Today's data highlights: BMW i3 price cut by half; orders for study tour products increased by 70% year-on-year

Release time:Jun 27, 2024 18:18 PM

According to China Securities Taurus, the reporter learned from many online travel platforms that summer travel bookings have entered a peak. Study tours continued to be popular last year, and related products increased by 70%. Parent-child study products are still very popular, and orders for related products increased by 70% year-on-year, and prices are basically the same as last year. Beijing, Shanghai, Qinghai, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Guizhou, Yunnan, Xinjiang and other places are popular domestic study destinations, and some popular routes are currently sold out. Overseas long-term study routes such as the United Kingdom and the United States, and short-term study routes such as Singapore and Thailand are popular, and various theme tour products such as visiting famous schools and getting close to nature are selling well.

China's down jacket market size to grow 15.81% year-on-year in 2023

On the evening of June 26, Bosideng released its annual report for the 2023/24 fiscal year, with revenue reaching 23.21 billion yuan, up 38.4%; net profit was 3.12 billion yuan, up 44.7%.

Judging from the data, this performance hit a new high in the company in recent years. Some industry insiders believe that the performance of this company, which mainly sells down jackets, has increased due to the changes in the current domestic clothing market. In the early years, the impression of Chinese people on down jackets was that they could only be worn for one season, but now people are gradually changing the category of down jackets from a winter warming tool to a fashion item.

According to a report released by the China Business Industry Research Institute, the size of China's down jacket market will be 196 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 15.81%. It is expected that the market size will reach 227 billion yuan in 2024.

Bosideng is not the only company that has benefited. Not long ago, Canada Goose, which also specializes in down jackets, announced its fourth-quarter financial report for fiscal year 2024 ending March 31, 2024, with sales in the Chinese market increasing by 29.7% year-on-year. At the earnings conference, it stated that the Asia-Pacific region is the company's fastest-growing region, and Chinese consumers have driven strong growth in local performance. In addition, the brand's head also said that the number of Chinese tourists shopping in its Japanese stores has also increased significantly, which has also driven double-digit sales growth in the country.

Amazon turns to low-priced goods to block the expansion of Temu and Shein

Recently, Amazon's "low-price store" project surfaced. An Amazon seller told China Business News that on June 26, Amazon held a closed-door meeting in Shenzhen and specifically invited a number of merchants to communicate with sellers about the new project "low-price store". Subsequently, on June 27, the Amazon team also communicated with some merchants who did not attend the closed-door meeting about the low-price store project.

A Hangzhou merchant told China Business News that according to his understanding, the "low-price store" has a separate entrance on the Amazon main site, and the back-end merchants will sell goods in the "low-price store" channel in the form of a "store within a store". Amazon has a special path to manage the "low-price goods" channel. The goods sold in the "low-price store" must be priced below US$20 and sold in the form of white-label products. If they are non-white-label products, the logo will be hidden for sale.

The merchant said that before the Spring Festival, Amazon had already proposed the concept of "low-priced goods", defined as goods below US$20, and established a relevant project team, which will be gradually implemented this year.

Why did Amazon suddenly turn its attention to low-priced goods? Industry insiders generally believe that this is a bullet Amazon fired at Temu and Shein. Whether Amazon can stop the expansion of Temu and Shein by supplementing "low-priced goods" is becoming a new battle in the overseas cross-border e-commerce market competition.

You can buy a BMW for 170,000 yuan? As soon as the news came out, BMW stores became lively all of a sudden. Even on a weekday morning in June, a BMW store in Guangzhou had nearly 20 customers. The salesperson proudly told Caijing that many people came to consult about the i3 because of the price reduction. There were basically 1-2 people picking up cars in the store every day, mostly young people. The protagonist of the story is the BMW i3, a pure electric mid-size sedan. As the electric version of the classic BMW 3 Series, the manufacturer's suggested retail price of this car is between 353,900 yuan and 413,900 yuan, but due to sluggish sales, the price has been falling since last year, and now the selling price is almost halved. "We don't make money at this price. We can say that we lose money on every car we sell. Our store mainly makes money from bank rebates and money from customers applying for financial loans." A salesperson at a store in Shanghai told Caijing.

