Expelled from school, Fudan Law School's latest statement on the assault on a teacher at the graduation ceremony: According to school regulations

Release time:Jul 02, 2024 07:09 AM

On July 2, the Law School of Fudan University issued a new statement regarding the assault on a teacher at the Law School graduation ceremony. The public security authorities have already imposed administrative detention on Xia, a 2019 undergraduate student of the school. In accordance with the Fudan University Student Disciplinary Regulations, the school has informed the student that it has decided to expel him from the school.

On June 19, 2024, Xia Moumou, an undergraduate student of the class of 2019 in our college, went to the podium and attacked the teacher at the college graduation ceremony.

This is a serious incident of intentional disruption of the educational and teaching order, with extremely bad impact. For personal reasons, the student did not hesitate to attack an innocent teacher at a solemn graduation ceremony, violating the tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education, attacking the bottom line of social morality, damaging the reputation of the school, hurting the feelings of teachers, students and alumni, and causing bad social impact.

After the incident, the school and college immediately expressed their condolences to the attacked teacher, cooperated with the police in conducting an in-depth and careful investigation, and carried out relevant work in accordance with the principles of abiding by laws and regulations, respecting teachers and education, and providing education and guidance.

At present, the public security organs have implemented administrative detention for Xia. In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions for Students of Fudan University", the school has informed him that it has decided to expel him from the school.

Schools and colleges will further strengthen respect for teachers, promote the spirit of the rule of law, and implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and educating people.

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