They said at the Cultural Forum and SEA-Hi! Forum, "Urban renewal is not just a place for internet celebrities to check in" Wang Chong | Xu Jinjiang | SEA

Release time:Jun 29, 2024 15:58 PM

On June 29, the 80th Jiefang Daily Cultural Forum and the 27th SEA-Hi! Forum were held at the South Hall of Shanghai Design Center. Five guests including Chang Qing, Xu Jinjiang, Wu Yue, Liang Yongan, and Wang Chong discussed the theme of "Cultural Empowerment, Urban Renewal".

Chang Qing, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, gave a speech entitled "How the regeneration of historical environments can become a cultural driving force for urban renewal". He pointed out that architects should not only design new buildings, but also be "restorers" and "renovators" of old buildings, and "collagers" of the coexistence of old and new buildings. At present, Chinese architects have realized and joined the ranks of adaptive regeneration of historical environments.

Xu Jinjiang, president of the Urban Culture Innovation Research Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and president of Shanghai Culture Magazine, focused on the theme of "Internet celebrity check-in spots and urban space production" at this cultural forum. He believes that Internet celebrity check-in spots are a symbol of the shift in urban development from physicalism to humanism, reflecting the importance of culture in urban space production.

Wu Yue, President of LVMH Greater China and Distinguished Researcher of the Institute of Urban Culture Innovation of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, delivered a speech entitled "On the Warmth of People and Cities". He believes that the charm of Shanghai comes from its humanities, human flows, interpersonal relationships, and human relationships, and the advantages of Shanghai come from its organic growth and rich ecology.

Liang Yongan, a humanities scholar from Fudan University, expressed his views on the construction of urban cultural space from the perspective of human values. He concluded that the survival of Chinese people is shifting from "living" to "living methods", from "settling down" to "establishing a life", and individual values ​​and choices are shifting from standardization to differentiation. The core issue of urban development is to strive to create a new type of public space to integrate physical flow with spiritual and cultural flow.

Wang Chong, Shanghai Director and Global Partner of Hassell International Design Consulting, shared a speech entitled "Cultural Revitalization - The Beauty of Local Places in Urban Spaces". In her opinion, an excellent urban place is a complex ecosystem that combines spatial, functional and emotional characteristics to synergistically release multi-dimensional rather than single experiences, which is the "beauty of local places".

The event was jointly organized by Jiefang Daily and Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute. Qin Chang, chief host of SMG Oriental Broadcasting Center, served as the host. Lu Honghua, chairman of Shanghai Bailian Asset Holdings Co., Ltd. and director of Shanghai Bailian Group Co., Ltd., and Xi Dongfan, chief planner of landscape protection and urban renewal and deputy director of Famous City Research Center of Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute, participated in the roundtable discussion.

It’s not about the name, it’s the community canteen in my mind
It’s not about the name, it’s the community canteen in my mind

In Bansongyuan Road, catering services adopt various modes. Elderly people over 75 years old in the jurisdiction have 10 5-yuan meal coupons every month. They can use the meal coupons for consumption in restaurants listed as "elderly canteens". There are two forms of meal aid vouchers. One is through the street's own WeChat applet with built-in electronic vouchers for direct verification. The other is for the elderly who cannot use smartphones to apply for a card and swipe the card for verification. All stores use unified preferential measures, so that we can better observe and analyze what kind of community canteens the elderly like. Dafugui Xietu East Road Store Model 1: Self-built and standardized streets also have limited individual categories, playing the role of government support to meet the needs of the elderly who are inconvenient to cook. At noon, residents in twos and threes go to Quxi New Village, entering from the gate gone

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Shanghai once introduced a fish species from Manila, Philippines, in order to eliminate mosquitoes for public health | Shanghai | Mosquito control

Human beings have been suffering from mosquito infestation for a long time. The ways in which ancient people dealt with mosquitoes were limited. Apart from smoking and setting up tents, they could only wait until "when the west wind arrived, it was desolate and peaceful.". Thanks to scientific research and economic and social development, new methods of mosquito control and prevention have gradually entered the field of public health in modern Shanghai. The method of mosquito control: Mosquitoes breed in water. Rivers with impassable currents, low-lying ponds, underground ditches, as well as water tanks, buckets and other water storage vessels, are all breeding grounds for mosquitoes and flies. The fundamental method of mosquito control is to eradicate stagnant water. As early as the summer of 1910, the Ministry of Works posted a notice: "Mosquitoes and insects eat the skin and suck blood, which is particularly prone to transmitting epidemic gases. The source should be eliminated first. Residents should pour away their daily water slurry at any time, do not keep it, and pour fire oil in areas with accumulated water in the sewer to prevent the accumulation of water maggots and genetic mosquito eggs, which can cause harm."

A telegram was sent from Yan'an to the Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army. On July 1, 1938, the People | New Fourth Army | Eighth Route Army
A telegram was sent from Yan'an to the Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army. On July 1, 1938, the People | New Fourth Army | Eighth Route Army

In June 1938, most of the North China region east of the Yellow River fell under the iron hooves of the Japanese invaders. After the fall of Taiyuan, the Nationalist armies competed to retreat westward and flee southward, with only the Eighth Route Army led by the Communist Party standing firm in North China. On July 1st, a telegram was sent from Yan'an to all comrades and commanders of the Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army. The telegram praised, "The Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have achieved many victories in battles, established many anti Japanese base areas, developed a wide range of people's struggles, armed the anti Japanese people, and also trained yourselves." These achievements are first and foremost attributed to the loyal support and resolute implementation of the anti Japanese national united front and strategic policies by the two party armies, as well as the leadership of the commanders, the heroic sacrifice spirit of all party members and soldiers. Finally, I hope that the commanders and soldiers of both armies will continue to unite with the people

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Which district in Shanghai has the most specialized and innovative "Little Giants"? What kind of enterprise has the most market competitiveness? Total amount | Credit | Enterprise

Do you know which "little giant" enterprises in Shanghai are more competitive in the market? Which district has the most specialized, refined, and innovative "little giant" enterprises? The concept of "specialization, refinement, novelty" was first included in the government work report in March 2022. Nowadays, the cultivation and development of "specialization, refinement, novelty" enterprises have become a national strategy. At present, there are 500 national specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprises in Shanghai. This afternoon, the 2022 Shanghai Specialized, Refined, and New 'Little Giant' Market Competitiveness Index was released. This research report is jointly released by the Shanghai Small and Medium sized Enterprise Development Service Center, Shanghai United Property Rights Exchange, and Shanghai Institute of Industrial Transformation and Development. This index intuitively reflects the development environment, resilience, and vitality of "little giant" enterprises in the 16 districts of the city, providing further services for the government

Can enable Chinese products and brands to better "go global" and seize the fate of this "co construction project" | Digital | Product
Can enable Chinese products and brands to better "go global" and seize the fate of this "co construction project" | Digital | Product

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". The high-quality joint construction of the "Digital Silk Road" will help consolidate the foundation of connectivity cooperation, expand new space for international cooperation, consolidate the risk prevention and control network, achieve a higher level of cooperation, higher input efficiency, higher supply quality, and higher development resilience, and promote the high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road". In today's world, the rapid development speed, wide radiation range, and profound impact of the digital economy are becoming a key force in restructuring global factor resources, reshaping the global economic structure, and changing the global competitive landscape. The process of digital development is constantly accelerating, and the digital economy provides unlimited possibilities for future development. Since the proposal of the Digital Silk Road, it has been widely recognized by relevant countries. China ASEAN Trust