The car price war is raging. The "70% off for Tiger and 80% off for Leopard" is an old joke. Cadillac recently revealed the news of "buy one, get one free". The price position of second-tier luxury car brands is gradually losing ground. Now, even the "big-eyed and thick-browed BBA" is affected.

BBA is in such a difficult situation, not to mention other second-tier joint venture car brands. They are not only sad about electric cars, but also the prices of fuel cars are falling all the way. "70% off Leopard, 80% off Tiger, 50% off Cadillac" is really happening: the transaction prices disclosed by websites such as Car Owners' Home show that the price of Cadillac CT4 bare car has dropped from 219,700 to 134,000; the highest discount of Land Rover Range Rover Aurora is 190,000 yuan; the discount of Jaguar XFL is nearly 190,000 yuan, falling to 260,000 yuan. Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, pointed out that a total of 70 electric vehicles will participate in the price reduction in 2023, and as of May 2024, nearly 60 electric vehicles have been reduced in price. The scale of price reduction in the entire automobile market has exceeded 90% of the whole year of 2023, surpassing the total scale of price reduction in 2022. The "price war" that occurred from February to April this year is a rare "price war" in history.

The general fiscal revenue and expenditure gap in the first five months was 2.2 trillion yuan

Broad fiscal expenditure exceeded revenue by about 2.2 trillion yuan, slightly higher than the same period last year. This difference in revenue and expenditure will be made up by raising funds through government bonds and other means.

According to the Ministry of Finance, in the first five months of this year, the broad fiscal revenue was about 11.4 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of about 3.5%, and the broad fiscal expenditure was about 13.6 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of about 2.2%.

Recently, Minister of Finance Lan Fuan made a report on the central government final accounts for 2023 to the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress. After introducing the national general public budget revenue and expenditure data for the first five months, he said that the current economic recovery still faces many challenges, enterprises are under great operating pressure, fiscal revenue growth is facing constraints, and the contradiction between revenue and expenditure is more prominent than before. Continued efforts are needed to complete the annual budget.

Today's data selection: China's first large-scale cruise ship successfully completed its maiden voyage; Japan's earthquake caused some sea areas to become land
Today's data selection: China's first large-scale cruise ship successfully completed its maiden voyage; Japan's earthquake caused some sea areas to become land

China's first large-scale cruise ship successfully completed its maiden voyage. According to reports from CSSC Cruises on the 7th, on the same day, China's first large-scale cruise ship "Aida Magic City", a subsidiary of Aida Cruises, a subsidiary of CSSC Cruises, successfully completed its maiden voyage. More than 3,000 people from Passengers from 16 countries and regions completed a 7-day, 6-night high-quality trip to Jeju, South Korea, and Fukuoka and Nagasaki, Japan. The article stated that the maiden voyage received favorable comments from domestic and foreign guests, and the "Aida·Modu" also held a series of four lectures by experts from the Dunhuang Academy during the maiden voyage. Japanese earthquake caused part of the sea to turn into land. Japanese media reported on January 6, quoting researchers, that the earthquake on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan caused part of the seafloor to rise and turn into land. According to the "Yomiuri Shimbun" report, researchers from Japan's Institute of Land and Geography analyzed satellite observation data and found that from Noto

Today's data selection: my country's birth population dropped by more than one million last year; U.S. CPI rose 3.7% year-on-year in September
Today's data selection: my country's birth population dropped by more than one million last year; U.S. CPI rose 3.7% year-on-year in September

