"Smoke-free Shanghai, set sail for love" helps children become a new generation of smoke-free people. More than 8 million people die from tobacco every year in the world.

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jul 01, 2024 10:32 AM

On the morning of the 29th, the "Smoke-free Shanghai·Set Sail for Love" youth tobacco control theme publicity event and the celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China announced that tobacco use has caused a huge disease and economic burden on the world. The number of deaths caused by tobacco-related diseases exceeds 8 million each year, of which at least 1 million are non-smokers harmed by secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemical components, hundreds of which are toxic and harmful substances, and at least 69 are carcinogens. Both first-hand and second-hand smoke cause serious harm to human health, especially to adolescents, children and minors who are growing physically and mentally.

May 31 this year is the 37th World No Tobacco Day, with the theme of "Protecting Youth from the Harm of Tobacco", which aims to call on the whole society to pay attention to the next generation and build a smoke-free and healthy growth environment for young people and children. This year also marks the 15th anniversary of Shanghai's tobacco control legislation. The city's public places have achieved good results in tobacco control. The incidence of illegal smoking in legally prohibited smoking places has dropped from 37.5% before the tobacco control legislation to 12.4%. The public support rate for a comprehensive indoor smoking ban has reached 98.1%, and the adult smoking rate is 19.2%, which has dropped by 7.7 percentage points since the tobacco control legislation, and has been on a continuous downward trend for 13 consecutive years, reaching the "Healthy China 2030" goal ahead of schedule.

Recently, the city released the results of a survey of 10,000 citizens on outdoor secondhand smoke. Nearly 60% of citizens often encounter "wandering smoke", and more than 90% of citizens expressed "dislike". In order to continuously strengthen the management of tobacco control in urban public places, "combining dredging and blocking" to further promote the "three steps of tobacco control action", namely, a comprehensive ban on smoking indoors, no smoking outdoors, and please read the signs when smoking. A publicity and advocacy ceremony for the "three steps of tobacco control action" was held at the event site. Four young people, as representatives of tobacco control volunteers, read the tobacco control proposal, expressed their vision of becoming a "new generation" of smoke-free, and called on the whole society to build a smoke-free Shanghai and share a healthy life.

Family is an important harbor for everyone. Building a smoke-free family and not smoking in family members is of vital importance to protecting all family members, especially young people and children, from the harm of tobacco smoke. During the event, parent-child families signed the "Refuse to Smoke the First Cigarette" commitment and wrote on the wish wall in the "Smoke-Free Family" interactive area, took photos and punched in to pass the relay, and immersively experienced games such as "Smoke-Free War", "Popular Science Knowledge Wheel", and "Tobacco Harm Elimination". Together online and offline, they conveyed the concept of building a "smoke-free family" and put it into action to share a healthy environment and a better life.

A certificate awarding ceremony for tobacco control volunteers was held at the event site, advocating that everyone should be the first person responsible for their own health, stay away from tobacco, refuse to smoke the first cigarette, refuse secondhand smoke, and encourage smokers to quit smoking as soon as possible. At the same time, a tobacco control health science exhibition area was set up, including the "Tobacco Control Action Trilogy" theme exhibition, the smoke-free Shanghai XR health science technology model theme exhibition and the youth tobacco control painting exhibition, etc., to convey health knowledge concepts and lifestyles in a fun, interesting and useful way. Experts from the Tobacco Pathology Group of the Respiratory Diseases Specialty Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association conducted free medical consultations, and tobacco control volunteers from various units of the Happy Party Building Alliance also set up stalls in the form of volunteer service markets to provide public welfare services to parent-child families participating in the event and citizens on site.

This event is guided by the Office of the Shanghai Patriotic Health Campaign Committee, and co-organized by Shanghai Health Promotion Center, Shanghai Tobacco Control Association, Shanghai 12320 Health Hotline, Shanghai Metro Third Operation Co., Ltd., Tobacco Pathology Group of the Respiratory Disease Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, China Maritime Museum, Shanghai Pujiang Tourism Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xuhui District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai Huangpu District Penglai Road Kindergarten, Shanghai Avant-garde Tourism Development Co., Ltd., Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port Development Co., Ltd. and other member units of the Happy Party Building Alliance.

"Smoke-free Shanghai, set sail for love" helps children become a new generation of smoke-free people. More than 8 million people die from tobacco every year in the world.
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