discuss the best solutions. The town has formulated and issued the "Implementation Opinions on the Integration and Upgrading of Party-Mass Service Work in Zhangyan Town", vigorously carried out the construction of "Party Building Window", and established the "Party-Mass Alliance".

Under the leadership of the party organizations of the four industrial clusters, Zhangyan Town also divided the 2.35 square kilometers of the industrial park into two east and west areas with Rongwei Road as the boundary, and jointly established a grid team with the industrial park, economic park, urban transportation center and other departments to keep abreast of the development trends of grid enterprises, carry out red "inquiry" services, and promote the refinement of production. At the same time, the town focused on the concerns of enterprises, sent them a service contact card, a "Wild Geese Gathering in Zhangyan" service booklet, and a "Qun Xin Hui Yan" service resource list, providing all-round services for enterprise party members and the masses.

Shi Wenquan said that this party class is not only a re-mobilization and re-deployment of the implementation of the "two new" party building responsibilities, but also effectively promotes the effective coverage of party organizations and work in all fields, levels and links. It also builds a horizontal communication platform for entrepreneurs, allowing entrepreneurs and party branch secretaries to interact, collide and communicate here, making the party building work exchange platform a friendly opportunity for entrepreneurs to work together and grow together. Next, Zhangyan Town will hold more exchange activities to enable enterprise party building to truly empower enterprise development.

Attracting 84 upstream and downstream enterprises... Zhangyan Town promotes "deep integration of party building and development", 1 leading enterprise
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