The transformation of urban villages in very large and megacities is divided into three categories. According to @CCTV Finance, on the 12th, reporters learned from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Megacities are actively and steadily promoting the transformation of urban villages, and the implementation is divided into three categories. It is understood that the transformation of urban villages involves the implementation of demolition and construction of new buildings that meet the conditions; the second type is the implementation of regular renovation and improvement; the third type is in between, implementing a combination of demolition and renovation. In the transformation of urban villages in megacities, those that are demolished and newly built will be planned, constructed and managed in accordance with urban standards; those that are renovated and upgraded will be renovated, upgraded and managed in accordance with civilized city standards. Last year, the number of births in my country decreased by more than one million compared with the previous year. On October 12, the National Health Commission released the "Statistical Bulletin on the Development of my country's Health Careers in 2022". The "Communique" shows that in recent years, in the field of medical and health care, the Chinese government

Today's data selection: 92 year old media tycoon Murdoch announces retirement; Due to insufficient enrollment, Hong Kong's established kindergartens are closed
Today's data selection: 92 year old media tycoon Murdoch announces retirement; Due to insufficient enrollment, Hong Kong's established kindergartens are closed

92 year old media tycoon Murdoch announced his retirement, with his eldest son Lackland taking over. On September 21st local time, 92 year old billionaire and media tycoon Rupert Murdoch announced that he will officially resign as chairman of News Corporation and Fox in November. On the same day, Murdoch stated in a letter to employees that the position of the new chairman would be taken over by his eldest son, Lachlan, and he would become the honorary chairman of both companies. Murdoch has been working in the media industry for nearly 70 years, building one of the most influential media empires in the world. In 2013, Murdoch officially split News Corporation's film and publishing business into two independent listed companies, one still owned by News Corporation and the other owned by 21st Century Fox Pictures. In 2019, 21st Century Fox

Not just scallops! The impact of nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea on Japan's economy has become apparent
Not just scallops! The impact of nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea on Japan's economy has become apparent

The Japanese government seems to be panicking too. According to a report by Kyodo News Agency, the Japanese government has established a total of 80 billion yen fund in the past half month to support the aquatic industry affected by the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea. So, which specific industries will be affected? What is the extent of the impact? The further shrinking nuclear wastewater discharged into the sea from the fishing industry must be the first to suffer. Will this have a significant impact on the Japanese economy? From a macro perspective, it may be negligible. According to the latest data from the Japanese Cabinet Office, the output value of Japan's fishing industry in 2021 was 637 billion yen, accounting for 0.12% of the total GDP. There is a significant gap compared to pillar industries such as manufacturing, real estate, and wholesale and retail trade. The contribution rate of fisheries to GDP growth is extremely low, only 0.0 in 2022

Today's data selection: The price of scalpers visiting Qingbei has significantly increased; A Case of Monkeypox Discovered in Xi'an Review | Appointment | Yellow Bull
Today's data selection: The price of scalpers visiting Qingbei has significantly increased; A Case of Monkeypox Discovered in Xi'an Review | Appointment | Yellow Bull

Starting from the 8th, Peking University and Tsinghua University will open visits to tourists who have made advance reservations in order to meet the demand for summer public visits, as the price of scalpers visiting Qingbei has significantly increased. On social media platforms, many netizens have posted that the campus visit appointment for Peking University and Tsinghua University is "not available in a second"; A netizen said, "I can't even grab three or four mobile phones every day."; Some netizens have also inquired about other ways to enter the school. With the popularity of the Peking University and Tsinghua University reservation channels, some scalpers selling tickets to "prestigious schools" have reappeared. According to a survey conducted by @ Beijing Youth Daily, it was found that there are still a few merchants on third-party platforms who have committed crimes against the wind, claiming to be able to "help" schedule visits to Tsinghua and Peking University. Some social media platforms also have scalpers actively soliciting customers. Moreover, due to the current peak summer travel season, the price of "scalpers" visiting the Qingbei campus on behalf of others has significantly increased,